“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. No matter who you pick up, you need a well-trained horse to guide you through the accident, but there is no such horse from the beginning. So you have to make up such a word, and it’s helpful to learn the skill. In horseback riding, practical skills are important in addition to theoretical education, and the fact that the instructor directly teaches practical skills is very helpful.

  2. http://cgi.www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~t-masa/g_book.cgi/~t-masa/g_book.cgi/summary/?g2_returnName=Album&popup=1

  3. producing and fostering horses in 1960, has been trying to restore Jeju horses that are disappearing through blood collection and population checking by visiting horse breeding farms. In addition, it has been recognized as an excellent producer by the Korean Horse Racing Association, such as selecting the best racehorse producer ranch (5 times) and selecting an excellent ranch (1) for scientific efforts to foster domestic racehorse production.

  4. The reason why Kim Yong-soo won the 2nd Honma Meritorious Service Kim Man-il Award is that he made a brilliant contribution to preserving the lineage of Jeju horse, a natural monument. When Jeju horses were designated as Natural Monument No. 347 in 1987, 13 Jeju horses were sent to the Jeju Livestock Promotion Agency, and most of the Jeju horses in the province were successfully preserved, as they were descendants of Jeju horses sent by Kim. In addition, he ran a total of 222 racehorses in the race while playing as a Jeju horse racer, and produced Bari Oreum, the winner of the first Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Governor’s Cup horse racing competition. Kim, a living witness of Jeju horse history, has been introduced not only on domestic airwaves but also on broadcasting programs such as NHK in Japan.

  5. Generally, I think a love red is a horse that runs wild because it is a racehorse. However, Japan is taking a step further and making good use of it. If we learn, we can make full use of it. A racehorse is better than a raw horse. This is because retired horses have basic training. However, if you reduce the speed, it is easy to use enough. We are in a position to learn now, but in the next 10 years, we will be greatly changed. And the spread of technology is nothing, and if I learn first and run the horseback riding course well, I will follow all the secrets of other horseback riding courses.

  6. Regarding the incident, a leading figure in the horse racing society said, “Until recently, I heard that a foreigner who worked as a foreign handicapper in the horse racing society and was fired for making excessive demands in the process 온라인경마
    of promoting Part II was complaining and gossiping about Korean horse racing.” He said, “The media that published the article is also a media with unclear credibility, and it is understood that the son of the fired person was deeply involved in the media operation.” In particular, it is their own argument that they did not accurately present the name of the writer of the article as well as the person who made the argument,” he said.

  7. the knowledge I learned, I tried riding a beginner horseback rider after cruising Surlovered on a farm and horseback riding ground, but so far, there have been no particularly dangerous situations or appearances. Sometimes words don’t follow what you want. I think that the remaining education will be enough to supplement it in the future.Some horseback riding courses are making great efficiency at low cost by cruising Gyeongju retirement horses well.

  8. Regarding the incident, a leading figure in the horse racing society said, “Until recently, I heard that a foreigner who worked as a foreign handicapper in the horse racing society and was fired for making excessive demands in the process온라인경마 of promoting Part II was complaining and gossiping about Korean horse racing.” He said, “The media that published the article is also a media with unclear credibility, and it is understood that the son of the fired person was deeply involved in the media operation.” In particular, it is their own argument that they did not accurately present the name of the writer of the article as well as the person who made the argument,” he said.

  9. The Kim Man-il Award, the hero of the Joseon Dynasty, was established to commemorate Kim Man-il’s achievements in the name of the dedication of thousands of horses raised as military horses whenever the country was in crisis due to Imran and Horan. (G)It is organized by the Kim Man-il Memorial Association, the Heonma Gongshin, and sponsored by the Jeju Regional Headquarters of the Korea Racing Authority.Kim Yong-soo of Yongcheon Ranch, who has contributed to the preservation of Jeju horse lineage and has been active in Jeju horse racing since 1990, was selected as the winner of the 2nd “Heonma Gongshin Kim Man-il Award.” The photo shows the scene of the first award ceremony last year.

  10. Rep. Jin asked the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Intelligent Crime Investigation Unit to investigate, saying, “The Racing Authority embezzled and misappropriated public funds while attempting to manipulate public opinion with public funds and misappropriated them by depositing excessive costs.” The police responded to the subject of the investigation and the specific charges, saying, “We cannot reveal them because we are investigating.”Looking at the “change in prize money increase after treatment” in the studies so far, the control group using only artificial joint fluid amounted to 9.02 million won, while the application group using artificial joint fluid and stem cells t 온라인경마 ogether amounted to 17 million won. In addition, the rehabilitation period was shortened from an average of 208 days to 192 days, and the return rate of Gyeongju increased from 80% to 91%. In fact, “Super Dream,” which received homeopathic treatment for osteotomy, recorded good records, ranking first in the race even after receiving treatment.

