“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. I must say this was very helpful and easy to understand.

  2. Kim Nak-soon, the 36th president of the Korean Racing Authority, took office at 4 p.m. on January 19. In his inauguration speech, which lasted for nearly 20 minutes, Chairman Kim Nak-soon’s voice contained solemnity. Prior to the inauguration speech, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “I have never greeted you with a manuscript prepared in advance,” adding, “I prepared the inauguration speech for three nights and four days in order to be formal at일본경마사이트 the strong request of the secretary’s office.”The inaugural address covers 25 manuscripts and 3,500 words, which shows how important the pending issues facing the Korean Racing Authority are. The most frequently mentioned words in the inaugural address are “people,” “transparent,” “responsibility,” and “trust.” The Horse Industry Journal analyzes the inauguration speech of Kim Nak-soon, president of the Korean Racing Authority, and introduces some of the full text.

  3. Chairman Kim Nak-soon was first called as the 36th president of the Korean Racing Authority and personally said it was an honor. Referring to the weather, as most inauguration speeches say, “What is cold is the people’s view of the Korean horse society rather than the weather,” adding, “I am afraid of the people’s strict order to be reborn with a heavy responsibility.”He was branded as a representative of public corporations subject to public distrust, 일본경마사이트 criticism, and deep-rooted evils, but he said he would not ask why or why. It was not a problem for the entire Korean Racing Association, but because “the problem was the manager who claimed to be a puppet and some of the followers who used it as a tool for standing.” He also said that not everyone can be proud. He said, “We should be ashamed of our responsibility for not being able to say anything wrong, and we should bow our heads to the public to apologize and ask for forgiveness.”

  4. The second task can be concentrated on the horse racing industry’s response to specification. Even in global trends, Chairman Kim Nak-soon, who said that generating profits through horse racing is difficult in the future, mentioned the crisis of closing over-the-counter sales outlets.Chairman Kim Nak-soon, who said, “As a top professional manager of the horse industry, I know that there are some concerns and concerns,” and revealed his caree온라인경마 r as a professional manager and a scholar who taught and researched culture and art at university.In particular, he said, “I experienced the value of labor, the authority of workers, communication between labor and management, and co-prosperity are important factors for corporate development when the 13th Standing Committee was established at the 13th National Assembly on June 15, 1988.

  5. The second task can be concentrated on the horse racing industry’s response to specification. Even in global trends, Chairman Kim Nak-soon, who said that generating profits through horse racing is difficult in the future, mentioned the crisis of closing over-the-counter sales outlets.Chairman Kim Nak-soon, who said, “As a top professional manager of the horse industry, I know that there are some concerns and concerns,” and revealed his career온라인경마 as a professional manager and a scholar who taught and researched culture and art at university.In particular, he said, “I experienced the value of labor, the authority of workers, communication between labor and management, and co-prosperity are important factors for corporate development when the 13th Standing Committee was established at the 13th National Assembly on June 15, 1988.

  6. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects온라인경마 institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust and protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

  7. Unlike the usual rigid atmosphere, the inauguration atmosphere was due to expectations that he was the first head of the Moon Jae Inn government to be appointed, applause came out during his inauguration speech or loud answers to Chairman Kim Nak-soon’s questions. Chairman Kim Nak-soon, who seemed to recognize the situation in which his inauguration speech was bound to be “determined,” shook hands and talked온라인경마 with all employees in front of the lobby of the main building after the inauguration ceremony.After the inauguration ceremony, an official of the Korea Racing Authority said, “It is true that there were concerns that we were parachutes and non-experts at the time of the inauguration, but listening to today’s inauguration seems to be empowering us to overcome internal distrust and exert positive influence externally. Many executives and employees are looking forward to creating a proud company.”

