“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.631 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. It is judged that horsemanship is in good condition. The previous race was a return match after resting, so the sense of the race was low, and this time, his condition seems to have risen as he found a normal running cycle. Since running steadily is an advantage, I think I can expect unexpectedly good results if it becomes a race where the front line collapses, so I will do my best to 온라인경마
    compete in the race.The flower of horse racing is called a jockey.a. Then, how should the female jockeys, who have formed exceptionally high and covetous flowers, be called? Let’s Run Park Seoul currently has seven female riders. Here is the fifth female rider to win 40 games after a fierce individual battle in horse racing, where there is no gender handicap.

  2. It is judged that horsemanship is in good condition. The previous race was a return match after resting, so the sense of the race was low, and this time, his condition seems to have risen as he found a normal running cycle. Since running steadily is an advantage, I think I can expect unexpectedly good results if i온라인경마
    t becomes a race where the front line collapses, so I will do my best to compete in the race.The flower of horse racing is called a jockey.a. Then, how should the female jockeys, who have formed exceptionally high and covetous flowers, be called? Let’s Run Park Seoul currently has seven female riders. Here is the fifth female rider to win 40 games after a fierce individual battle in horse racing, where there is no gender handicap.

  3. It is judged that horsemanship is in good condition. The previous race was a return match after resting, so the sense of the race was low, and this time, his condition seems to have risen as he found a normal running cycle. Since running steadily is an advantage, I think I can expect unexpectedly good results if it becomes a race where the front line collapses, so I will do my best to온라인경마
    compete in the race.The flower of horse racing is called a jockey.a. Then, how should the female jockeys, who have formed exceptionally high and covetous flowers, be called? Let’s Run Park Seoul currently has seven female riders. Here is the fifth female rider to win 40 games after a fierce individual battle in horse racing, where there is no gender handicap.

  4. I didn’t care at all because I didn’t have nine moves so far. He has consistently won one or two wins a month, but it is true that he was embarrassed because he fell a lot without a win for nearly three months and was injured during training. In the meantime, the 20 trillion horse club, which belongs to the club, allowed 온라인경마 him to ride a good horse without changing, and even if he came in second as the first horse, the horse was in bad condition, and the combination was strong. I don’t know what the assistant thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, “Let’s go slowly.” I was very grateful and worried. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know.

  5. I didn’t care at all because I didn’t have nine moves so far. He has consistently won one or two wins a month, but it is true that he was embarrassed because he fell a lot without a win for nearly three months and was injured during training. In the 온라인경마 meantime, the 20 trillion horse club, which belongs to the club, allowed him to ride a good horse without changing, and even if he came in second as the first horse, the horse was in bad condition, and the combination was strong. I don’t know what the assistant thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, “Let’s go slowly.” I was very grateful and worried. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know.

  6. It is judged that horsemanship is in good condition. The previous race was a return match after resting, so the sense of the race was low, and this time, his condition seems to have risen as he found a normal running cycle. Since running steadily is an advantage, I think I can expect unexpectedly good results if it becomes a race where the front line collapses, so I will do my best to온라인경마 compete in the race.The flower of horse racing is called a jockey.a. Then, how should the female jockeys, who have formed exceptionally high and covetous flowers, be called? Let’s Run Park Seoul currently has seven female riders. Here is the fifth female rider to win 40 games after a fierce individual battle in horse racing, where there is no gender handicap.

  7. It is judged that horsemanship is in good condition. The previous race was a return match after resting, so the sense of the race was low, and this time, his condition seems to have risen as he found a normal running cycle. Since running steadily is an advantage, I think I can expect unexpectedly good results if it becomes a race where the front line collapses, so I will do my best to온라인경마 compete in the race.The flower of horse racing is called a jockey.a. Then, how should the female jockeys, who have formed exceptionally high and covetous flowers, be called? Let’s Run Park Seoul currently has seven female riders. Here is the fifth female rider to win 40 games after a fierce individual battle in horse racing, where there is no gender handicap.

