“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.637 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. It was the same for both horse riding and horse racing.buy like thisI don’t think there was a difficult year.Currently, horseback riding is in a fog with no end in sight, and horse racing is full of dark clouds.This was attributed to the media and broadcasting reporting of bad events related to the horse industry.It is time to think a lot about how to overcome the crisis that has hit the 일본경마사이트 horse industry.Horseback riding is youth horseback riding, and horse racing is making a lot of efforts to pioneer a way out of international racing, but the effect is not so great yet compared to that effort.However, if you keep trying, there will be consequences.Racing Media is also struggling with unexpected things this year, but I’m sure they’ll overcome it wisely and well.The Korean Language Trainer Association, which I am in charge of, did not do much in 2017.It is true that the activities were restricted due to various conditions.I hope that all of these things will be cleared one by one in 2018,

  2. Actually, I thought about retiring this year. After having a stomachache operation two years ago, Bongwa-jik inflammation occurred twice in August last year. I thought I should retire now and make myself comfortable. I was going to retire in April and send him to Jangsu to crossbreed with “Rico” to have a baby, but it didn’t happen because the part of “Classic 온라인경마 Girl” was too big. It is said that the probability of giving birth to a colt is not high due to age. In the future, I plan to pick up students with Master Holes.Youth riding should not miss the essence of education. Currently, youth horseback riding is more focused on competition than education. I think you just have to go quickly, even if it’s dangerous without getting on exactly.

  3. It focused on issues close to people’s lives, such as pointing out that food safety issues that threaten people’s health, such as the insecticide egg crisis, are continuing in our society and emphasizing the urgent need to improve the egg distribution structure centered on GP centers.As an alternative to the depletion of fish resources in coastal waters due 일본경마사이트 to the use of raw feed for aquaculture fishing grounds, he stressed the urgent need to change government policies to expand mixed feed.As the V-PASS supply project, which was carried out for the convenience and safety of fishermen, is a burden on fishermen due to lack of preparation, it was evaluated that it carried out policy inspection by presenting alternatives rather than raising problems.Rep. Kim Chul-min said, “We will continue to carefully take care of the matters pointed out in the parliamentary audit and make efforts to lead to system improvement and legislation.”

  4. There are 881 centers and 4,800 rehabilitation horse-riding instructors are providing rehabilitation horse-riding programs to 66,000 participants.This is possible because there are 62,000 volunteers, thousands of donors, and 7,800 rehabilitation horses.Centers are established and operated by donations, and many volunteers participate 일본경마사이트 directly or indirectly from feeding words to operating the center.Volunteers who participate in the class directly focus on leading horses (horse leaders) or walking next to horses to help the rider (sidewalkers).In the new year, rehabilitation horseback riding will be expanded around public racetracks, so how about sharing warm hearts and exercising through volunteer work?At the end of 2011, the Industrial Promotion Act came into effect and the second five-year plan will be announced soonI think it will be a timely prescription for the horse industry in difficult situations.Horses begin to walk and run as soon as they are born,

  5. Even at the competition site, coaches do not instruct how to ride accurately, but teach them like “Go quickly” and “turn.” This is not education. When you are young, you should play games that include education rather than deciding on the first, second, and third places.Since the last Sangju competition, the standard jumping class has been implemented, which transformed the U.S. hunter game. Standard jumping classes are an event that requires a lot of education. If you don’t ride 온라인경마
    correctly, you can’t win a prize. Youth horseback riding should be based on education so that in the long run, it can go out to advanced countries with advanced horseback riding. It can be shiny if you focus on grades, but it’s no different from horseback riding in our generation.It is a book that records episodes with ‘Classic Girl’. The content includes not only episodes but also technical parts.

  6. I heard that parents also filed a complaint with the Kookmin Newspaper, demanding that students lower the qualification limit to 18 years old from the time they first entered the school. In the case of industrial high schools, there is a special need to transport machines, so there is a movement to lower the age because a driver’s license is required for students I heard. In order to foster future talent, it is necessary to lower the age of taking the horse industry qualification test. I think it will have a negative impact on the employment rate and the future온라인경마 of students because I can’t even take the qualification test when I graduate after obtaining the qualification. It is important for students to see and experience advanced countries in the horse industry when they are young. In Japan, 10 students are sent to Northern Farm every year for training.

