“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Now that readers can easily distinguish the good and bad of professional media through various platforms, we should be more conscious of our readers and create improved professional newspapers.I hope that the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper will continue to devote itself to forming the right horse culture as a great guide and a cool-headed critic and great proposer without losing its founding spirit.First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to Kim Moon-young,일본경마사이트 CEO of Racing Media Co., Ltd., for leading the Korean horse culture and providing a policy vision for the national horse industry by quickly and accurately conveying the voice of the horse industry.With the status of the domestic horse industry fluctuating greatly, it has served as a communication channel for the past 30 years as a professional forum covering the horse racing industry and horse industry.

  2. However, Korean horse racing still has a negative view of horse racing. However, using this as an opportunity to make efforts, Busan horse racing officials promise to do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, I sincerely c일본경마사이트
    ongratulate the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope that it will continue to be a newspaper that gives joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.Thank you for your hard work, including CEO Kim Moon-young, who has not lost the spirit of founding over the past 19 years and has served as a model for many professional newspapers by contributing to the reform of the image of horse racing.

  3. However, Korean horse racing still has a negative view of horse racing. However, using this as an opportunity to make efforts, Busan horse racing officials promise to do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, I sincerely일본경마사이트
    congratulate the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope that it will continue to be a newspaper that gives joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.Thank you for your hard work, including CEO Kim Moon-young, who has not lost the spirit of founding over the past 19 years and has served as a model for many professional newspapers by contributing to the reform of the image of horse racing.

  4. Therefore, I ask you to introduce more articles about horseback riding that can expand the scope of horse lovers indefinitely. From the perspective of a horse producer, it’s meaningful to sell or rent a horse at a high price, but you feel more proud of having more horses meet more people. I hope that the spread of horseback riding culture will become active through racing media.Lastly, I hope that news from producers will be communicated through racing media.일본경마사이트 The Hallama Producers Association will also try to inform the circumstances and activities of the association and producers through racing media. 2018 is the 20th anniversary of racing media, and the first year of the Hanlama Producers Association’s riding horse brand, “Hallama,” will be launched as a pedigree horse. We hope that the 20th anniversary of Racing Media’s foundation in 2018 will also be joined by the Hallama Producers Association’s Hallama launch event.

  5. Now that readers can easily distinguish the good and bad of professional media through various platforms, we should be more conscious of our readers and create improved professional newspapers.I hope that the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper will continue to devote itself to forming the right horse culture as a great guide and a cool-headed critic and great proposer without losing its founding spirit.First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to Kim Moon-young온라인경마
    , CEO of Racing Media Co., Ltd., for leading the Korean horse culture and providing a policy vision for the national horse industry by quickly and accurately conveying the voice of the horse industry.With the status of the domestic horse industry fluctuating greatly, it has served as a communication channel for the past 30 years as a professional forum covering the horse racing industry and horse industry.

  6. Now that readers can easily distinguish the good and bad of professional media through various platforms, we should be more conscious of our readers and create improved professional newspapers.I hope that the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper will continue to devote itself to forming the right horse culture as a great guide and a cool-headed critic and great proposer without losing its founding spirit.First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to Kim Moon-young, 온라인경마
    CEO of Racing Media Co., Ltd., for leading the Korean horse culture and providing a policy vision for the national horse industry by quickly and accurately conveying the voice of the horse industry.With the status of the domestic horse industry fluctuating greatly, it has served as a communication channel for the past 30 years as a professional forum covering the horse racing industry and horse industry.

  7. However, there are a lot of priorities ahead of us for the advancement of horse racing, especially the improvement and advancement of the underdeveloped horse racing infrastructure is a key task to be accomplished as soon as possible.As is well known, amid the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the rapidly changing world situation, the horse racing industry is also facing an internal and external crisis and upheaval. In particular, as the horse racing industry is on the verge of a recession around the world, many 온라인경마 changes and innovations are required, and Korean horse racing is also facing an era of transformation.The development of the horse industry starts with the horse racing industry, which is called the lifeline. In order for the horse industry to become a new growth engine in the rural economy, it is essential to allocate huge funds, and it is clear that the revitalization of the horse racing industry is the driving force.