  8. So I think he wanted to ride it in a proper posture and way rather than winning. At the end, I tried to whip without realizing it, but I endured the instructions and crossed the finish line.It was so good that I screamed and was proud that I hit the horse several times. As soon as I passed, I thought, “Oh, that’s great. I finally did it.온라인경마 ” He kept second place all week, and moreover, he didn’t win all three months. It was my first time as a rider and it was really hard mentally. I was most grateful to the horse, and I wanted to run to the assistant teacher and Ma Bang-gu to shout that I had won and be praised. During my return to Hamadai, I was grateful as I remembered the faces of those who had been encouraging me.

  9. It’s my first time training a horse, but I feel good about training, but I don’t listen to the instructions of the trainer well, and it’s hard to get training results because of the bad nature of driving, and I don’t think I got good results in the best. It is difficult to judge accurately because I have not been in the actual game, but if you look at the feeling of training, it is a good horse that can 온라인경마 produce unexpected results if the race goes well.He made his debut in person, but his condition has not yet improved even after accumulating experience in racing. His legs are still weak, but his body is generally heavy because he is gaining weight. If you lose weight and get better in the future, it is a horse that has potential for development, but at the moment, you don’t seem to have much room to guarantee winning the prize.

  10. So I think he wanted to ride it in a proper posture and way rather than winning. At the end, I tried to whip without realizing it, but I endured the instructions and crossed the finish line.It was so good that I screamed and was proud that I hit the horse several times. As soon as I passed, I thought, “Oh, that’s great. I finally did it.”온라인경마 He kept second place all week, and moreover, he didn’t win all three months. It was my first time as a rider and it was really hard mentally. I was most grateful to the horse, and I wanted to run to the assistant teacher and Ma Bang-gu to shout that I had won and be praised. During my return to Hamadai, I was grateful as I remembered the faces of those who had been encouraging me.

  11. It’s my first time training a horse, but I feel good about training, but I don’t listen to the instructions of the trainer well, and it’s hard to get training results because of the bad nature of driving, and I don’t think I got good results in the best. It is difficult to judge accurately because I have not been in the actual game, but if you look at the feeling of training, it is a good horse that can p온라인경마
    roduce unexpected results if the race goes well.He made his debut in person, but his condition has not yet improved even after accumulating experience in racing. His legs are still weak, but his body is generally heavy because he is gaining weight. If you lose weight and get better in the future, it is a horse that has potential for development, but at the moment, you don’t seem to have much room to guarantee winning the prize.

  12. It’s my first time training a horse, but I feel good about training, but I don’t listen to the instructions of the trainer well, and it’s hard to get training results because of the bad nature of driving, and I don’t think I got good results in the best. It is difficult to judge accurately because I have not been in the actual game, but if you look at the feeling of training, it is a good horse that can produce unexpected results if the race goes well.He made his debut in 온라인경마
    person, but his condition has not yet improved even after accumulating experience in racing. His legs are still weak, but his body is generally heavy because he is gaining weight. If you lose weight and get better in the future, it is a horse that has potential for development, but at the moment, you don’t seem to have much room to guarantee winning the prize.

  13. I didn’t care at all because I didn’t have nine moves so far. He has consistently won one or two wins a month, but it is true that he was embarrassed because he fell a lot without a win for nearly three months and was injured during training. In the온라인경마
    meantime, the 20 trillion horse club, which belongs to the club, allowed him to ride a good horse without changing, and even if he came in second as the first horse, the horse was in bad condition, and the combination was strong. I don’t know what the assistant thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, “Let’s go slowly.” I was very grateful and worried. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know.

  14. I didn’t care at all because I didn’t have nine moves so far. He has consistently won one or two wins a month, but it is true that he was embarrassed because he fell a lot without a win for nearly three months and was injured during training. In the meantime, the 20 trillion horse club, which belongs to the club, 온라인경마
    allowed him to ride a good horse without changing, and even if he came in second as the first horse, the horse was in bad condition, and the combination was strong. I don’t know what the assistant thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, “Let’s go slowly.” I was very grateful and worried. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know.

