“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. “It would be nice to integrate, but some elders are opposed to it because they do not let go of their vested interests. There are 45 horse racing competitions a year, 31 in Seoul and 14 in Busan. Compared to the initial 3:4 ratio, it is not proportional. In addition, Seoul is a non-open race, and Busan is an open race. I think we should all open up and go to an open race. Only when vested interests are abandoned and integrated can they coexist.

  2. The word that came to mind while interviewing the first president of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association was “original.” It wasn’t just such a senior, it was a real senior. He has 45 years of experience in horseback riding alone. The story goes back to the days of Ttukseom Racecourse, so I said what I had to say. In addition to the title of Pungjin Livestock Co., Ltd. and the first president of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Association, he is also active in social activities such as the Busan Detention Center Correctional Council, the Busan Youth Leaders Association, the Korea JC Special Association, and the co-chairman of the National Happiness Movement.

  3. Compared to our stable, Dubai stable is like a hotel. First of all, the area of the stable is large, and each stable is equipped with an air conditioner. And everything is pleasant. There is an exercise grassland next to it, and it is a grassland attached to a single building where eight animals stay, but it is 10,000 pyeong. It is unimaginable for us. It is true that Dubai can be because it is a rich country. However, even if you can’t get there, even the current old Martha needs to be improved first. 온라인경마 Only when horses are comfortable can they improve their skills. It’s the wind from the opposite side.Triple Nine, who returned to Incheon on April 5, is currently waiting at the quarantine station and preparing for quarantine. On the day of the interview, Choi Byung-bu and his wife showed special affection by directly examining the safety of Triple Nine. An office of Choi Byung-bu, full of horse-related plaques.

  4. It is as difficult for a person to edify a person as a falling water to pierce a rock. When you meet them in person, they’re reading our inner thoughts, and sometimes they act senselessly. However, as the saying goes, “Even if you hate sin, you shouldn’t hate people,” if you hang out with them even though you know it’s hard, they understand your sincerity. It’s something I do because I enjoy it. Sharing my heart and affection makes my heart feel better. When I go there, people even ask me if I feel good about something happened. I think my horses have good grades because they are doing their own good deeds. Good things happen when you give.”

  5. “At that time, the horse racing society was not in the mood to recognize the Maju Association. The president of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association was appointed by the pastoral meeting in the horse racing society. At that time, 27 to 8 members who inspected the Jeju racetrack agreed to the foundation. At that time, I, who was in the middle of my age and career, began my activities as chairman, and I was able to finish the inaugural general meeting safely with more than 100 members gathered on the 43rd floor of Lotte Hotel. There was no target exchange race in Pukyong at the time, but three were taken from seven races in Seoul.

  6. There is no special episode. If I have to say it, we talked about it as a joke. The last Godolphin mile race had a lot of rain the day before, but other horses probably haven’t done much of the rain race, so we jokingly said that we wanted it to continue to rain. Our “Triple Nine” ran in the rain and in the wet sand, so we thought it would be advantageous if it continued to rain. However, it rained on the morning of the competition, and itThere is no special episode. If I have to say it, we talked about it as a joke. The last Godolphin mile race had a lot of rain the day before, but other horses probably haven’t done much of the rain race, so we jokingly said that we wanted it to continue to rain. Our “Triple Nine” ran in the rain and in the wet sand, so we thought it would be advantageous if it continued to rain. However, it rained on the morning of the competition, and it didn’t rain when I was running in Gyeongju.I met Yoshida Mazu of Japan in Dubai. It is the face of the famous Japanese word ‘Nani’. We will face off on Super Saturday, and “Triple Nine” came in fifth and “Nani” came in sixth, so we won. Park Kang-ho and his wife, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, who visited the venue on the day, made a joke, saying, “Japan still won.”
    didn’t rain when I was running in Gyeongju.I met Yoshida Mazu of Japan in Dubai. It is the face of the famous Japanese word ‘Nani’. We will face off on Super Saturday, and “Triple Nine” came in fifth and “Nani” came in sixth, so we won. Park Kang-ho and his wife, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, who visited the venue on the day, made a joke, saying, “Japan still won.”