  7. I heard that parents also filed a complaint with the Kookmin Newspaper, demanding that students lower the qualification limit to 18 years old from the time they first entered the school. In the case of industrial high schools, there is a special need to transport machines, so there is a movement to lower the age because a driver’s license is required for students I heard. In order to foster future talent, it is necessary to lower the age of taking the horse industry qualification test. I think온라인경마 it will have a negative impact on the employment rate and the future of students because I can’t even take the qualification test when I graduate after obtaining the qualification. It is important for students to see and experience advanced countries in the horse industry when they are young. In Japan, 10 students are sent to Northern Farm every year for training.

  8. The roles, qualities, duties, and relationships of horse racing officials such as assistants were mentioned.Above all, he mentioned his relationship with “Vurola,” who won the Mugunghwa Cup in 1996, and also pointed out how to train racehorses and watch horses.”There are different stories until the birth of the racehorse, but it is 일본경마사이트 common that there are many difficulties and a lot of labor and sincerity are required.What I felt through ‘Vurola’ is the truth that words repay people in some way as much as they put their heart into it.”All traces of 45 years of regret with horses are precious, but Chapter 6’s “Comprehensive Art Race” and Chapter 7’s “The Future of Horse Racing” suggest the future direction of the horse racing industry. Assistant instructor Ha Jae-heung said, “The current status of Korean horse racing is rigid and brutal, and the performance level of domestic racehorses is still low, and mainly horse-oriented facilities such as problems are still underdeveloped,

  9. Referring to the management of techniques, specifications, and assistants, he diagnosed that efforts to improve quality are needed as they are only focused on growth.Above all, he also spared no criticism on the Korea Racing 일본경마사이트 Authority of the implementation organization for the development of the horse racing industry.Assistant instructor Ha Jae-heung said that despite complaints and improvements, conversations have disappeared at the scene these days, and diagnosed that “it is because I am tired of pointing out everything, and nothing can be corrected at first.” Therefore, he said, “The Korean Racing Authority is obsessed with growing its appearance while pretending to be the owner, and the horse, assistant, rider, and their association remain indifferent,” adding, “For the development of Korean horse racing, effective policies must be made through smooth communication with field workers.

  10. Reporter Hwang In-sung = There is simply a hot bath on the sandy horse-riding where the scorching sun falls in the hot summer.Even in this hot weather, there were people who did not want to miss a word of a Japanese equestrian instructor.They are the trainees who participated in the Gyeongju Retired Horse Riding Soonchi Education.Among them, Park Sang-geun, CEO 일본경마사이트 of Parksil Riding Course, who took a long walk from Busan to Gwacheon, stood out.Following last year, he is a model trainee who participated in the retirement horse purechi education this year.I heard his story of facing the horse industry while working directly in the horse industry.How I got to participate in the “Racing Retired Horse Riding Soonchi Education.”I liked the catch phrase of Japan’s Crane Horse Riding Course, “A horse riding course without a salesperson is not a horse riding course.”So in 2015, I visited the Japanese crane riding ground in person and received a lot of help.

  11. When I first went, I didn’t even know what it was, so I was clumsy, but after two or three times with a horseback riding staff, I got a little bit of a sense of concept.We only went to study the system of the crane riding course, but the Korean Racing Authority invited 일본경마사이트 a Japanese instructor to teach us practical skills, so we applied with joy and participated in the education.I thought it would be a good opportunity to spend about 20 million won a month to go directly.Following last year, I participated in education this year, but I never missed it.I got a big impression at the crane riding ground.There are four to five salespeople at each branch of the Japanese crane riding ground.We don’t even have a non-salesperson, so we’re in a bad situation. The sales team goes out and attracts customers anyway.Once, I left our original course and followed a salesperson.Then, they were selling really hard.