  15. It is a horse that has won three times, and it is a horse that has a good chemistry between winning and third place. In particular, the third place in the previous race seemed to have run better than expected, so it was an opportunity to participate in the race with confidence in the future. There are tough opponents in this race, but I think I can make good results because I am preparing well 온라인경마
    and my current condition is good.The horsemanship is not bad and shows consistency. It is difficult to make such an assessment because it has been held twice, and what I felt while training myself is that although it does not give me faith to expect to win the prize, it is showing a slight change, so I believe that I will be able to get out of my sluggishness like before.

  16. It is a horse that has won three times, and it is a horse that has a good chemistry between winning and third place. In particular, the third place in the previous race seemed to have run better than expected, so it was an opportunity to participate in the race with confidence in the future. There are tough opponents in this race, but I think I can make good results because I am preparing well 온라인경마 and my current condition is good.The horsemanship is not bad and shows consistency. It is difficult to make such an assessment because it has been held twice, and what I felt while training myself is that although it does not give me faith to expect to win the prize, it is showing a slight change, so I believe that I will be able to get out of my sluggishness like before.

  17. Now, I met Ahn Hyo-ri, a rider who took root in earnest as an official rider, not a trainee rider.Of course. I felt that my condition improved a lot while training the horse myself. It is true that he was in good condition even when he was in a leap forward. While on a business trip, I only thought, “I’ll ride calmly and well.” We 온라인경마 got off to a good start. I thought I should try to take it out of the straight line after arranging the strength according to the instructions of the assistant teacher, but I thought I would win because I actually had too much elasticity. It was also an instruction not to use the whip at the time. It is true that hitting the whip may disturb your posture and hit too much because you are still in the process of catching many things.

  18. Now, I met Ahn Hyo-ri, a rider who took root in earnest as an official rider, not a trainee rider.Of course. I felt that my condition improved a lot while training the horse myself. It is true that he was in good condition even when he was in a leap forward. While on a business trip, I only thought, “I’ll ride calmly and well.” We got off to a good start. I thought I should try to take it out of the straight l온라인경마 ine after arranging the strength according to the instructions of the assistant teacher, but I thought I would win because I actually had too much elasticity. It was also an instruction not to use the whip at the time. It is true that hitting the whip may disturb your posture and hit too much because you are still in the process of catching many things.

  19. I didn’t care at all because I didn’t have nine moves so far. He has consistently won one or two wins a month, but it is true that he was embarrassed because he fell a lot without a win for nearly three months and was injured during training온라인경마 . In the meantime, the 20 trillion horse club, which belongs to the club, allowed him to ride a good horse without changing, and even if he came in second as the first horse, the horse was in bad condition, and the combination was strong. I don’t know what the assistant thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, “Let’s go slowly.” I was very grateful and worried. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know.

  20. I didn’t care at all because I didn’t have nine moves so far. He has consistently won one or two wins a month, but it is true that he was embarrassed because he fell a lot without a win for nearly three months and was injured during training. In the 온라인경마 meantime, the 20 trillion horse club, which belongs to the club, allowed him to ride a good horse without changing, and even if he came in second as the first horse, the horse was in bad condition, and the combination was strong. I don’t know what the assistant thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, “Let’s go slowly.” I was very grateful and worried. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know.

  21. Jangheung-gun is the first time that the horse association has signed an MOU with a local government to discuss fostering the horse industry,” said Chairman of the Horse Association, before the start of the meeting. “We look forward to good opinions to foster the horse industry in Jangheung-gun said.At the meeting, various opinions were discussed on fostering the horse온라인경마
    industry of the horse association and Jangheung-gun.After the meeting, Governor Kim Sung said, “I have a lot of concerns about the direction of development of the horse industry, which is being carried out as an emphasis project for Jangheung-gun,” adding, “It was very helpful because the horse association even proposed for Jangheung-gun.” We ask for your interest and support in the horse industry in Jangheung-gun in the future,” he said.