  7. He’s been riding since his grandfather, and there was a congratulatory address in Gangseo-gu, Busan. I used to ride on a foreign boat at the Nakdonggang River’ Since the time of Ttukseom Racecourse, horses have been bid and procured. When I hosted the Busan Racecourse, I met the head of Gangseo-gu to persuade and try. At that time, Gangseo-gu’s financial independence was only 11%. Residents were also so active that they said, “Absolutely welcome the racetrack and oppose the briquette industrial complex.” Since then, I have been preparing to be a partner, and I applied for it first when a racetrack was built in Pukyong after the 2002 Asian Games.

  8. The plan to implement horse racing next year is in full swing, and I think the Seoul prize money system should be revised first. In the case of Seoul, the prize money is wrong. In the case of this Korea Sprint, the competition ended on September 9, but the prize money didn’t come out until October 5. As Seoul monopolizes the prize money, Busan has no choice but to strike without receiving proper performance-based bonuses. It’s because I have little money and a lot of work. Like Seoul, we need a system that can give a lot of performance-based bonuses to managers. How can we go to a part 1 country among unreasonable systems and processes?”

  9. Triple Nine, which has been selected as the annual horse for two consecutive years and reborn as Korea’s representative horse, marked a page in the history of Korean horse racing by standing on the final stage of the Dubai World Cup, the first Korean horse to be a dream stage. Although it was regrettable that it ranked 11th out of a total of 13 at the Godolphin Mile 온라인경마 Competition, the last race, it showed a progress in Korean horse racing. In addition, Choi Byung-bu’s Maju kept his promise with horse racing fans by participating in Triple Nine until the finals. I met and talked with Choi Byung-bu, who showed off his affection by traveling back and forth to Dubai four times to see the four competitions in which “Triple Nine” participated.

  10. I’m thinking about four or five plans to participate in domestic races this year. The Busan Mayor’s Cup to be held in July, the Korea Cup to be held in September, the President’s Cup, and the Grand Prix are about four. I’m also thinking of sending out a regular race to warm up in the middle.There may be many reasons why Triple Nine was able to come this far, including good management, but above all, I think it is thanks to many horse racing fans who supported Triple Nine. At the end of last year, 온라인경마 “Triple Nine” was able to be selected as the annual horse race for the second consecutive year thanks to enthusiastic support from horse racing fans. I really want to say thank you to the horse racing fans.Choi Byung-bu and Maju made four long-distance trips, which lasted about 10 hours, to watch a total of four competitions in which Triple Nine participated, from the Dubai World Cup Carnival to the Dubai World Cup.

  11. There is no special episode. If I have to say it, we talked about it as a joke. The last Godolphin mile race had a lot of rain the day before, but other horses probably haven’t done much of the rain race, so we jokingly said that we wanted it to continue to rain. Our “Triple Nine” ran in the rain and in the wet sand, so we thought it would be advantageous if it continued to rain. However, it rained on the morning of the competition, and 온라인경마
    it didn’t rain when I was running in Gyeongju.I met Yoshida Mazu of Japan in Dubai. It is the face of the famous Japanese word ‘Nani’. We will face off on Super Saturday, and “Triple Nine” came in fifth and “Nani” came in sixth, so we won. Park Kang-ho and his wife, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, who visited the venue on the day, made a joke, saying, “Japan still won.”

  12. Perhaps because of that experience, I was not happy to participate in overseas international competitions, and I was reluctant to participate momentarily. So when asked what horses will compete in Korea, he said “Power Blade,” “Main Stay,” “Different Dimension” and “Seoul Bullitt” will participate. “Triple Nine” is a representative horse in Korea that has been selected as a representative horse for the second consecutive year, and I agreed to participate because I thought I had to participate.When 온라인경마 my horse runs in a general race, I put everything aside and visit the racetrack. In fact, it is not easy to fly long distances for 9 to 10 hours at a considerable age. However, I think it is the duty of the opponent to be with his horse when it runs. And what I must see is also a personality that I must see. Actually, I’m not a free person, but above all, I think it depends on my mind.

