“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.640 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. The government is making various efforts to expand the base of the horse industry, including horse breeding, revitalization of leisure sports, training professionals, and manufacturing related products. In parallel with the government’s efforts, the attention and cooperation of the industry, local governments, and related organizations are very important. If we put our heads together, we will be able to foster the horse industry as a new growth engine and future industry in our agricultural and livestock industry.Horses were not just livestock. He is a partner who has shared history 온라인경마 with us humans. I’ve been running with people, pioneering history, and expanding the field of history. Even though cars replaced horses, we humans couldn’t erase the history of horses. I couldn’t send the horse to the back of history. We were enthusiastic about horse racing, continuing to cheer for the running horses, and enjoyed horseback riding where we interacted with them and breathed together.

  2. He was promoted to vice chairman in late 2009 after serving as head of the industry and horse racing division.When he served as the head of the Yeongdeungpo branch in 2000, he received the Proud Citizen Award from the Seoul Metropolitan Government in recognition of his contribution to community development. In 2009, it actually organized the launch of the first horse quarantine council in Korea, and by creating a horse registration center, it greatly contributed to establishing the registration system for horses such as horseback riding and breeding horses as well as racehorses. After retirement, he served as the head of the KRA Siheung Riding 온라인경마 Healing Center, which opened in September 2012, until December 2015.I joined the horse racing society in 1979 when I was in Ttukseom Racecourse. In the wake of the 1988 Olympics, he came to Gwacheon, and sales increased significantly in the wake of the Gwacheon era, which served as an opportunity for the horse racing society to develop dramatically. Since then, social return projects for the community have been positively developed.

  3. He was promoted to vice chairman in late 2009 after serving as head of the industry and horse racing division.When he served as the head of the Yeongdeungpo branch in 2000, he received the Proud Citizen Award from the Seoul Metropolitan Government in recognition of his contribution to community development. In 2009, it actually organized the launch of the first horse quarantine council in Korea, and by creating a horse registration center, it greatly contributed to establishing the registration system for horses such as horseback riding and breeding horses as well as racehorses. After retirement, he served as the head of the KRA Siheung Riding Healing 온라인경마 Center, which opened in September 2012, until December 2015.I joined the horse racing society in 1979 when I was in Ttukseom Racecourse. In the wake of the 1988 Olympics, he came to Gwacheon, and sales increased significantly in the wake of the Gwacheon era, which served as an opportunity for the horse racing society to develop dramatically. Since then, social return projects for the community have been positively developed.

  4. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and wide-ranging keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and new values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been a very important field of data since the past. There is no doubt that new information and communication technologies and data will be combined 일본경마사이트 to form an axis of an intelligent information society, and that the Horse Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.The acted as a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize the right policies along with various reports so that the public can easily understand the horse industry.There is a person who joined the company on July 15, 1979 and sold only one well at one job for 33 years before retiring on January 28, 2012.

  5. I think that the government has been shrinking its contribution to the development of the horse racing and horse industry and the government’s contribution to national tax revenues by only seeking measures to control horse racing over the past decade. I think the purpose of establishing the Korean Racing Association can be achieved only when regulations are lifted to create a place where anyone can enjoy sports comfortably. It is true that there is a considerable concern when looking at the issue of over-the-counter sales and the recent situation.Personally, I was born in the year of the horse. The year of the horse came to the horse company. It is a great honor for me to join the company as a high school graduate, attend college, graduate school, and even vice president. He has been in the horse industry for about 40 years, serving as the head of the healing center for 3 years and 8 months and serving as chairman of 온라인경마 Martha Dong-woo since January 2016.I am working as a professor and accountant in a foreign country because I got married and my children grew up. To me, the horse society is like my second hometown, my family, and I have a special attachment. I hope the horse racing society will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I was the vice chairman of the Korean horse racing society even after 10 or 20 years.

  6. We applaud your efforts and efforts to convey in-depth news and issues of the overall horse industry to readers, and we ask you to continue to work hard for a bright future for the domestic horse industry.The horse industry has grown into an important field that can contribute to the creation of high-quality jobs, the biggest topic of our economy, by being highlighted as a high-value blue ocean with the expectation of revitalizing the rural economy and improvin온라인경마 g the quality of people’s lives. This is because the hidden efforts of executives and employees of our horse racing culture newspaper and the Horse Industry Journal have been added to grow into an industry.Horses were close to mankind for many years and served as information and communication for Pavalma, who delivered urgent official letters or news to distant regions in the late Joseon Dynasty. It is in line with our Internet media’s efforts to deliver news of the world quickly.