  22. Mayor Cho Byung-don said, “Currently, there are 460 horses in 34 farms in Icheon, and there are four horseback riding centers and one horse hospital,” adding, “With Hwaseong and Yongin, which were designated as Industry No. 3 at the end of last year, it will grow into a mammoth-class horse industry mecca 온라인경마
    with 6,000 horses, 100 horseback riding.” We will make efforts to provide a great boost to the local economy through the establishment of the horse industry infrastructure,” he said.Some civic groups and opposition officials, who are constantly demanding the withdrawal of the reopening of the Yongsan over-the-counter sales center, are attempting to continuously criticize the horse racing society.

  23. Mayor Cho Byung-don said, “Currently, there are 460 horses in 34 farms in Icheon, and there are four horseback riding centers and one horse hospital,” adding, “With Hwaseong and Yongin, which were designated as Industry No. 3 at the end of last year, it will grow into a mammoth-class horse industry mecca with 6,000 horses, 100 horseback riding.” We will make efforts 온라인경마
    to provide a great boost to the local economy through the establishment of the horse industry infrastructure,” he said.Some civic groups and opposition officials, who are constantly demanding the withdrawal of the reopening of the Yongsan over-the-counter sales center, are attempting to continuously criticize the horse racing society.

  24. He also urged the tax authorities to conduct a strict investigation, saying, “The horse association is said to be paying VAT on facility usage fees in addition to VAT equivalent to 2,000 won for admission, but it is still doubtful whether it actually pays appropriate VAT.”It also called for a strict investigation, saying that concerns over income tax evasion or tax evasion continue as온라인경마 the Horse Racing Association bans credit card payments for purchases of horse tickets and treats all sales of more than 7.6 trillion won as cash only.Regarding the allegations raised by the Korea Racing Authority, the Korea Racing Authority explained in a press release, “The Korea Racing Authority is faithfully paying VAT on admission and usage fees.”

  25. Mayor Cho Byung-don said, “Currently, there are 460 horses in 34 farms in Icheon, and there are four horseback riding centers and one horse hospital,” adding, “With Hwaseong and Yongin, which were designated as Industry No. 3 at the end of last year, it will grow into a mammoth-class horse industry mecca with 6,000 horses, 100 horseback riding.” We will make 온라인경마 efforts to provide a great boost to the local economy through the establishment of the horse industry infrastructure,” he said.Some civic groups and opposition officials, who are constantly demanding the withdrawal of the reopening of the Yongsan over-the-counter sales center, are attempting to continuously criticize the horse racing society.

  26. Mayor Cho Byung-don said, “Currently, there are 460 horses in 34 farms in Icheon, and there are four horseback riding centers and one horse hospital,” adding, “With Hwaseong and Yongin, which were designated as Industry No. 3 at the end of last year, it will grow into a mammoth-class horse industry mecca 온라인경마 with 6,000 horses, 100 horseback riding.” We will make efforts to provide a great boost to the local economy through the establishment of the horse industry infrastructure,” he said.Some civic groups and opposition officials, who are constantly demanding the withdrawal of the reopening of the Yongsan over-the-counter sales center, are attempting to continuously criticize the horse racing society.

  27. The Jockey Club explained that VAT was faithfully paid for over-the-counter tickets and horse racing customers, and that the over-the-counter tickets were created in July 2011 in accordance with Article 5 of the Korean Jockey Club Act, and that a온라인경마
    separate fee was charged to customers who wanted to use the members’ room (2005) or designated seat (2008).Currently, the legal admission fee for over-the-counter stores is 2,000 won. However, as the horse racing association provides services and implements a designated seat system, various fees are being charged according to the conditions of each over-the-counter outlet.