  8. In the rapidly changing media environment, the role of professional newspapers plays a more important role than ever, providing readers with in-depth analysis of deep expertise that comprehensive daily newspapers do not meet.In that sense, professional newspapers are essential partners for the government, companies, and readers, including industry workers in each industry.In the meantime, the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has contributed greatly to the development of the horse racing leisure culture industry 온라인경마
    in Korea, especially to meet various information needs for popular sports, improve the quality of the horse racing industry, research and development of stallion technology.In addition, by taking the initiative in establishing an advanced horse racing culture, including horse riders and assistants, I believe that it has contributed greatly to the development of Korean media culture as well as the development of horse racing magazines and professional newspapers.

  9. In the rapidly changing media environment, the role of professional newspapers plays a more important role than ever, providing readers with in-depth analysis of deep expertise that comprehensive daily newspapers do not meet.In that sense, professional newspapers are essential partners for the government, companies, and readers, including industry workers in each industry.In the meantime, the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has contributed greatly to the development of the horse racing leisure culture industry in Korea, especially to meet various information needs for popular온라인경마
    sports, improve the quality of the horse racing industry, research and development of stallion technology.In addition, by taking the initiative in establishing an advanced horse racing culture, including horse riders and assistants, I believe that it has contributed greatly to the development of Korean media culture as well as the development of horse racing magazines and professional newspapers.

  10. This is an industrial activity that helps livestock farmers generate income and a movement that conveys health to the public. Therefore, I am confident that it will eventually establish an important position in the Korean livestock industry in the future.To do so, we need to develop a system and build a control tower to train experts and streamline management, and the main goal should be to revitalize future consumer youth horseback riding, which will increase demand.In addition, investment and effort should be spared in 온라인경마
    training and assisting horse producers in case demand increases.In the case of France’s success that we will benchmark, the government took the lead in controlling the industry, providing various support and promotion, and building the industrial base at a rapid pace. In the process, we have systematized children’s education to increase future consumption demand, and have produced very satisfactory results.

  11. This is an industrial activity that helps livestock farmers generate income and a movement that conveys health to the public. Therefore, I am confident that it will eventually establish an important position in the Korean livestock industry in the future.To do so, we need to develop a system and build a control tower to train experts and streamline management, and the main goal should be to revitalize future consumer youth horseback riding, which will increase demand.In addition, investment and effort should be spared 일본경마사이트 in training and assisting horse producers in case demand increases.In the case of France’s success that we will benchmark, the government took the lead in controlling the industry, providing various support and promotion, and building the industrial base at a rapid pace. In the process, we have systematized children’s education to increase future consumption demand, and have produced very satisfactory results.

  12. Now that the growth of such invested industries has worked to some extent, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development, and the activities of organizations in each industry are stabilizing and leading.I hope you일본경마사이트
    achieve all your wishes, and I hope that the sound of horse hooves shaking the earth’s axis will vibrate the heaven and earth again, and everyone in the horse industry will have a busy and exciting year.Looking back, the past year has been a very difficult and difficult year. The years of hard work suffered from collapsing overnight, especially the image of the horse industry, including horseback riding, has been greatly undermined, fewer citizens have visited the horseback riding field, and there has been no mistake.

  13. Now that the growth of such invested industries has worked to some extent, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development, and the activities of organizations in each industry are stabilizing and leading.I hope you일본경마사이트 achieve all your wishes, and I hope that the sound of horse hooves shaking the earth’s axis will vibrate the heaven and earth again, and everyone in the horse industry will have a busy and exciting year.Looking back, the past year has been a very difficult and difficult year. The years of hard work suffered from collapsing overnight, especially the image of the horse industry, including horseback riding, has been greatly undermined, fewer citizens have visited the horseback riding field, and there has been no mistake.

  14. A new beginning is always full of hope. The newly launched Korea Horse Racing Association plans to do its best with the government to solve the livestock industry accumulated in the horse industry, the application of electricity for farming at horseback riding sites, and horseback riding insurance problems as soon as possible. I think our ability can be doubled when we carry it out with a desperate heart.It is an infinite honor to make a New Year’s address once again in the year of the Golden Dog, the Year of the 온라인경마
    Golden Dog. I hope all horseback riders will be happy in the year of the golden dog, full of hope, and I sincerely hope that they will move toward a bigger dream and achieve all their wishes.If you look back on the horse riding industry over the past year, it is full of issues.It’s been a year for me. The Korea Student Horseriding Association promises to work harder as a companion for equestrian people with a consistent mind that never loses its original intention.