  7. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and wide-ranging keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and new values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been a very important field of data since the past. There is no doubt that new information and communication technologies and data will be combined to 온라인경마 form an axis of an intelligent information society, and that the Horse Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.The acted as a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize the right policies along with various reports so that the public can easily understand the horse industry.There is a person who joined the company on July 15, 1979 and sold only one well at one job for 33 years before retiring on January 28, 2012.

  8. He was promoted to vice chairman in late 2009 after serving as head of the industry and horse racing division.When he served as the head of the Yeongdeungpo branch in 2000, he received the Proud Citizen Award from the Seoul Metropolitan Government in recognition of his contribution to community development. In 2009, it actually organized the launch of the first horse quarantine council in Korea, and by creating a horse registration center, it greatly contributed to establishing the registration system for horses such as horseback riding and breeding horses as well as racehorses. After retirement, he served as the head of the KRA Siheung Riding온라인경마 Healing Center, which opened in September 2012, until December 2015.I joined the horse racing society in 1979 when I was in Ttukseom Racecourse. In the wake of the 1988 Olympics, he came to Gwacheon, and sales increased significantly in the wake of the Gwacheon era, which served as an opportunity for the horse racing society to develop dramatically. Since then, social return projects for the community have been positively developed.

  9. I think that the government has been shrinking its contribution to the development of the horse racing and horse industry and the government’s contribution to national tax revenues by only seeking measures to control horse racing over the past decade. I think the purpose of establishing the Korean Racing Association can be achieved only when regulations are lifted to create a place where anyone can enjoy sports comfortably. It is true that there is a considerable concern when looking at the issue of over-the-counter sales and the recent situation.Personally, I was born in the year of the horse. The year of the horse came to the horse company. It is a great honor for me to join the company as a high school graduate, attend college, graduate school, and even vice president. He has been in the horse industry for about 40 years, serving as the head of the healing center for 3 years and 8 months and serving as chairman of Marth온라인경마 a Dong-woo since January 2016.I am working as a professor and accountant in a foreign country because I got married and my children grew up. To me, the horse society is like my second hometown, my family, and I have a special attachment. I hope the horse racing society will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I was the vice chairman of the Korean horse racing society even after 10 or 20 years.

  10. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and wide-ranging keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and new values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been a very important field of data since the past. There is no doubt that new information and communication technologies and data will be combined to form an axis of an intelligent information society, and that the Horse일본경마사이트 Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.The acted as a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize the right policies along with various reports so that the public can easily understand the horse industry.There is a person who joined the company on July 15, 1979 and sold only one well at one job for 33 years before retiring on January 28, 2012.

  11. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and wide-ranging keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and new values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been a very important field of data since the past. There is no doubt that new information and communication technologies and data will be combined온라인경마 to form an axis of an intelligent information society, and that the Horse Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.The acted as a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize the right policies along with various reports so that the public can easily understand the horse industry.There is a person who joined the company on July 15, 1979 and sold only one well at one job for 33 years before retiring on January 28, 2012.

  12. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and wide-ranging keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and new values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been a very important field of data since the past. There is no doubt that new information and communication technologies and data will be combined 온라인경마 to form an axis of an intelligent information society, and that the Horse Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.The acted as a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize the right policies along with various reports so that the public can easily understand the horse industry.There is a person who joined the company on July 15, 1979 and sold only one well at one job for 33 years before retiring on January 28, 2012.

  13. We will secure animal vaccine sovereignty early by upgrading the technology for manufacturing foot-and-mouth disease vaccines and establishing an AI antigen bank. In addition, we will contribute to increasing farm income by developing vaccines to reduce consumable diseases such as PED, which is a major cause of declining productivity of livestock farms, preventing inflow by thorough monitoring of new and mutated diseases from overseas, and actively supporting stem cell therapy.We will become a national standard foreign pest specialized institution by securing expertise in plant quarantine and developing future response technologies such as 온라인경마
    strengthening the development of foreign plant pest diagnosis, forecasting and control technology, and expanding overseas pest research and safety experimental facilities.In addition, we will become the world’s leading animal and plant hygiene research institute by expanding and operating international standard laboratories, expanding international joint research, and strengthening international cooperation.