  28. The Jockey Club explained that VAT was faithfully paid for over-the-counter tickets and horse racing customers, and that the over-the-counter tickets were created in July 2011 in accordance with Article 5 of the Korean Jockey Club Act, and that a 온라인경마
    separate fee was charged to customers who wanted to use the members’ room (2005) or designated seat (2008).Currently, the legal admission fee for over-the-counter stores is 2,000 won. However, as the horse racing association provides services and implements a designated seat system, various fees are being charged according to the conditions of each over-the-counter outlet.

  29. Yuk Geun-hye, head of the integrity management team, said, “The government’s 3.0 development committee was first formed last year and held a meeting. Last year, it was not highlighted because the government moved centrally. However, since the end of last year, the meeting has expanded and become온라인경마 more substantial this year, he said. “The tasks confirmed by the Government 3.0 Development Committee are not new tasks by the government 3.0, but are approached from the perspective of the government 3.0.” In particular, the tasks included in the priority task through the customer survey are in line with the government’s 3.0 purpose of communication and private participation, he explained.

  30. Yuk Geun-hye, head of the integrity management team, said, “The government’s 3.0 development committee was first formed last year and held a meeting. Last year, it was not highlighted because the government moved centrally. However, since the end of last year, the meeting has expanded and become 온라인경마 more substantial this year, he said. “The tasks confirmed by the Government 3.0 Development Committee are not new tasks by the government 3.0, but are approached from the perspective of the government 3.0.” In particular, the tasks included in the priority task through the customer survey are in line with the government’s 3.0 purpose of communication and private participation, he explained.

  31. This applies to all grades 1 and 2 of Korean horses in Seoul and Bugyeong, and if the rating after deduction is lower than the lowest rating in each grade, it will be adjusted to the lowest rating without being demoted. For example, among the first-class racehorses in Korea, the racehorses with 103 from Rating 101 will be 100 from Rating 98 when 3 points are deducted, and in this case, the lowest rating of the first-class will be given 101. Likewise, domestic horses in the second grade will be adjusted to the온라인경마 rating 81 as they will be 80 from the rating 78 after deducting domestic horses in the 83rd section from the rating 81.First snow, first meeting, first love, first kiss. Perhaps there is no word more exciting than the word ‘first’. We are afraid of the existence that we have not yet experienced, but we burst into laughter without realizing it because of the palpitations that are allowed only at that moment.

  32. This applies to all grades 1 and 2 of Korean horses in Seoul and Bugyeong, and if the rating after deduction is lower than the lowest rating in each grade, it will be adjusted to the lowest rating without being demoted. For example, among the first-class racehorses in Korea, the racehorses with 103 from Rating 101 will be 100 from Rating 98 when 3 points are deducted, and in this case, the lowest rating of the first-class will be given 101. Likewise, domestic horses in the second grade will be adjusted to the rating 81 as 온라인경마 they will be 80 from the rating 78 after deducting domestic horses in the 83rd section from the rating 81.First snow, first meeting, first love, first kiss. Perhaps there is no word more exciting than the word ‘first’. We are afraid of the existence that we have not yet experienced, but we burst into laughter without realizing it because of the palpitations that are allowed only at that moment.

  33. Although the Credit Card Act already stipulates a ban on the use of gambling businesses as “credit cards,” the Financial Services Commission made it clear through the authoritative interpretation that only credit cards are applicable and cash or debit cards are not applicable.Given that the purpose of the law is to prevent credit offerings (lending money) from being used in gambling businesses, it means that cash cards and debit cards that are paid within the amount contained in their accounts are not 온라인경마
    applicable. In the end, it is not a problem to pay in the gambling industry with cash IC cards and check cards.According to the financial sector on the 9th, the Financial Services Commission issued an authoritative interpretation of allowing card payments in gambling game businesses. Credit cards are prohibited and debit cards can be paid.