  13. Just as there are many voices for each comprehensive plan, there must have been difficulties arising from unexpected events as growth continues. I hope the new year will be a year to continue the development of development by gathering more wisdom together to predict and cope with difficulties for the better future of the horse industry.Just as the plagiarism of Dr. Hwang Woo-suk’s thesis has produced a negative image of stem cells, and the stem cell industry itself has shrunk, the horse industry should not take such an ex-wife.

  14. The Horse Industry Journal has taken the lead in promoting the horse industry’s social public interest and has been faithful to its role with easy and fast reports so that the public can understand horses. Sharp criticism and field-oriented reporting have contributed greatly to the establishment of the right policy. The issue of animal welfare, which has now become a hot topic, has also proved to have long been at the center of the debate.

  15. In addition, , which was founded on March 6, 2019 by experts from all walks of life, is also a central medium in the professional industry due to the active activities of professional field writers. In the rapidly changing media era and online journalism era, we hope that “Media Fia” will also settle as a venue for delivering life culture and sports information and news such as literature, culture, health, travel and leisure as soon as possible.

  16. In order for the general public to enjoy the equestrian competition, each equestrian club must be held as the main body. Depending on the winner of the equestrian competition, it is necessary to hold many equestrian competitions with a small amount of capital to make each province famous. That way, many competitions at each equestrian club level can naturally expand to the county, province, and country, and horseback riding can gradually become an entertainment and sports.Also, Korean researchers should study and develop Korean language culture.일본경마사이트 Korean language culture has often disappeared since Japanese colonial era when Japan denied and eliminated Korean culture. Until the end of the 1960s, the only means of transportation in the past, such as a rest area for station horses and a “mal station,” were preserved, and Hwacheon, where Togomi rice was produced, held a mountain race competition, not a plain speed race.

  17. “After three consecutive losses in the presidential race, I won four consecutive games this year, and I also won the Grand Prix in four moves, but I can’t express it in words. The fact that Triple Nine came safely and healthy until today means that they took good care of themselves in the stable, and on the other hand, I think they came healthy thanks to the support of all the people and fans who care about Triple Nine. First of all, I’d like to thank the horse racing fans. I’m very happy to be a celebrity (laughs) thanks to Triple Nine.”

  18. This will facilitate the operation of the equestrian club with 20 horses. It becomes possible to run on a large area per horse. They were using nearly two hectares of grass.Germany is one of the world’s most recognized horse industry powers. What direction do you think Korea should have for the horse industry to develop as much as Germany.The reason why the horse industry has long established itself as a sector of agriculture, not only in Germany, but in Europe, is that the dedicated 온라인경마department has certainly grown it. Currently, Korea has different departments dedicated to the horse industry, such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. When departments are divided, blind spots are created. In order for an industry to develop, it cannot develop until there is a blind spot.

  19. In order for the general public to enjoy the equestrian competition, each equestrian club must be held as the main body. Depending on the winner of the equestrian competition, it is necessary to hold many equestrian competitions with a small amount of capital to make each province famous. That way, many competitions at each equestrian club level can naturally expand to the county, province, and country, and horseback riding can gradually become an entertainment and sports.Also, Korean researchers should study and develop Korean language culture. 온라인경마Korean language culture has often disappeared since Japanese colonial era when Japan denied and eliminated Korean culture. Until the end of the 1960s, the only means of transportation in the past, such as a rest area for station horses and a “mal station,” were preserved, and Hwacheon, where Togomi rice was produced, held a mountain race competition, not a plain speed race.