  12. Since being an assistant teacher is a job that cannot avoid competition, you have to bear the stress of competition.In my case, there was no big difficulty in my relationship with Maju because they trusted me a lot.Even now, they trusted me so much tha 일본경마사이트 t they were afraid to go to another stable.However, there were difficulties in that area because they were not in a situation where they could buy expensive horses.However, I overcame it well and developed it in a good way.The most memorable moment was when the dawn boy became the 3rd Kwanma and ate The B at that time.I wrote The B’s diary from D-10, and I think it was a very meaningful moment.Another memorable thing is that he helped the development of the assistant teachers’ association by serving as vice chairman of the assistant teachers’ association and head of the union branch.If you raise the number of horse racing to one side of the competition that only encourages competition

  13. From the horse racing culture newspaper to KRJ Broadcasting, the horse industry journal, and Perfect Today’s horse racing, it is beautiful to be busy delivering meaningful and correct information while it has steadily grown in areas related to the 온라인경마 horse industry. It also makes me feel proud as a person in the horse industry.I don’t think it’s that easy to work on a field for 19 years. The contents and fields that have been delivered during that time will be various and endless. I am sure that these things are enough to serve as compasses to create a horse culture in Korea and lead the horse industry.

  14. They are doing their best to sell promotional materials at the local supermarket.Even if 90% of people turn a blind eye, it would be awesome if 10% were attracted.Looking at it, I felt that sales were important.Park Sang-geun, CEO of Park Sil 일본경마사이트 Riding Course, who is being trained.What is helpful about pure tooth education?The most important problem in front-line horseback riding is to secure safe horses.No matter who you ride, you need well-trained words to guide you through the accident, but there is no such word from the beginning.That’s why you have to make up such words, but learning the skills is helpful.In addition to theoretical education, practical skills are important in horseback riding, and the fact that instructors transfer practical skills directly is very helpful.It runs a riding ground in Busan.How long has it been in operation.It’s been 10 years. It’s a rural horseback riding course,

  15. Although it is a short period of time, they have sold a lot of footwork and are now maintaining the horseback riding course well.The government is providing a lot of support for fostering the horse industry.Apart from this, some say that front-line horseback riding courses need to make efforts to increase their competitiveness.That’s right. You 일본경마사이트 have to keep trying.I am making good use of government and horse racing support projects, but I am taking various measures to strengthen my competitiveness. First of all, you have to be enthusiastic about the customers who come to the horseback riding course and make it fun to continue to visit the horseback riding course.It can never last long to pick and maintain only government-supported projects.It is an era of great competition, and the horse industry is no different.If I lie down with my mouth open, will I lose touch.The results come out depending on how much you try in various ways yourself.

  16. Concerned about the current situation in which the horse racing industry is biased toward competition, he said, “The horse race itself is essentially hot and fierce competition, and if even the implementation systematically and artificially encourages competition, 일본경마사이트 it is no different from a jungle.”In particular, he emphasizes that “this is the right time and time to reform the horse racing culture,” saying, “Let’s change horse racing into a healthy leisure sport.”To this end, it included all know-how, including changing the betting culture, selecting the right horse racing information, and using general information.”The owner of the horse race is a fan and the owner of the racetrack is a horse,” he said, “We need to help fans enjoy horse racing and manage facilities and sites so that horses can run well on the racetrack.”Is it because it is a “know-how” and a “wisdom book” for juniors.Junior players such as Jung Ho-ik, Kwon Seung-joo, Seo Beom-seok,

  17. Reporter Hwang In-sung = Four assistant teachers, who had been active since the beginning or settlement of Korean horse racing, retired with honor on the 29th with a retirement ceremony.They are assistant teachers Jung Ji-eun, Ha Jae-heung, and Kim Yang 일본경마사이트 -sun, who are assistant teachers of the first public recruitment, and assistant teachers Yang Jae-cheol, who was from the second term.It is regrettable that they, who have worked as lonely strategists or commanders in the world of fierce competition, and have worked with horses for nearly 40 years, are now unable to stand on the mainstream.The development of Korean horse racing will also be the result of their efforts, as they have been working together as assistants from the beginning of horse racing to the present day when they entered Part 2.It contains their thoughts on the honorable retirement.I feel nostalgic and sad at the thought of wrapping up a long journey.I think this place is meaningful in its own way.

  18. We hope that Korea will be able to become an advanced horseback riding country through efforts to create jobs and expand the base of the horseback riding population due to improved productivity in the horse industry, and we hope that racing media will participate as a partner.I hope you will always receive the attention of many readers with new and interesting news as vare now, and I look forward to your continued prosperity.
    온라인경마 horse industry development law was enacted, the horse industry development plan was implemented, and the second five-year plan was implemented, but if there are any shortcomings, it is necessary to look back on whether it is practical or not.