  34. Although the Credit Card Act already stipulates a ban on the use of gambling businesses as “credit cards,” the Financial Services Commission made it clear through the authoritative interpretation that only credit cards are applicable and cash or debit cards are not applicable.Given that the purpose of the law is to prevent credit offerings (lending money) from being used in gambling businesses, it means that cash cards and debit cards that are paid within the amount contained in their accounts are not applicable. In the end, it is not a problem to pay in the gambling industry with ca온라인경마
    sh IC cards and check cards.According to the financial sector on the 9th, the Financial Services Commission issued an authoritative interpretation of allowing card payments in gambling game businesses. Credit cards are prohibited and debit cards can be paid.

  35. Yuk Geun-hye, head of the integrity management team, said, “The government’s 3.0 development committee was first formed last year and held a meeting. Last year, it was not highlighted because the government moved centrally. However, since the end of last year, the meeting has expanded and become Yuk Geun-hye, head of the integrity management team, said, “The government’s 3.0 development committee was first formed last year and held a meeting. Last year, it was not highlighted because the government moved centrally. However, since the end of last year, the meeting has expanded and become more substantial this year, he said. “The tasks confirmed by the Government 3.0 Development Committee are not new tasks by the government 3.0, but are approached from the perspective of the government 3.0.” In particular, the tasks included in the priority task through the customer survey are in line with the government’s 3.0 purpose of communication and private participation, he explained.
    more substantial this year, he said. “The tasks confirmed by the Government 3.0 Development Committee are not new tasks by the government 3.0, but are approached from the perspective of the government 3.0.” In particular, the tasks included in the priority task through the customer survey are in line with the government’s 3.0 purpose of communication and private participation, he explained.

  36. Although the Credit Card Act already stipulates a ban on the use of gambling businesses as “credit cards,” the Financial Services Commission made it clear through the authoritative interpretation that only credit cards are applicable and cash or debit cards are not applicable.Given that the purpose of the law is to prevent credit offerings (lending money) from being used in gambling businesses, it means that cash cards and debit cards 온라인경마
    that are paid within the amount contained in their accounts are not applicable. In the end, it is not a problem to pay in the gambling industry with cash IC cards and check cards.According to the financial sector on the 9th, the Financial Services Commission issued an authoritative interpretation of allowing card payments in gambling game businesses. Credit cards are prohibited and debit cards can be paid.

  37. Currently, after a four-month implementation period, various opinions are emerging on the rating system and the integrated mountain race. The Gyeongju System Switching TF announced the above policy as it analyzed the results of the above period and identified the problems, judging that domestic horses are 온라인경마 still somewhat less competitive than foreign horses. Initially, the government decided to readjust the plan to enhance the quality of horse racing by strengthening the competitiveness of domestic horses.The adjusted rating will be applied from the first week of July. Attention is focusing on the results of the integrated race between domestic and foreign horses according to the rating adjustment.

  38. Before holding the vote for or against, the members of the emergency general meeting expressed their opinions, and as various differences were expressed, the emergency general meeting was not easy to proceed.Most of the people who participated in the emergency general meeting criticized the wrong approach and attitude of the meeting, regardless of whether the vote for or against itself is contradictory or not. In addition, the horse racing innovation plan of the Massage Society is repeating what it had 온라인경마 previously promised, and some argued that it should receive a memorandum of fulfillment on supplementary measures.On the other hand, some horse owners said, “The goal of all horsemen will be the same in that they will strengthen their status in the face of the development of the horse industry,” and demanded that the consultation continue, saying, “The goal is the same, but there are only problems in the method.”

  39. Before holding the vote for or against, the members of the emergency general meeting expressed their opinions, and as various differences were expressed, the emergency general meeting was not easy to proceed.Most of the people who participated in the emergency general meeting criticized the wrong approach and attitude of the meeting, regardless of whether the vote for or against itself is contradictory or not. In addition, the horse racing innovation plan of the Massage Society is repeating what it had previously 온라인경마 promised, and some argued that it should receive a memorandum of fulfillment on supplementary measures.On the other hand, some horse owners said, “The goal of all horsemen will be the same in that they will strengthen their status in the face of the development of the horse industry,” and demanded that the consultation continue, saying, “The goal is the same, but there are only problems in the method.”

