“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.626 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. I thought that I would have to have a different skill than others to give more rides to horses. So I started making my own skills with a whip. I changed the whip. It made a very온라인경마 strong and impressive “Tornado whip.” Others hit one by one, but the whip of the whirlwind is a form of hitting while turning the arm. Every horse I rode did well. Popular horses were popular, and unpopular horses were popular, and their performance was raised to some extent. As he showed strong treatment, his popularity increased as he rapidly emerged.

  2. He said he was confident of winning, but he often lost when he competed in the race. As such, the words of Article 19 were strong and strong. It was bad because of those things, but it was the worst when the “Ferdido Formeroy” incident broke out.At that time, I was confident because I had a good 온라인경마
    performance on the “Ferdido Formulaoy” and won the horse racing competition. There were no horses that I’ve never ridden in Article 19. I was also well aware of the habits of the horses. I clearly knew that even Article 19 of the preceding Margo would of course cause a good fight because I presented a “main stay” that pre-purchases and pre-purchases “Roly Poly.”

  3. I think that’s what I should do and what I should pay attention to. In addition, I think we should allow our students to get jobs not only in Korea but also abroad.If “fostering” is온라인경마 cutting and cutting wood to make materials, “training” can be said to be the process of carpenters trimming and assembling with the materials. As such, the role of horse trainers is also important to foster the horse industry. I think the horse industry is in a slump now. Not only horseback riding but also all horse industries after the preferential treatment of horseback riding.

  4. Choi Won-il, the new head of the Busan-Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters of the Korea Racing Authority, graduated from Daejeon High School and Korea University’s Department of Sociology and joined the Korea Racing Authority in April 1989. Since joining the company, he 온라인경마 has served as a marketing team leader in 2004, public relations chief in 2011, and audit chief in 2015, and has shown unique leadership by growing racehorse ranches and horse racing parks as representative tourist destinations as Jeju regional headquarters.In particular, in 2011, he is said to be a representative expert in the public relations field, including brand planning, to promote the horse industry as a future growth engine for farming and fishing villages.

  5. I think that’s what I should do and what I should pay attention to. In addition, I think we should allow our students to get jobs not only in Korea but also abroad.If “fostering”온라인경마
    is cutting and cutting wood to make materials, “training” can be said to be the process of carpenters trimming and assembling with the materials. As such, the role of horse trainers is also important to foster the horse industry. I think the horse industry is in a slump now. Not only horseback riding but also all horse industries after the preferential treatment of horseback riding.

  6. The inauguration ceremony was held in the order of introduction of the new headquarters’ history, inauguration speech, and commemorative photos. Choi Won-il, the new head of the headquarters, said in his inauguration speech, “I feel excited and responsible to come to Let’s Run Park, which is constantly developing not only in horse racing but also in terms of family theme parks.” You have create온라인경마 d Let’s Run Park Busan Gyeongnam, which has a number of contents representing the community, such as Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing, Light Theme Park Illumia, Maglamping Site, and Toma Garden, he said. “I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to executives, horse racing and horse industry officials.”

  7. Choi Won-il, the new head of the Busan-Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters of the Korea Racing Authority, graduated from Daejeon High School and Korea University’s Department of Sociology and joined the Korea Racing Authority in April 1989. Since joining the company, he has served as a marketing team leader in 2004, public relations온라인경마 chief in 2011, and audit chief in 2015, and has shown unique leadership by growing racehorse ranches and horse racing parks as representative tourist destinations as Jeju regional headquarters.In particular, in 2011, he is said to be a representative expert in the public relations field, including brand planning, to promote the horse industry as a future growth engine for farming and fishing villages.

  8. I was very surprised to see that the award for future contribution was confirmed. When I won the grand prize, I thought of two things. I haven’t contributed much to the 온라인경마 horse industry, but I’m grateful that you gave me a big award. And on the other hand, I thought it meant to work harder in the future for the development of the horse industry. Thank you. In addition, we are planning to provide practical education on how this substance actually works and how it can be applied in the horse industry when horse training accumulates lactic acid.