  14. Fourth, we will make every effort to improve animal welfare by improving the quality of animal medicines and establishing a mature pet culture in which people and animals coexist.In order to improve the quality of animal medicines, we will provide customer-satisfied administrative services through fair and rapid handling of civil complaints, and strengthen the competitiveness of animal pharmacists by improving differential quality일본경마사이트
    control through selection and concentration.In order to promote the distribution of high-quality and ethical livestock products, we will expand welfare farm certification to implement an animal welfare certification system that is trusted by consumers, strengthen animal protection functions and activate animal registration systems, and strengthen cooperation with local governments.

  15. It resolved the conflict surrounding the agricultural world. We were able to smoothly resolve the issue of refunding the 16-year-old rice preferential payment by constantly talking to farmers’ organizations. The issue of Yongsan and Daejeon over-the-counter sales centers, which had long been in sharp conflict with the local community, was also decided to relocate through social compromise.The purchase price of public reserve rice and market quarantine grains in 2017 also increased by 19% compared to the previous year, and the purchase price of KRW 52,570 per 40kg bag of rice was completed by the end of last year. In addition, we will complete the domestic procedures for joining the Food Aid Convention and provide 50,000 tons of Korean rice to developing countries starting this year. South Korea, which was a recipient of food aid, has become a country that contributes to global food security. We also expect the stabilization effect of domestic rice supply and demand.

  16. There was also a crisis. When red fire ants were found, the situation could be resolved early through emergency quarantine measures. In the event of an insecticide egg crisis, the shipment of all farms was prohibited immediately after detection, and all nonconforming eggs were discarded by conducting a full inspection. In addition, we promoted the improvement of the온라인경마 system to prevent recurrence. By fundamentally reviewing the problems raised at the time of insecticide detection eggs, we have prepared “comprehensive measures to improve food safety” jointly with related ministries. Pre-consultation between related ministries is mandatory when setting livestock inspection standards and items applied on-site, and if harmful substances are detected, related ministries are required to conduct joint inspections.

  17. There was also a crisis. When red fire ants were found, the situation could be resolved early through emergency quarantine measures. In the event of an insecticide egg crisis, the shipment of all farms was prohibited immediately after detection, and all nonconforming eggs were discarded by conducting a full inspection. In addition, we promoted the improvement of the s온라인경마 ystem to prevent recurrence. By fundamentally reviewing the problems raised at the time of insecticide detection eggs, we have prepared “comprehensive measures to improve food safety” jointly with related ministries. Pre-consultation between related ministries is mandatory when setting livestock inspection standards and items applied on-site, and if harmful substances are detected, related ministries are required to conduct joint inspections.

  18. Gyeonggi-do Province plans to expand the horse industry to various projects, including the Visiting Riding Horse Breeding Support Project,” which will support the breeding of various breeds at horse-producing farms this year.” Please send a lot of a일본경마사이트
    ttention and encouragement to help the horse industry become the central industry in the region in the future.We will create new added value by linking local resources and agricultural specialties with secondary and tertiary industries such as processing, distribution, experience, and tourism, and contribute to balanced national development by revitalizing the local economy and creating jobs in line with the relocation of public institutions.

  19. Despite various difficult conditions last year, the quarantine headquarters has produced excellent results based on the expertise and know-how accumulated so far. As a representative example, it laid the foundation for “vaccine sovereignty for relief and disease” by achieving a feat that advanced the development of the original technology for foot-and-mouth disease vaccines by a year earlier than originally planned. In addition, the world’s first simple antigen diagnosis kit for three types of foot-and-mouth 일본경마사이트
    disease (O, A, Asia 1) was developed and applied to the site, contributing to the early end of foot-and-mouth disease.In August, the quarantine monitoring department and avian influenza research team in charge of livestock quarantine were established through reorganization to strengthen expertise in comprehensive response to livestock diseases and research and diagnosis of avian influenza.

  20. Since the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N6) in Gochang, Jeollabuk-do on November 17, additional outbreaks have caused concern to livestock farmers 온라인경마 and the people in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do, and Jeongeup, Jeollabuk-do.And as foreign red fire ants were found at the Gamman Pier container yard in Busan Port on September 28, quarantine and forecasting of major ports were strengthened by mobilizing all available personnel. In addition, rapid control work was carried out with related ministries to prevent foreign red fire ants from entering and spreading in Korea.

  21. Gyeonggi-do Province plans to expand the horse industry to various projects, including the Visiting Riding Horse Breeding Support Project,” which will support the breeding of various breeds at horse-producing farms this year.” Please send a lot of 온라인경마 attention and encouragement to help the horse industry become the central industry in the region in the future.We will create new added value by linking local resources and agricultural specialties with secondary and tertiary industries such as processing, distribution, experience, and tourism, and contribute to balanced national development by revitalizing the local economy and creating jobs in line with the relocation of public institutions.