  8. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust 일본경마사이트 and protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

  9. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects일본경마사이트 institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust and protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

  10. Looking closely at Chairman Kim Nak-soon’s inauguration speech, it is noticeable that he studied enough on pending issues such as the horse racing industry and the organization of the Korean Racing Association before taking office as the head of the Korean Racing Association. He also said he would hurry to grasp the work of each department immediately after taking office. In fact, he reportedly received departmental reports on the day of his inauguration, last weekend, and until the 24th.What is most welcome is that “the Korean Racing Authority is not an intelligence agency 온라인경마 nor an institution that requires special security,” and emphasized, “We will make sure that all possible fields of work are transparent.” It was also said that it was “a shortcut to restoring public trust.” Analysts say the remarks are based on the deterioration of the image of the Korean horse industry and the horse industry, which was triggered by former chairmen cutting off or avoiding some media in accordance with the “advice(?)” of some followers.

  11. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust일본경마사이트 and protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

  12. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust 온라인경마 and protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

  13. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust a온라인경마 nd protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

  14. “I will not tolerate any resistance or pressure on this path,” he said, “I will definitely put my everything on the line to prevent it,” as if he knew about the internal faction’s dissatisfaction with the chairman of the horse society and the media. On the other hand, he said, “I will fully repay the employees who work hard, are creative, faithfully respond to the nation’s call, and serve the people’s interests,” adding, “Please give me generous support and support when I meet your expectations.” He also said, “The chairman protects institutions and organizations, and the members of the organization trust and온라인경마 protect the chairman,” adding, “That is what promises the prosperity of the community as a Korean horse society.”Finally, Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “The Korean horse society will be different and should be different,” and added, “Dear executives and employees of the horse society, let’s all be the main players in creating a new history of Korean horse society with a confident attitude.”

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  16. It was also said that generating profits through horse racing is not an end but a means. Instead of maximizing profit creation, publicity and sharing should now come first, and he also said, “We will strive to become a healthy institution that expects the best productivity in our community in the best condition.” In particular, since the establishment of infrastructure to revitalize horseback riding is also an important value, he said, “We believe that not only horse racing but also the horse riding industry must grow together to complete the real development of the horse industry.”Prior to restoring public trust, he said that creating an organizational culture that trusts each일본경마사이트 other is the first priority, and he promises this because the most important value to practice it is personnel fairness as the head of the Korean Racing Authority. Chairman Kim Nak-soon said, “We will keep the trust of the organization with fair personnel and deploy manpower in the right place according to our ability,” adding, “Fair personnel will be that Kim Nak-soon’s trademark.” Please keep an eye on him,” he stressed.

  17. I am very impressed with your writing majorsite I couldn’t think of this, but it’s amazing! I wrote several posts similar to this one, but please come and see!

  18. Chairman Kim Nak-soon was first called as the 36th president of the Korean Racing Authority and personally said it was an honor. Referring to the weather, as most inauguration speeches say, “What is cold is the people’s view of the Korean horse society rather than the weather,” adding, “I am afraid of the people’s strict order to be reborn with a heavy responsibility.”He was branded as a representative of public corporations subject to public distrust, criticism, and deep-rooted evils, but he said he would not ask why or 온라인경마 why. It was not a problem for the entire Korean Racing Association, but because “the problem was the manager who claimed to be a puppet and some of the followers who used it as a tool for standing.” He also said that not everyone can be proud. He said, “We should be ashamed of our responsibility for not being able to say anything wrong, and we should bow our heads to the public to apologize and ask for forgiveness.”

  19. Rehabilitation horseback riding in Korea began in 2001 as a social public interest project at Samsung Electronics’ horseback riding team. I participated in the operation of the rehabilitation horseback riding program with a light heart that mainly gives children with brain lesions a different experience as an event, but the rehabilitation effect on children with disabilities was more than expected. Children with brain lesions who participate in rehabilitation horseback일본경마사이트 riding programs through rehabilitation medicine have fun participating every hour and have confidence, as well as improving joint movement and strengthening muscle strength, very positive results have begun to come out in posture correction and walking ability. In addition, rehabilitation horseback riding for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was found to have a great effect on alleviating ADHD symptoms.