  11. of the Joseon Dynasty, was established to commemorate Kim Man-il’s achievements in the name of the dedication of thousands of horses raised as military horses whenever the country was in crisis due to Imran and Horan. (G)It is organized by the Kim Man-il Memorial Association, the Heonma Gongshin, and sponsored by the Jeju Regional Headquarters of the Korea Racing Authority.Kim Yong-soo of Yongcheon Ranch, who has contributed to the preservation of Jeju horse lineage and has been active in Jeju horse racing since 1990, was selected as the winner of the 2nd “Heonma Gongshin Kim Man-il Award.” The photo shows the scene of the first award ceremony last year.

  12. Horses that do not gain weight are eliminated from the cause of loss of appetite through gastroscopy and detection of gastritis and parasites, and the balance of hoofs is adjusted by proper deletion and intestinal consulting. Since it is the first year of implementation, it is provided at half price, and it is receiving favorable responses such as “I will leave it to you again later.”Meanwhile, an official from the Korea Racing Authority said, “An official letter has been received from the International Horse Racing Federation. According to the official document, they agree to be promoted to Part II of the Korean Racing Authority from January 2017. However, the 31 races applied to the International Horse Racing Federation by the Racing Authority include a clause 온라인경마
    that will be reviewed through a presentation at the International Horse Racing Federation meeting in March next year. In the end, it can be said to be conditional approval. The key is how many races can be recognized, but it can be seen that the promotion of the Korean horse race to Part II has almost been decided,” he said.

  13. However, at the front-line horseback riding course, it is not possible to pay money to train and train Gyeongju retirement horses. Wouldn’t it be possible if there was a center supported by the government?Park Sang-geun, CEO of Park Sil Horse Riding Training, who participated in “Gyeongju Retired Horse Riding Training” this year, said that he liked the catch phrase of Japan’s Crane Horse Riding Course, “A horse riding course without salespeople is not a horse riding course.” Recently, it has been operating a horseback riding course focusing on “student horseback riding,” and it is said that it is also interested in sales strategies.

  14. it is a racehorse. However, Japan is taking a step further and making good use of it. If we learn, we can make full use of it. A racehorse is better than a raw horse. This is because retired horses have basic training. However, if you reduce the speed, it is easy to use enough. We are in a position to learn now, but in the next 10 years, we will be greatly changed. And the spread of technology is nothing, and if I learn first and run the horseback riding course well, I will follow all the secrets of other horseback riding courses.

  15. Authority indoor horseback riding center in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do on the 7th and 8th, says the success of Gyeongju Retired Horse is essential for the develop the horse industry. Representative Nam, who has attended six training sessions held this year without a single absence, has a solid belief in “Gyeongju Retirement Horse.” I asked him about the horse industry, who raises horses himself and is also involved in the horse riding business.

  16. Rep. Jin asked the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s Intelligent Crime Investigation Unit to investigate, saying, “The Racing Authority embezzled and misappropriated public funds while attempting to manipulate public opinion with public funds and misappropriated them by depositing excessive costs.” The police responded to the subject of the investigation and the specific charges, saying, “We cannot reveal them because we are investigating.”Looking at the “change in prize money increase after treatment” in the studies so far, the control group using only artificial joint fluid amounted to 9.02 million won, while the application group using artificial joint fluid and stem cells 온라인경마 together amounted to 17 million won. In addition, the rehabilitation period was shortened from an average of 208 days to 192 days, and the return rate of Gyeongju increased from 80% to 91%. In fact, “Super Dream,” which received homeopathic treatment for osteotomy, recorded good records, ranking first in the race even after receiving treatment.

  17. as the special achievement award for the Heonma Gongshin Kim Man-il, at the recommendation of the Jeju National Museum. Ko, who is considered to have raised horses closest to Jeju’s traditional livestock technology, left a big mark in restoring Jeju’s Malteuri culture. It contributed to leaving Jeju Malteuri culture as a cultural heritage, such as Malteuri Labor Song and horse farming, and also left a number of books such as Jeju’s Last Malteuri.