  22. Gyeonggi-do Province plans to expand the horse industry to various projects, including the Visiting Riding Horse Breeding Support Project,” which will support the breeding of various breeds at horse-producing farms this year.” Please send a lot온라인경마 of attention and encouragement to help the horse industry become the central industry in the region in the future.We will create new added value by linking local resources and agricultural specialties with secondary and tertiary industries such as processing, distribution, experience, and tourism, and contribute to balanced national development by revitalizing the local economy and creating jobs in line with the relocation of public institutions.

  23. Just as Pak Se-ri appeared and opened the way when domestic golfers failed to make it to the world stage in the past, I think “Triple Nine” played a little role just as Park Chan-ho opened the way for Korean baseball players to advance to the Major League. I hope a second and third “Triple Nine” will come out in the future.Choi Byung-bu made four long-distance trips of about 10 hours온라인경마 to watch a total of four competitions in which “Triple Nine” participated from the Dubai World Cup Carnival to the Dubai World Cup. He seemed to smile, saying, “Isn’t it the real duty of the other person to be together when his horse runs?”Penakova. It’s a brand of horseback riding clothes that anyone who rides must have heard familiarly. It always appears at the venue where horseback riding is held or at the event related to horseback riding, and it is breathing with horseback riders.

  24. Just as Pak Se-ri appeared and opened the way when domestic golfers failed to make it to the world stage in the past, I think “Triple Nine” played a little role just as Park Chan-ho opened the way for Korean baseball players to advance to the Major League. I hope a second and third “Triple Nine” will come out in the future.Choi Byung-bu made four long-distance trips of about 10 hours to watch a total of four competitions in which “Triple Nine”온라인경마 participated from the Dubai World Cup Carnival to the Dubai World Cup. He seemed to smile, saying, “Isn’t it the real duty of the other person to be together when his horse runs?”Penakova. It’s a brand of horseback riding clothes that anyone who rides must have heard familiarly. It always appears at the venue where horseback riding is held or at the event related to horseback riding, and it is breathing with horseback riders.

  25. I think Triple Nine’s advance to the finals of the Dubai World Cup was meaningful in confirming the level of domestic horses. For the second consecutive year, the footprints of “Triple Nine,” Korea’s representative horse, on the world’s best stage, confirmed how far Korean horses are currently capable and also informed the current location of Korean horse racing. In addition, it can be said that it also suggested the direction and tasks for domestic horse racing in the future.Several Korean horses participated in the 일본경마사이트 Singapore horse race in July last year. Among my words, the word “triple five” participated, but after the horse participated, the performance was not good. Following October, he spent two months on vacation due to poor race performance in November. Perhaps because of that experience, he was not happy to participate in overseas international competitions and was momentarily reluctant to participate.

  26. So when asked what horses will participate in Korea, they said that “Power Blade,” “Main Stay,” “Default Dimension” and “Seoul Bullitt” will participate. “Triple Nine” is a representative horse in Korea that has been selected as the year’s representative horse for the second consecutive year, and I thought I had to participate, so I agreed to participate.When my horse runs in a regular race, I go to the racetrack without thinking about everything aside.일본경마사이트 In fact, it is not easy to fly long distances for 9 to 10 hours at a considerable age. However, I think it is the duty of the other party to be with their horses when they run. And what I must see is also a personality that I must see. Actually, I’m not a free person, but most of all, I think it depends on my decision.If you think about it now as a face-to-face, it is regrettable that it would have been if you had played only one game at the Dubai World Cup Carnival.

  27. There are no special episodes. If I have to tell you, there is a joke we talked about. It rained a lot the day before the last Godolphin mile race, but other horses might not have been in the rain a lot, so we jokingly said that we hoped it would continue to rain. Our “Triple Nine” ran in the rain and ran in wet sand, so I thought we would have an advantage if it continued to rain. However, it rained온라인경마 on the morning of the competition, and it didn’t rain when it was actually running.I met Yoshida Maju of Japan in Dubai. It is the face of the famous Japanese word ‘Nani’. We faced each other on Super Saturday, and “Triple Nine” ranked fifth and “Nani” ranked sixth, so we won. Park Kang-ho and his wife, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, visited the venue and joked, “Japan still won.”