  20. We hope that people who wisely overcome the crisis will show interest and affection in the horse industry, and in the new year, the horse industry will take a strong leap forward, and rehabilitation horseback riding will develop at the center of the온라인경마 horse industry to revitalize the rural economy and improve the quality of life of the people.I wonder if there have ever been so many words such as horse racing, racetrack, and horse management in the media as last year. Those were all negative things, including the involvement of unfortunate accidents and unsavory incidents, and it was a difficult and difficult time for horse racing-related workers, who were directly or indirectly involved.

  21. We hope that people who wisely overcome the crisis will show interest and affection in the horse industry, and in the new year, the horse industry will take a strong leap forward, and rehabilitation horseback riding will develop at the center of the 온라인경마 horse industry to revitalize the rural economy and improve the quality of life of the people.I wonder if there have ever been so many words such as horse racing, racetrack, and horse management in the media as last year. Those were all negative things, including the involvement of unfortunate accidents and unsavory incidents, and it was a difficult and difficult time for horse racing-related workers, who were directly or indirectly involved.

  22. Unfortunately, the death of two horseman managers in Pukyong (knownly, two union members killed themselves last year) led to public opinion and discussions that the job insecurity, excessive competition, and poor working conditions of horseman workers should be improved.In the process, managers in Seoul were driven by the dichotomy logic that they take more일본경마사이트
    salaries while working less because of stable employment and low competitiveness. The history of Seoul and Pukyong (Jeju is excluded) is different, and the working experience and average age of horseman managers are not mentioned at all, and the media did not verify or refute the logic of the horse racing society, which led to public opinion being driven by the same logic as horse racing officials and even some horse racing fans.

  23. Unfortunately, the death of two horseman managers in Pukyong (knownly, two union members killed themselves last year) led to public opinion and discussions that the job insecurity, excessive competition, and poor working conditions of horseman workers should be improved.In the process, managers in Seoul were driven by the dichotomy logic that they take more 일본경마사이트
    salaries while working less because of stable employment and low competitiveness. The history of Seoul and Pukyong (Jeju is excluded) is different, and the working experience and average age of horseman managers are not mentioned at all, and the media did not verify or refute the logic of the horse racing society, which led to public opinion being driven by the same logic as horse racing officials and even some horse racing fans.

  24. The Korea Rehabilitation Horse Racing Association will work together to develop and globalize Korea’s rehabilitation horse riding, including related academic and educational organizations, rehabilitation horse instructors and therapists, and experts from various fields related to the horse industry are working together in 2021.At the end of 2011, the Industrial Development Act was implemented and the second five-year plan will be announced soon. I think it will be a timely prescription for the horse industry in difficult situations일본경마사이트
    . Horses start walking and running as soon as they are born, but humans do not have to exercise their exact motor functions until about 10 years later. If you compare the horse industry development method to a person, you will be only eight years old who will enter elementary school next year. The current difficulty is thought to be a growing pain for the horse industry to grow and develop further.

  25. We hope that people who wisely overcome the crisis will show interest and affection in the horse industry, and in the new year, the horse industry will take a strong leap forward, 일본경마사이트
    and rehabilitation horseback riding will develop at the center of the horse industry to revitalize the rural economy and improve the quality of life of the people.I wonder if there have ever been so many words such as horse racing, racetrack, and horse management in the media as last year. Those were all negative things, including the involvement of unfortunate accidents and unsavory incidents, and it was a difficult and difficult time for horse racing-related workers, who were directly or indirectly involved.

  26. The Korea Rehabilitation Horse Racing Association will work together to develop and globalize Korea’s rehabilitation horse riding, including related academic and educational organizations, rehabilitation horse instructors and therapists, and experts from various fields related to the horse industry are working together in 2021.At the end of 2011, the Industrial Development Act was implemented and the second five-year plan will be announced soon. I think it will be a timely prescription for the horse industry in difficult situations.일본경마사이트 Horses start walking and running as soon as they are born, but humans do not have to exercise their exact motor functions until about 10 years later. If you compare the horse industry development method to a person, you will be only eight years old who will enter elementary school next year. The current difficulty is thought to be a growing pain for the horse industry to grow and develop further.