  15. Now that the growth of such invested industries has worked to some extent, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development, and the activities of organizations in each industry are stabilizing and leading.I hope you achieve all your wishes, and I hope that the sound of horse hoove온라인경마
    s shaking the earth’s axis will vibrate the heaven and earth again, and everyone in the horse industry will have a busy and exciting year.Looking back, the past year has been a very difficult and difficult year. The years of hard work suffered from collapsing overnight, especially the image of the horse industry, including horseback riding, has been greatly undermined, fewer citizens have visited the horseback riding field, and there has been no mistake.

  16. It is said that risks and opportunities coexist in a crisis. As a lesson that we should work together to show unity in times of need, we gathered horse-riding facilities in farming and fishing villages across the country to establish the National Horse-riding Business Association and got off to a strong start.The National Horseriding Business Association will serve as a foundation for horse-riding 온라인경마
    managers to work together to devise and implement development measures and promote information exchange and self-esteem. Thanks to your efforts, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has prepared budgeting and project guidelines to implement the student horseback riding support project from January 2018, and as a result, it is very encouraging to increase the operation rate of horseback riding courses during the off-season.

  17. In this way, I drew a road map. It was approved and promulgated, and last year, a briefing session was held to managers, assistants, guards, and owners.The problem is, I finished making the data, and I said, “I made this. “Please attend,” he said, but there was something that the farmers did not come and did not know. But I couldn’t let it go. After making the manual for the first time and온라인경마 considering how to use it in the actual field, I chose two policies. First of all, employees visit farms in person to inform them, show that there is something like this, and have them attend the entire training. Therefore, we are visiting all farms this year to report the production of the manual and show the video through CDs.They are not only doing it at racetracks or simply informing them, but also visiting and demonstrating ranches that are the size of the east and west regions.

  18. Step by step, at first, let some of the horses that have finished the departure test come in. The next step is to let only 100% of the horses who passed the starting test come in. The next step is a portion of the driving test that passes, and then only 100% of the horses that pass the test. On the day of joining the company, if you pass, you will enter Gyeongju Masa, and if you fail, you will be sent back home. The horses that are trained and trained are those that have passed the minimum driving test. Establishing a significant training온라인경마 system changes the level of horses. The sincerity of those who manage also changes.If you used to train completely untrained new horses and train them together in the racehorse training process, you can now focus on racehorse training and racing. The overall level is very high. From 2018 to 2023, 100% driving test passers-by will be allowed in.

  19. Step by step, at first, let some of the horses that have finished the departure test come in. The next step is to let only 100% of the horses who passed the starting test come in. The next step is a portion of the driving test that passes, and then only 100% of the horses that pass the test. On the day of joining the company, if you pass, you will enter Gyeongju Masa, and if you fail, you will be sent back home. The horses that are trained and trained are those that 온라인경마 have passed the minimum driving test. Establishing a significant training system changes the level of horses. The sincerity of those who manage also changes.If you used to train completely untrained new horses and train them together in the racehorse training process, you can now focus on racehorse training and racing. The overall level is very high. From 2018 to 2023, 100% driving test passers-by will be allowed in.

  20. In this way, I drew a road map. It was approved and promulgated, and last year, a briefing session was held to managers, assistants, guards, and owners.The problem is, I finished making the data, and I said, “I made this. “Please attend,” he said, but there was something that the farmers did not come and did not know. But I couldn’t let it go. After making the manual for the first time and considering how to use it in the actual field, I chose two policies. 온라인경마
    First of all, employees visit farms in person to inform them, show that there is something like this, and have them attend the entire training. Therefore, we are visiting all farms this year to report the production of the manual and show the video through CDs.They are not only doing it at racetracks or simply informing them, but also visiting and demonstrating ranches that are the size of the east and west regions.

  21. In this way, I drew a road map. It was approved and promulgated, and last year, a briefing session was held to managers, assistants, guards, and owners.The problem is, I finished making the data, and I said, “I made this. “Please attend,” he said, but there was something that the farmers did not come and did not know. But I couldn’t let it go. After making the manual for the first time 온라인경마
    and considering how to use it in the actual field, I chose two policies. First of all, employees visit farms in person to inform them, show that there is something like this, and have them attend the entire training. Therefore, we are visiting all farms this year to report the production of the manual and show the video through CDs.They are not only doing it at racetracks or simply informing them, but also visiting and demonstrating ranches that are the size of the east and west regions.