  18. achievement award for the Heonma Gongshin Kim Man-il, at the recommendation of the Jeju National Museum. Ko, who is considered to have raised horses closest to Jeju’s traditional livestock technology, left a big mark in restoring Jeju’s Malteuri culture. It contributed to leaving Jeju Malteuri culture as a cultural heritage, such as Malteuri Labor Song and horse farming, and also left a number of books such as Jeju’s Last Malteuri.

  19. Regarding the incident, a leading figure in the horse racing society said, “Until recently, I heard that a foreigner who worked as a foreign handicapper in the horse racing society and was fired for making excessive demands in the process of promoting Part II was complaining and gossiping about 온라인경마
    Korean horse racing.” He said, “The media that published the article is also a media with unclear credibility, and it is understood that the son of the fired person was deeply involved in the media operation.” In particular, it is their own argument that they did not accurately present the name of the writer of the article as well as the person who made the argument,” he said.

  20. racehorse. However, Japan is taking a step further and making good use of it. If we learn, we can make full use of it. A racehorse is better than a raw horse. This is because retired horses have basic training. However, if you reduce the speed, it is easy to use enough. We are in a position to learn now, but in the next 10 years, we will be greatly changed. And the spread of technology is nothing, and if I learn first and run the horseback riding course well, I will follow all the secrets of other horseback riding courses.

  21. According to what was announced on the 3rd, in July 2013, when local residents protested against the entry of the Yongsan Burns Racecourse, Kim, the head of the Yongsan Win-Win Cooperation TF, paid Park (51), a native of Yongsan-ro 3-ga, Seoul, to raise public opinion in favor. Rep. Jin claimed, “The Racing Authority promised Park that if he/she does pro-active activities, he/she will give 1,000 won each for the right to operate a store in the video racecourse and signatures in favor.”온라인경마
    In particular, stem cells do not think urgently because quality is the most important. This is because if there is contamination during culture, the contaminated culture enters the injured area, it can rather increase the disease. How good the stem cells in 1mm are is more important than anything else. The ultimate goal is to allow stem cells to be commercially linked.

  22. the special achievement award for the Heonma Gongshin Kim Man-il, at the recommendation of the Jeju National Museum. Ko, who is considered to have raised horses closest to Jeju’s traditional livestock technology, left a big mark in restoring Jeju’s Malteuri culture. It contributed to leaving Jeju Malteuri culture as a cultural heritage, such as Malteuri Labor Song and horse farming, and also left a number of books such as Jeju’s Last Malteuri.

  23. the Heonma Gongshin Kim Man-il, at the recommendation of the Jeju National Museum. Ko, who is considered to have raised horses closest to Jeju’s traditional livestock technology, left a big mark in restoring Jeju’s Malteuri culture. It contributed to leaving Jeju Malteuri culture as a cultural heritage, such as Malteuri Labor Song and horse farming, and also left a number of books such as Jeju’s Last Malteuri.

  24. If Jeju Horse Theme Park is contributing to Jeju’s community through horseback riding, Madonhyang cannot be left out. At the entrance of the store, there is a signboard of the Jeju Social Welfare Community Chest of Korea, a fruit of love called “Good Store, a Place Together with Sharing.” Using some of the proceeds for her neighbors in need is also her “lifetime business.” A certain amount of money is donated every month,온라인경마 and scholarship projects are held at the end of the year. Representative Han Young-ja’s sincerity, “Now it’s because of the mission to make money and help others.” CEO Han Young-ja, who opened a horse meat restaurant called Madonhyang in Seongsan-eup in June. Madonhyang’s food is just a reliable home-cooked meal and mother’s table. CEO Han said, “I will do business sincerely with the belief that I eat.”

  25. The Horse Industry Awards Review Committee held a final selection meeting on January 23 and produced winners in 17 categories. Last year, Park Chan-won, a photographer, was selected for the Horse Culture Award category, which was returned to Kim Jung-hee, a curator at the Korean Racing Authority Horse Museum.Photos and videos capture the dynamism and initiative of words. In the horse industry, however, there are only a few professional writers. Therefore, horse-related photos and video collections are rare. In 2001, Park Ki-dong, who ran a snack bar on the first floor of the main building of Seoul Racing Park, held a “Pearl Photo Individual Exhibition.”

  26. Efforts should be made by the gambling industry to prepare safety devices so that the people can enjoy leisure with confidence. When such efforts are recognized by the public, I think more people can enjoy various gambling industries with their families. I hope we can go out in a win-win direction with a transitional consciousness. I think it would be a reasonable and ideal direction if it develops industrially but creates a structure that reduces gambling addiction.

