“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Since it is Jeong Yu-yeon, it has become a problem (now that the Choi Soon-sil gate has burst). This friend is also a member of the national team, but if a player wants to ride a horse for a month at the Gwangju Riding Course, but he can’t, that’s the problem. Does it make sense if Park Tae-hwan says he will train himself at the Gwangju City Swimming Pool while exercising in Seoul. That’s what the media should be talking about more. 인터넷경마 That doesn’t matter. I don’t think it’s a problem that the national player came and said he would work out. When Yu-yeon came and did it, she didn’t provide feed, she brought in working people, and she also brought in coach Shin00. I only lent him the 201-dong horse room. The media wrote that 201-dong mabang was very good, but the worst mabang is 201-dong.

  2. Rather than saying it, it is regrettable that various pending issues have not been resolved, and I will make efforts to resolve them.Since his appointment in 2015, he has been taking steps at the forefront of industrial policy and administration at the end of the Korean language to meet the level of the field.If you introduce your duties and roles.Also, how are you doing recently.”It’s already been three years since I was appointed as a horse industry manager.The official name 일본경마사이트 of the department in charge is ‘Masagye’, and I do many things.First of all, there is not only a comprehensive plan for the development of the horse industry, but also a role of guidance and supervision of the Korean Horse Association.In particular, we are promoting related contents for the sound development of the horse racing industry, such as the issue of over-the-counter sales centers, which has emerged as an issue these days.We also consult with the Korea Racing Authority about the operation of special reserves under the Korea

  3. Until now, the first comprehensive plan has been established and carried out based on four solutions: creating a horse industry base, strengthening competitiveness, fostering related industries such as expanding horse demand, and establishing a foundation for continuous development.In particular, we have invested a lot of government budget in places where the public can feel, such as a project to support 일본경마사이트 the installation of horseback riding facilities, a project to revitalize experience horse riding, a project to revitalize horseback riding in rural tourism, and a project to create horseback riding paths.”In his first seminar since his appointment (celebrating the designation of the Jeju Special Zone in July 2015), he mentioned the side effects of the horse industry at that time.Since then, it has confirmed and promoted major policies such as the selection of the 2nd and 3rd special zones and the succession of state-certified investigations, and it is said that the Korean horse industry has entered a stable

  4. Sports are difficult to develop without sponsors even if they only wear underwear and hold shoes. Now, Samsung is supporting the association in terms of its operation, and it is not supporting for a big match, but even that must be done by Samsung. If Samsung does not do it, our horse riding world will be difficult.Whether the group, Samsung and Hanwha, paid 1.5 billion won a year, 1.6 billion won, or applied for the association, there is something that has helped the players. Horseback 인터넷경마 riding is an event without government support, so unless a company spawn, it is not possible to compete, and it is difficult to participate in the Olympics.In the meantime, the Korea Racing Authority, Hanwha, and Samsung have been in charge of the chairman’s speech. The association was able to run and hold matches because it continued to support money there.

  5. Han Byung-yoon, who is in charge of major tasks such as guidance and supervision of the Korean Racing Authority, is in charge of the livestock policy department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. We are doing our best in administrative work for the development of the Korean horse industry by forming a combination with Woo Man-soo, a secretary 일본경마사이트
    .In fact, our horse industry should go beyond the transition period and enter a stable phase, but it is suffering from being deeply tied to human-made practices, prejudice against the horse racing industry, and state-run farming.How do you diagnose the root cause.”The horse industry has been dealt with by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a sport, but with the enactment of the Industrial Promotion Act at the end of 2011, the horse industry has been fostered and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. A new system and paradigm have been created to revitalize the economy of farming and fishing villages,

  6. First of all, we are preparing and coming up with ideas such as a competition linked to the festival and a new theme competition so that the horseback riding competition is not fun, and it can be fun and participated by the public.In order to make the horse more friendly to the public, many auctions are held to reveal the exact price of the horse.Regarding the improvement of the image, the horse 일본경마사이트 industry provides an opportunity for the people to experience horses, and horse racing is consulting with the Korea Racing Authority to take sound measures to break away from its gambling image.” The second comprehensive plan, which was scheduled to be announced earlier this year, raises new issues such as improving the quality of life and economic contribution of the people, and securing a population of 1.5 million horseback riding.In particular, it is known that innovative ideas such as strengthening safety and festival-linked competitions were also applied to ensure internal stability.In the long run, exports,