  19. Wouldn’t there have been no difficulties or pain while sharing with horses for a long time.have gone through a lot of joy and sorrow.We laughed together when we were happy, and shared the pain with each other when we were having a hard time.I remember the 일본경마사이트 moments when we tried to understand each other while looking into each other’s eyes.Now that I look back on it, even the hard things at that time feel beautiful.It’s probably the most basic story, but first, I hope you have an affection for words.And I hope you have a sense of purpose as well as a sense of mission for what you do.If juniors have a future vision and empathize for words, they will overcome any difficulties.If the juniors struggle, they will be able to enjoy the joy of creating a famous horse in the same way as the horse, and there is no doubt that it will be a great nourishment for the development of Korean horse racing.Now, it plans to expand its activities beyond the institutional sphere.

  20. Wouldn’t there have been no difficulties or pain while sharing with horses for a long time.have gone through a lot of joy and sorrow.We laughed together when we were happy, and shared the pain with each other when we were having a hard time.I remember the moments when we tried to understand each other while looking into each other’s eyes.Now that 일본경마사이트 I look back on it, even the hard things at that time feel beautiful.It’s probably the most basic story, but first, I hope you have an affection for words.And I hope you have a sense of purpose as well as a sense of mission for what you do.If juniors have a future vision and empathize for words, they will overcome any difficulties.If the juniors struggle, they will be able to enjoy the joy of creating a famous horse in the same way as the horse, and there is no doubt that it will be a great nourishment for the development of Korean horse racing.Now, it plans to expand its activities beyond the institutional sphere.

  21. The Korean Horse Trainer Association will also recognize the importance of horse training and will continue to make efforts to combine advanced training techniques of horse riding and horse racing. To that end, we will create a Korean language trainer association that is developing day by day while sharing information related to racing media and training and receiving advice. The horse industry is an industry that grows with increasing national income and has already been온라인경마
    established as a living sport in many developed countries. Recently, as interest in health and leisure increases, Korean people’s interest in the horse industry is also expanding. The horse industry is a complex cultural industry that combines livestock and leisure, and has very high added value. However, there are many challenges for the domestic horse industry to take off and develop.

  22. There are some regrets about my retirement.Since I am a former jockey, I want to give advice and coach if the jockeys are inexperienced in the race.He can be an assistant as much as anyone, but these days, there is a big gap with the younger generation and it is not happening at all in the current atmosphere of the racetrack.For example, in the case 일본경마사이트 of foreign countries, retired assistants are sufficiently used in the re-election committee.Even if you are not a full-time employee, you can use it as an adviser, or you can give advice and coaching to the rider.However, in Korea, such things are not allowed at all.That’s too bad. And it’s also too bad for those who contributed to the development of horse racing.I saw this scene while going abroad to buy horses, and there were people who showed some signs without paying an entrance fee and just went in.When I asked the group I went with who it was, I worked as an assistant teacher for a long time in the past,

  23. Production farms have faced many ups and downs due to horse innovation, but they are doubling their investment and efforts to improve the quality of horses, but the 온라인경마 number of Thoroughbred racehorses required at two racetracks in Korea is limited.For the development of the horse industry, including horse racing and horseback riding, it is necessary to make the best efforts for each organization’s given academic affairs. “Horse Industry Journal” is also a media outlet specializing in the horse industry.

  24. Reporter Hwang In-sung = The world of winning is cold.However, in youth sports, this proposition loses some power.In particular, in youth horseback riding competitions where young players breathe with horses, the value of the virtues gained through the game itself is greater than the performance itself.The first preliminary round of the ‘2018 Youth 일본경마사이트 Equestrian League’ held at the Anseong Farmland Equestrian Center on the 7th was no different.It was the first competition in the metropolitan area before the Youth Equestrian League, which debuted this year, and all participants seemed a little clumsy on the course for the first time, but everyone could laugh through horseback riding.Among them, the “Ansung Farmland Youth Equestrian Team,” whose home ground is Anseong Farmland, where the competition will be held, stood out.The “Ansung Farmland Youth Equestrian Team,” which is the first competition to compete with other equestrian clubs, is not obsessed with the results of the competition

  25. The government is making various efforts to expand the base of the horse industry, including horse breeding, revitalizing leisure sports, training professionals, and manufacturing related products. In parallel with the government’s efforts, the interest and cooperation of industries, local governments, and related agencies are very important. If we work together, we will be able to foster the horse industry as a new growth engine and future industry in our agricultural and livestock industry. 온라인경마 Horses were not just livestock. He is a companion who has shared history with us humans. I’ve been running with people, pioneering history and expanding the scene of history. Even though cars replaced horses, we humans couldn’t erase the history of horses. I couldn’t send the horse to the back of history. We were enthusiastic about horse racing, continuing to support running horses, and enjoyed horse riding, interacting with horses and breathing together.