  27. The Korea Rehabilitation Horse Racing Association will work together to develop and globalize Korea’s rehabilitation horse riding, including related academic and educational organizations, rehabilitation horse instructors and therapists, and experts from various fields related to the horse industry are working together in 2021.At the end of 2011, the Industrial Development Act was implemented and the second five-year plan will be announced soon. I think it will be a timely prescription for the horse industry in difficult situations일본경마사이트 . Horses start walking and running as soon as they are born, but humans do not have to exercise their exact motor functions until about 10 years later. If you compare the horse industry development method to a person, you will be only eight years old who will enter elementary school next year. The current difficulty is thought to be a growing pain for the horse industry to grow and develop further.

  28. We hope that people who wisely overcome the crisis will show interest and affection in the horse industry, and in the new year, the horse industry will take a strong leap forward, and rehabilitation horseback riding will develop at the center of the horse industry to revitalize the rural economy and improve the qualit일본경마사이트 y of life of the people.I wonder if there have ever been so many words such as horse racing, racetrack, and horse management in the media as last year. Those were all negative things, including the involvement of unfortunate accidents and unsavory incidents, and it was a difficult and difficult time for horse racing-related workers, who were directly or indirectly involved.

  29. The announcement of the Korea Racing Authority seems similar to the government’s “five-year comprehensive plan to foster the horse industry,” and it is questionable whether the government’s policy to foster the horse industry in the future is to implement a policy delegated to the Korea Racing Authority.The government’s opaque horse industry policy is shrinking the horse industry’s economic outlook and foundation, and our funeral industry sector has a significant impact, so funeral industry businesses and workers are worried about the future industry’s prospects.To dispel the concerns of farmers and horse industry-related workers, continued 온라인경마 support from the government’s policy to foster the horse industry, which has already been firmly established as an agricultural policy, is more urgent than ever. In 2018, we hope that a more active policy to foster the horse industry will be realized to improve the domestic horse industry base and conditions of the horse industry in rural areas and to increase actual income for horse industry workers.

  30. We hope that people who wisely overcome the crisis will show interest and affection in the horse industry, and in the new year, the horse industry will take a strong leap forward, and rehabilitation horseback riding will develop at the center of the 온라인경마 orse industry to revitalize the rural economy and improve the quality of life of the people.I wonder if there have ever been so many words such as horse racing, racetrack, and horse management in the media as last year. Those were all negative things, including the involvement of unfortunate accidents and unsavory incidents, and it was a difficult and difficult time for horse racing-related workers, who were directly or indirectly involved.

  31. There were times when I wondered why I should be scolded at this age when I was not young. However, with the strong will of Koreans, I endured and worked hard for my goal. I tried to lose to young Japanese players. As a result, Serimachi began to recognize me as a disciple at some point, and now we are friends.The main content is the process of converting a love red made for running into a riding horse. It is to learn how to train horses so that people can일본경마사이트 run comfortably and safely. It is said that high-class education will be conducted from next year, the fourth year. In order for Thoroughbred, which was used as a racehorse, to be converted into a horse-riding horse, I also learned horse-riding magic directly from Serimachi because I need to know horse-riding magic. Serimachi is also a Japanese national team coach and a very famous person in Japan.

  32. I was a man who didn’t know the ‘win’ of horseback riding and the ‘horse’ of horses. However, when he raised horses and ran a horseback riding course, he initially owed hundreds of millions of dollars. However, after a lot of hard work, he began to make a surplus in the horseback riding course. First, I visited the local police station and the education office to inform them about horseback riding. And we talked a lot about the effects of horseback riding and ways to contribute to the local community through horseback riding.일본경마사이트 In the process, the local community began to pay attention little by little and received a great response to student horseback riding.Yes, I’ve been insisting for six years that I should run a horse riding business with a small horse. Others said that Hanlama was stubborn and no, but I ran a riding course in Hanlama, saying, “Don’t be ridiculous.” I didn’t have a Thoroughbred at the time. In the end, it proved that I was right.