  22. Step by step, at first, let some of the horses that have finished the departure test come in. The next step is to let only 100% of the horses who passed the starting test come in. The next step is a portion of the driving test that passes, and then only 100% of the horses that pass the test. On the day of joining the company, if you pass, you will enter Gyeongju Masa, and if you fail, you will be sent back home. The horses that are trained and trained are those 온라인경마 that have passed the minimum driving test. Establishing a significant training system changes the level of horses. The sincerity of those who manage also changes.If you used to train completely untrained new horses and train them together in the racehorse training process, you can now focus on racehorse training and racing. The overall level is very high. From 2018 to 2023, 100% driving test passers-by will be allowed in.

  23. After the Olympics, we can go outside and coach another player and deliver know-how, which is huge. It is a fact that all equestrian people know that Samsung has developed a lot.No matter how much sports you wear only underwear and carry shoes, it is difficult to develop without sponsors. Now, Samsung is supporting it at the level of operating the association, and it is not supporting it for a big match, but even that must be done by Samsung. 온라인경마 If Samsung doesn’t do it, our horseback riding industry will be in trouble.Whether the group, Samsung and Hanwha, paid 1.5 billion won a year, 1.6 billion won, applied for the association, or did anything, it helped the players. Horseback riding is an event without government support, so if a company does not sponsor it, it cannot compete and it is difficult to participate in the Olympics.

  24. After the Olympics, we can go outside and coach another player and deliver know-how, which is huge. It is a fact that all equestrian people know that Samsung has developed a lot.No matter how much sports you wear only underwear and carry shoes, it is difficult to develop without sponsors. Now, Samsung is supporting it at the level of operating the association, and it is not온라인경마 supporting it for a big match, but even that must be done by Samsung. If Samsung doesn’t do it, our horseback riding industry will be in trouble.Whether the group, Samsung and Hanwha, paid 1.5 billion won a year, 1.6 billion won, applied for the association, or did anything, it helped the players. Horseback riding is an event without government support, so if a company does not sponsor it, it cannot compete and it is difficult to participate in the Olympics.

  25. He/she decides everything he/she needs to exercise and signs up for the class himself/herself, and comes late in the afternoon to exercise. Most of those players are like that. There are few players like that who completely abolish the school. I want to say that sports specialists in all sports are not the same as Jung Yu-ra.”Most athletes start exercising with their ambition to win medals at the 일본경마사이트 Olympics and Asian Games. I don’t think I’m just going to go to college while riding. Students who go to college but play in competitions combine school classes and sports, dreaming that they will definitely challenge the next Asian Games selection.”In preparing for the Olympics, he applied in many ways from off-season training. We were able to participate in the Olympics and Asian Games because Samsung spent money and supported us for the development of horseback riding. I was able to win a medal.

  26. He/she decides everything he/she needs to exercise and signs up for the class himself/herself, and comes late in the afternoon to exercise. Most of those players are like that. There are few players like that who completely abolish the school. I want to say that sports specialists in all sports are not the same as Jung Yu-ra.”Most athletes start exercising with their ambition to win medals at the Olympics and Asian Games. I don’t think I’m just going to go to college 일본경마사이트 while riding. Students who go to college but play in competitions combine school classes and sports, dreaming that they will definitely challenge the next Asian Games selection.”In preparing for the Olympics, he applied in many ways from off-season training. We were able to participate in the Olympics and Asian Games because Samsung spent money and supported us for the development of horseback riding. I was able to win a medal.

  27. Let’s put it in common sense. The Racing Authority sent me in. Of course, the Korean Horse Riding Association made the word like it was sent by the Korean Horse Riding Association, but wasn’t it sent out of necessity? The horse society also says that I have to do the obstacle section. The complicated dressage section is given to Samsung. Don’t you know that? I know who Yooyeon is. It’s complicated when we’re together, so let’s use this to make obstacles. 일본경마사이트 Chairman Shin Ji-kwan must have thought so because he was in trouble. There must have been a person who passed an acrostic poem and even Lee Kun-hee’s chief of staff. There was even a problem with that, so the money didn’t go out because I cut it off and came in. If you didn’t come in, wouldn’t you have spent money? How many million won would it have cost? I think at least Samsung went out basically.