  26. Reporter Hwang In-sung = The world of winning is cold.However, in youth sports, this proposition loses some power.In particular, in youth horseback riding competitions where young players breathe with horses, the value of the virtues gained through the 일본경마사이트 game itself is greater than the performance itself.The first preliminary round of the ‘2018 Youth Equestrian League’ held at the Anseong Farmland Equestrian Center on the 7th was no different.It was the first competition in the metropolitan area before the Youth Equestrian League, which debuted this year, and all participants seemed a little clumsy on the course for the first time, but everyone could laugh through horseback riding.Among them, the “Ansung Farmland Youth Equestrian Team,” whose home ground is Anseong Farmland, where the competition will be held, stood out.The “Ansung Farmland Youth Equestrian Team,” which is the first competition to compete with other equestrian clubs, is not obsessed with the results of the competition

  27. Even in this hot weather, there were people who did not want to miss a word of a Japanese equestrian instructor.They are the trainees who participated in the Gyeongju Retired Horse Riding Soonchi Education.Among them, Park Sang-geun, CEO of Parksil Riding Course, who took a long walk from Busan to 일본경마사이트 Gwacheon, stood out.Following last year, he is a model trainee who participated in the retirement horse purechi education this year.I heard his story of facing the horse industry while working directly in the horse industry.How I got to participate in the “Racing Retired Horse Riding Soonchi Education.”I liked the catch phrase of Japan’s Crane Horse Riding Course, “A horse riding course without a salesperson is not a horse riding course.”So in 2015, I visited the Japanese crane riding ground in person and received a lot of help.

  28. He received training for the conversion of horses to Gyeongju retirement.Do you think Gyeongju Retired Horse is worth using in the horse industry.Yes, in general, I think Thoroughbred is a wild horse because it is a racehorse.However, Japan is taking it to the next level and making good use of it. We can make full use of it if we learn, too.A horse is better off than a horse. This is because retired horses have basic training.However, it is easy to use if you reduce the speed.I’m in a position 일본경마사이트 to learn now, but in the next 10 years, our appearance will change tremendously.And the distribution of technology is not one thing, and if I learn first and run the horseback riding course well, I will follow all the secrets of other horseback riding courses.Would it be helpful if there was a private training center specializing in retired horses in Gyeongju.I think it’ll help.However, at the front-line horseback riding ground,

  29. As the only horse industry newspaper in Korea, I sincerely congratulate the 5th anniversary of the foundation of the Horse Industry Journal, which has played a leading role in the development of the horse industry.As a new growth engine for the national economy, I would like to express my deep gratitude to those who have provided expertise and information as 일본경마사이트 well as to inform the net function of the horse industry.The horse industry is a high value-added industry that can be expanded in various forms such as primary industry production and breeding, secondary industry feed, horse riding, tertiary industry horse racing, tourism, education, and rehabilitation.For this reason, the horse industry for the people was put as the first task in the Korean Racing Authority’s National Sympathy Innovation Project established in May.Accordingly, the Korea Racing Authority plans to expand the base of horseback riding, a key engine for fostering the horse industry,

  30. The government is making various efforts to expand the base of the horse industry, including horse breeding, revitalizing leisure sports, training professionals, and manufacturing related products. In parallel with the government’s efforts, the interest and cooperation of industries, local governments, and related agencies are very important. If we work together, we will be able to foster the horse industry as a new growth engine and future industry in our agricultural and livestock industry.Horses were not just livestock. He is a companion who has shared history with us humans. I’ve been running with people, pioneering 온라인경마 history and expanding the scene of history. Even though cars replaced horses, we humans couldn’t erase the history of horses. I couldn’t send the horse to the back of history. We were enthusiastic about horse racing, continuing to support running horses, and enjoyed horse riding, interacting with horses and breathing together.