  7. We will promote the production of good horses through the evaluation system, promote grassroots horseback riding competitions centered on self-sustaining clubs and local units, and hold many youth horseback riding competitions so that students can participate.The second comprehensive plan will also include programs for safe horseback riding, such as the ability to climb the mountain.Regarding the horse racing 일본경마사이트 industry, there is also a project to build infrastructure to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic horses, strengthen the organization of the horse racing society to strengthen the crackdown on illegal horse racing, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation among related ministries.To this end, we will improve the system and put a special judicial police officer system in relevant ministries so that we can actively crack down on it.”Lastly, I think you have a lot to say to the field, horse industry workers, and farmers who want to newly enter the horse riding industry or raise horses.Please say

  8. It is changing from an industrial structure that has been concentrated in the horse racing industry in the past to a youth- and family-oriented leisure sport through horseback riding. This is an industrial activity that helps livestock farmers generate income and a movement that conveys health to the public. 인터넷경마 Therefore, I am sure that it will ultimately become an important position in the Korean livestock industry in the future.To that end, we need to develop a system and build a control tower to foster experts and streamline management, and the main goal should be to revitalize future consumer youth horseback riding to increase demand.In addition, we must spare no investment and efforts in nurturing and assisting horse producers in case demand increases

  9. A lot of effort has been made to break down the existing misconception of horseback riding that only a few people can enjoy. In order to popularize horseback riding sports and expand the base, we planned and held large and small events every year, and we approached citizens with various cultural festivals, enjoyed and joined them.The Korea Horse Industry Association is working with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Racing Authority, which are the인터넷경마 central pillars of the horse industry policy, to make the government’s horse industry policy a hope for the people.Korea is the first nation in the world to achieve an economic and political miracle in 70 years. Do you know that Genghis Khan is a descendant of the Korean people. A record was recently discovered that Daeya Bal, younger brother of Balhae Cho Dae-young, was Genghis Khan, the Genghis Khan.

  10. One incident caused tremendous damage to the entire horse industry, which forced many people, including me, who actually ran a horse riding course, to overcome a very difficult time.Through the first comprehensive horse industry plan, there has been an unprecedented time for the Korean인터넷경마 horse industry, which has been growing rapidly, but in some ways, I think it has provided an opportunity to publicize the domain of “riding” that is unfamiliar to the public.Of course, however, we believe that the image is too bad to try to have a successful number with noise marketing, and the time to recover will continue to require great effort and time.The horse industry is a steadily growing industry in developed countries.

  11. I would like to express my warm consolation and gratitude to everyone who has silently made efforts to develop the horse industry and horse racing industry despite difficult conditions throughout the year. I would like to thank Kim Moon-young, CEO of the Horse Industry Journal, and the people involved for their efforts to deliver various news in various fields of the horse industry over the past year.Our Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association will faithfully carry out its natural task of 인터넷경마 continuously developing the level of horse racing in Korea, while at the same time striving to improve the rights and interests of each other and developing the association’s capabilities. We ask for your attention and support so that the Pukyong Horse Racing Association can gather the wisdom of its executives and members to faithfully carry out the given task of developing the horse racing industry.

  12. The Korean people dominated the world beyond East Asia to China, Central Asia, Russia, and Europe while dominating the Manchurian field.Psy’s Gangnam style, which symbolizes horse dance, has recorded 2.9 billion views, indicating that Korean culture is close to horses, and that horses feel 인터넷경마 as intimate to the public.The number of horses in Korea is about 30,000 heads, but if you look at Goryeo history. You can see the record of having a million horses during the Goryeo Dynasty. This tells us that our country was a horse powerhouse in Central Asia and around the world. Horse experts also evaluate that the Korean native horse of Guahama, or Jeju, is much stronger than the Mongolian horse.

  13. Reporter Hwang In-sung = “Hallama,” which was confirmed to be expelled from horse racing in 2023 through an agreement in February last year, is taking a big step toward creating new value as a passenger horse.One of the processes is the 2017 Hallama Festa National Endurance Riding Competition, which will be held over the first and 일본경마사이트 third weeks of December. The aim was to apply international regulations of the International Riding Federation, not existing domestic regulations, to evaluate the value of Hallama as a passenger horse by international standards.The evaluation after the first competition was well received. Malaysian international judges, who were invited to serve as judges of the tournament, highly appreciated Hallama’s ability and showed great interest.As such, the Hallama Producers Association is taking steps step by step toward new challenges for Hallama and the development of the domestic horse industry.The problem is a realistic wall that the “budget” for promoting the project