  9. In the second half of last year, the promoters’ competition and inaugural general meeting of the Korean Language Training Association were held, and an office signboard ceremony was held in Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, two to three weeks ago. The goal is to obtain official approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs by early March. Related documents for approval have already been prepared온라인경마 , and I plan to enter the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs with the association’s executives around next week.The training is not divided into horseback riding and horse racing, but horseback riding is in charge of the training, and the racehorse side is in charge of the part that can be done on the racehorse side, but they should go together.

  10. In the second half of last year, the promoters’ competition and inaugural general meeting of the Korean Language Training Association were held, and an office signboard ceremony was held in Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, two to three weeks ago. The goal is to obtain official approval from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs by early March. Related documents for approval have already been prepared,온라인경마 and I plan to enter the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs with the association’s executives around next week.The training is not divided into horseback riding and horse racing, but horseback riding is in charge of the training, and the racehorse side is in charge of the part that can be done on the racehorse side, but they should go together.

  11. He has been with horses for a long time and has been teaching horses-related national certificates for a long time, but he obtained a trainer’s license last year that he had not obtained before. Just as all cultures and technologies change with the times, the field of ‘training’ also changes with the times. There are already many changes taking place around the world, but Korea’s training technology has yet to keep up 온라인경마 with the trend. Advanced technologies must be accepted quickly in line with the trend of change. Above all, I think it is most important to introduce and inform new training techniques or methods in Korea. Therefore, I am afraid of interest in that area, and I try to provide as much opportunity as possible for school children to learn about the changing training methods from day to day to day to day.

  12. Of course I’m not. We will invite the highest moisture in the horse industry to conduct classes. A person with both skills and awareness. Since it is a graduate program, it will be a person with a master’s degree or higher. Some may raise questions about the lack of curriculum. It is also a 온라인경마 part that people who do not know may misunderstand, but our graduate school’s basic class curriculum is well established. In addition to marketing, services, distribution, facility management, and events were subdivided and well organized. It specializes by incorporating the “horse industry” into this. We will invite the best experts in the horse industry as professors to make it the best class.

  13. It is conducted through remote classes through the Internet. You can receive education anytime, anywhere beyond time and space. Whether abroad or in the provinces, you can learn enough with your will. If you want to learn the Korea온라인경마 n language industry abroad, such as China and Southeast Asia, you are not restricted by the conditions of space. Since the curriculum can be conducted even from afar, leaders who are being educated in the field can acquire master’s degree without coming to the classroom. In addition, you can graduate with a major course completion instead of a graduation thesis.

  14. Golf, called a nearby leisure sport, makes good use of this. In the past, golf instructors who teach golf were former players and taught golf customers by pushing them. However, as golf became more popular and spread, the golf 온라인경마 market grew and competed. In addition, as consumers’ understanding of golf has improved, the industry has now changed more customer-centered than Named. The horseback riding industry would be okay if it followed with a little interest, but it does not make such efforts. These are also the reasons why I first started a major called “horse industry management” in the Graduate School of Industry.

  15. Those eligible for the master’s program will mainly be horseback riding leaders and operators in the horse industry, related organizations, or workers in associations. Leaders are both former athletes and instructors. Those who will manage are essential. Each individual’s expertise can be further utilized through in-depth classes in the master’s course,온라인경마 nd after completing graduate school, it can be used in front-line fields based on what they have learned. Market analysis specialized in the “horse industry,” consumer behavior identification, and various marketing and services will be useful in the field. Perhaps in the future, graduate school master’s degree graduates will play a role in leading and leading the horse industry.

  16. For example, in the process related to laws and regulations, they study horse industry-related laws, and in the process of learning history, they learn culture and history about the horse industry as a whole.The master’s course in the “horse industry,” which will be unveiled for the first time from this fall semester, will recruit students by July 20. Upon receipt within the period, the acceptance of the application will be notified through온라인경마 document review. Our graduate school has a variety of scholarships and various majors, so it would be good to choose from. The tuition fee for the semester is also as low as 3.7 million won. And after completing the master’s course, you can get preferential treatment when you enter the Ph.D. program at Sejong University.

  17. For example, in the process related to laws and regulations, they study horse industry-related laws, and in the process of learning history, they learn culture and history about the horse industry as a whole.The master’s course in the “horse industry,” which will be unveiled for the first time from this fall semester, will recruit students by July 20. Upon receipt within the온라인경마 period, the acceptance of the application will be notified through document review. Our graduate school has a variety of scholarships and various majors, so it would be good to choose from. The tuition fee for the semester is also as low as 3.7 million won. And after completing the master’s course, you can get preferential treatment when you enter the Ph.D. program at Sejong University.