  31. Production farms have faced many ups and downs due to horse innovation, but they are doubling their investment and efforts to improve the quality of horses, but 온라인경마the number of Thoroughbred racehorses required at two racetracks in Korea is limited.For the development of the horse industry, including horse racing and horseback riding, it is necessary to make the best efforts for each organization’s given academic affairs. “Horse Industry Journal” is also a media outlet specializing in the horse industry.

  32. Of course. After making his debut in the first year, he finished a year with only two wins and the next year with only three wins. Not to mention the winning rate. Maybe that was a stimulus. Should I say that it stimulated the desire to win. I think trying to find an answer is what I’ve done all my life and what I’ve got to do. At that time, he tried to strengthen his inner 온라인경마
    self by receiving a lot of advice from his so-called senior colleagues and asking a lot of questions. As a result, I kept facing words and naturally tried to understand the words themselves. At some point, I felt joy as if I was running myself when I saw a horse I had affection racing with all my might on the racetrack. Since then, I have thought about many things about Maju.

  33. It seems more like a coincidence than a meeting with me. Meeting good words is also very lucky in a way. I think what I did was not miss the opportunity that came to me. How much of a racehorse’s ability must be before the rider’s abilit온라인경마 y can be exercised. I think I’ve had a lot of luck.Before I knew it, I became a senior in the jockey world. Fans are worried about it, but the thing that everyone is most worried about is their future life. I want to do my best in a given situation. The goal is to protect Choi Bum-hyun’s unique belle. I want to continue to maintain good thoughts and good physical condition and continue to jockey until my physical strength drops.

  34. It seems more like a coincidence than a meeting with me. Meeting good words is also very lucky in a way. I think what I did was not miss the opportunity that came to me. How much of a racehorse’s ability must be before the rider’s ability 일본경마사이트
    can be exercised. I think I’ve had a lot of luck.Before I knew it, I became a senior in the jockey world. Fans are worried about it, but the thing that everyone is most worried about is their future life. I want to do my best in a given situation. The goal is to protect Choi Bum-hyun’s unique belle. I want to continue to maintain good thoughts and good physical condition and continue to jockey until my physical strength drops.

  35. It seems more like a coincidence than a meeting with me. Meeting good words is also very lucky in a way. I think what I did was not miss the opportunity that came to me. How much of a racehorse’s ability must be before the rider’s온라인경마 ability can be exercised. I think I’ve had a lot of luck.Before I knew it, I became a senior in the jockey world. Fans are worried about it, but the thing that everyone is most worried about is their future life. I want to do my best in a given situation. The goal is to protect Choi Bum-hyun’s unique belle. I want to continue to maintain good thoughts and good physical condition and continue to jockey until my physical strength drops.

  36. I thought it was unreasonable to make a big decision and invest, but to have no choice but to say “good to get caught.”Of course, at first, I ran all over the place to find good words like the others. However, over time, it only reduced the limitations of the system. Then suddenly, I thought it would be 온라인경마 a good challenge to introduce a new lineage to Korean horse racing by introducing a mare of good blood. At that time, producers were not financially relaxed, and production farmers were protected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s policy, so there was no need to make excessive challenges. I can’t make a big difference, but I’ve come this far because I thought I’d go through a small test process.

  37. This is not the only activity of Jung Young-sik and Maju. At the end of 2015, Jung Young-sik and Maju donated 100 million won to the underprivileged at the retirement ceremony of Indie Band, which was considered a representative horse and filial son in 2013. He is practicing Noblesse Oblige himself. Jung Young-sik, who proved that there is a true path for the face to move forward in the process of constantly researching, challenging, and giving. In recent years, many people have given up their온라인경마 eligibility to face each other, and at a time when the application rate for new faces is decreasing, concerns about “what is facing each other” continue. Congratulations on winning the Horse Industry Awards. Due to the sentiment of Korean horse racing, it is not easy for Maju to gain such high popularity, but it seems to feel different.

  38. It is not something that the two sides will decide entirely, so they are discussing with assistant teacher Kim Young-kwan and making plans. Since there is a rating in Korea, it seems that it is inevitable to avoid the high load. Personally, if you have a good horse, I think it is the duty of the opponent to provide an opportunity for the horse to show its ability to its fullest. Of course, the first priority will be whether the horse is in good enough condition.When I just started working face to face, there were 온라인경마
    many problems in the production market. Seammal took horses on the verge of culling from the United States, and among them, the so-called “good to get caught” was widespread. It was also difficult to mix various bloodlines because they relied only on good seed horses provided by the Korean Racing Authority. Buying racehorses is never an easy challenge.