  14. Kang Dong-woo, president of the Hallama Producers Association, met at the Hallama Festa National Endurance Competition.The purpose of the 2017 Hallama Festa National Endurance Riding Competition is to expand the base of horseback riding in Korea and to prove the value of Hallama as a passenger horse.In addition, it is a competition where Hallama, a representative domestic horse, can go with high quality.The 일본경마사이트 Hallama Producers Association wants to become the leading horse industry organization in Korea.Only Hallama can participate in the competition.As stipulated in the regulations, all horses that participate in the competition are Hallama registered with the Hallama Producers Association or the Korean Horse Association.It is already well known that Hallama has participated in various endurance competitions and won several times.There is already a consensus on the excellence of Hallama in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, the Korean Horse Association, and all horse industries.It is a horse breed

  15. One incident caused tremendous damage to the entire horse industry, which forced many people, including me, who actually ran a horse riding course, to overcome a very difficult time.Through the first comprehensive horse industry plan, there has been an unprecedented time for the Korean horse industry, which has been growing rapidly, but in some ways인터넷경마 , I think it has provided an opportunity to publicize the domain of “riding” that is unfamiliar to the public.Of course, however, we believe that the image is too bad to try to have a successful number with noise marketing, and the time to recover will continue to require great effort and time.The horse industry is a steadily growing industry in developed countries.

  16. Why the competition was held twice, because it was related to various organizations and organizations, it seems that the cause of death was not right.As a result, the timing of the competition was somewhat late, and the competition was held twice.There may be differences of opinion even when holding one tournament, and misunderstandings may be mixed in the process.The second competition was the result of applying for a contest to select additional candidates for the 일본경마사이트 horse industry promotion support project held by the Korea Racing Authority in November.It is held in the same regulations and methods as the first competition.I intend to work harder to promote it for the rest of the year.Support for Hallama, which has been decided to exit horse racing in 2023, remains unclear.With the budget to be executed next year far short, the Korea Racing Authority and Jeju Island are not taking any action, and the Hallama Producers Association is facing practical difficulties.What kind of project will be carried out next

  17. Why the competition was held twice, because it was related to various organizations and organizations, it seems that the cause of death was not right.As a result, the timing of the competition was somewhat late, and the competition was held twice.There may be differences of opinion even when holding one tournament, and misunderstandings may be mixed in the process.The second competition was the result 일본경마사이트 of applying for a contest to select additional candidates for the horse industry promotion support project held by the Korea Racing Authority in November.It is held in the same regulations and methods as the first competition.I intend to work harder to promote it for the rest of the year.Support for Hallama, which has been decided to exit horse racing in 2023, remains unclear.With the budget to be executed next year far short, the Korea Racing Authority and Jeju Island are not taking any action, and the Hallama Producers Association is facing practical difficulties.What kind of project will be carried out next

  18. It’s not easy to run an association.As you know if there are any internal and external difficulties, some of the aftereffects of the internal disturbance of the association remain so far.I think it has been overcome to some extent thanks to the constant efforts of the association members.Maybe after this year, everything will be back on track from next year.I think it will be an association that only 일본경마사이트 moves forward in the future.Horse farmers say it’s hard.Specifically, to take one example, horse farmers should make profits, but the reality is that they are not.For example, if you build a congratulatory address, about 60% of it will be provided at the provincial level.However, primary industry producers often don’t even get the support because they don’t have the money.If the provincial government provides 50 million won, it will have to pay about 50 to 60 million won at its own expense, but horse farmers without money will come back with a big burden.However, it is not that the price of horses is rising,

  19. A lot of effort has been made to break down the existing misconception of horseback riding that only a few people can enjoy. In order to popularize horseback riding sports and expand the base, we planned and held large and small events every year, and we approached citizens with various cultural festivals, enjoyed and joined them.The Korea Horse Industry Association is working with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Racing Authority, which are the central 인터넷경마 pillars of the horse industry policy, to make the government’s horse industry policy a hope for the people.Korea is the first nation in the world to achieve an economic and political miracle in 70 years. Do you know that Genghis Khan is a descendant of the Korean people. A record was recently discovered that Daeya Bal, younger brother of Balhae Cho Dae-young, was Genghis Khan, the Genghis Khan.