  28. Let’s put it in common sense. The Racing Authority sent me in. Of course, the Korean Horse Riding Association made the word like it was sent by the Korean Horse Riding Association, but wasn’t it sent out of necessity? The horse society also says that I have to do the obstacle section. The complicated dressage section is given to Samsung. Don’t you know that? I know who Yooyeon is. It’s complicated when we’re together, so let’s use this to make obstacles.일본경마사이트 Chairman Shin Ji-kwan must have thought so because he was in trouble. There must have been a person who passed an acrostic poem and even Lee Kun-hee’s chief of staff. There was even a problem with that, so the money didn’t go out because I cut it off and came in. If you didn’t come in, wouldn’t you have spent money? How many million won would it have cost? I think at least Samsung went out basically.

  29. There are many media reports regarding the contents of the press conference. Of course, there may be some, but most of them are speculative reports. Those speculative reports are not good for equestrian athletes. The perception of horseback riding itself is not good due to the Choi Soon-sil incident, but speculative reports further lead to a misunderstanding that horseback riding is originally like that. It’s not just the rider who watches the article.I hope that Jung Yu-ra will not cause any damage to Amon sports 일본경마사이트 specialists. Most students have exercised since they were young, and even now, they take time to exercise while attending school. All physical education students don’t do it like Jung Yu-ra.I have a friend who is attending college among the students I teach now. I go to Hanyang University and take classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I couldn’t make it today. I will take class tomorrow and come to exercise after 3 pm.

  30. There are many media reports regarding the contents of the press conference. Of course, there may be some, but most of them are speculative reports. Those speculative reports are not good for equestrian athletes. The perception of horseback riding itself is not good due to the Choi Soon-sil incident, but speculative reports further lead to a misunderstanding that horseback riding is originally like that. It’s not just the rider who watches the article.I hope that Jung Yu-ra will not cause any damage to Amon sports 일본경마사이트 specialists. Most students have exercised since they were young, and even now, they take time to exercise while attending school. All physical education students don’t do it like Jung Yu-ra.I have a friend who is attending college among the students I teach now. I go to Hanyang University and take classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I couldn’t make it today. I will take class tomorrow and come to exercise after 3 pm.

  31. The perception that horseback riding is an aristocratic sport has decreased a lot, but it is a pity that horseback riding is seen badly and is being sold due to the Choi Soon-sil incident. Not only horseback riding, but also all sports and sports industries themselves are bound to take a backseat. I hope that not only young athletes but also many people will have more opportunities to experience horseback riding.The tone, conclusion, and solution of the 일본경마사이트 article marked by suspicion are in the context of the article. Among the three articles mentioned by Dong-A Media Group, “The Horse Racing Association and the Horse Racing Association are playing a truth game, and one of them is telling lies,” and “I returned home after being separated from Choi (as stated in the subtitles), and had to leave the horse racing association in March.” The key to this issue is the context of attacking the chairman of the Racing Authority.

  32. Let’s put it in common sense. The Racing Authority sent me in. Of course, the Korean Horse Riding Association made the word like it was sent by the Korean Horse Riding Association, but wasn’t it sent out of necessity? The horse society also says that I have to do the obstacle section. The complicated dressage section is given to Samsung. Don’t you know that? I know who Yooyeon is. It’s complicated when we’re together, so let’s use this to make일본경마사이트
    obstacles. Chairman Shin Ji-kwan must have thought so because he was in trouble. There must have been a person who passed an acrostic poem and even Lee Kun-hee’s chief of staff. There was even a problem with that, so the money didn’t go out because I cut it off and came in. If you didn’t come in, wouldn’t you have spent money? How many million won would it have cost? I think at least Samsung went out basically.

  33. Let’s put it in common sense. The Racing Authority sent me in. Of course, the Korean Horse Riding Association made the word like it was sent by the Korean Horse Riding Association, but wasn’t it sent out of necessity? The horse society also says that I have to do the obstacle section. The complicated dressage section is given to Samsung. Don’t you know that? I know who Yooyeon is. It’s complicated when we’re together, so let’s use this to make obstacles일본경마사이트
    . Chairman Shin Ji-kwan must have thought so because he was in trouble. There must have been a person who passed an acrostic poem and even Lee Kun-hee’s chief of staff. There was even a problem with that, so the money didn’t go out because I cut it off and came in. If you didn’t come in, wouldn’t you have spent money? How many million won would it have cost? I think at least Samsung went out basically.

