“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Once again, I was surprised by Goguryeo’s magic.It’s not easy to catch a roe deer, but Goguryeo warriors caught a tiger.I heard that Goguryeo warriors used to hunt tigers.Jack Weatherford, an American anthropologist who wrote the book, “Genghis Khan, Awakening a Sleeping Europe,” said the most fundamental reason Genghis Khan was able to conquer Europe was because he was able to hunt 일본경마사이트 .That’s how much hunting was based on.Genghis Khan lived in hiding in the mountains until he was 20 years old, and it is known that he trained a lot at that time.And there are horses that are optimized for hunting, and they can hunt tigers.Ordinary animals are scared just by the sound of tiger pictures or sounds, but hunting horses are usually different from horses and muscles themselves.The sound that wild animals fear the most is the processed sound. In martial arts movies, arrows fired before the war are called “shi-shi,” and if you shoot this, it makes a sound.

  2. Some filming teams insist on Western language for safety reasons, but only about 100 Korean horses can be made for special purposes and used.Also, I hope you don’t disparage our words with pride. As I watched while riding a horse, the people of our 일본경마사이트 country look down on our horse.If there is a pony in the horseback riding course right now, European horses can’t move, and our horses act as captains, and we ourselves underestimate our horses.Visually, it wasn’t as cool as Western words, but our words are really great and great.It is scientifically proven and I hope you will take pride in what we say.A well-produced documentary exerts great power.In addition to the current government’s efforts to foster the horse industry, the horse industry could gain further momentum if it can persuade the public and policymakers why the horse industry is needed and how it relates to the current zeitgeist.

  3. As they said, Korean horse racing is currently developing a lot and the future prospects are bright.So I visited Korea for an interview, and when I came here in person, all the facilities and conditions were good.And I was confident that Korean horse racing could develop, so I boldly 일본경마사이트 chose to go to Korea.If there is a difference between Korean horse racing and foreign horse racing.I don’t think there’s much difference.There is a slight difference in the main, if I have to compare.In Europe and Malaysia, there are many races held on grass paths other than sand.Korea still doesn’t have grass.If that’s a difference, it’s a difference.There is also a slight difference in race style. In the case of Korea, there are many attempts to do good at the beginning of the race.I try to take the lead if possible.However, in Europe, there are various styles such as Chuipma and Jayuma that come out of the rear area rather than the leading horse style.

  4. Among the second-generation horses, “Younghee Era” and “Gyeongju’s Bucket” are drawing attention. “Younghee Era” is a horse that can play well enough with two wins in three games, and “Gyeongju’s Bucket” is also continuing 일본경마사이트 to develop, so the future is promising. “Wishmi Luck” is also likely to play in the first division now with two consecutive wins in the second division. Party Again and Invincible Wonderful, which are now recreational, are already capable enough to join the first division, even though they are three years old this year.View of Thomas’s stable from Let’s Run Park Pukyong.Do you know the difference between Let’s Run Park Seoul and Pukyong.I don’t know much about the overall system of Let’s Run Park Seoul.However, Busan seems to be more competitive because Let’s Run Park Seoul operates a horse shop at the association level, and Let’s Run Park Bugyeong runs a horse shop by individual.

  5. From the horse racing culture newspaper to KRJ Broadcasting, the horse industry journal, and Perfect Today’s horse racing, it is beautiful to be busy delivering meaningful and correct information while it has steadily grown in areas related to the 온라인경마 horse industry. It also makes me feel proud as a person in the horse industry.I don’t think it’s that easy to work on a field for 19 years. The contents and fields that have been delivered during that time will be various and endless. I am sure that these things are enough to serve as compasses to create a horse culture in Korea and lead the horse industry.

  6. It is said that the horse industry in Korea is in various difficulties. The horse racing industry is not loved by the people, and horseback riding is spreading negative perceptions due to recent events. I think racing media needs to play a role in wisely overcoming this reality. I look forward to informing you of the net function of horse racing and horseback 온라인경마 riding and suggesting a way forward. If the Korean Language Trainer Association has something to do, we will work together.In advanced horse industrial countries, the media related to the horse industry are loved by the people. In Korea, I expect racing media to be at the center of its role in the near future.