  20. What kind of support is needed to resolve the difficulties? I hope that related organizations such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Korea Racing Authority, and the Jeju Provincial Government will seriously consider policies and support measures that will help farmers.Internally, if producers ask what the association does, there is nothing to answer.For 일본경마사이트 now, there was not only a lack of support for the association to conduct something business, but also difficulty in communication.Jeju horses pay 100,000 won for horse production every time a horse is born, but Hanlama has no such thing.Although it is not a large amount, it will be a good response to provide funds for horse production to producers.Can’t the central or local governments provide support because they don’t have 500 million won in budget.The biggest external difficulty is that as internal conflicts spread to the outside world, they have escaped a lot from institutions and organizations that need to co-exist together.It is urgent

  21. Hallama’s exit from horse racing in 2023 was confirmed last year.Follow-up to that is not going well.As Hallama was removed from the racetrack, 4.1 billion won to be supported by the Korea Racing Authority has not been executed at all. From May this year, I asked the Korea Racing Authority to reflect it in next year’s budget, but there was no reply.And it was not included in the budget plan to 일본경마사이트 go to the Ministry of Agriculture until Sept. 30.At the time of the agreement, both the Korea Racing Authority and Jeju Island promised active cooperation, but now everyone doesn’t know me.It should never be like this.I am the chairman who represents Hallama production farmers and I will go all the way to receive funding.There were reports that Jeju Island conveyed its intention to give up the horse industry special zone to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which reflected only the position of individual officials in charge of the horse industry in Jeju.If you are an official in charge of the horse industry,

  22. Reporter Park Soo-min = My father recommends entering Korea Masa High School when I enter high school Lee Yu-ri, a massage student at Seorabeol University, said she was introduced to a horse for the first time.Lee Yu-ri was injured ahead of this year’s practical test, but passed the horse trainer, rehabilitation horse riding, horseback riding instructor, and second level of daily sports instructor.In the future, he 일본경마사이트 wants to build up his skills and become an instructor who doubles as a rehabilitation horse and horseback riding.In addition, it is hoped that the negative perception of the horse industry will change and become popular as soon as possible.I happened to see my father introduce Korea Masa High School on TV when I was thinking about going to a third grade in middle school.At that time, my father recommended, “You should go to a humanities high school like others because you like sports rather than studying and getting a job.”After entering Korea Masa High School, I rode a horse for the first time.

  23. Reporter Park Soo-min = My father recommends entering Korea Masa High School when I enter high school Lee Yu-ri, a massage student at Seorabeol University, said she was introduced to a horse for the first time.Lee Yu-ri was injured ahead of this year’s practical test, but passed the horse trainer, rehabilitation horse riding, horseback riding instructor, and second level of daily sports instructor.In the future, he wants to build up his skills and become an instructor who doubles as a rehabilitation horse a 일본경마사이트 nd horseback riding.In addition, it is hoped that the negative perception of the horse industry will change and become popular as soon as possible.I happened to see my father introduce Korea Masa High School on TV when I was thinking about going to a third grade in middle school.At that time, my father recommended, “You should go to a humanities high school like others because you like sports rather than studying and getting a job.”After entering Korea Masa High School, I rode a horse for the first time.

  24. Given that not only citizens but also many foreigners showed interest and response to the Eurasian Altai Cultural Exchange Exhibition, which was held with the Korean Horse Industry Association’s “Seoul Horse Culture Festival” at Gwanghwamun Square in 2017, I am sure that the horse industry can become a major policy of Korea in the future like K-POP. I have no doubt that the Korean horse industry will expand around the world, just like many Korean stars, including Kim Yu-na.At the end of 2018, the direction of the industrial policy
    인터넷경마 should be to improve the quality of life of the people and revitalize the economy of rural areas by fostering the horse industry. Specifically, we should focus on expanding demand for the horse industry and creating a foundation for the horse industry, and pay attention to the creation of a horse industry complex and revitalization of the horse industry special zone to strengthen the competitiveness of the horse industry.