  34. Of course, the money of the Racing Authority, since I’m there, if the money went in, one employee would come out and buy a horse and a veterinarian would come out. Since we were verified, we would not have been able to remove such a part recklessly. The money of the horse society. Even if it’s a public corporation. I don’t know if I could take even that out.There are many intelligent people. But will I withdraw the money? Money to spend on the obstacle team? I can’t do that. I could’ve taken out a million won with my온라인경마 own money. Is it easy to take money out of the horse society? I let it go. I signed with Core Sports. I don’t know if I signed a contract and shot money there. Now that I think about it, I might have thought of that. But that is not what happened. Don’t you think so? If the money had been executed normally, it would have been difficult to omit. If he had signed with Core Sports, the same situation would have happened with Samsung.

  35. Professor Park, who was appointed in 2011, contributed greatly to attracting Seorabeol University from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to train horse industry professionals in 2014, and has been focusing on research activities to produce horse industry professionals and develop the horse industry. In addition, he participated in designing and writing national certificates for rehabilitation horseback riding and writing textbooks, making efforts to prepare a foundation for rehabilitation horseback riding in Korea, and last year, he was designated as a온라인경마 rehabilitation horseback riding cooperation institution of the Korean Racing Association.He also participated as a representative of Korea at the 2015 HETI General Assembly to host the 2021 HETI General Assembly as an executive of the Korea Rehabilitation Horse Racing Association and contributed to reflecting policies for the development of the horse industry in Gyeongju.

  36. It is an infinite honor to make a New Year’s address once again in the year of the Golden Dog, the Year of the Golden Dog. I hope all horseback riders will be happy in the year of the golden dog, full of hope, and I sincerely hope that they will move toward a bigger dream and achieve all their wishes.If you look back on the horse riding industry over the past year, it is full of issues.It’s been a year for me. The Korea Student Horseriding Association promises to 온라인경마 work harder as a companion for equestrian people with a consistent mind that never loses its original intention.We hope that 2018 will be a meaningful new year for the Korean Student Horseriding Association and Racing Media families to take the lead in taking the lead in every little thing to further raise the status of horseback riders. I wish you good health and happiness.

  37. It is an infinite honor to make a New Year’s address once again in the year of the Golden Dog, the Year of the Golden Dog. I hope all horseback riders will be happy in the year of the golden dog, full of hope, and I sincerely hope that they will move toward a bigger dream and achieve all their wishes.If you look back on the horse riding industry over the past year, it is full of issues.It’s been a year for me. The Korea Student Horseriding Association promises 온라인경마 to work harder as a companion for equestrian people with a consistent mind that never loses its original intention.We hope that 2018 will be a meaningful new year for the Korean Student Horseriding Association and Racing Media families to take the lead in taking the lead in every little thing to further raise the status of horseback riders. I wish you good health and happiness.

  38. It is an infinite honor to make a New Year’s address once again in the year of the Golden Dog, the Year of the Golden Dog. I hope all horseback riders will be happy in the year of the golden dog, full of hope, and I sincerely hope that they will move toward a bigger dream and achieve all their wishes.If you look back on the horse riding industry over the past year, it is full of issues.It’s been a year for me. The Korea Student Horseriding Association promises온라인경마 to work harder as a companion for equestrian people with a consistent mind that never loses its original intention.We hope that 2018 will be a meaningful new year for the Korean Student Horseriding Association and Racing Media families to take the lead in taking the lead in every little thing to further raise the status of horseback riders. I wish you good health and happiness.

  39. Professor Park, who was appointed in 2011, contributed greatly to attracting Seorabeol University from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to train horse industry professionals in 2014, and has been focusing on research activities to produce horse industry professionals and develop the horse industry. In addition, he participated in designing and writing national certificates for rehabilitation horseback riding and writing textbooks, making efforts to prepare a foundation for rehabilitation horseback riding in Korea, and last year, he was designated as a 일본경마사이트 rehabilitation horseback riding cooperation institution of the Korean Racing Association.He also participated as a representative of Korea at the 2015 HETI General Assembly to host the 2021 HETI General Assembly as an executive of the Korea Rehabilitation Horse Racing Association and contributed to reflecting policies for the development of the horse industry in Gyeongju.