  7. Mainly, Seoul feels small and tight, and Busan feels large in straight lines.He’s got a good record. Do you have any special secrets.There is no particular secret.I think I’ve been lucky enough to meet some good men and horse managers.I think the secret is to meet good people around me who help me a lot.Our group uses 일본경마사이트 Irish feed called ‘Red Mill’ and personally it’s okay.There is no special difference in the teaching style from other groups.However, they are consistently instructed.In the case of other Korean groups, they take two weeks off or train at regular intervals, but in our stable, they train right after two to three days.As I consistently assist, I think I will be less injured than forcing myself to do a training assistant in a short time before the race.I will do my best because Kim Young-kwan, Baek Kwang-yeol, and Ahn Woo-sung are doing well these days.One last word to Maju and horse racing fans.

  8. Once again, I was surprised by Goguryeo’s magic.It’s not easy to catch a roe deer, but Goguryeo warriors caught a tiger.I heard that Goguryeo warriors used to hunt tigers.Jack Weatherford, an American anthropologist who wrote the book, “Genghis Khan, Awakening a Sleeping Europe,” said the most fundamental reason Genghis Khan was able to conquer Europe was because he was able to 일본경마사이트 hunt.That’s how much hunting was based on.Genghis Khan lived in hiding in the mountains until he was 20 years old, and it is known that he trained a lot at that time.And there are horses that are optimized for hunting, and they can hunt tigers.Ordinary animals are scared just by the sound of tiger pictures or sounds, but hunting horses are usually different from horses and muscles themselves.The sound that wild animals fear the most is the processed sound. In martial arts movies, arrows fired before the war are called “shi-shi,” and if you shoot this, it makes a sound.

  9. In a rapidly changing media environment, the role of professional newspapers plays a more important role than ever, providing readers with in-depth analysis of deep expertise that comprehensive daily newspapers do not meet.In this sense, professional newspapers are essential온라인경마 partners for the government, companies, and readers, including industry workers in each industry.In the meantime, the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has contributed greatly to the development of Korea’s horse racing leisure culture industry, especially satisfying various information needs for popular sports, improving the quality of the horse racing industry, research and development of horse racing technology.

  10. Once again, I was surprised by Goguryeo’s magic.It’s not easy to catch a roe deer, but Goguryeo warriors caught a tiger.I heard that Goguryeo warriors used to hunt tigers.Jack Weatherford, an American anthropologist who wrote the book, “Genghis Khan, Awakening a Sleeping Europe,” said the most fundamental reason Genghis 일본경마사이트 Khan was able to conquer Europe was because he was able to hunt.That’s how much hunting was based on.Genghis Khan lived in hiding in the mountains until he was 20 years old, and it is known that he trained a lot at that time.And there are horses that are optimized for hunting, and they can hunt tigers.Ordinary animals are scared just by the sound of tiger pictures or sounds, but hunting horses are usually different from horses and muscles themselves.The sound that wild animals fear the most is the processed sound. In martial arts movies, arrows fired before the war are called “shi-shi,” and if you shoot this, it makes a sound.

  11. I believe that it is Racing Media’s footsteps over the past 19 years to connect horses to be remembered, cheered, and breathed in the scene of our lives without disappearing 온라인경마
    into historical relics. The Hallama Producers Association is an association of horse producers in Jeju. Born with the sound of a horse crying, I also climbed on the back of a horse before learning to walk, and I have lived raising a horse all my life. As a horse breeder, I would like to congratulate the President of the Producers’ Association as well as say something.First, the media of racing media means mediation and broadcasting.

  12. It started with the idea that the path of the horse will eventually be the path of human movement, and I think we can find the path of human movement in the end.The last thing I want to say is.I hope you pay attention to the horse culture and have support.The current policies to foster the horse industry are focused on 일본경마사이트 expanding the industrial base and investing.Of course, expanding the infrastructure is also important.However, if you are interested in horse culture and invest in it, the effect can be doubled.Based on horse culture, various mass media contribute to the development of the industry by promoting the industry, which is overlooked.That’s true even if you shoot a historical drama right now.Historically, even though Western words did not appear in the past, the words in historical dramas are Western words.There are Korean horses such as Hallama and Jeju horse in Jeju Island, but they are not being used.

  13. Some filming teams insist on Western language for safety reasons, but only about 100 Korean horses can be made for special purposes and used.Also, I hope you don’t disparage our words with pride. As I watched while riding a horse, the people of our country look down on our horse.If there is a pony in the horseback riding course right now, European horses can’t move, 일본경마사이트
    and our horses act as captains, and we ourselves underestimate our horses.Visually, it wasn’t as cool as Western words, but our words are really great and great.It is scientifically proven and I hope you will take pride in what we say.A well-produced documentary exerts great power.In addition to the current government’s efforts to foster the horse industry, the horse industry could gain further momentum if it can persuade the public and policymakers why the horse industry is needed and how it relates to the current zeitgeist.