  27. online is an important factor, and existing gambling industries are structured so that they can enjoy games only when they go to a specific place. However, with the development of smartphones these days, conditions have been established to gamble at convenient times in some places even if you don’t go to such places. The offline legal gambling industry cannot keep up with the competitiveness of such illegal gambling. The legal gambling industry also needs to provide convenience to users through onlineization. Only then can people who went illegally be lured into law.

  28. Kim achieved 197 wins with the victory of Ilgi Dangcheon in the 11th race on September 4, but it was difficult to guarantee 200 wins as he failed to win since August 20. However, on the 10th, he took a step forward toward 200 wins by winning the “Cheonji Storm” in the Ireland (HRI) trophy, which was 일본경마사이트 held as the seventh race. However, on that day, he was disappointed that he only finished second in the two races.Kim Ki-soo, who competed in the first race on the 11th of the Korea Cup, was located in the middle and late half of the fourth corner in harmony with “Lucky Money,” but won 199 games by showing excellent weight input in the straight race of the finish line.

  29. Prevention is of increasing importance for any addiction. If prevention is carried out thoroughly, side effects are minimized, so education projects to prevent gambling addiction and inform the dangers are very necessary. Although the SAC has done a lot of work over the past 10 years, it has been very developed compared to the past, but there is still a lack of teaching the risk of gambling addiction in the civic movement and education sites.

  30. There is an analysis that there are more cases of illegality than gambling addiction through legality. In fact, illegal gambling is causing more problems than the legal gambling industry. Nevertheless, politicians continue to impose only regulations on legal gambling.The past and present gambling industry environment has changed a lot. In the early days of the commission’s inauguration, it was not at the level of much concern about illegality. However, with the advent of smartphones, illegal gambling is rapidly increasing as an environment for illegal gambling online has been created.

  31. In May 2018, when signs of the horse industry in crisis turned into an opportunity appeared several times, we met welcome articles and photos on horse culture. A horse photo essay written and taken by photographer Park Chan-won himself, “Words Have No Words” (Goryeo Won Books), came to see the light of the world. He stayed at Jeju Daeseong Ranch for two years and captured 80 stories and 100 photos of him thinking about humans and looking back on himself through words.

  32. Instead of feed or hay, hydroponic cultivation machines are used to grow barley sprouts and fatten them. So the taste of meat is bound to taste different. The price is also good. Liver and intestines, which are difficult to get due to the small amount, are also more than 30% cheaper than other restaurants in Jeju Island. This is because the distribution process was reduced by putting meat directly.Naturally, the meat is made in Jeju, kimchi and kkakdugi, and various salted fish and side dishes are made in Korea, making them as strict as “home-cooked meals.” This is the only place that catches Jeju horses in Jeju Island. It is open 24 hours a day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., and the inside of a clean restaurant with 40 tables is also a good place for a company dinner.일본경마사이트
    Often, tourists and consumers visiting Jeju say that horse meat tastes bad or smells bad. Even though we have our own pony, doing business as a homa is not giving good food to tourists. I started my business, but I couldn’t hear such a sound. I can’t allow myself to play with food. I will run the restaurant truthfully, not roughly, with the belief that I eat.

  33. Instead of feed or hay, hydroponic cultivation machines are used to grow barley sprouts and fatten them. So the taste of meat is bound to taste different. The price is also good. Liver and intestines, which are difficult to get due to the small amount, are also more than 30% cheaper than other restaurants in Jeju Island. This is because the distribution process was reduced by putting meat directly.Naturally, the meat is made in Jeju, kimchi and kkakdugi, and various salted fish and side dishes are made in Korea, making them as strict as “home-cooked meals.” This is the only place that catches Jeju horses in Jeju Island. It is open 24 hours a day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., and the inside of a clean restaurant with 40 tables is also a good place for a company dinner.Often, 일본경마사이트
    tourists and consumers visiting Jeju say that horse meat tastes bad or smells bad. Even though we have our own pony, doing business as a homa is not giving good food to tourists. I started my business, but I couldn’t hear such a sound. I can’t allow myself to play with food. I will run the restaurant truthfully, not roughly, with the belief that I eat.

  34. In particular, if you are fully aware and aware of the risk of gambling addiction from an early age at the school site, the probability of falling into gambling addiction afterwards is greatly reduced. However, as entrance examination-oriented education is the main focus, personality-related education is not being properly conducted. I think a culture should be formed within the elementary, middle and high school curriculum to deal with all problems, including gambling, in depth, and to be aware of the dangers of addiction from an early age.