  28. There are no special episodes. If I have to tell you, there is a joke we talked about. It rained a lot the day before the last Godolphin mile race, but other horses might not have been in the rain a lot, so we jokingly said that we hoped it would continue to rain. Our “Triple Nine” ran in the rain and ran in wet sand, so I thought 온라인경마 we would have an advantage if it continued to rain. However, it rained on the morning of the competition, and it didn’t rain when it was actually running.I met Yoshida Maju of Japan in Dubai. It is the face of the famous Japanese word ‘Nani’. We faced each other on Super Saturday, and “Triple Nine” ranked fifth and “Nani” ranked sixth, so we won. Park Kang-ho and his wife, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, visited the venue and joked, “Japan still won.”

  29. In the first carnival race, I came in second by one head, and I think I was able to participate in Super Saturday. Domestic horses, including “Triple Nine,” usually competed every five to six weeks in Korea. However, he participated in Dubai 일본경마사이트 every 20 days on average, a shorter interval than this. On January 19, February 9, March 5, and March 25, he ran four races in three months. The words were so good that there were no votes on the outside, but inside, I thought I might have exhausted my energy. As a result, I can’t help but think that if I hadn’t played in the Dubai World Cup Carnival twice, I would have won first and second place instead of fourth place on Super Saturday.

  30. And the word ‘nani’ has an international rating of 113 so he later competed in the 2000m race at the Dubai World Cup. He came in fifth there, but he got on the same plane returning from Dubai with Yoshida Maju. How much Yoshida Maju brags to me by showing me a video. We won against each other. To be honest, objectively speaking, it is true that the difference with Japan is remarkable. There was a big difference in the size of horse racing officials who visited Dubai. In total, there were about 10 horse racing officials 온라인경마 from Korea, but in Japan, there seemed to be about 30 to 40 reporters and about 100 officials.Last Sunday, there was a ceremony to deliver the Dubai World Cup merit plaque at Let’s Run Park Pukyong. On the spot, I said this as a joke. “Our horses will stay in a good stable like a hotel for three to four months and return to Korea, and I am worried about whether they will be able to adapt well,” he said.

  31. I am thinking about four or five plans to participate in the domestic race this year. There are about four, the Busan Mayor’s Cup in July, the Korea Cup in September, the President’s Cup, and the Grand Prix. I am thinking about sending out a regular race to warm up in the middle.There may be many reasons why Triple Nine” was able to come this far, including good management, but above all, I think it is thanks to many horse racing fans who supported Triple Nine.” At the end of last year, “Triple Nine” was able to be selec일본경마사이트 ted as the year’s representative horse for the second consecutive year thanks to the enthusiastic support of horse racing fans. I really want to say thank you to the horse racing fans.Although my performance at the Dubai World Cup was not good, I think I spent ‘Triple Nine’ well in Dubai. Like baseball and golf, Korean horse racing should spread to the world.

  32. Just as Pak Se-ri appeared and opened the way when domestic golfers failed to make it to the world stage in the past, I think “Triple Nine” played a little role just as Park Chan-ho opened the way for Korean baseball players to advance to the Major League. I hope a second and third “Triple Nine” will come out in the future.Choi Byung-bu made four long-distance trips of about 10 hours to watch a total of four competitions in which “Triple Nine”일본경마사이트 participated from the Dubai World Cup Carnival to the Dubai World Cup. He seemed to smile, saying, “Isn’t it the real duty of the other person to be together when his horse runs?”Penakova. It’s a brand of horseback riding clothes that anyone who rides must have heard familiarly. It always appears at the venue where horseback riding is held or at the event related to horseback riding, and it is breathing with horseback riders.

  33. I am thinking about four or five plans to participate in the domestic race this year. There are about four, the Busan Mayor’s Cup in July, the Korea Cup in September, the President’s Cup, and the Grand Prix. I am thinking about sending out a regular race to warm up in the middle.There may be many reasons why Triple Nine” was able to come this far, including good management, but above all, I think it is thanks to many horse racing fans who supported 일본경마사이트
    Triple Nine.” At the end of last year, “Triple Nine” was able to be selected as the year’s representative horse for the second consecutive year thanks to the enthusiastic support of horse racing fans. I really want to say thank you to the horse racing fans.Although my performance at the Dubai World Cup was not good, I think I spent ‘Triple Nine’ well in Dubai. Like baseball and golf, Korean horse racing should spread to the world.