  14. As a leading horse culture company for the development of the horse industry, Racing Media is a comprehensive horse industry media that delights the eyes and ears of viewers and readers with various contents, and congratulations on behalf of the Korea Horse Racing Association.I think horse racing and horseback riding are industries that can help each other because they have a lot in common with horses as a medium.온라인경마
    One is to watch and enjoy a third party running at the speed of a dream, and the other is to experience it yourself, so I think both are sports of horse love.We hope that many horse racing fans will be interested in the development of horseback riding, which is attracting attention as a healthy leisure sport due to the increase in people’s income and changes in consciousness that values quality of life.

  15. If you increase contact with international horse racing in this way, there is a good chance.Recently, things related to horse managers occurred in Let’s Run Park Busan-Gyeongnam.What about the treatment and salary of horse managers in foreign countries.First of all, I am sorry for the recent horse manager incident in Let’s Run Park Busan-Gyeongnam. 일본경마사이트 The working hours of horse managers abroad are almost the same as those of Korea.However, the treatment of horse managers in Korea is fine in that they receive a certain portion of the prize money they have earned.Some European countries, including Ireland, also have regulations that some percentage of the prize money should be paid, but compared to the treatment, Korea is fine.Among the horses entrusted to Article 8, what does Assistant Thomas pay attention to.”Champline” is a horse that played well in the first division consistently even though it failed to run in the last race, and I’m looking forward to it.

  16. Mainly, Seoul feels small and tight, and Busan feels large in straight lines.He’s got a good record. Do you have any special secrets.There is no particular secret.I think I’ve been lucky enough to meet some good men and horse managers.I think the secret is to meet good people around me 일본경마사이트 who help me a lot.Our group uses Irish feed called ‘Red Mill’ and personally it’s okay.There is no special difference in the teaching style from other groups.However, they are consistently instructed.In the case of other Korean groups, they take two weeks off or train at regular intervals, but in our stable, they train right after two to three days.As I consistently assist, I think I will be less injured than forcing myself to do a training assistant in a short time before the race.I will do my best because Kim Young-kwan, Baek Kwang-yeol, and Ahn Woo-sung are doing well these days.One last word to Maju and horse racing fans.

  17. I hope it will serve as a channel for communication between horses and humans, people who know horses and don’t know horses, people who have never ridden horses and people who haven’t ridden horses, and people who don’t.Second, racing media’s racing refers to racing and horse racing, so there is a concern that racing media’s reports and materials will 온라인경마
    focus only on horse racing. When we start talking about horses in Korean society, it is practically right to think of horse racing first. However, horse racing has a limited number of people who enjoy it, and concerns about gambling are also being raised. Therefore, I would like to ask you to introduce more articles about horseback riding that can extend the range of horse-riding people indefinitely.

  18. In the general public’s opinion, he earned a huge prize money, and God would be a blessing.Our contemporary invincibility earned 3 billion won a year, and what would it be if it were not a blessing from God.I think I’m too lucky to have it all.He is active in Macao.Macau horse racing is smaller than ours but has a long history.It is one of the countries 일본경마사이트 where horse racing is far ahead.Systematically, it is not much different from Korean horse racing. However, Macau’s face-to-face culture is different.Macau’s Maju culture does not seem to be about making profits by earning prize money.Rather, it has a greater social purpose through the formation of an opposing society.In addition, on the day of the race, there is a culture of relaxed appearances such as inviting acquaintances around them to enjoy horse racing together, socializing, and socializing.In that respect, it is different from our country.

  19. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to Kim Moon-young, CEO of Racing Media Co., Ltd., who leads the Korean horse culture, presents a national horse industry policy vision by quickly and accurately delivering information on advanced horse racing culture.Amid the recent fluctuations in the domestic horse industry, it has faithfully served 온라인경마 as a communication channel with the field as a professional forum covering the horse racing industry and horse industry-related industries for the past 30 years.I would like to thank CEO Kim Moon-young and other executives and employees for their hard work over the past 19 years, including CEO Kim Moon-young, who has contributed to reforming the image of horse racing in the spirit of professional newspapers.