  25. I like sports, so I wanted to go to physical education with the goal of becoming a physical education teacher.I got hurt on the day I took the physical college entrance exam, so I decided to retake it.While re-taking the test, my father advised me again, “I learned horseback riding in high school, so try riding it again even on weekends.”It was so much fun to start horseback riding again and I found the interest I lost. 일본경마사이트
    I decided to enter La Beol University because I decided to go back to the horse industry and wanted to revive my major.How I passed all of these exams as a rehabilitation horse trainer, horse trainer, sports instructor for all, and horseback riding instructor. I believed that I would naturally get a certificate after riding a horse for more than three years when I was a freshman in college.But I failed the practical test.After the rehabilitation rider fell, I rode a horse unconditionally even on days when it was annoying and cold and I didn’t want to ride it, thinking, “Let’s struggle like

  26. Whenever you have a slump and are having a hard time and don’t want to do it, you can do it next to you.I think I got a certificate because I said, ‘You can do it.’Rehabilitation riding instructors and horse trainers are different fields, but there is a training course class at school on how to prepare them.Professor Kwon Seung-joo, who is working as an assistant teacher at Let’s Run Park Pukyeong, taught me 일본경마사이트 .I learned practical skills in my first year, so there was no burden that the two certificates were different.I learned general horseback riding and race magic at school in advance and prepared certificates more easily.The second-class physical education instructor practiced obstacles with Professor Choo Ho-geun by staying early in the morning or late at night before taking the test because the obstacles were in practical subjects.In the case of training, racing magic was difficult, so I went out early in the morning and stayed at school on weekends to practice.It was the hardest thing to prepare for the

  27. Whenever you have a slump and are having a hard time and don’t want to do it, you can do it next to you.I think I got a certificate because I said, ‘You can do it.’Rehabilitation riding instructors and horse trainers are different fields, but there is a training course class at school on how to prepare them.Professor Kwon Seung-joo, who is working as an assistant teacher at Let’s Run Park Pukyeong, taught me.I learned practical skills in my first year, 일본경마사이트 so there was no burden that the two certificates were different.I learned general horseback riding and race magic at school in advance and prepared certificates more easily.The second-class physical education instructor practiced obstacles with Professor Choo Ho-geun by staying early in the morning or late at night before taking the test because the obstacles were in practical subjects.In the case of training, racing magic was difficult, so I went out early in the morning and stayed at school on weekends to practice.It was the hardest thing to prepare for the

  28. In Korea Masa High School, there are many students, so we take classes in groups. I’m the type who gets better when someone tells me next to the one-on-one road.As I rode alone and rode in a comfortable position, my posture became stiff.It was difficult because it took a long time to fix my firm posture.Three weeks before the first practical examination of the certificate, he injured the ligament of his big toe.The doctor diagnosed me 일본경마사이트 with a five-week break.I lost my composure and was anxious because the exam was just around the corner.to go to home and hospital for three weeks I went to school the day before the exam and practiced only once with my classmates.And I passed.I think I was lucky.When I took the practical test, I took my school horse and rode it because I could take the test with a jama.It would have been difficult if I had been assigned a new horse, but it was a familiar and comfortable horse because it was a horse that I used to ride at school, so the burden on the test was reduced

  29. In Korea Masa High School, there are many students, so we take classes in groups. I’m the type who gets better when someone tells me next to the one-on-one road.As I rode alone and rode in a comfortable position, my posture became stiff.It was difficult because it took a long time to fix my firm posture.Three weeks before the first practical examination of the certificate, he injured the ligament of his big toe.The 일본경마사이트 doctor diagnosed me with a five-week break.I lost my composure and was anxious because the exam was just around the corner.to go to home and hospital for three weeks I went to school the day before the exam and practiced only once with my classmates.And I passed.I think I was lucky.When I took the practical test, I took my school horse and rode it because I could take the test with a jama.It would have been difficult if I had been assigned a new horse, but it was a familiar and comfortable horse because it was a horse that I used to ride at school, so the burden on the test was reduced

  30. 2018 Hopeful Martial Arts Year A new year has come.I would like to express my gratitude to the employees of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters for silently fulfilling their duties last year despite difficult conditions such as foot-and-mouth disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, 일본경마사이트 and the first discovery of foreign red fire ants.The New Year is the Year of the Golden Dog.The dog is an animal that symbolizes bravery and wisdom and is also a companion that has been with humans for the longest time.The quarantine headquarters will also take a step closer to the people’s side and become a partner who sympathizes and communicates.Despite various difficult conditions last year, the quarantine headquarters has produced excellent results based on its accumulated expertise and know-how.As a case in point, the development of the original vaccine technology for relief has been achieved one year earlier than originally planned, laying the foundation for “relief vaccine sovereignty.”