  18. Since the end of last year, the Korean Society of Rehabilitation Horse Riding will fulfill its social responsibility to change the negative image of the horse industry that has prevailed throughout society into a positive image. Above all, we will focus more on academic, research, and promotional activities for the purpose of establishing this conference, and 온라인경마 we will spare no essential suggestions in the field of rehabilitation horseback riding in line with the national policy direction.Horses have been close to mankind for a long time and played the role of Pavalma’s information and communication to deliver urgent official letters or news to regions far from government offices in the late Joseon Dynasty. It is in line with our Internet media’s efforts to deliver news of the world quickly.

  19. Since the past decade or so, only means of controlling horse racing have been taken, which has been dampened by the development of the horse racing and horse industries and the contribution of the government to national tax revenues. I think the purpose of establishing the Korean Racing Authority can be achieved only when regulations are lifted to create a place where anyone can enjoy sports comfortably. It is true that there are quite a few concerns when looking at the over온라인경마 -the-counter sales issue or the recent situation.I’m married and my children have grown up, so I’m working as a professor and accountant abroad. For me, the Racing Authority is like my second hometown, my home, and I have a special attachment. I hope the Korean Racing Authority will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I was vice chairman of the Korean Racing Authority even after 10 or 20 years.

  20. We ask for your support in attracting the “HETI 2021 World Competition,” which will be organized by this conference, and we ask you to participate in the development and globalization of domestic rehabilitation horseback riding through continuous partnerships.With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and extensive keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and ne온라인경마 w values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been very important in data since the past. The combination of new information and communication technologies and data will form an axis of the intelligent information society, and I have no doubt that the Horse Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.

  21. We applaud the numerous efforts and efforts you have made to convey the news and issues of the horse industry in-depth to readers, and we ask you to continue to strive for a bright future for the domestic horse industry.When he served as the Yeongdeungpo branch manager in 2000, he received the “Proud Citizen Award” from the Seoul Metropolitan Government in recognition of his contribution to community development. In 2009, the establishment of the first horse quarantine 온라인경마 council in Korea was actually organized, and it greatly contributed to the establishment of horse registration systems such as not only racehorses but also passenger horses and breeding horses. After retirement, he took charge of the KRA Siheung Horse Riding Healing Center, which opened in September 2012, taking advantage of his work expertise until December 2015.

  22. Since the past decade or so, only means of controlling horse racing have been taken, which has been dampened by the development of the horse racing and horse industries and the contribution of the government to national tax revenues. I think the purpose of establishing the Korean Racing Authority can be achieved only when regulations are lifted to create a place where anyone can enjoy sports comfortably. It is true that there are quite a few concerns when looking at the over-the-counter sales issue or the recent situation.I’m married and my온라인경마
    children have grown up, so I’m working as a professor and accountant abroad. For me, the Racing Authority is like my second hometown, my home, and I have a special attachment. I hope the Korean Racing Authority will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I was vice chairman of the Korean Racing Authority even after 10 or 20 years.

  23. We ask for your support in attracting the “HETI 2021 World Competition,” which will be organized by this conference, and we ask you to participate in the development and globalization of domestic rehabilitation horseback riding through continuous partnerships.With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, various and extensive keywords such as artificial intelligence and big data are emerging, and new온라인경마 values are expected to be created and developed. The horse industry has been very important in data since the past. The combination of new information and communication technologies and data will form an axis of the intelligent information society, and I have no doubt that the Horse Industry Journal will be at the center of its role.

  24. Since the past decade or so, only means of controlling horse racing have been taken, which has been dampened by the development of the horse racing and horse industries and the contribution of the government to national tax revenues. I think the purpose of establishing the Korean Racing Authority can be achieved only when regulations are lifted to create a place where anyone can enjoy sports comfortably. It is true that there are quite a few concerns when looking at the over-the-counter sales issue or the recent situation.I’m married and m온라인경마 y children have grown up, so I’m working as a professor and accountant abroad. For me, the Racing Authority is like my second hometown, my home, and I have a special attachment. I hope the Korean Racing Authority will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I was vice chairman of the Korean Racing Authority even after 10 or 20 years.