  20. Jung Young-sik, one of Korea’s leading faces, is famous for his donation activities under the names of horses such as “Undefeated in the Tang Dynasty” and “Indie Band.”It is not just a few donations, but it also contributes to the establishment of the right face-to-face relationship that practices continuous sharing for more than a decade and practices the spirit of “Nobles Oblige.”It is also well-known to fans and the public as a familiar encounter.There are also anecdotes in which horse racing fans recognize the face first and pretend to know it and ask Jun 일본경마사이트 g Young-sik to sign his autograph at a time when Jamein “Undefeated” and “Indie Band” were on a roll with brilliant records.Let’s listen to his honest story, who is the vice chairman of the Let’s Run Park Busan-Gyeongnam Face-to-face Association and also the face of Macau horse racing.It is famous as a representative face of Korea and a donation face.How did you end up donating a lot.

  21. Mainly, Seoul feels small and tight, and Busan feels large in straight lines.He’s got a good record. Do you have any special secrets.There is no particular secret.I think I’ve been lucky enough to meet some good men and horse managers.I think the secret is to meet good people around me who help me a lot.Our group uses Irish feed called ‘Red Mill’ and personally it’s okay.There is no special difference in the teaching style from other groups.However, they are consistently instructed.In the case of other Korean groups, they take two weeks off or train 일본경마사이트 at regular intervals, but in our stable, they train right after two to three days.As I consistently assist, I think I will be less injured than forcing myself to do a training assistant in a short time before the race.I will do my best because Kim Young-kwan, Baek Kwang-yeol, and Ahn Woo-sung are doing well these days.One last word to Maju and horse racing fans.

  22. The government is making various efforts to expand the base of the horse industry, including horse breeding, revitalizing leisure sports, training professionals, and manufacturing related products. In parallel with the government’s efforts, the interest and cooperation of industries, local governments, and related agencies are very important. If we work together, we will be able to foster the horse industry as a new growth engine and future industry in our agricultural and livestock industry.Horses were not just livestock. He is a companion who has shared 온라인경마
    history with us humans. I’ve been running with people, pioneering history and expanding the scene of history. Even though cars replaced horses, we humans couldn’t erase the history of horses. I couldn’t send the horse to the back of history. We were enthusiastic about horse racing, continuing to support running horses, and enjoyed horse riding, interacting with horses and breathing together.

  23. The Korean Horse Trainer Association will also recognize the importance of horse training and will continue to make efforts to combine advanced training techniques of horse riding and horse racing. To that end, we will create a Korean language trainer association that is developing day by day while sharing information related to racing media and training and receiving advice. The horse industry is an industry that grows with increasing national income and has already been온라인경마 established as a living sport in many developed countries. Recently, as interest in health and leisure increases, Korean people’s interest in the horse industry is also expanding. The horse industry is a complex cultural industry that combines livestock and leisure, and has very high added value. However, there are many challenges for the domestic horse industry to take off and develop.

  24. It is dangerous, but it is a sport that can be fully enjoyed through training.I’ve been horseback riding since I was very young, and it’s very interesting that a knight can be enjoyed by combining horses, people, and archery. It is difficult for the body and 일본경마사이트 mind to be in harmony. It creates a sense of challenge to always try.It is the fact that you have to look at the condition of the horse from time to time, deal with weapons, and have a sharp mind.It is also an interesting factor that you can enjoy with foreign friends.It is very fun because it is a sport that you can play with your friends with sportsmanship.That’s right. Last year, France hosted the 7th European Knight Championship.At that time, it was very popular because it played ‘Mogu’ among the knight events.Mogu is a game in which one person rolls the ball on a horse and the other person shoots a bow to hit the ball.Everyone was happy to be one.

  25. At the 12th World Knight Championships held at the Hwarangdo Experience Tourist Site in Yeongrangho Lake, Sokcho, from September 1 to 6, 81 foreign participants from France, Malaysia, Iran and Qatar showed off their knight skills.Throughout the competition, participants cheered for each other regardless of nationality or gender and tried to make it a fun event.I wondered why foreign participants came from the other side of the world for one “Knight” sport.Among the participants on the day, they briefly interviewed South Korea’s Kim 일본경마사이트 Hyun-jae, the U.S.’s Greg Ogburn, France’s Thierry Decan, and Malaysia’s Nukman Rani about “why they became knights” and “the charm of knights.””It is very difficult to harmonize the body and mind, but this raises a sense of challenge and makes us feel interested,” said Thierry Deccan, president of the French Knights Association. Robin Decan, his son on the left, and Thierry Decan, his father on the right.