  20. “There used to be a mare called ‘Dolpung Lady,’ and after retirement, she became a mare. I cross-breed with “Exton Park” and came out with three male horses, including “Four Nines,” “Black Arrow,” and “Forever Young.” I did a driving test yesterday, but I don’t know what will happen in the future. Blue Flag, which is in the second division, is a very expensive horse and has studied in the United States for a year, and has participated in all major mare horse racing competitions, but its performance is not good yet. I did well in the regular race. Now that I’m 3 years old, I’m hoping that I’ll run a little bit next year in the stable.

  21. Following last year’s Dubai World Cup final, he won his fourth consecutive Presidential Cup title this year and his first valuable title in his fourth attempt at the 37th Grand Prix held on December 9, achieving all his goals as a racehorse. It was possible because there was Choi Byung-bu, who respected and cared for horses and people, behind Triple Nine, which set an unprecedented record. “It is the interest and support of fans and customers that Triple Nine was able to come this far,” he said, expressing his gratitude to fans first.

  22. Do you know Company M, the world’s largest seed company and has 90% of global GMO patents. Many books and documentaries have covered how Company M has grown. In particular, one documentary clearly shows how Company M reduced farmers to “workers” through seeds. Company M separates farmers and divides them into individual profits and then buys seeds every year. This is a phenomenon that occurred when a company with one industry over monopolized.Dr.온라인경마
    Jeong Myung-chae is a former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University and is currently an advisor to the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry and co-chairman of the Korea Rural Welfare Forum. In addition, he served as a member of the presidential transition committee for President Roh Moo Hyun and a secretary for the Blue House’s rural countermeasures.

  23. Do you know Company M, the world’s largest seed company and has 90% of global GMO patents. Many books and documentaries have covered how Company M has grown. In particular, one documentary clearly shows how Company M reduced farmers to “workers” through seeds. Company M separates farmers and divides them into individual profits and then buys seeds every year. This is a phenomenon that occurred when a company with one industry over monopolized.Dr. Jeong Myung-chae is a former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University and is currently an advisor to the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry and co-chairman of the Korea Rural Welfare Forum. In addition, he served as a member of the presidential transition committee for President Roh Moo Hyun and a secretary for the Blue House’s rural countermeasures.

  24. Efforts are needed from various angles, such as saving our culture to attract the interest of the general public.The Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry held a summer workshop in July. Regarding LG CNS’s recent controversial entry into agriculture, Dr. Chung Myung-chae said at the workshop, “According to WTO rules, if Korean companies enter the agricultural sector, foreign companies should also be allowed to enter the agricultural sector.” It means that there is a growing concern that 온라인경마 our agriculture will be eroded by foreign capital, he said. “It is necessary to implement cooperatives and quota systems for each item as a strategic countermeasure.”Recently, there was a lot of controversy as LG CNS entered the Saemangeum industry, and at the summer workshop of the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry held in July, you mentioned “item-specific cooperatives” and “quota system.”

  25. Chipper” won the first place in its debut match and went on the Gyeongnam Provincial Daily Cup for the second race, and it was caught on the axis, but its performance was not good. I think I got hurt then. After that, I won first place again in the race, but I spent this year training without it because I thought I needed a vacation day. I’m busy running a few companies, but when my horses run, I put everything aside and visit the site. As the last race of the year, “Blue Chipper” was scheduled to run in the race today (the interview was held), but it was canceled.

  26. Efforts are needed from various angles, such as saving our culture to attract the interest of the general public.The Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry held a summer workshop in July. Regarding LG CNS’s recent controversial entry into agriculture, Dr. Chung Myung-chae said at the workshop, “According to WTO rules, if Korean companies enter the agricultural sector, foreign companies should also be allowed to enter the agricultural sector.” It means that there is a growing concern that our 온라인경마 agriculture will be eroded by foreign capital, he said. “It is necessary to implement cooperatives and quota systems for each item as a strategic countermeasure.”Recently, there was a lot of controversy as LG CNS entered the Saemangeum industry, and at the summer workshop of the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry held in July, you mentioned “item-specific cooperatives” and “quota system.”