  34. In the first carnival race, I came in second by one head, and I think I was able to participate in Super Saturday. Domestic horses, including “Triple Nine,” usually competed every five to six weeks in Korea. However, he participated in Dubai온라인경마 every 20 days on average, a shorter interval than this. On January 19, February 9, March 5, and March 25, he ran four races in three months. The words were so good that there were no votes on the outside, but inside, I thought I might have exhausted my energy. As a result, I can’t help but think that if I hadn’t played in the Dubai World Cup Carnival twice, I would have won first and second place instead of fourth place on Super Saturday.

  35. Of course, that would be a problem. However, if you know how to handle horses to some extent and speed up safely when you have the ability to ride, horseback riding is a sport that can be enjoyed even in your 80s, not in your 60s and 70s. Even in foreign cases, older people are enjoying horseback riding. And in the case of Korea, older people can’t go to the mountain because their legs hurt, but if they can ride a horse a little, they can go out on a picnic. Each local government is also making many outer riding courses, and since the outer riding path is not a course for running, I think it will establish itself as a good leisure for older people.I heard that Jeju is hosting 온라인경마 a horse riding fashion show.(Cheon)In May, Jeju National University decided to hold a fashion show with Jeju National University students. It has already signed an MOU with Jeju National University, and is hosted by Professor Lee Kyung-gap of Jeju National University, and students from veterinary medicine, food and nutrition, and design departments will participate. As with all sports, industry and fashion must go together.

  36. Of course, that would be a problem. However, if you know how to handle horses to some extent and speed up safely when you have the ability to ride, horseback riding is a sport that can be enjoyed even in your 80s, not in your 60s and 70s. Even in foreign cases, older people are enjoying horseback riding. And in the case of Korea, older people can’t go to the mountain because their legs hurt, but if they can ride a horse a little, they can go out on a picnic. Each local government is also making many outer riding courses, and since the outer riding path is not a course for running, I think it will establish itself as a good leisure for older people.I heard that Jeju is hosting온라인경마 a horse riding fashion show.(Cheon)In May, Jeju National University decided to hold a fashion show with Jeju National University students. It has already signed an MOU with Jeju National University, and is hosted by Professor Lee Kyung-gap of Jeju National University, and students from veterinary medicine, food and nutrition, and design departments will participate. As with all sports, industry and fashion must go together.

  37. Now that I think about it, it’s ridiculous. Since I thought so in the past, it is natural for the majority of people who do not know to think so. But you can ride safely enough. And it seems that various media reports on horses also play a role. This is because the appearance of words known through the media shows more bad things than good things. Most of the negative reports include news that he fell while riding a horse or that a horse escaped the ranch and ran down the road.(Yoon)What I feel while exercising on a horse in person is the fact that the body changes steadily. If you ride 일본경마사이트 a horse steadily, it burns high calories, so it is good for maintaining your body shape. I’ve experienced it myself. No matter what exercise I did, it certainly worked when I learned horseback riding. I feel much better now. Not only is it good for men, but it is also good for men and women of all ages. Instead, you have to ride safely. A person who meets a horse for the first time and can only walk should not suddenly run and run.

  38. It is an opportunity to introduce and show horseback riding clothes to the general public, including students, by holding a fashion show. It is important to promote the horse industry itself, but fashion companies may first expose horseback riding clothes and horseback riding fashion to promote the horse industry. Just as those who do not play golf wear golf as their daily clothes, and those who do not go hiking wear hiking clothes as their daily clothes, horseback riding clothes can also be enjoyed by the general public. And온라인경마 just as a person who doesn’t go to the mountain wears hiking clothes and thinks about going to the mountain once, he or she wants to ride a horse while wearing horseback riding clothes. If the horse industry also turns its attention to fashion, there is definitely an opportunity to expose the horse industry to the general public.(Cheon)In order to enter the Japanese equestrian market, a Japanese equestrian was dressed in our own clothes and participated in the competition.

  39. By chance, however, he became well known in the Japanese equestrian world as he won the dressage magic event at the All-Japan Championships. He was promoted more because he did not miss the first place in dressage magic and achieved excellent results. Then, a proposal was made through an agency that handles horseback riding clothes, and recently, our brand has officially entered a shop inside a Japanese crane riding ground.(Yoon)It’s our brand, but it’s bitter because I’m grateful that Japanese온라인경마 equestrian athletes recognize and find it before Korean equestrian athletes. It’s not that Japanese equestrian doesn’t wear the best European equestrian uniforms, but they basically do reasonable shopping. Ordinary equestrian seems to be considering the feeling or function of wearing it rather than the brand. Running for several months in Japan was more effective in promoting Penakova than running hard for four years in Korea.