  31. The staff of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters, and the people who care about the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters!The role and duties of the quarantine headquarters are becoming increasingly heavy due to the global spread of national disaster-type livestock diseases and high-risk plant diseases, the continuous emergence of new and mutated animal diseases, 일본경마사이트 increased demand for field-solving research, and increased public expectations for agricultural and livestock safety.The Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters is a national standard quarantine and quarantine agency, and all of its employees will work together this year to play a role as a watchman who protects the dangers of livestock diseases and plant diseases at the forefront.To this end, the quarantine headquarters will focus on setting four core tasks with the goal of “One-Health, Field-oriented, Communication Cooperation, Future Response, Consumer-oriented, Science-Based”

  32. Second, for a clean Korea, we will establish a science-based and proactive import risk analysis and an efficient border quarantine base.We will thoroughly quarantine borders at airports to prevent the inflow of overseas malignant diseases and plant pests, and in particular, we will do our best to prevent the inflow of diseases by monitoring and inspecting all countries that have occurred 일본경마사이트 in each path of inflow risk, and strengthening the quarantine of foot-and-mouth disease and AI for imported agricultural and livestock products.In the field of plant quarantine, we will establish a comprehensive safety management system that encompasses safety management of diseases, pests, and LMO in overseas, border, and domestic quarantine.We will come up with measures to allow imports of high-risk reproductive plants after lowering the risk of pests in the other country, and re-evaluate the risk of imported plants by inflow route and item, and strengthen the management of high-risk items.

  33. Regarding the pesticide egg wave, which has become a social issue, we will strengthen the establishment of the Korea Food Safety Management Certification Agency’s supervisory authority and emergency inspection of HACCP certification farms to improve the overall work process so that safe livestock products can be distributed, such as canceling certification when detecting harmful substances such as pesticides.We will promote early export of items that 일본경마사이트 have been suspended due to the outbreak of domestic diseases, support stable and continuous quarantine of items that are being exported, such as samgyetang, and improve the system for systematic management and support for export agricultural products from the production stage to the export stage, and actively discover and improve difficulties and unnecessary regulations through meetings with exporters and consultations by item.Third, we will become a world-leading animal and plant hygiene research institution trusted by the people and led by technology

  34. Regarding the pesticide egg wave, which has become a social issue, we will strengthen the establishment of the Korea Food Safety Management Certification Agency’s supervisory authority and emergency inspection of HACCP certification farms to improve the overall work process so that safe livestock products can be 일본경마사이트
    distributed, such as canceling certification when detecting harmful substances such as pesticides.We will promote early export of items that have been suspended due to the outbreak of domestic diseases, support stable and continuous quarantine of items that are being exported, such as samgyetang, and improve the system for systematic management and support for export agricultural products from the production stage to the export stage, and actively discover and improve difficulties and unnecessary regulations through meetings with exporters and consultations by item.Third, we will become a world-leading animal and plant hygiene research institution trusted by the people and led by technology

  35. Regarding the pesticide egg wave, which has become a social issue, we will strengthen the establishment of the Korea Food Safety Management Certification Agency’s supervisory authority and emergency inspection of HACCP certification farms to improve the overall work process so that safe livestock products can be distributed, 일본경마사이트 such as canceling certification when detecting harmful substances such as pesticides.We will promote early export of items that have been suspended due to the outbreak of domestic diseases, support stable and continuous quarantine of items that are being exported, such as samgyetang, and improve the system for systematic management and support for export agricultural products from the production stage to the export stage, and actively discover and improve difficulties and unnecessary regulations through meetings with exporters and consultations by item.Third, we will become a world-leading animal and plant hygiene research institution trusted by the people and led by technology

  36. From the horse racing culture newspaper to KRJ Broadcasting, the horse industry journal, and Perfect Today’s horse racing, it is beautiful to be busy delivering meaningful and 인터넷경마 correct information while it has steadily grown in areas related to the horse industry. It also makes me feel proud as a person in the horse industry.I don’t think it’s that easy to work on a field for 19 years. The contents and fields that have been delivered during that time will be various and endless. I am sure that these things are enough to serve as compasses to create a horse culture in Korea and lead the horse industry.

  37. From the perspective of horse producers, it is also meaningful to sell or rent a horse at a high price, but more horses are more proud to meet more people. I hope that the spread of horseback riding culture will become active through racing media.Lastly, I hope that the news of the producers will be communicated through racing media. The Hallama Producers 인터넷경마 Association will also try to inform the association and the activities of the producers through racing media. 2018 is the 20th anniversary of Racing Media, and the first year of the launch of Hallama, a horse-riding brand of the Hallama Producers Association, as a pedigree horse. I hope that the Hallama Producers Association’s Hallama launch event will also be held at the 20th anniversary of Racing Media in 2018.