  40. In the horse racing innovation plan reported by the Korea Racing Authority to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, two important issues were newly proposed in the final plan, which had been announced several times through negotiations with the Seoul Horse Association’s emergency committee. The adjustment plan was included to adjust the upper limit on the introduction of foreign horses to $50,000 and to implement integrated races in the first and second divisions by the third quarter of 2015 and hold renegotiations in the fourth quarter. The basic direction is the same, such as integration of production areas, introduction of rating systems, 온라인경마 and opening of horse racing markets.In a statement, the racehorse producer group said, “We expose the fiction of the Korea Racing Authority’s innovation plan,” and demanded the abolition of the integrated race, saying that it runs counter to the horse revitalization policy claimed by the racehorse society and that it will become an advanced country in the horse industry.

  41. In the horse racing innovation plan reported by the Korea Racing Authority to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, two important issues were newly proposed in the final plan, which had been announced several times through negotiations with the Seoul Horse Association’s emergency committee. The adjustment plan was included to adjust the upper limit on the introduction of foreign horses to $50,000 and to implement integrated races in the first and second divisions by the third quarter of 2015 and hold renegotiations in the fourth quarter. The basic direction is the same, such as integration of production areas, introduction of rating systems,온라인경마 and opening of horse racing markets.In a statement, the racehorse producer group said, “We expose the fiction of the Korea Racing Authority’s innovation plan,” and demanded the abolition of the integrated race, saying that it runs counter to the horse revitalization policy claimed by the racehorse society and that it will become an advanced country in the horse industry.

  42. The introduction of the rating system, integrated race planning, and raising the upper limit on foreign horses’ purchases were applied, and the number of races will be held for 97 days each in Seoul and Bugyeong, the same as last year, to create stable horse racing conditions. The annual number of races is 1116 races in Seoul, the same as last year, and 813 races in 온라인경마 Bugyeong, down 10 races from last year.This year, each racetrack will have three weeks each. Holidays such as Lunar New Year and Chuseok will be closed at the same time, and summer (hot season) and winter (cold season) will be closed alternately in Seoul, Bugyeong, and Jeju. In the end, the summer and winter holidays will be closed sequentially for three weeks at each racetrack.

  43. Nevertheless, the Seoul Horse Racing Association rejected the final plan for horse racing innovation because it failed to provide supplementary measures to dispel concerns from related organizations about mountain integration and distrust of deep-rooted온라인경마 implementers in the domestic horse racing community.Many horse racing organizations, who say the Seoul Horse Racing Association’s decision to reject the horse-racing reform plan, point out that “mountain integration,” “cap on foreign horse adoption,” and “open horse-racing market” could cause serious problems that could lead to domestic racehorse production.

  44. Nevertheless, the Seoul Horse Racing Association rejected the final plan for horse racing innovation because it failed to provide supplementary measures to dispel concerns from related organizations about mountain integration and distrust of deep-rooted Nevertheless, the Seoul Horse Racing Association rejected the final plan for horse racing innovation because it failed to provide supplementary measures to dispel concerns from related organizations about mountain integration and distrust of deep-rooted 온라인경마 implementers in the domestic horse racing community.Many horse racing organizations, who say the Seoul Horse Racing Association’s decision to reject the horse-racing reform plan, point out that “mountain integration,” “cap on foreign horse adoption,” and “open horse-racing market” could cause serious problems that could lead to domestic racehorse production.
    implementers in the domestic horse racing community.Many horse racing organizations, who say the Seoul Horse Racing Association’s decision to reject the horse-racing reform plan, point out that “mountain integration,” “cap on foreign horse adoption,” and “open horse-racing market” could cause serious problems that could lead to domestic racehorse production.