  40. Now that I think about it, it’s ridiculous. Since I thought so in the past, it is natural for the majority of people who do not know to think so. But you can ride safely enough. And it seems that various media reports on horses also play a role. This is because the appearance of words known through the media shows more bad things than good things. Most of the negative reports include news that he fell while riding a horse or that a horse escaped the ranch and ran down the road.(Yoon)What I feel while exercising on a horse in person is the fact that the body changes steadily. If you ride a온라인경마 horse steadily, it burns high calories, so it is good for maintaining your body shape. I’ve experienced it myself. No matter what exercise I did, it certainly worked when I learned horseback riding. I feel much better now. Not only is it good for men, but it is also good for men and women of all ages. Instead, you have to ride safely. A person who meets a horse for the first time and can only walk should not suddenly run and run.

  41. Now that I think about it, it’s ridiculous. Since I thought so in the past, it is natural for the majority of people who do not know to think so. But you can ride safely enough. And it seems that various media reports on horses also play a role. This is because the appearance of words known through the media shows more bad things than good things. Most of the negative reports include news that he fell while riding a horse or that a horse escaped the ranch and ran down the road.(Yoon)What I feel while exercising on a horse in person is the fact that the body changes steadily. If you ride a 온라인경마 horse steadily, it burns high calories, so it is good for maintaining your body shape. I’ve experienced it myself. No matter what exercise I did, it certainly worked when I learned horseback riding. I feel much better now. Not only is it good for men, but it is also good for men and women of all ages. Instead, you have to ride safely. A person who meets a horse for the first time and can only walk should not suddenly run and run.

  42. It is an opportunity to introduce and show horseback riding clothes to the general public, including students, by holding a fashion show. It is important to promote the horse industry itself, but fashion companies may first expose horseback riding clothes and horseback riding fashion to promote the horse industry. Just as those who do not play golf wear golf as their daily clothes, and those who do not go hiking wear hiking clothes as their daily clothes, horseback riding clothes can also be enjoyed by the general public. And just as a person who doesn’t go to the mountain wears hiking clothes and일본경마사이트 thinks about going to the mountain once, he or she wants to ride a horse while wearing horseback riding clothes. If the horse industry also turns its attention to fashion, there is definitely an opportunity to expose the horse industry to the general public.(Cheon)In order to enter the Japanese equestrian market, a Japanese equestrian was dressed in our own clothes and participated in the competition.

  43. It is an opportunity to introduce and show horseback riding clothes to the general public, including students, by holding a fashion show. It is important to promote the horse industry itself, but fashion companies may first expose horseback riding clothes and horseback riding fashion to promote the horse industry. Just as those who do not play golf wear golf as their daily clothes, and those who do not go hiking wear hiking clothes as their daily clothes, horseback riding clothes can also be enjoyed by the general public. And just as a person who doesn’t go to the mountain wears hiking clothes and 온라인경마
    thinks about going to the mountain once, he or she wants to ride a horse while wearing horseback riding clothes. If the horse industry also turns its attention to fashion, there is definitely an opportunity to expose the horse industry to the general public.(Cheon)In order to enter the Japanese equestrian market, a Japanese equestrian was dressed in our own clothes and participated in the competition.

  44. It is an opportunity to introduce and show horseback riding clothes to the general public, including students, by holding a fashion show. It is important to promote the horse industry itself, but fashion companies may first expose horseback riding clothes and horseback riding fashion to promote the horse industry. Just as those who do not play golf wear golf as their daily clothes, and those who do not go hiking wear hiking clothes as their daily clothes, horseback riding clothes can also be enjoyed by the general public. And just as a person who doesn’t go to the mountain wears hiking clothes 온라인경마
    and thinks about going to the mountain once, he or she wants to ride a horse while wearing horseback riding clothes. If the horse industry also turns its attention to fashion, there is definitely an opportunity to expose the horse industry to the general public.(Cheon)In order to enter the Japanese equestrian market, a Japanese equestrian was dressed in our own clothes and participated in the competition.

  45. Now that I think about it, it’s ridiculous. Since I thought so in the past, it is natural for the majority of people who do not know to think so. But you can ride safely enough. And it seems that various media reports on horses also play a role. This is because the appearance of words known through the media shows more bad things than good things. Most of the negative reports include news that he fell while riding a horse or that a horse escaped the ranch and ran down the road.(Yoon)What I feel while exercising on a horse in person is the fact that the body changes steadily. If you ride a일본경마사이트 horse steadily, it burns high calories, so it is good for maintaining your body shape. I’ve experienced it myself. No matter what exercise I did, it certainly worked when I learned horseback riding. I feel much better now. Not only is it good for men, but it is also good for men and women of all ages. Instead, you have to ride safely. A person who meets a horse for the first time and can only walk should not suddenly run and run.