  38. We hope that Korea will be able to become an advanced horseback riding country through efforts to create jobs and expand the base of the horseback riding population due to improved productivity in the horse industry, and we hope that racing media will participate as a partner.I hope you will always receive 인터넷경마 the attention of many readers with new and interesting news as you are now, and I look forward to your continued prosperity. The horse industry development law was enacted, the horse industry development plan was implemented, and the second five-year plan was implemented, but if there are any shortcomings, it is necessary to look back on whether it is practical or not.

  39. The Horse Industry Journal met and interviewed Jeon Jae-sik, a living witness of Korean equestrian and a gold medalist at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.In an interview with coach Jeon Jae-sik, who is more famous for the “horse gala show,” he heard about his horseback riding career progress.What made you start horseback riding.The Gyeonggi Horse Racing Association selected students 일본경마사이트 to discover and nurture Olympic prospects ahead of the 88 Olympics.One of the selected friends recommended me to the teacher, saying I was athletic.At that time, it cost quite a lot to ride a horse.My parents asked me if I could stop riding horses because I wasn’t in a sufficient situation, but I thought I would die if I didn’t ride a horse.All the friends I started with then quit, but I stayed with the horse until the end.I changed the sport from obstacle to dressage. “Change” isn’t easy, but the situation and feelings at that time.Choi Joon-sang quit after finishing the Guangzhou Asian Games due to personal reasons.

  40. Because Choi Jun-sang was the only dressage player, someone had to do dressage.Director Park Jae-hong recommended me.After listening to the director, I turned it down for a week, but after much consideration, I changed the event.As if he felt sorry, the director told him to do both obstacle and dressage.After playing both events for some time, he devoted himself to dressage.It was 일본경마사이트 a choice and a focus.For the first time in Korea, the horse gala show was held and received a great response from the public.If you have any other events in mind.I don’t think it’s easy to create an event beyond a horse gala show.However, the horse gala show is a field of performance planners, and I think the field I need to work on is to promote elite horseback riding to the public.I planned to hold various events together with the horseback riding competition.With the night lights on, a six-stage obstacle game will be held at the stadium, and parasols will be installed along both sides of the stadium to have a Chi-Maek party

  41. I hope it will serve as a channel for communication between horses and humans, people who know horses and don’t know horses, people who have never ridden horses and people who haven’t ridden horses, and people who don’t.Second, racing media’s racing refers to racing and horse racing, so there is a concern that racing media’s reports and materials will인터넷경마 focus only on horse racing. When we start talking about horses in Korean society, it is practically right to think of horse racing first. However, horse racing has a limited number of people who enjoy it, and concerns about gambling are also being raised. Therefore, I would like to ask you to introduce more articles about horseback riding that can extend the range of horse-riding people indefinitely.

  42. The ‘Classic Girl’ is already a celebrity, famous as Cinderella.Before the Guangzhou Asian Games, he visited Germany in early 2010 to purchase horses for athletes and classes.As soon as I saw “Classic Girl”, I thought I should buy this horse. First of all, the color of the horse was really pretty and the kidney news was unusual. 일본경마사이트 The idea was that not only me but also everyone who went with me should take “Classic Girl” in one voice.What makes “Classic Girl” different from other horses? Usually mares are easily sulky and sensitive. Despite being a mare, “Classic Girl” is both dull and intelligent.Even if you ride strongly, you only have a hard time at that time, but on the next day, you don’t put it in and start anew.People have strong endurance.The part that worries and fears while teaching horses is that they are afraid of giving up.If you give up other words, you can’t try anything.In some cases, he is so willing to do it that he feels like “Classic Girl” is laughing at him, saying, “Is this all you can do

  43. We hope that Korea will be able to become an advanced horseback riding country through efforts to create jobs and expand the base of the horseback riding population due to improved productivity in the horse industry, and we hope that racing media will participate as a partner.I hope you will always receive the 인터넷경마
    attention of many readers with new and interesting news as you are now, and I look forward to your continued prosperity. The horse industry development law was enacted, the horse industry development plan was implemented, and the second five-year plan was implemented, but if there are any shortcomings, it is necessary to look back on whether it is practical or not.