  25. It also announced that it was done. You’ve also argued for the need for a direct rehabilitation horseback riding center.He is still working as the senior vice president of the Korea Equestrian Federation for the Disabled and worked as the first head of the horseback riding healing center to promote the social public interest aspects of rehabilitation horseback riding.온라인경마
    In addition, by promoting the National Horse Riding Movement, executives were also allowed to ride horses, and the horseback riding boom spread across the country by grasping the current status of horseback riding grounds nationwide. I hope that the policy will continue to be inherited and developed, but it is regrettable that the shape has changed since then.

  26. It is a poem by Professor Kim Hak-shin, who is in charge of the CEO course for domestic companies and opinion leaders at Sejong University. When I visited Mongolia last year, I captured a horse-riding desire along the riverside flowing through Terlji National Park. Professor Kim, who is more inspired by온라인경마 poetry as he starts learning horseback riding, is actually a marketing education expert unrelated to the horse industry.Professor Kim is also a poet who published a poetry book. In 2015, he compiled poems that he had written from time to time and published a collection of poems called Emotional Manri. With words, he says, I got more inspiration for poetry.

  27. The “horse industry management” major comprehensively includes not only professional sports and daily sports, but also various fields such as rehabilitation, facilities, supplies, fashion, and tourism. In addition to marketing, rehabilitation training using services and medicine will be conducted centering on horses. As the number of applicants for the “horse industr온라인경마
    y management” major increases, the number of subjects tailored to the major will also increase. Through education, we will go toward further systematizing and specializing the horse industry. Since it is the first major opening, it is not easy to open excessively. We haven’t even entered the school yet, but can’t we just open the subject too much?

  28. In particular, due to its professional specificity, it is also a rare job with only about 80 people in Korea. There are 65 certified Korean Racing Authority participants, and there are also a number of freelancers who are unofficially active in general horseback riding grounds.There are only five first-class 온라인경마 jangjesa in Korea who can find a horse’s painful legs only by the appearance and sound of the horse walking. He is recognized as an expert with an annual salary of 100 million won. In the case of a new funeral service, the annual salary is about 40 million won. Since expertise is needed, it takes nearly 20 years of hard work to become a first-class funeral service.

  29. Until now, there have been two ways for Jangjesa to obtain a certificate through a national qualification test or a training course for the Korean Racing Authority. After going through the national qualification test, it was possible to hold a passenger horse race system and a racehorse race system if it was qualified through the Korean Racing Authority training process. However, recently, the self-qualification test of the Korean Racing Authority Jangjesa Training Course has been abolished, allowing only those who pass the national qualification test to engage in funeral service. In addition, if you obtain a certificate of funeral service through the national qualification test, you 온라인경마 can run a racehorse as well as a passenger horse. Market analysis specialized in the ‘horse industry’, consumer behavior identification, and various marketing and services will be useful in the field. Perhaps in the future, graduate school master’s degree graduates will play a role in leading and leading the horse industry.

  30. The “horse industry management” major comprehensively includes not only professional sports and daily sports, but also various fields such as rehabilitation, facilities, supplies, fashion, and tourism. In addition to marketing, rehabilitation training using services and medicine will be conducted centering on horses. As the number of applicants for the “horse industry온라인경마 management” major increases, the number of subjects tailored to the major will also increase. Through education, we will go toward further systematizing and specializing the horse industry. Since it is the first major opening, it is not easy to open excessively. We haven’t even entered the school yet, but can’t we just open the subject too much?

  31. Of course I’m not. We will invite the highest moisture in the horse industry to conduct classes. A person with both skills and awareness. Since it is a graduate program, it will be a person with a master’s degree or higher. Some may raise questions about the lack of curriculum. It is also a part that people who do not know may misunderstand, but our graduate school’s basic class curriculum is well established. In addition to marketing, services, distribution, facility management, 온라인경마 and events were subdivided and well organized. It specializes by incorporating the “horse industry” into this. We will invite the best experts in the horse industry as professors to make it the best class. For example, in the process related to laws and regulations, they study horse industry-related laws, and in the process of learning history, they learn culture and history about the horse industry as a whole.