  40. Professor Park, who was appointed in 2011, contributed greatly to attracting Seorabeol University from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to train horse industry professionals in 2014, and has been focusing on research activities to produce horse industry professionals and develop the horse industry. In addition, he participated in designing and writing national certificates for rehabilitation horseback riding and writing textbooks, making efforts to prepare a foundation for rehabilitation 일본경마사이트 horseback riding in Korea, and last year, he was designated as a rehabilitation horseback riding cooperation institution of the Korean Racing Association.He also participated as a representative of Korea at the 2015 HETI General Assembly to host the 2021 HETI General Assembly as an executive of the Korea Rehabilitation Horse Racing Association and contributed to reflecting policies for the development of the horse industry in Gyeongju.

  41. With most farmers experiencing a sales cliff due to the purchase of excellent horses, including liberalization of foreign horse imports and top prize money since the implementation of the 2015 horse racing innovation plan, it is urgent to introduce a subsidy system to preserve grasslands and facilities and prepare for a new job.To ensure transparency in the racehorse distribution structure and the formation of fair racehorse market value between 일본경마사이트
    multiple sellers and buyers, the revitalization of the auction organized by a trustworthy association can no longer be delayed. Although there is some assistance from the Korea Racing Authority, the current auction market centered on 2-year-old horses, which producers mostly pay for the development of the former and the latter, is adding to the burden on producers. Active support is needed if conditions are created in the future and the association takes the lead in fostering post-cultivation.

  42. It is an infinite honor to make a New Year’s address once again in the year of the Golden Dog, the Year of the Golden Dog. I hope all horseback riders will be happy in the year of the golden dog, full of hope, and I sincerely hope that they will move toward a bigger dream and achieve all their wishes.If you look back on the horse riding industry over the past year, it is full of issues.It’s been a year for me. The Korea Student Horseriding Association promises일본경마사이트 to work harder as a companion for equestrian people with a consistent mind that never loses its original intention.We hope that 2018 will be a meaningful new year for the Korean Student Horseriding Association and Racing Media families to take the lead in taking the lead in every little thing to further raise the status of horseback riders. I wish you good health and happiness.

  43. It is an infinite honor to make a New Year’s address once again in the year of the Golden Dog, the Year of the Golden Dog. I hope all horseback riders will be happy in the year of the golden dog, full of hope, and I sincerely hope that they will move toward a bigger dream and achieve all their wishes.If you look back on the horse riding industry over the past year, it is full of issues.It’s been a year for me. The Korea Student Horseriding Association 일본경마사이트 promises to work harder as a companion for equestrian people with a consistent mind that never loses its original intention.We hope that 2018 will be a meaningful new year for the Korean Student Horseriding Association and Racing Media families to take the lead in taking the lead in every little thing to further raise the status of horseback riders. I wish you good health and happiness.

  44. To do so, we need to develop a system and build a control tower to train experts and streamline management, and the main goal should be to revitalize future consumer youth horseback riding, which will increase demand.In addition, investment and effort should be spared in training and assisting horse producers in case demand increases.In the case of France’s success that we will benchmark, the government took the lead in controlling the industry, providing various support and promotion, and building the industrial base at a rapid pace온라인경마 . In the process, we have systematized children’s education to increase future consumption demand, and have produced very satisfactory results. Now that the growth of such invested industries has worked to some extent, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development, and the activities of organizations in each industry are stabilizing and leading.

  45. 2018 is also the year when the second five-year plan for the horse industry begins. (G)The message that the Korea Horse Manufacturers Association wants to convey to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is that if the first-end industrial plan was quantitative growth, the second-end industrial plan will develop toward qualitative growth.It has already been seven years since the world’s only horse industry promotion law was enacted and일본경마사이트 implemented, but the most important farmland law revision in the riding sector has not been made. In order to install a rural horseback riding facility, existing farmland must be changed to a sports site, but excessive farmland charges are a big burden. In order to improve the reality that many rural horseback riding facilities are currently operating without permission or without a report, it must be solved during the second horse industry plan.

  46. 2018 is also the year when the second five-year plan for the horse industry begins. (G)The message that the Korea Horse Manufacturers Association wants to convey to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is that if the first-end industrial plan was quantitative growth, the second-end industrial plan will develop toward qualitative growth.It has already been seven years since the world’s only horse industry promotion law was enacted 일본경마사이트 and implemented, but the most important farmland law revision in the riding sector has not been made. In order to install a rural horseback riding facility, existing farmland must be changed to a sports site, but excessive farmland charges are a big burden. In order to improve the reality that many rural horseback riding facilities are currently operating without permission or without a report, it must be solved during the second horse industry plan.

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