  44. When you are young, you should play games that include education rather than distinguishing between the first, second, and third places.Since the last Sangju competition, the standard jumping class, which transformed the Hunter game in the United States, has been implemented. 일본경마사이트 Standard jumping classes are an event that requires a lot of education.If you don’t ride it correctly, you can’t win a prize.Youth horseback riding should be based on education to become an advanced country in the long run.It may sparkle if it focuses on grades, but it is no different from our generation’s horseback riding.I have also written manuscripts for the publication of books related to horseback riding.It is a book that records an episode with “Classic Girl.”The contents include not only episodes but also technical parts.As I was writing the manuscript, it felt like I was in a relationship between me and “Classic Girl” and my marriage.They push and pull each other, fight and sulk, and fight each other, and they regret that one

  45. As a leading horse culture company for the development of the horse industry, Racing Media is a comprehensive horse industry media that delights the eyes and ears of viewers and readers with various contents, and congratulations on behalf of the Korea Horse Racing Association.I think horse racing and horseback riding are industries that can help each other because they have a lot in common with horses as a medium. 인터넷경마
    One is to watch and enjoy a third party running at the speed of a dream, and the other is to experience it yourself, so I think both are sports of horse love.We hope that many horse racing fans will be interested in the development of horseback riding, which is attracting attention as a healthy leisure sport due to the increase in people’s income and changes in consciousness that values quality of life.

  46. It is the true teacher and mentor who lead us when we wander and worry at a critical crossroads.It is a blessing to meet a good mentor in a country where beating teachers and molesting disciples has become a daily routine in this era of strong “mischief.”Is there a “teacher” in the Korean horse industry.Behind the agenda of future talent and youth training, there should be teachers and experts 일본경마사이트 who sacrifice and lead, but we have always forgotten such teachers and self-proclaimed experts have only competed and been jealous.The sacrifice, in the end, fell to the students.In the midst of this, there are greetings who are busy finding “food” for students and going abroad or various sites for employment.He is four months away from leaving office, but he is always the same as he was when he was appointed three years ago.Even though the interview was promised, he was alone in the background of the school, dressed as a farmer.When I was interviewed after taking a shower, I poured drinks myself, and as soon as

  47. In early 2013, he became a candidate for recommendation through the principal contest system, and when he was appointed in March, he had a sense of responsibility.On October 1, 2013, the first year of his appointment, he was designated as a horse industry professional training institution, and went to Lyon, France, where the horse industry fair was held, for three weeks, and I was thinking about the education necessary for our students and teaching methods of vocational schools.We’ve accomplished so much over the past three years that the word “workworm” comes to mind.Professional high schools 일본경마사이트 that combine horseback riding and horse racing are hard to find in the world.Our school was once on the verge of closing down, with only seven students in one class, but it established an early foundation by converting to a specialized high school and is considered one of the best examples of advanced education.Compared to three years ago, the number of horses has increased from 25 to 71, and they are managing

  48. It is said that the horse industry in Korea is in various difficulties. The horse racing industry is not loved by the people, and horseback riding is spreading negative perceptions due to recent events. I think racing media needs to play a role in wisely overcoming this reality. I look forward 일본경마사이트 to informing you of the net function of horse racing and horseback riding and suggesting a way forward. If the Korean Language Trainer Association has something to do, we will work together.In advanced horse industrial countries, the media related to the horse industry are loved by the people. In Korea, I expect racing media to be at the center of its role in the near future.

  49. The Korean Horse Trainer Association will also recognize the importance of horse training and will continue to make efforts to combine advanced training techniques of horse riding and horse racing. To that end, we will create a Korean language trainer association that is developing day by day while sharing information related to racing media and training and receiving advice. The horse industry is an industry that grows with increasing national income and has already been 일본경마사이트 established as a living sport in many developed countries. Recently, as interest in health and leisure increases, Korean people’s interest in the horse industry is also expanding. The horse industry is a complex cultural industry that combines livestock and leisure, and has very high added value. However, there are many challenges for the domestic horse industry to take off and develop.

  50. There is a problem that students cannot take the qualification test during their school years.Since the age limit for taking the horse industry-related qualification test is 18, they can’t even take it even though they have the ability.Parents also heard that they filed a complaint with the National Newspaper High School, even demanding that the qualification limit be lowered to 18 years old from the 일본경마사이트 time they first entered the school.In the case of industrial high schools, there is a movement to lower the age because students need a driver’s license because there is a special need to transport machines I’ve heard it.In order to cultivate future talent, it is necessary to lower the age of taking the horse industry qualification test.If you graduate after obtaining the qualification, you have to jump into the job front right away, but you can’t even take the qualification test, so I think it has a negative impact on the employment rate and the future of students.Training to advanced horse industry countries

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