  32. Summer workshop of the Korea Rural Community Horse Industry Association held in July. Regarding LG CNS’ recent controversial entry into agriculture at the workshop, Dr. Chung Myung-chae said, “According to WTO regulations, if Korean companies enter the agricultural sector, foreign companies should also be allowed to enter the agricultural sector. This means that there is a growing concern that Korean agriculture will be encroached on foreign capital, he said. “It is necessary to implement cooperatives and quota systems for each item as온라인경마 a strategic countermeasure.” Recently, LG CNS was in the midst of controversy as it entered the Saemangeum industry, and at the summer workshop of the Korea Rural Horse Industry Association held in July, you mentioned “item-specific cooperatives” and “quarter systems” as measures. You said that the horse industry should also attract these two things soon for the future, and I wonder why.

  33. In order for the general public to enjoy horseback riding competitions, each horseback riding club must be held as the main body. Depending on the winner of the horseback riding competition, many horseback riding competitions must be held with little capital to the extent that each region’s reputation can be achieved. Only then can many competitions at each horseback riding club naturally expand to counties, provinces, 온라인경마 and across the country, and horseback riding gradually becomes an entertainment and physical education.There are many voices saying that in order for the horse industry to develop, there should be something that can attract the general public to horseback riding competitions. What is that “something”? In addition, what other measures are there to develop the horse industry?

  34. In order for the general public to enjoy horseback riding competitions, each horseback riding club must be held as the main body. Depending on the winner of the horseback riding competition, many horseback riding competitions must be held with little capital to the extent that each region’s reputation can be achieved. Only then can many competitions at each horseback riding club naturally expand to counties, provinces, and 온라인경마
    across the country, and horseback riding gradually becomes an entertainment and physical education.There are many voices saying that in order for the horse industry to develop, there should be something that can attract the general public to horseback riding competitions. What is that “something”? In addition, what other measures are there to develop the horse industry?

  35. Dr. Chung Myung-chae is the former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University and is currently an advisor to the Korea Rural Community Horse Industry Association and co-representative of the Korea Rural CDr. Chung Myung-chae is the former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University and is currently an advisor to the Korea Rural Community Horse Industry Association and co-representative of the Korea Rural Community Welfare Forum. Roh Moo-hyun, in addition to the president president of the transition team, Cheong Wa Dae secretary in charge of the measures in rural areas. In this interview, Dr. Chung Myung-chae suggested the direction in which agriculture as a big adult in Korean agriculture should move forward as a whole and how to deal with the horse industry in the trend.
    ommunity Welfare Forum. Roh Moo-hyun, in addition to the president president of the transition team, Cheong Wa Dae secretary in charge of the measures in rural areas. In this interview, Dr. Chung Myung-chae suggested the direction in which agriculture as a big adult in Korean agriculture should move forward as a whole and how to deal with the horse industry in the trend.

  36. Also, Korean research groups should study and develop Korean language culture. Korean language culture has disappeared a lot since Japanese colonial era when Japanese imperialism denied and eliminated Korean culture.온라인경마 Until the late 1960s, station horses, horse stations, etc., which were used as the only means of transportation in the past, were preserved, and in Hwacheon, a place where Togomi rice is produced, a mountain race race competition was held, not a plain speed race. Efforts from various angles are needed to attract the general public’s interest, such as saving Korean culture.

  37. In fact, I thought of retiring this year. Bongwa direct inflammation came twice in August last year after stomachache surgery the year before last. Now I thought I should retire and stay comfortable. In April, he retired and sent him to a longevity to cross breed with “Rico” to have babies, but it didn’t happen because the “Classic Girl” occupied too much. It is said that the probability of giving birth to a foal is not high because of old age. In the future, I plan to pick up students to the Masterhall.From the Sangju competition, I implemented a standard jumping온라인경마 class that transformed the Hunter game in the United States. Standard jumping classes are events that require a lot of education. If you don’t ride it correctly, you can’t win a prize. Youth horseback riding must be based on education so that in the long run, it can go to advanced countries for horseback riding. If you focus on grades, it may sparkle, but it is no different from horseback riding in our generation.