  26. Through this structure, farmers are reduced to workers, agricultural product distribution industry erodes production bases, and it is instantaneous to fall into the hands of a company.The Philippines and Honduras also became the “delivery company” of the Delmont company with one crop called 일본경마사이트 “banana,” and the country’s normal economic activities were quickly destroyed.Samsung Electronics also says that 60 percent of its shares are foreign shareholders. The Tobacco and Ginseng Corporation also became a private company a few years ago, and foreign shareholders took over the position.In the age of neo-capitalism, there’s no end to borrowing money.Korea is gradually becoming a new type of colony.Korea is currently the No. 1 importer of GMO, and many large companies have already entered the livestock industry.Harim accounts for more than 80% of the land.If certain feeds are fed to Harim, certain feeds occupy the Korean feed market.

  27. With the introduction of the quota system, the dairy sector is trying to sell all cows that produce non-first-class milk at each farm and produce top-quality milk.The horse industry will also have labor pains at first, but it is easy to control the entire horse industry only when it is brought to the national association and 일본경마사이트 the quota system by area is implemented to allocate the number of horses. It should be divided into passenger and meat for each purpose so that interests can be exercised.In particular, quality improvement is the most important situation because the horse’s ability itself is important and it must be raised by size according to the user’s size.If foreign companies or large companies enter the horse industry, the horse industry will fall into the quagmire of “workers.”Quality needs to be further enhanced to enable the horse industry to take root in the private sector.Finally, I don’t know why we need to grow agriculture, not just the horse industry

  28. However, the horse that was leading suddenly disappeared from the screen, leaning outward around four corners. According to the script I prepared, this horse had to keep the lead to the finish line and win. He was so embarrassed that he continued to shout that the horse was leading, but managed to call the horse properly at the moment of crossing the finish line.That’s the way it is. There are many things I envy. In the past, broadcasting voice was very important because Internet betting온라인경마
    was taking place in the HD image quality section. Therefore, even if there was a little mistake, harsh protests would come in. I think it’s good to make a debut in a good environment and a well-grounded environment. The advice I want to give to the younger announcers is that the technical part is important when broadcasting, but above all, please put your heart into it. I want to do that, too.

  29. He has been the best rider for three consecutive years with 86 wins in 2011.In 2015, he recorded 100 wins in his first season in Pukyong and moved to Seoul since 2016, recording a total of 41 wins.Cho Sung-gon added meaning by setting a valuable 700-win record in Seoul, which can be a difficult challenge rather than a stable 일본경마사이트 performance in Pukyong.Along with the achievement of flag bearer Cho Sung-gon’s record, he also showed a welcome face.The main character is the return of a special foreign rider, Perovic. Since its debut in May 2015, Perovic has been the best rider in Korea.Jockey Perovic, who played until May 2016, had an affair of three months to renew his country’s license, and in the first week of his return in September, he recorded three wins and three runner-ups in 14 games, making his presence known to fans with a winning rate of more than 40%.Jockey Perovich is an experienced jockey who debuted in 1997 and has 17 years of experience,

  30. The first week of September 2016 was a week that showed many changes, including abundant records in the rider category and the rider who made his first appearance.In addition to the 700th win of Cho Sung-gon, who moved from Pukyong to Seoul, the performance of the returning mercenary Perovic, the debut of the new foreign rider Belly, and Park Sang-woo made his first appearance to fans in a long time after being discharged from the military.Jockey Cho Sung-gon, who recorded 100 wins in his first season in Pukyong, has reached 700 wins in his personal career.The winner’s record was achieved smoothly.Cho Sung-gon, who recorded 697 wins on 일본경마사이트 August 28, won 698 wins in his career with the victory of “Theme Lighthouse” on September 3, and succeeded in achieving 700 wins without nine wins through the wins of “K-Mountain” and “Men’s Music” on September 4. Jo Seong-gon is a leading jockey who commanded Pukyong. He won 71 games in 2009 and became the first multi-winner since his debut, 84 wins 84 games in 2010,

  31. It is dangerous, but it is a sport that can be fully enjoyed through training.I’ve been horseback riding since I was very young, and it’s very interesting that a knight can be enjoyed by combining horses, people, and archery. It is difficult for the body and mind to be in harmony. It creates a sense of challenge to always try 일본경마사이트 .It is the fact that you have to look at the condition of the horse from time to time, deal with weapons, and have a sharp mind.It is also an interesting factor that you can enjoy with foreign friends.It is very fun because it is a sport that you can play with your friends with sportsmanship.That’s right. Last year, France hosted the 7th European Knight Championship.At that time, it was very popular because it played ‘Mogu’ among the knight events.Mogu is a game in which one person rolls the ball on a horse and the other person shoots a bow to hit the ball.Everyone was happy to be one.