  46. Of course, that would be a problem. However, if you know how to handle horses to some extent and speed up safely when you have the ability to ride, horseback riding is a sport that can be enjoyed even in your 80s, not in your 60s and 70s. Even in foreign cases, older people are enjoying horseback riding. And in the case of Korea, older people can’t go to the mountain because their legs hurt, but if they can ride a horse a little, they can go out on a picnic. Each local government is also making many outer riding courses, and since the outer riding path is not a course for running, I think it will establish itself as a good leisure for older people.I heard that Jeju is hosting일본경마사이트 a horse riding fashion show.(Cheon)In May, Jeju National University decided to hold a fashion show with Jeju National University students. It has already signed an MOU with Jeju National University, and is hosted by Professor Lee Kyung-gap of Jeju National University, and students from veterinary medicine, food and nutrition, and design departments will participate. As with all sports, industry and fashion must go together.

  47. By chance, however, he became well known in the Japanese equestrian world as he won the dressage magic event at the All-Japan Championships. He was promoted more because he did not miss the first place in dressage magic and achieved excellent results. Then, a proposal was made through an agency that handles horseback riding clothes, and recently, our brand has officially entered a shop inside a Japanese crane riding ground.(Yoon)It’s our brand, but it’s bitter because I’m grateful that Japanese 온라인경마 equestrian athletes recognize and find it before Korean equestrian athletes. It’s not that Japanese equestrian doesn’t wear the best European equestrian uniforms, but they basically do reasonable shopping. Ordinary equestrian seems to be considering the feeling or function of wearing it rather than the brand. Running for several months in Japan was more effective in promoting Penakova than running hard for four years in Korea.

  48. Now that I think about it, it’s ridiculous. Since I thought so in the past, it is natural for the majority of people who do not know to think so. But you can ride safely enough. And it seems that various media reports on horses also play a role. This is because the appearance of words known through the media shows more bad things than good things. Most of the negative reports include news that he fell while riding a horse or that a horse escaped the ranch and ran down the road.(Yoon)What I feel while exercising on a horse in person is the fact that the body changes steadily. If you ride a 일본경마사이트 horse steadily, it burns high calories, so it is good for maintaining your body shape. I’ve experienced it myself. No matter what exercise I did, it certainly worked when I learned horseback riding. I feel much better now. Not only is it good for men, but it is also good for men and women of all ages. Instead, you have to ride safely. A person who meets a horse for the first time and can only walk should not suddenly run and run.

  49. Jeju horses are raised a lot by the use of Jeju horses in horse racing, and I think that it will help farmers to increase their attachment to Jeju horses. On the other hand, there are many people in Jeju Island, so I hope you have pride in running better than racehorses in Seoul or Pukyong, and highlighting that there are more diverse searches than racehorses in Jeju Island.About 50 papers on Jeju horses, including Jeju horses for students’ curriculum and leisure life, Jeju horses’ stories, and Jeju horses’ culture, were published in the Veterinary Society and the Livestock Society. Currently, it is seeking ways for the future, including the history and culture of Jeju 온라인경마 Ranch.He appeared in KBS’s story of Kim Man-il, EBS’s delivery and life of horses, the cause of KBS2 informants’ lost Jeju horses returning to the grazing ground, MBC’s horse-related festival, Jeju horse history and culture, as well as horse-related movies, and interpreted horse paintings in genuine luxury. Among them, the most memorable broadcast is Jeju Broadcasting’s “The Future of Jeju Horse.”

  50. He is a proud figure of Jeju Island who dedicated 1,300 horses for the country when the country was in the most difficult time due to the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. I want you to know about the achievements of Kim Man-il, a tribute to his country, despite his precious words. Since last year, many people have been trying to promote the festival by holding a festival at Uigiri Ranch, where Kim Man-il, a tribute to Hunma, was born, but it seems that many people do not know. Please show a lot of interest and promote it.You have to overcome the crisis well with a love of words. There are also many youth horseback riding and horseback온라인경마 riding clubs in Korea, which should draw interest in steady horseback riding and sports that can be enjoyed at all times regardless of season, and in Jeju Island, an environment should be provided to enjoy the nature of Jeju Island such as oreum and field. For example, it is necessary to make many horseback riding routes to and from villages and plan them thoroughly.

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