  38. It is important for students to see and experience developed countries in the horse industry when they are young. In Japan, 10 students are sent to Northern Farm for training every year. The Japanese ranch is very good, but I saw the website in person and applied through a field experience announcement, and I got help from former Seoul Maje Association President Ji Dae-seop and Northern Farm Chairman. Northern Farm is so interested in our students that they spend 1 billion 온라인경마
    won separately to build Yeonsu-dong and invite them.In the United States, horseback riding programs are at the peak of private education. Since we can’t stay only in Korea, students with a spirit of challenge in sending our students to Australia and New Zealand are more actively looking for jobs and having a good experience there. We are also preparing to support with our own budget for globalization.

  39. In fact, I thought of retiring this year. Bongwa direct inflammation came twice in August last year after stomachache surgery the year before last. Now I thought I should retire and stay comfortable. In April, he retired and sent him to a longevity to cross breed with “Rico” to have babies, but it didn’t happen because the “Classic Girl” occupied too much. It is said that the probability of giving birth to a foal is not high because of old age. In the future, I plan to pick up students to the Masterhall.From the Sangju competition, I implemented a standard jumping 온라인경마
    class that transformed the Hunter game in the United States. Standard jumping classes are events that require a lot of education. If you don’t ride it correctly, you can’t win a prize. Youth horseback riding must be based on education so that in the long run, it can go to advanced countries for horseback riding. If you focus on grades, it may sparkle, but it is no different from horseback riding in our generation.

  40. In fact, I thought of retiring this year. Bongwa direct inflammation came twice in August last year after stomachache surgery the year before last. Now I thought I should retire and stay comfortable. In April, he retired and sent him to a longevity to cross breed with “Rico” to have babies, but it didn’t happen because the “Classic Girl” occupied too much. It is said that the probability of giving birth to a foal is not high because of old age. In the future, I plan to pick up students to the Masterhall.From the Sangju competition, I implemented a standard jumping 온라인경마 class that transformed the Hunter game in the United States. Standard jumping classes are events that require a lot of education. If you don’t ride it correctly, you can’t win a prize. Youth horseback riding must be based on education so that in the long run, it can go to advanced countries for horseback riding. If you focus on grades, it may sparkle, but it is no different from horseback riding in our generation.

  41. It is a book that records episodes with Classic Girl. The content includes not only episodes but also technical parts. As I wrote the manuscript, I felt like I was in a marriage from the relationship between me and Classic Girl. I regret that one side was injured while pushing and pulling each other, fighting and sulking, and fighting each other. It’s a short period of time, but it feels like I’ve already lived my life once.Horse온라인경마 s are the most beautiful animals God has given them. Unlike deer and other animals, it has a really beautiful appearance and a moderate aggression, so I think it can live in harmony with humans. It is also an animal that can communicate with humans. When I’m upset or depressed, holding a horse makes my heart melt. It feels like I’m being comforted.

  42. The Gyeonggi Equestrian Association selected students to discover and foster promising Olympic athletes ahead of the 88 Olympics. One of the selected friends recommended me to the teacher, saying I am good at sports. At that time, horseback riding was quite expensive. My parents asked me if I could let them stop horseback riding because it wasn’t enough, but I thought I would die if I didn’t ride a horse. All the friends I started온라인경마
    with then quit, but I was with the horse until the end.Is there a ‘teacher’ in the Korean horse industry? Behind the agenda of future talent and youth training, there should be teachers and experts who sacrifice and lead, but we have always forgotten such teachers and self-proclaimed experts have only competed and been jealous. Sacrifice, in the end, fell to the students.

  43. Since the age limit for taking the horse industry-related qualification test is 18 years old, they can’t even take the test even though they are clearly capable. I heard that parents also filed complaints with the National Newspaper, asking students to lower their qualification limits to 18 years old from the first time they entered the school. In the case of technical high schools, there is a special need to transport machines, so there온라인경마 is a movement to lower the age because driving licenses are essential for enrolled students. I heard that. In order to cultivate future talent, it is necessary to lower the age of taking the horse industry qualification test. After obtaining the qualification, you have to jump into the job front immediately after graduation, but since you can’t even take the qualification test, I think it has a negative impact on the employment rate and the future of students.

  44. Previously, most of them were foreign horses, but now domestic horses are institutionalized to be more than 70%, and we have tried to promote the level of Korean horse racing to the world by holding the Asian Racing Conference (ARC). I think my juniors did a great job in raising the status of Korean horse racing as it was not a part country, but became a part 2 country through Part 3, and I am proud of it.Unfortunately, the 온라인경마 horse racing industry itself is not connected to the general society and there are few related industries, so I am an expert here, but there is nothing to do if I quit. I think it’s a big problem. I hope the horse industry itself will be settled. I also hope that all fields, including horse racing, horseback riding, rehabilitation, production, and fostering, will be systematically established.”