  39. It seems more like a coincidence than a meeting with me. Meeting good words is also very lucky in a way. I think what I did was not miss the opportunity that came to me. How much of a racehorse’s ability must be before the rider’s ability 온라인경마 can be exercised. I think I’ve had a lot of luck.Before I knew it, I became a senior in the jockey world. Fans are worried about it, but the thing that everyone is most worried about is their future life. I want to do my best in a given situation. The goal is to protect Choi Bum-hyun’s unique belle. I want to continue to maintain good thoughts and good physical condition and continue to jockey until my physical strength drops.

  40. He is 26 years old this year.I’m a representative of a ranch at a young age, but I think I’m still young to run a ranch.I am at an age where I have to learn from a lot of experience, but there are many difficulties in managing it myself.There 일본경마사이트 is a lack of knowledge and experience in manpower management or government policy necessary to operate the ranch.I thought I knew words well and studied a lot in my own way, but it was different from what I thought when I raised a horse myself.I dreamed of running around with horses and relaxing.However, the reality is that there are many difficulties in addition to horse management, such as grassland management, facility management, and government support.Currently, I am getting help from my father and those who have a lot of experience in horses around me.It has the advantage of being able to work passionately because it is young.

  41. He is 26 years old this year.I’m a representative of a ranch at a young age, but I think I’m still young to run a ranch.I am at an age where I have to learn from a lot of experience, but there are many difficulties in managing it myself.There is a lack of knowledge and 일본경마사이트 experience in manpower management or government policy necessary to operate the ranch.I thought I knew words well and studied a lot in my own way, but it was different from what I thought when I raised a horse myself.I dreamed of running around with horses and relaxing.However, the reality is that there are many difficulties in addition to horse management, such as grassland management, facility management, and government support.Currently, I am getting help from my father and those who have a lot of experience in horses around me.It has the advantage of being able to work passionately because it is young.

  42. With the strong start of Korean horse racing toward the world continuing throughout the year, a domestic rider has stepped up this time.Moon Se-young, dubbed the “Prince 일본경마사이트 ” of the Korean race, left the country on May 7 and began adapting to the region at the Kranji Racecourse in Singapore from May 8.This year marks the 17th anniversary of his debut, and Moon Se-young’s entry into Singapore stems from his willingness to challenge without being complacent.At the end of last year, the International Racing Department of the Korean Racing Authority also actively cooperated and contacted the Singapore Tough Club (STC).Short-term licenses were approved on Feb. 20 despite difficult conditions such as Singapore’s tricky introduction of riders and the allocation of riders.Singapore has been classified as a Part II country by the International Race Classification Committee (ICSC)

  43. After the contract, he began to raise horses in earnest.As I interacted with horses while riding a horse, I fell into the charm of horses without realizing it.Where did I study horses? From my third year of college until graduation, I took horseback 일본경마사이트 riding classes conducted by the horse society.The Korean Racing Authority completed the “University Student Horse Industry Technology Curriculum” and the “Ranch Manager Course” conducted by the Training Academy.During the vacation, I briefly helped the horseback riding course in Jeju Island and learned horseback riding.At the Jeju Racehorse Breeding Ranch, I learned a lot about racehorse, including the lineage and breeding process of horses.I mainly studied through the Internet. There is not much data on horses in Korea, so I got information through foreign language-related sites or YouTube.I usually use a site called Bloodhorse or the Horse, but I don’t know much about racehorses

  44. During his activities, he maintained a consistent performance of 10% of the winning rate.At that time, I was able to learn various methods through activities in Macau and became a stepping stone for growth even after returning to Korea.Jockey Moon Se-young cheered for the growth of his juniors 일본경마사이트 , saying, “I hope that my juniors can freely advance abroad through me rather than pressure on their performance.” He also said, “I felt like I needed a change because I thought staying was scary.”If I adapt to a difficult place, I will ride a horse in the future, and I think I will become more mature mentally and physically,” he said.With the strong start of Korean horse racing toward the world continuing throughout the year, “Prince Hwang” Moon Se-young has stepped up this time.Moon, who left for Singapore, is expected to compete for the first time in the night race on Friday the 19th or Sunday the 21st.