  32. There are about 2,500 priests in Europe and about 10,000 in the United States.On the other hand, there are about 70 funeral rites in Korea.There is no progress in being a frog in a well.In particular, I hope that the younger the priest, the more noticeable the opportunity is to come back.We will focus on fostering human resources.From the beginning of the association, the 일본경마사이트 purpose was to improve skills along with “cultivate human resources.”I went to Japan to see and learn Jangje techniques, and one person said, “Korean Jangje-sa always asks the same thing.”He may have said it casually, but he had the same question because there was no interaction between us, and I thought there would be no improvement.As soon as I came back to Korea, I established an association. (G)The same is true of the Korean Society of Traditional Korean Traditional Craftsmen.In the future, we will bring together Jangjesa Temple so that it can become an organization that revitalizes the horse industry.

  33. In the interview, Dr. Jeong Myung-chae pointed out one by one, explaining how the horse industry would be reduced to a “worker” if it was divided.Through “banana distribution,” Delmont specifically diagnosed how it destroyed economic activities in the Philippines and Honduras, what happens when companies monopolize agriculture, and 일본경마사이트 predicted future situations and gave solutions.Dr. Jeong Myung-chae, who met at the office of the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, said, “The horse industry should be firmly caught in the future by helping the private sector take root without approaching it alone.”You are a big adult who has led Korean agriculture so far.In particular, I heard that you encountered the horse industry when you obtained a Ph.D. in agricultural economics in Germany in the 1980s, and what was the horse industry like in Germany at that time.When I was studying in Germany from 1982 to 1986, I first encountered horses as a horse industry.

  34. Unlike Korea, Germany has developed horseback riding clubs around one horse farm.It’s common to leave your horse on a horse farm and borrow it from a riding club.This will facilitate the operation of the equestrian club with 20 horses.It becomes possible to run on a large area per horse. They were using nearly two hectares of grass.Germany is one of the world’s most recognized horse industry 일본경마사이트 powers.What direction do you think Korea should have for the horse industry to develop as much as Germany.The reason why the horse industry has long established itself as a sector of agriculture, not only in Germany, but in Europe, is that the dedicated department has certainly grown it.Currently, Korea has different departments dedicated to the horse industry, such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.When departments are divided, blind spots are created.

  35. When the Korean horse industry can afford it, the Korean Racing Authority should empower each equestrian club.When a company monopolizes an industry, the problem grows.That’s why LG CNS recently became controversial because it said it would produce tomatoes and paprika to develop its smart farm business.When large companies 일본경마사이트 enter agriculture, farmers become workers, and companies emerge as a “category killer” as a huge power.In the past, the Philippines lived better than our country. But not now.Why? You need a special distribution network to move agricultural products.There should be warehouses, special trucks, and connections to retailers such as supermarkets.Large companies have capital, so agricultural distribution can jump in.In addition, large companies lend farming funds to farmers to engage in agriculture, and farmers gradually become agricultural products to pay their debts.

  36. With the introduction of the quota system, the dairy sector is trying to sell all cows that produce non-first-class milk at each farm and produce top-quality milk.The horse industry will also have labor pains at first, but it is easy to control the entire horse industry only when it is brought to the national association and the quota system by area is implemented to allocate the number of horses. It should be divided into passenger and meat for each purpose so that interests can be exercised.In particular, quality improvement is the most important situation because 일본경마사이트 the horse’s ability itself is important and it must be raised by size according to the user’s size.If foreign companies or large companies enter the horse industry, the horse industry will fall into the quagmire of “workers.”Quality needs to be further enhanced to enable the horse industry to take root in the private sector.Finally, I don’t know why we need to grow agriculture, not just the horse industry

  37. It is becoming increasingly difficult to receive subsidies due to public awareness, so please suggest alternative measures to solve this problem.Even in foreign countries, it is becoming difficult to provide subsidies to agriculture because of agreements between countries and public awareness.Europe supports agriculture with reasons such as “cleaning water by doing agriculture,” 일본경마사이트 “preserving tradition,” and “beautiful scenery.”Thanks to this, farmers can also be proud of their agriculture.The horse industry will also have to think about various things in the administrative sector so that it can receive confident support through public functions such as generating biogas energy from horse dung.Chung Myung-chae, an advisor to the Korea Association of Rural Horse Industry and a doctor of agricultural economics, said at a summer workshop held at the Chungmu Horse Racing Club in July, “The government has recently decided to reduce the size of the country while reducing public enterprises.