  35. He was a former CEO of Samsung Electronics, vice president of Samsung Group, and president of Korea Cosmetics, and after retirement, he worked as a chair professor at Sungkyunkwan University and learned photography before becoming a photographer. The world of his work contains the salt fields of his hometown of Daebudo Island, and he met Haru-sal, Butterfly, and Pig with anthropology learned through animals, and recently met horses in Jeju. Earlier this year, he held a solo New Year’s photo exhibition titled “Pigs See Us” and is still active.

  36. Of course it’s a sport. Equestrian is an official Olympic sport. The part about Jung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, also showed negative political entanglements. It is a pity that horseback riding is viewed negatively about it.Now, “Mayon a Horse” continues to develop, and “Mayon a Horse” will also play a role in creating the popularization of horseback 일본경마사이트 riding in the future. I have confidence in this. However, I don’t know how long it will take. Daemyung Group’s final goal is to push for CSI5* to create an environment where foreign players can bring their horses to Korea and have normal horseback riding competitions with existing horses. In addition, I pay tribute to the management of Daemyung Group, which plays the role without self-interest, as one of the equestrian.

  37. I don’t think it’s right to cry out against allowing the legal gambling industry online without an unstoppable alternative to the side effects of illegality that occur when it’s not online.If it is a gambling industry equipped with safety devices, there is no reason to oppose industrial development. If the safety device works well, you don’t get addicted to playing games and betting. The people can enjoy leisure in a healthy way. However, there are still not enough safeguards in the legal gambling industry to protect users, so the public is very afraid of even using the legal gambling business.

  38. It is true that the horseback riding industry slowed down for a while due to the Choi Soon-sil incident. Daemyung Group also feels sorry that horseback riding is considered a means for students to go to college. However, Daemyung is not only trying to expand the base for horseback riding, but also not lose the original intention of “Mayon a Horse.” It plans to continue to 온라인경마 develop the meeting of sports and culture without being shaken by any draft.General manager Kim Hong-chul, who served as the national horseback riding coach, did not leave the scene throughout the three days of the Mayon A Horse/2017 Daemyung Cup CSI3*. Prior to the obstacle competition, he continued to explain the obstacle course to the visitors in person, showing his passion for horseback riding.

  39. Of course it’s a sport. Equestrian is an official Olympic sport. The part about Jung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, also showed negative political entanglements. It is a pity that horseback riding is viewed negatively about it.Now, “Mayon a Horse” continues to develop, and “Mayon a Horse” will also play a role in creating the popularization of horseback riding in the future. I have confidence in this. However, 온라인경마 I don’t know how long it will take. Daemyung Group’s final goal is to push for CSI5* to create an environment where foreign players can bring their horses to Korea and have normal horseback riding competitions with existing horses. In addition, I pay tribute to the management of Daemyung Group, which plays the role without self-interest, as one of the equestrian.

  40. Of course it’s a sport. Equestrian is an official Olympic sport. The part about Jung Yoo-ra, which has recently been a problem, also showed negative political entanglements. It is a pity that horseback riding is viewed negatively about it.Now, “Mayon a Horse” continues to develop, and “Mayon a Horse” will also play a role in creating the popularization of horseback riding in the future. I have confidence in this. However, I don’t know 온라인경마 how long it will take. Daemyung Group’s final goal is to push for CSI5* to create an environment where foreign players can bring their horses to Korea and have normal horseback riding competitions with existing horses. In addition, I pay tribute to the management of Daemyung Group, which plays the role without self-interest, as one of the equestrian.

  41. Compared to other addiction, gambling addiction has more harmful effects. This is because other addiction often ends up as an individual problem, and gambling addiction damages families and acquaintances. This is because it can lead to violent crimes such as embezzlement and theft to lie or raise gambling funds for urgent gains. In serious cases, even murder can occur. The problem of gambling addiction needs to be taken seriously by our society.

  42. I think I’m still young to run a ranch. I am at an age where I have to learn from a lot of experience, but there are many difficulties in managing it myself. There is a lack of knowledge and experience in manpower management or government policy necessary to operate the ranch. I thought I knew words well and studied a lot in my own way, but it was different from what I thought when I raised a horse myself. I dreamed of running around with horses and relaxing. However, the reality is that there are many difficulties in addition to horse management, such as 온라인경마 grassland management, facility management, and government support. Currently, I am getting help from my father and those who have a lot of experience in horses around me. It has the advantage of being able to work passionately because it is young. I can work for my words without any hesitation. I’m still lacking a lot now, so I’m trying to gain as much experience as possible.