  33. How did you know that I went to Japan? That’s right. I came back from training in Japan on March 8th. I went on a training trip to a Japanese crane horseback riding ground to learn horse training and horse-riding skills. This year is already the third year, and I have been there every year since 2015. There, he is professionally trained by Yoshidaka Serimachi.It is intended to prepare for new changes. Now that Korea is in the early stages of horseback riding, youth horseback riding is the trend and mainstream, but I think it will develop into professional horseback riding such as horse riding and 일본경마사이트 obstacles in the future. Until now, many people have enjoyed endurance events in the Mongolian style of horseback riding, but it is judged that horse riding and obstacles will be in the spotlight in the future. In other words, it will change from ‘honeycomb’ to ‘horseback’. Currently, there are not many horses for dressage in Korea. And there’s no one to teach dressage. I started learning dressage thinking this was a future strategy.

  34. How did you know that I went to Japan? That’s right. I came back from training in Japan on March 8th. I went on a training trip to a Japanese crane horseback riding ground to learn horse training and horse-riding skills. This year is already the third year, and I have been there every year since 2015. There, he is professionally trained by Yoshidaka Serimachi.It is intended to prepare for new changes. Now that Korea is in the early stages of horseback riding, youth horseback riding is the trend and mainstream, but I think it will develop into professional horseback riding such as horse riding 일본경마사이트 and obstacles in the future. Until now, many people have enjoyed endurance events in the Mongolian style of horseback riding, but it is judged that horse riding and obstacles will be in the spotlight in the future. In other words, it will change from ‘honeycomb’ to ‘horseback’. Currently, there are not many horses for dressage in Korea. And there’s no one to teach dressage. I started learning dressage thinking this was a future strategy.

  35. Even if the police asked for Jeong’s contact information even though he saved a life, Chung took only his clothes and went his own way. Rumor has it that the police came to Jeong after a report from a nearby restaurant owner who knew him.Jeong Yeon-wook, a former captain of the Army Special Forces, calmly said, “I would have helped the person if anyone had been there, not because I had courage.” Jeong’s co-worker said, “Jeong Yeon-wook, who 일본경마사이트 joined the Korea Racing Authority Cheonggyeong University in 2005 after serving as a special forces officer, is a great employee who knows how to be considerate of others by exercising hard and volunteering hard.”An official from the Busan Nambu Police Station, who awarded the plaque of appreciation, said, “I was able to save my precious life with a quick judgment at the moment,” adding, “It is a warm-hearted and courageous example of citizens.”

  36. Even if the police asked for Jeong’s contact information even though he saved a life, Chung took only his clothes and went his own way. Rumor has it that the police came to Jeong after a report from a nearby restaurant owner who knew him.Jeong Yeon-wook, a former captain of the Army Special Forces, calmly said, “I would have helped the person if anyone had been there, not because I had courage.” Jeong’s co-worker said, “Jeong Yeon-wook, who일본경마사이트 joined the Korea Racing Authority Cheonggyeong University in 2005 after serving as a special forces officer, is a great employee who knows how to be considerate of others by exercising hard and volunteering hard.”An official from the Busan Nambu Police Station, who awarded the plaque of appreciation, said, “I was able to save my precious life with a quick judgment at the moment,” adding, “It is a warm-hearted and courageous example of citizens.”

  37. About five years ago in Korea, there were many concerns about whether to use Thoroughred or import and use horses. And the players said no love red. However, I became interested in it when I saw it being used in Japan near by using Thoroughred and converting it into a horse of horsemanship. So I went there and saw it myself, and it was really a turnaround. So I started going to Japan Crane Horse Riding Course for training three years ago.I am not good at 온라인경마 Japanese, but we talked to each other in English. And when I first went to Serimachi instructor and told him about the situation in Korea, he told me to come every year for four years. He promised that he would pass on everything if he did so. So it’s already been three years.It was really hard. Still, I endured and learned because I had a goal. Serimachi instructor was born in the Year of the Dog in 58 years and scolded me a lot while teaching me.