  27. listed on the 2018 Let’s Run Park Seoul and Pukyong Year Representative Horse. It is the third award after 2015 and 2016, and has won the best domestic mountain horse category. That’s all. Triple Nine is sweeping all awards, including the annual representative horse of the 18th and 19th Industrial Awards and the 18th and 20th best domestic horse selection.

  28. Do you know Company M, the world’s largest seed company and has 90% of global GMO patents. Many books and documentaries have covered how Company M has grown. In particular, one documentary clearly shows how Company M reduced farmers to “workers” through seeds. Company M separates farmers and divides them into individual profits and then buys seeds every year. This is a phenomenon that occurred 온라인경마 when a company with one industry over monopolized.Dr. Jeong Myung-chae is a former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University and is currently an advisor to the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry and co-chairman of the Korea Rural Welfare Forum. In addition, he served as a member of the presidential transition committee for President Roh Moo Hyun and a secretary for the Blue House’s rural countermeasures.

  29. which was founded on March 6, 2019 by experts from all walks of life, is also a central medium in the professional industry due to the active activities of professional field writers. In the rapidly changing media era and online journalism era, we hope that “Media Fia” will also settle as a venue for delivering life culture and sports information and news such as literature, culture, health, travel and leisure as soon as possible.

  30. “There is a saying, ‘Blue chipper,’ and then ‘The Malibu Sun.’ Last year, “Blue Chipper” won the first place in its debut match and went on the Gyeongnam Provincial Daily Cup for the second race, and it was caught on the axis, but its performance was not good. I think I got hurt then. After that, I won first place again in the race, but I spent this year training without it because I thought I needed a vacation day. I’m busy running a few companies, but when my horses run, I put everything aside and visit the site. As the last race of the year, “Blue Chipper” was scheduled to run in the race today (the interview was held), but it was canceled.

  31. Efforts are needed from various angles, such as saving our culture to attract the interest of the general public.The Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry held a summer workshop in July. Regarding LG CNS’s recent controversial entry into agriculture, Dr. Chung Myung-chae said at the workshop, “According to WTO rules, if Korean companies enter the agricultural sector, foreign companies should also be allowed to enter the agricultural sector.” It means that there is a growing concern that온라인경마 our agriculture will be eroded by foreign capital, he said. “It is necessary to implement cooperatives and quota systems for each item as a strategic countermeasure.”Recently, there was a lot of controversy as LG CNS entered the Saemangeum industry, and at the summer workshop of the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry held in July, you mentioned “item-specific cooperatives” and “quota system.”

  32. walks of life, is also a central medium in the professional industry due to the active activities of professional field writers. In the rapidly changing media era and online journalism era, we hope that “Media Fia” will also settle as a venue for delivering life culture and sports information and news such as literature, culture, health, travel and leisure as soon as possible.

  33. Do you know Company M, the world’s largest seed company and has 90% of global GMO patents. Many books and documentaries have covered how Company M has grown. In particular, one documentary clearly shows how Company M reduced farmers to “workers” through seeds. Company M separates farmers and divides them into individual profits and then buys seeds every year. This is a phenomenon that occurred when a company with one industry over monopolized.Dr. Jeong 온라인경마 Myung-chae is a former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University and is currently an advisor to the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industry and co-chairman of the Korea Rural Welfare Forum. In addition, he served as a member of the presidential transition committee for President Roh Moo Hyun and a secretary for the Blue House’s rural countermeasures.

  34. Horse Industry Journal has taken the lead in promoting the horse industry’s social public interest and has been faithful to its role with easy and fast reports so that the public can understand horses. Sharp criticism and field-oriented reporting have contributed greatly to the establishment of the right policy. The issue of animal welfare, which has now become a hot topic, has also proved to have long been at the center of the debate.