  45. I’m married and my children have grown up, so I’m working as a professor and accountant abroad. For me, the Racing Authority is like my second hometown, my home, and I have a special attachment. I hope the Korean Racing Authority will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I have been vice chairman of the Korean Racing Authority even after 10 or 20 years.He is still working as the senior vice president of the Korea Equestrian Federation for the Disabled and worked as the first head of the horseback riding healing center to promote the social public interest aspects of 온라인경마 rehabilitation horseback riding. In addition, by promoting the National Horse Riding Movement, executives were also allowed to ride horses, and the horseback riding boom spread across the country by grasping the current status of horseback riding grounds nationwide. I hope that the policy will continue to be inherited and developed, but there is a regret that the shape has changed since then.

  46. I’m married and my children have grown up, so I’m working as a professor and accountant abroad. For me, the Racing Authority is like my second hometown, my home, and I have a special attachment. I hope the Korean Racing Authority will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I have been vice chairman of the Korean Racing Authority even after 10 or 20 years.He is still working as the senior vice president of the Korea Equestrian Federation for the Disabled and worked as the first head of the horseback riding healing center to promote the social public interest aspects 온라인경마 of rehabilitation horseback riding. In addition, by promoting the National Horse Riding Movement, executives were also allowed to ride horses, and the horseback riding boom spread across the country by grasping the current status of horseback riding grounds nationwide. I hope that the policy will continue to be inherited and developed, but there is a regret that the shape has changed since then.

  47. As a horse-riding healing center, the Racing Authority should do a business that can treat the disabled with words. Rehabilitation horseback riding should be activated, but it is regrettable that there is a limit. Also, I think it is right to introduce medical insurance for rehabilitation horseback riding. It doesn’t make sense that medical insurance doesn’t cover physica 온라인경마 l therapy and horse rehabilitation horseback riding. While preparing for my master’s thesis, I newly learned that I have medical insurance in Italy, but it’s a pity that it’s not yet available under our conditions. “I think they’re all doing well. What I am particularly proud of is that I learned systems that cannot be found anywhere in Korea through foreign materials, studying abroad, and business trips, laying the foundation for the development of the horse racing industry.

  48. Since I took office, the general meeting has been changed to a culture of holding a general meeting in the auditorium of the Korea Racing Authority, eating at a cafeteria,온라인경마 saving money, and looking around the workplace I used to go to.Other alumni usually have a hall. Retirees gather to eat and play Go for organs, and we hope that there will be a space like this in our massage club. We are collecting special reserves from members regarding the construction of the hall. We are trying to create a place where members can communicate by setting up even a small single-story building on the outskirts.”

  49. Since the past decade or so, only means of controlling horse racing have been taken, which has been dampened by the development of the horse racing and horse industries and the contribution of the government to national tax revenues. I think the purpose of establishing the Korean Racing Authority can be achieved only when regulations are lifted to create a place where anyone can enjoy sports comfortably. “It is true that there are quite a few things to worry about when looking at the over-the-counter sales issue or the recent situation.”Personally, I was born in the year of the horse. The year of the horse is at the horse company. It is a great honor for me to join the company as a high온라인경마 school graduate, attend college and graduate school, and even serve as a vice-chairman. He has been in the horse industry for about 40 years after serving as the head of the healing center for 3 years and 8 months and serving as the chairman of Masa Dongwoo since January 2016.

  50. It is heartbreaking that the 2007 Sea Story incident has become a social issue and the horse racing industry is shrinking as the commission has controlled the horse racing industry to control it. Horse racing is being carried out in major countries around the world except for the communist region, but few countries directly control horse racing or set a purchase cap. It’s a sport with gambling, but you have to solve t온라인경마 he problem through legal institutions. Otherwise, it can flow into the underground economy and illegal gambling.CEO Kim Moon-young has been working hard, especially with an obsession with the horse industry and horse racing industry. If someone like CEO Kim Moon-young comes out for a few more minutes, the Korean language industry will be able to develop through legitimate criticism and advice.

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