  38. About five years ago in Korea, there were many concerns about whether to use Thoroughred or import and use horses. And the players said no love red. However, I became interested in it when I saw it being used in Japan near by using Thoroughred and converting it into a horse of horsemanship. So I went there and saw it myself, and it was really a turnaround. So I started going to Japan Crane Horse Riding Course for training three years ago.I am not good 온라인경마 at Japanese, but we talked to each other in English. And when I first went to Serimachi instructor and told him about the situation in Korea, he told me to come every year for four years. He promised that he would pass on everything if he did so. So it’s already been three years.It was really hard. Still, I endured and learned because I had a goal. Serimachi instructor was born in the Year of the Dog in 58 years and scolded me a lot while teaching me.

  39. How did you know that I went to Japan? That’s right. I came back from training in Japan on March 8th. I went on a training trip to a Japanese crane horseback riding ground to learn horse training and horse-riding skills. This year is already the third year, and I have been there every year since 2015. There, he is professionally trained by Yoshidaka Serimachi.It is intended to prepare for new changes. Now that Korea is in the early stages of horseback riding, youth horseback riding is the trend and mainstream, but I think it will develop into professional horseback riding such as horse riding and 일본경마사이트
    obstacles in the future. Until now, many people have enjoyed endurance events in the Mongolian style of horseback riding, but it is judged that horse riding and obstacles will be in the spotlight in the future. In other words, it will change from ‘honeycomb’ to ‘horseback’. Currently, there are not many horses for dressage in Korea. And there’s no one to teach dressage. I started learning dressage thinking this was a future strategy.

  40. There were times when I wondered why I should be scolded at this age when I was not young. However, with the strong will of Koreans, I endured and worked hard for my goal. I tried to lose to young Japanese players. As a result, Serimachi began to recognize me as a disciple at some point, and now we are friends.The main content is the process of converting a love red made for running
    온라인경마 into a riding horse. It is to learn how to train horses so that people can run comfortably and safely. It is said that high-class education will be conducted from next year, the fourth year. In order for Thoroughbred, which was used as a racehorse, to be converted into a horse-riding horse, I also learned horse-riding magic directly from Serimachi because I need to know horse-riding magic. Serimachi is also a Japanese national team coach and a very famous person in Japan.

  41. The obstacle event is also taught by the athletes who participated in the Rio Olympics. In Korea, it is to take money and learn from experts at a level that is worth learning.Japan has no direct support for the equestrian industry. Now, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the horse racing society are investing a lot for the development of horseback riding, but I think it could be
    온라인경마 counterproductive. The market should be left to the market. It is true that it is difficult to do a horseback riding course. However, in that difficulty, the market must research, develop and develop itself. In other words, front-line horseback riding courses should not be hung up on support. If you apply, will you try to make money by teaching each member to ride horses, or you will try to go comfortably with the government’s support.

  42. How did you know that I went to Japan? That’s right. I came back from training in Japan on March 8th. I went on a training trip to a Japanese crane horseback riding ground to learn horse training and horse-riding skills. This year is already the third year, and I have been there every year since 2015. There, he is professionally trained by Yoshidaka Serimachi.It is intended to prepare for new changes. Now that Korea is in the early stages of horseback riding, youth horseback riding is the trend and mainstream, but I think it will develop into professional horseback riding such as horse riding일본경마사이트
    and obstacles in the future. Until now, many people have enjoyed endurance events in the Mongolian style of horseback riding, but it is judged that horse riding and obstacles will be in the spotlight in the future. In other words, it will change from ‘honeycomb’ to ‘horseback’. Currently, there are not many horses for dressage in Korea. And there’s no one to teach dressage. I started learning dressage thinking this was a future strategy.