  35. a mare. I cross-breed with “Exton Park” and came out with three male horses, including “Four Nines,” “Black Arrow,” and “Forever Young.” I did a driving test yesterday, but I don’t know what will happen in the future. Blue Flag, which is in the second division, is a very expensive horse and has studied in the United States for a year, and has participated in all major mare horse racing competitions, but its performance is not good yet. I did well in the regular race. Now that I’m 3 years old, I’m hoping that I’ll run a little bit next year in the stable.

  36. In the interview, Dr. Jeong Myung-chae suggested the direction of agriculture as a whole as a big adult in Korean agriculture and how to deal with the horse industry in the 온라인경마 flow.In the interview, Dr. Jeong Myung-chae pointed out one by one, explaining how the horse industry would be reduced to a “worker” if it was divided. Through “banana distribution,” Delmont specifically diagnosed how it destroyed economic activities in the Philippines and Honduras, what happens when companies monopolize agriculture, and predicted future situations and gave solutions.

  37. Choi Bong-soon, head of the Rural Industry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, “Misilan has transformed our rice industry into a growth engine for high value-added industries through research and development of rice varieties and unique processing technologies.”Lee Dong-hyun, CEO of Misilan, an agricultural company, was selected as an “agricultural scientist” who preached the importance of eco-friendly and right food and took the lead in spreading the value of agricultural and rural areas.

  38. Lastly, Professor Lee Dong-hoon, who took charge of the solid theory of the life sports leader course, is also proud of his famous lecture.Our school has warmbloods needed to prepare for the certificate practice, indoor horse racing and rehabilitation horses that can be prepared without a hitch while exercising and exercising at any time. Students experience and proceed with the positions of volunteers, leaders, and leaders in rehabilitation horseback riding, and they are also assistant instructors 온라인경마 for experiential horseback riding for the general public. Another pride is the environment where you can sharpen your practical aspects enough before you go into society and there is no problem in preparing for certificates.This happened during the summer vacation of the first grade when I went to a horse riding field practice.

  39. Reporter Hwang In-sung = On the 18th, about 20 days before the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, a torch relay was held in Goyang, northern Gyeonggi Province. Ninety-five people, including Goyang Mayor Choi Sung, marathoner Lee Bong-ju, idol group 2NE1 Sandara Park, Super Junior’s Yesung and Donghae, and broadcaster Noh Hong-chul, ran 36.9 kilometers to pray for a successful hosting of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

  40. Among them, Cho Tae-hyun, a student who dreams of becoming a member of the national equestrian team, drew attention as a runner. Cho Tae-hyun, a student who ran as a torchbearer, ran with Park Sang-young, a gold medalist in fencing at the Rio Olympics, and continued to shout “I can do it.”At the site of the torch relay, students and parents from the same school came out to cheer. It was an atmosphere where people around the world enjoyed the festival by waving banners and cheering sticks.

  41. If you had any special know-how in preparing for the qualification, you prepared to get used to the test and test site while preparing for the writing and practical examination of all certificates related to horses. In addition, he went to the training center recommended by professors every vacation and thought he was the owner of the horseback riding course by increasing his practical experience. Studying horse-related laws and 온라인경마 horse health care also made it more fun and memorable for the rest of my life. Above all, I would like to thank Professor Choo Ho-geun for giving me this experience, Professor Park Geum-ran, Professor Ryu Jung-soo, and Professor Kwon Seung-joo for teaching me professional theories and experiences.Seorabal University is a state-designated horse industry professional training institution.

  42. He won a thrilling come-from-behind victory at the Rio Olympics, bringing joy to the people. How do you feel about being a torchbearer for the PyeongChang Olympics with public support.I am very happy to have the Olympics in our country. I think the torch relay will be the last in my life. I’m honored and proud. It’s such a proud day.If I saw it without meaning, I could think it was just a fire, but the moment I ran with the torch, I got goosebumps all over my body. I felt like I was really starting the Olympics, and I felt the excitement I felt two years ago. And I felt the pressure of the athletes practicing for the Olympics and felt complicated emotions.