  38. However, Lee Shin-young, who overcame such unfavorable factors and became the first female assistant teacher, Kim Hye-sun, who became the first female rider to surpass 100 wins, and Lee Geum-joo, who proudly won the overseas female rider invitation race, began to break down prejudice.온라인경마 It is proving with its body that it is only less exposed to horses due to environmental problems, and that it can show enough competitiveness.In addition to horse racing officials who are making spectacular achievements outside, women are silently walking their way and becoming strong pillars throughout our horse industry. They are living as a “rebel” who utilizes the characteristics of “women,” not “as women.”

  39. Before coming to Korea, he worked in England, Germany, France, Austria, Australia, Japan, and Italy, and is a veteran rider with a total of 827 wins in nine countries, including 335 wins in Italy.Jockey Park Sang-woo showed adaptability by recording one prize in four games in his return match more than two years after his military career, while Jockey Belly, who newly 일본경마사이트 nestled in Let’s Run Park Seoul, made his first appearance in fans through three ups and downs.Italian rider Marcello Belly was born in 1972 and played at the Capanelle racetrack in Rome, Italy, where he recorded 51 wins and 68 runner-ups in 551 matches.On the Korean stage, he will be active after completing his contract until November 30, 2016.In the 2016 Let’s Run Park Seoul Jockey Division, Moon Se-young, who has 83 wins this season, is playing unrivaledly, but fierce competition is expected after September.Competition for the best jockey in the second half of the year is expected to heat up as the return of strong rival Perovic

  40. However, Lee Shin-young, who overcame such unfavorable factors and became the first female assistant teacher, Kim Hye-sun, who became the first female rider to surpass 100 wins, and Lee Geum-joo, who proudly won the overseas female rider invitation race, began to break down prejudice. It is 온라인경마 proving with its body that it is only less exposed to horses due to environmental problems, and that it can show enough competitiveness.In addition to horse racing officials who are making spectacular achievements outside, women are silently walking their way and becoming strong pillars throughout our horse industry. They are living as a “rebel” who utilizes the characteristics of “women,” not “as women.”

  41. Just as horses cannot lead a proper life without hooves, it is difficult to say without Jangje in Korea’s horse racing, horseback riding, and the entire horse industry.The development of the Jangje industry is directly related to the horse industry.Many priests attended.There has been not much exchange, but this competition has 일본경마사이트 allowed us to gather as one.It was a meaningful place for everyone as it was an opportunity for young and experienced Jangje-sa to learn each other’s faces and become one with only skills.The goal is to promote the Jangje industry to the general public.At the end of March 30, this year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, which is in charge of industry, was approved to change its name from the Korean Hoof Engineers Association to the Korean Traditional Craftsman Association.This began with the idea that Jangje should be known to the public as it is a major axis of the horse industry.

  42. It will further promote the horse industry by making it the same name as the national qualification test.In the future, he will participate in various events related to the horse industry across the country.In October, he will participate in the horse industry fair at KINTEX to showcase his funeral.In addition, we will sign a business agreement with 일본경마사이트 the school to train engineers and continue to maintain close relationships with foreign organization associations.It is natural to say, but it must be through continuous and close exchanges. In the meantime, he did not even know the faces of the priests.Through this Jangjesa competition, Jangjesa, who were scattered all over the country, gathered to communicate.In the future, we will hold at least a Yeonhwada Jangje Temple competition so that we can talk with each other.You have to go abroad and learn.There’s a lot to learn just by going out and looking at it with your eyes.There are a lot of Jangjesa in foreign countries, and it has a long history.

  43. Finally, he emphasized, “The important thing is how well you know what you say and how you can treat them sincerely.” In fact, there were many teenage girls among the ranch officials who attended the auction at the time, and most of them were skilled in handling horses. It is no wonder that a female rider won the Melbourne Cup, Australia’s largest competition.In Korea, flag bearer Lee Ok-rye appeared in 1975 and won the title of 온라인경마
    female flag bearer for the third time in the world and the first time in the East, but her reputation has been cut off for a long time and faded. Following the suicide of a female police officer in Pukyong, the sexual harassment case of a female manager continued, and the height of the ruling party seemed to be clouded.