  45. It was touching to see the glorious moment of the birth of “American Peroa,” the three-way horse, in the United States for the first time in 37 years.In the future, the goal is to start production of love red.At the U.S. auction in Novembe 일본경마사이트 r this year, three heads of fine-grained seed horses will be imported.The goal is to produce racehorses on their own and compete in the race so that the horses perform well.The other is that I want to make a ranch, a horse theme park like Northern Hols Park in Japan, and make it a famous tourist attraction.I want to allow people to visit the ranch through various experience programs using miniature holes.I want to let many people know the charm of horses by touching and interacting with them, not just watching them from afar.His final goal is to produce his own racehorses and compete in the race to achieve good results.

  46. Jeju Halla University, which produced the training manual, and officials from the pilot farm meet once a month to show results and refine the manual by taking care of difficulties.After some time of this process, words made according to the 일본경마사이트 manual will come out.Data tracking compares horses that have undergone pilot farm training with other horses according to age.I will track and announce how early the race will be and how my performance will be after participating.I know it works for other farms, and I hope it will be distributed quickly.”In connection with Jeju Halla University, which co-produced the standard manual, four pilot farms have been selected, and they are gathering once a month to conduct education and refine the manual.If there are any difficulties for farmers.First, there is the problem of aging farmers.Even if an aging farmhouse wants to do this together, it is impossible.

  47. As an advanced country, the level of racehorses and the degree of internationalization are significantly ahead of Korea.In particular, the conditions for the introduction of foreign riders by the Singapore Tough Club are known to be difficult, but it is rumored that they will participate based on Moon Se-young’s excellent performance, hosting international competitions such as the Korea Cup, and promotion of Korean horse racing to Part 2 일본경마사이트 .As of the 11th, rider Moon Se-young has started training in Kranji, Singapore, and is expected to compete for the first time in the night race on Friday, May 19 or Sunday, May 21.The license period is three months, which can be extended according to the intention of flag bearer Moon Se-young or the details of his activities.In fact, this is the second time for flag bearer Moon Se-young to advance overseas.He was invited to Macau for three months in 2013

  48. During his activities, he maintained a consistent performance of 10% of the winning rate.At that time, I was able to learn various methods through activities in Macau and became a stepping stone for growth even after returning to Korea.Jockey Moon Se-young cheered for the growth of his juniors, saying, “I hope that 일본경마사이트 my juniors can freely advance abroad through me rather than pressure on their performance.” He also said, “I felt like I needed a change because I thought staying was scary.”If I adapt to a difficult place, I will ride a horse in the future, and I think I will become more mature mentally and physically,” he said.With the strong start of Korean horse racing toward the world continuing throughout the year, “Prince Hwang” Moon Se-young has stepped up this time.Moon, who left for Singapore, is expected to compete for the first time in the night race on Friday the 19th or Sunday the 21st.

  49. With the strong start of Korean horse racing toward the world continuing throughout the year, a domestic rider has stepped up this time.Moon Se-young, dubbed the “Prince” of the Korean race, left the country on May 7 and began adapting to the region at the Kranji Racecourse in Singapore from May 8.This year marks the 일본경마사이트 17th anniversary of his debut, and Moon Se-young’s entry into Singapore stems from his willingness to challenge without being complacent.At the end of last year, the International Racing Department of the Korean Racing Authority also actively cooperated and contacted the Singapore Tough Club (STC).Short-term licenses were approved on Feb. 20 despite difficult conditions such as Singapore’s tricky introduction of riders and the allocation of riders.Singapore has been classified as a Part II country by the International Race Classification Committee (ICSC)

  50. He makes a lot of efforts at the stage before entering the racehorse while creating a longevity and Jeju ranch and operating manpower.On the other hand, in the case of Jeju horse, there were no such efforts at all.The general public’s perception 일본경마사이트
    of Jeju horses, and even the perception of the employees of the horse racing society, is the idea that “Jeju horses can just be put there and run.”Like Thoroughbred, the process of production, training, and fostering is not systematic, but at some point, they are put into Gyeongju because they are old.When you come in without training, you lose your expertise and have a lot of accidents.The level of horses running is also low.There are also many good words and deviations.Overall, the quality of the race is poor.Jeju horse racing is being broadcasted to Seoul and Busan, and there were also complaints that customers saw Jeju horse racing and said, “I can’t watch it,” and “What horse race is it?”

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