  43. Among the “Maltan Boys,” Lee Hyun-jong (born in 1993) of Let’s Run Park Seoul held a fan signing event in 2016 with 40 wins in the shortest time since his debut, but unfortunately, female fans are looking forward to his discharge from the military last year.Kwon Seok-won (born in 1991) also boasts an outstanding appearance that he was offered an idol, and he also drives many fans to the racetrack with good results after his debut. Attention is focusing on whether he will be able to show his true value of the nickname “Captain Kwon” by raising his condition again after being discharged from the military last year.

  44. After the incident, I became more concerned about safety. He looks back on the dangerous actions he did unconsciously, and emphasizes the importance of safety to juniors every time. At that time, all expenses incurred in the hospital were covered by the horseback riding course. I would like to express my gratitude to the chairman, representatives, and instructors온라인경마
    of the horseback riding course who greeted me like my parents every time whether there is any inconvenience or necessary.I usually think that caring for people increases when you care about animals a lot. It helps a lot emotionally. I want to make people heal with words and gain consideration for life and a lot of enlightenment within the activities with words. To that end, I want to work on the welfare of horses.

  45. I heard that the sport of horseback riding has no boundaries between disabled and non-disabled people. I really like it on that side. Even if you are disabled, you can think that you will only participate in the Paralympics, but if you have enough skills, you can participate in the Olympics.In the past, “horse riding,” which was called a noble sport and was regarded only as the exclusive property of the privileged, is gradually becoming popular, but there is still a negative view of “horse riding.” How is it like riding in person.

  46. Professors in various fields of the horse industry are very active. First of all, Professor Park Geum-ran, the dean of the Department of Massachusetts, is engaged in various activities related to rehabilitation horseback riding. While working as an academic director at the Korean Society for Rehabilitation Riding, he teaches creative theories and practical skills necessary for classes with overseas training related to rehabilitation horseback riding. Professor Choo Ho-geun is currently a judge in the equestrian world. He is still playing as a player일본경마사이트
    , and he teaches us the overall elements related to horseback riding in class and allows us to experience them. Above all, he becomes a warm mentor. Professor Kwon Seung-joo is currently working as an assistant teacher at Let’s Run Park Pukyong, and gives new news and information through lectures, giving lectures that he wants to listen to even after graduation.

  47. The PyeongChang Olympics are about 20 days away. Please say a word of support for the success of the Pyeongchang Olympics.(Park)For now, I don’t think I can tell my fellow players to do well because I know how heavy and difficult it is to tell them to do well as the same players. However, I would like to tell you that if you focus on the work as much as you have honed your skills, you will get good results. You can do it!2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, fighting!!

  48. between disabled and non-disabled people. I really like it on that side. Even if you are disabled, you can think that you will only participate in the Paralympics, but if you have enough skills, you can participate in the Olympics.In the past, “horse riding,” which was called a noble sport and was regarded only as the exclusive property of the privileged, is gradually becoming popular, but there is still a negative view of “horse riding.” How is it like riding in person.

  49. After the incident, I became more concerned about safety. He looks back on the dangerous actions he did unconsciously, and emphasizes the importance of safety to juniors every time. At that time, all expenses incurred in the hospital were covered by the horseback riding course. I would like to express my gratitude to the chairman, representatives, and instructors of the horseback riding course who greeted me like my 온라인경마 parents every time whether there is any inconvenience or necessary.I usually think that caring for people increases when you care about animals a lot. It helps a lot emotionally. I want to make people heal with words and gain consideration for life and a lot of enlightenment within the activities with words. To that end, I want to work on the welfare of horses.

  50. for the PyeongChang Olympics with public support.I am very happy to have the Olympics in our country. I think the torch relay will be the last in my life. I’m honored and proud. It’s such a proud day.If I saw it without meaning, I could think it was just a fire, but the moment I ran with the torch, I got goosebumps all over my body. I felt like I was really starting the Olympics, and I felt the excitement I felt two years ago. And I felt the pressure of the athletes practicing for the Olympics and felt complicated emotions.

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