  43. I know that it first started between 2011 and 2012, and if the first five years were part of the first project to create 500 equestrian stadiums and train horseback riding professionals, the five-year plan for future equestrian development seems to be drifting.Therefore, I think that the drifting project should be transformed into a virtuous cycle structure that can encompass everything such as the trading market. In particular, it is judged that the establishment of a large horseback 일본경마사이트 riding stadium is the most important. Only when there is an equestrian stadium should there be a long-term equestrian competition, through which everything including domestic horse production and sales, feed, and janggu can be sold and activated. That way, I think the business can be unified. In addition, I hope more international competitions such as “Mayon a Horse” will be held.

  44. The Horse Industry Journal is Korea’s first horse newspaper and is an important media period dealing with the horse industry. In 2019, we hope that you will deliver reports with various perspectives and information so that the domestic horse industry can be more trusted by the public and firmly establish itself as a healthy leisure culture and familiar living sports. And I believe that you will also play the role of a watchdog who does not hesitate to advise and criticize so that the right policies for the development of the horse industry can be established and implemented.

  45. I think Triple Nine’s advance to the finals of the Dubai World Cup was meaningful to confirm the level of domestic horses. The track record of “Triple Nine,” Korea’s representative horse for the second consecutive year, confirmed the extent to which our domestic horse is capable and also informed us of the current position of Korean horse racing. In addition, it 온라인경마 can be said that it also presented the direction and tasks for domestic horse racing in the future.In July last year, several Korean horses competed in the Singapore Horse Racing Competition. Among my horses, the word “triple five” participated, but after the horse participated, his performance was not good. Following October, he spent two months on vacation due to poor race performance in November.

  46. Reporter Lee Yong-joon = Until all sports, specific industries, and organizations settle down, the existence of an elder is indispensable. The elder, who means “a person who has a lot of experience and merit because he has been engaged in one job for a long time,” feeds on dedication and sacrifice. Life is dotted with difficulties such as rain, wind, or typhoons, but he is pleasant. Full of pride, but mind and thoughts are always open. No one can become a senior citizen by staying long. Positive and passion, pride in the path one has taken, and consideration for others. be on the terms of the senate.

  47. The domestic horse industry has been growing constantly since the Industrial Promotion Act was enacted at the end of 2011. Korean horse racing is also gaining international competitiveness, with our race being exported back to advanced countries.The horse industry is attracting more attention as a high value-added industry due to the acceleration of market opening due to policy changes and is in the spotlight as a blue ocean for job creation과거From the past, it is no exaggeration to say that the horse industry is a field where data is very important, and it is science itself.

  48. Compared to our stable, Dubai stable is like a hotel. First of all, the area of the stable is large, and each stable is equipped with an air conditioner. And everything is pleasant. There is an exercise grassland next to it, and it is a grassland온라인경마 attached to a single building where eight animals stay, but it is 10,000 pyeong. It is unimaginable for us. It is true that Dubai can be because it is a rich country. However, even if you can’t get there, even the current old Martha needs to be improved first. Only when horses are comfortable can they improve their skills. It’s the wind from the opposite side.Triple Nine, who returned to Incheon on April 5, is currently waiting at the quarantine station and preparing for quarantine. On the day of the interview, Choi Byung-bu and his wife showed special affection by directly examining the safety of Triple Nine. An office of Choi Byung-bu, full of horse-related plaques.

  49. I hope everyone’s wisdom will be gathered to spend the year in a way that the horse industry grows healthier. As a media organization, the Korea Internet Newspaper Association will also look for things that can help the horse industry and the horse industry journal grow.Horses industry officials who are working hard to foster the horse industry across the country! We wish you a year of blessings for the horse industry to grow richer in the year of the golden pig. Happy New Year!

  50. When I think about it now, I feel sorry that I would have played only one game at the Dubai World Cup Carnival. I finished second in the first carnival race by a head, but I think I could have participated in Super Saturday with just that. Domestic horses, including “Triple Nine,” usually competed every five to six weeks in Korea. In Dubai, however, he participated on average 온라인경마 every 20 days, a shorter interval. He ran four races in three months, January 19, February 9, March 5, and March 25. I couldn’t vote on the outside because the words were so good, but inside, I thought I might have exhausted my energy. As a result, I can’t forget that if I hadn’t played twice at the Dubai World Cup Carnival, I would have finished first and second instead of fourth on Super Saturday.

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