  43. There were times when I wondered why I should be scolded at this age when I was not young. However, with the strong will of Koreans, I endured and worked hard for my goal. I tried to lose to young Japanese players. As a result, Serimachi began to recognize me as a disciple at some point, and now we are friends.The main content is the process of converting a love red made for running into a riding horse. It is to learn how to train horses so that people can run온라인경마 comfortably and safely. It is said that high-class education will be conducted from next year, the fourth year. In order for Thoroughbred, which was used as a racehorse, to be converted into a horse-riding horse, I also learned horse-riding magic directly from Serimachi because I need to know horse-riding magic. Serimachi is also a Japanese national team coach and a very famous person in Japan.

  44. The obstacle event is also taught by the athletes who participated in the Rio Olympics. In Korea, it is to take money and learn from experts at a level that is worth learning.Japan has no direct support for the equestrian industry. Now, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the horse racing society are investing a lot for the development of horseback riding, but I think it could be온라인경마 counterproductive. The market should be left to the market. It is true that it is difficult to do a horseback riding course. However, in that difficulty, the market must research, develop and develop itself. In other words, front-line horseback riding courses should not be hung up on support. If you apply, will you try to make money by teaching each member to ride horses, or you will try to go comfortably with the government’s support.

  45. What if they say they will stop supporting them right away? We need to find an alternative to that. If you don’t try yourself, there will surely be difficulties. Now, the horse industry is in a rather chaotic state, but one day, the stage will be cleared up. I’m the one who says we should be prepared for that.In order for the horse industry to enter the category of agriculture, it must benefit farmers who run agriculture in rural areas. It is hoped that farmers will be able to make money using horses in the field while raising horses and realistically온라인경마 establish policies that allow money to go into their pockets.Lee Young-jin, CEO of Ariul Horse Riding Course, said, “The front-line horse riding course should not be tied to the government’s budget support, but should consider becoming competitive in the horse riding market on its own.” If the private sector does not develop the power to stand on its own feet, the horse industry cannot stand up right away.

  46. What if they say they will stop supporting them right away? We need to find an alternative to that. If you don’t try yourself, there will surely be difficulties. Now, the horse industry is in a rather chaotic state, but one day, the stage will be cleared up. I’m the one who says we should be prepared for that.In order for the horse industry to enter the category of agriculture, it must benefit farmers who run agriculture in rural areas. It is hoped that farmers will be able to make 온라인경마 money using horses in the field while raising horses and realistically establish policies that allow money to go into their pockets.Lee Young-jin, CEO of Ariul Horse Riding Course, said, “The front-line horse riding course should not be tied to the government’s budget support, but should consider becoming competitive in the horse riding market on its own.” If the private sector does not develop the power to stand on its own feet, the horse industry cannot stand up right away.

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  49. I don’t think there’s much difference. There is a slight difference in the main to compare. In Europe and Malaysia, there are many races on grass roads other than sand. Korea still doesn’t have grass roads. If that’s the difference, it’s the difference.There is also a slight difference in race style. In the case of Korea, there are many attempts to do good at the beginning of the race. I try to get ahead of myself. However, in Europe, there are a variety of styles, such as autumn horses and free horses, which come out of the rear area 온라인경마 rather than the preceding horse style.All my family members have a deep connection to words. My grandfather and father were assistant teachers in Ireland, and other families have jobs related to horses such as assistant teachers and riders. I’ve actually been an assistant teacher since my debut in Malaysia in 2010, but it’s been a while since I’ve been living with a horse.

  50. Now, Korean horse racing is showing a lot of progress. Compared to three years ago, the level of horses, the assistant teacher’s assistant’s teaching skills, and the rider’s ability to rise have improved considerably. It can be said that the overall level of Korean horse racing has been improved.Particularly encouraging is the introduction of excellent foreign seedlings. Recently, the Korean Horse Racing Association and racehorse producers have brought excellent seed horses from the United States to Korea, which will greatly contribute to the development of Korean horse racing. 온라인경마 You can expect good grades as good words increase in lineage.Recently, in addition to horse racing fans who enjoy horse racing, the composition of people visiting horse racing parks has diversified, including family customers who accompanied children and young people who came to play with their lovers or friends. I think it is the process of transforming into a healthy leisure sport.

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