  45. The introduction of the rating system, integrated race planning, and raising the upper limit on foreign horses’ purchases were applied, and the number of races will be held for 97 days each in Seoul and Bugyeong, the same as last year, to create stable horse racing conditions. The annual number of races is 1116 races in Seoul, the same as last year, and 813 races in온라인경마
    Bugyeong, down 10 races from last year.This year, each racetrack will have three weeks each. Holidays such as Lunar New Year and Chuseok will be closed at the same time, and summer (hot season) and winter (cold season) will be closed alternately in Seoul, Bugyeong, and Jeju. In the end, the summer and winter holidays will be closed sequentially for three weeks at each racetrack.

  46. The horse racing competition and special racing system have been improved to enhance the merchantability and interest of horse racing. The connection between the Grade and Listed races has been strengthened, the best horse selection system by aptitude distance has been established, and the Asian Challenge Cup has been expanded.Looking at the major improvements in 2015, first of all, a race planning system based on the rating system was introduced. Ratings are generally determined in sections 1 to 140 as quantification of the ability of racehorses, and the more 온라인경마 capable horses are given higher numbers. After each race, the horse racing association evaluates the race ability of the participating horse based on the strength of the race, arrival ranking, arrival car, gender, age, aptitude distance, and frequency record of each race, and gives rating after the race. In addition, it is revealed that similar horses are pushing for the formation of races.

  47. Pukyong’s leading jockey Cho Sung-gon has been trying to win the most wins through aggressive activities every season. He became the first multiple-win king since his debut with 71 wins in 2009, and reigned as the best leading jockey for three 온라인경마 consecutive years with 84 wins in 2010 and 86 wins in 2011. In 2013, Kim Yong-geun, who recorded 91 wins in the season, failed to become the most wins in the individual season for four consecutive years, but in 2013, he succeeded in becoming the most wins in the Pukyong jockey category. This year, too, he was able to enjoy 100 wins of the season thanks to his monthly average of 10 wins.

  48. Pukyong’s leading jockey Cho Sung-gon has been trying to win the most wins through aggressive activities every season. He became the first multiple-win king since his debut with 71 wins in 2009, and reigned as the best leading jockey for three consecutive온라인경마 years with 84 wins in 2010 and 86 wins in 2011. In 2013, Kim Yong-geun, who recorded 91 wins in the season, failed to become the most wins in the individual season for four consecutive years, but in 2013, he succeeded in becoming the most wins in the Pukyong jockey category. This year, too, he was able to enjoy 100 wins of the season thanks to his monthly average of 10 wins.

  49. Meanwhile, Rep. Jin Sun-mi (New Politics Alliance for Democracy) of the National Assembly’s Safety and Administration Committee claimed on the 3rd that the Korean Racing Authority is under police investigation on charges of paying residents to get “signatures” to open an outdoor betting ticket in Yongsan, Seoul.According to the announcement on the 3rd, in July 2013, when local residents온라인경마 protested against the opening of the Yongsan Video Racecourse, Kim, head of the Yongsan Win-Win Cooperation TF, paid Park (51), a native of Yongsan-ro 3-ga, Seoul, to create public opinion. Lawmaker Jin claimed, “The horse racing association promised Park that ‘if you do pro-active activities, you will give 1,000 won per person to operate the store and sign in favor of the video racetrack.’

  50. In Korea, the application of stem cells to animals, including horses, is still insignificant. It is planning a three-year plan by 2017 and observing it with the goal of proving its effectiveness. Currently, it does not receive millions of won in stem cell cultivation costs to 온라인경마 provide it cheaply to the people, and only one treatment fee is paid for two procedures.In particular, stem cells are not urgent because quality is the most important. This is because if there is contamination during culture, the contaminated culture enters the injured area, the disease can be increased. It is more important than anything how good the stem cells in 1mm have. The ultimate goal is to enable stem cells to be commercially linked.

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