  44. Team leader Kim Yong-chul is the one who created all the contents of horse racing broadcasting with us. You’ve been watching me run around for 9 years, so you suggested me if I had faith. At first, it is true that I hesitated with the same prejudice as others whether a woman could speak so quickly or if her tone went up with excitement, she would not make a 온라인경마 sound she didn’t want to hear. After receiving the offer, I made a comment while watching the broadcast video that my seniors made, and my heart beat. “Oh, I’d like to try this,” wriggled my mind. I think I practiced hard since then. Since there are not many cases in other countries, it was simply a fight with myself.

  45. When I joined the company, there was no broadcast program specializing in horse racing. At lunchtime, the family entertainment hall and the animal kingdom were broadcast. After a meeting to create our own horse racing program, I challenged the broadcasting plan for the first time, and the first broadcast I produced at the time was a 15-minute documentary. It’s my first work that I’ll never forget. Park Tae-jong, 온라인경마 who recently won 2,000 games, decided to make a special program with 100 wins of the season for the first time in Korean horse racing at the time and followed him for a month. I think I followed him from dawn to evening and poured out all the effort and passion I could. Jockey Park Tae-jong is still very shy during the interview, but at that time, he was so shy that he took it 100 times to say a word.

  46. Earlier this year, he was re-appointed as the president of the Korea Student Riding Association. I know that he has been in charge of the bad work of the Student Horse Racing Association for a long time with great interest in student horseback riding. As far as I know, he is trying to make new changes by re-chairing the Student Riding Association. Please tell me about the future direction of the Student Riding Association.Since the early days of the Student Riding Federation, he has continued to work as an executive. I was away from the Student Riding 온라인경마
    Association for a while, but my heart was always with the Student Riding Association. Earlier this year, he was reinstated as chairman at the request of the former player-turned-executive. I thought that changes were needed not only for the Student Riding Association but also for the continuous development of Korean horseback riding.

  47. Earlier this year, he was re-appointed as the president of the Korea Student Riding Association. I know that he has been in charge of the bad work of the Student Horse Racing Association for a long time with great interest in student horseback riding. As far as I know, he is trying to make new changes by re-chairing the Student Riding Association. Please tell me about the future direction of the Student Riding Association.Since the early days of the Student Riding Federation, he has continued일본경마사이트 to work as an executive. I was away from the Student Riding Association for a while, but my heart was always with the Student Riding Association. Earlier this year, he was reinstated as chairman at the request of the former player-turned-executive. I thought that changes were needed not only for the Student Riding Association but also for the continuous development of Korean horseback riding.

  48. After various discussions with the executive branch of the Student Riding Association for a considerable period of time, it was concluded that revitalizing youth horseback riding was the most important thing in developing Korean horseback riding. Therefore, we will focus on more actively revitalizing the youth horseback riding hunter game, which has been promoted since the former chairman. In addition, the student horseback riding competition is actively promoting measures to become a venue for festivals in connection with local festivals, not our own horseback riding competition.Hunter competitions 온라인경마
    have been benchmarked in the United States to help young people enjoy horseback riding. Until now, equestrian games have not made much difference in the contents of the games between the general and youth teams. He studied for the structural transformation of the youth horseback riding game, and in 2013, he invited instructors from the United States to hold a student horseback riding training session.

  49. The International Race Classification Standards Committee (ICSC), established in 1981 to evaluate the level of each race in horse racing countries around the world, is an organization that classifies part-country. The ICSC evaluates the overall level of quantitative and qualitative horse racing implementation of individual horse racing countries every year, classifies 온라인경마 them into Part I, II, and III countries, and publishes them in the ICSC’s official booklet, Blue Book, and publishes them worldwide.Entering the part-country means that not only the quantitative level of racehorses, such as sales and the number of people entering, but also the qualitative level of racehorses and the production of racehorses have reached a certain level.

  50. In order to create a festival that Gumi City and the general public can enjoy together, various events with themes related to horses were organized. First of all, a guidebook containing tips and precautions for watching the game온라인경마 will be produced and distributed to improve understanding of the game, and it plans to attract family-level visitors with young children through pretty horse contests and mini hose photo zones. The city has prepared a shuttle bus so that you can go to the horseback riding ground without a car. About 10,000 visitors are expected. We will make this competition a successful festival so that horseback riding festivals can be held not only in Gumi but also in other regions.

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