“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.954 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. I don’t know if it sounds mean, but I’m not really afraid. Also, I don’t know how long it will take to build up another win, but I don’t think I can move on if I’m afraid. Recently, the nine moves were too long to win, but I’m actually putting more emphasis on how fully I ride one. There was a time when I got injured several times and managed to get one or two a week, so each and일본경마사이트

    every one I’m riding now is so precious. Thanks to that, unpopular horses have recently been lucky to win prizes. Before going out to the race, I analyze a lot and focus more on the starting line than before. Even during the race, I thought a lot about how to solve this, and I tried that, but if the horse runs well, the fun and joy of that time can’t be expressed in words.

  2. He is a respected teacher. It’s been a year and a half since I came to Article 20. At first, he asked me to come with nowhere to go, so I was wary of it because I didn’t know why. He was also a person who didn’t use female flag bearers, and I thought a lot about why he brought me. The bottom line was that I should do that well and I’m still grateful.I came into contact 인터넷경마
    naturally as I entered the horse accident. In fact, I never saw a rider, so I couldn’t understand why my male peers wanted to be riders so much. Then, I went to the racetrack for the first time and saw Lee Ae-ri’s winning scene. I fell in love with him when I saw him enter the finish line amid numerous shouts.Originally, if I decide to do it once, I have to do it unconditionally, so I tried to become a jockey.

  3. He is a respected teacher. It’s been a year and a half since I came to Article 20. At first, he asked me to come with nowhere to go, so I was wary of it because I didn’t know why. He was also a person who didn’t use female flag bearers, and I thought a lot about why he brought me. The bottom line was that I should do that well and I’m still grateful.I came into contact naturally 인터넷경마 as I entered the horse accident. In fact, I never saw a rider, so I couldn’t understand why my male peers wanted to be riders so much. Then, I went to the racetrack for the first time and saw Lee Ae-ri’s winning scene. I fell in love with him when I saw him enter the finish line amid numerous shouts.Originally, if I decide to do it once, I have to do it unconditionally, so I tried to become a jockey.

  4. When you get back on that, the assistant teacher gives you advice like throwing a word or two, which helps. I heard that and supplemented it.There’s still a long way to go. Posture is the most pointed out part of Article 20. My back became so bad as my injury and unstable posture overlapped. Personally, I got really tanned and corrected my posture, and recently I am doing personal training recommended by my assistant teacher. 일본경마사이트 In addition to the basic weight, the assistant teacher directly tells the trainer what he needs, and he is training with harsh additional training. Thanks to this, when I lift the spoon, my hands shake and if I cough, my stomach feels like I’m going to die. I wonder if I’m hurting other places so I can’t feel the pain? (laughs) I’m just kidding. I feel like I’m getting better as I train my muscles in areas that weren’t filled even after receiving treatment in the past.

  5. When you get back on that, the assistant teacher gives you advice like throwing a word or two, which helps. I heard that and supplemented it.There’s still a long way to go. Posture is the most pointed out part of Article 20. My back became so bad as my injury and unstable posture overlapped. Personally, I got really tanned and corrected my posture, and recently I am doing personal training recommended by my assistant teacher. In addition to the basic weight, the assistant teacher directly인터넷경마 tells the trainer what he needs, and he is training with harsh additional training. Thanks to this, when I lift the spoon, my hands shake and if I cough, my stomach feels like I’m going to die. I wonder if I’m hurting other places so I can’t feel the pain? (laughs) I’m just kidding. I feel like I’m getting better as I train my muscles in areas that weren’t filled even after receiving treatment in the past.

  6. Even when I was a candidate for jockey, the instructors always supported and supported me. I think it would have been shaken a lot without them. In addition, I now work in the same horse shop as Article 20. Most of the people who passed through Article 20 are now in other groups, but they are still supporting us and are always in touch if they get hurt. It’s really 인터넷경마 clear that they care about each other.At that time, I was so angry that I cried a lot while watching the video. I know how sensitive and skittish a horse is from the standpoint of riding a horse, but it hurt me to see him hit that much. I wanted to be alive, but even though I was scared, I was relieved that I ate carrots well. I filmed and uploaded a video because I wanted to let people know that this child was alive.

  7. He is a respected teacher. It’s been a year and a half since I came to Article 20. At first, he asked me to come with nowhere to go, so I was wary of it because I didn’t know why. He was also a person who didn’t use female flag bearers, and I thought a lot about why he brought me. The bottom line was that I should do that well and I’m still grateful.I came into contact naturally 일본경마사이트 as I entered the horse accident. In fact, I never saw a rider, so I couldn’t understand why my male peers wanted to be riders so much. Then, I went to the racetrack for the first time and saw Lee Ae-ri’s winning scene. I fell in love with him when I saw him enter the finish line amid numerous shouts.Originally, if I decide to do it once, I have to do it unconditionally, so I tried to become a jockey.

  8. It’s something we don’t think about our horse riders and horse riders. What they said at the press conference was not as a whole of us horse riders, but as victims. In other words, it does not combine the opinions of all horse riders.That’s right. Not long ago, there was a chairman’s boat riding competition in Sangju, and the competition held a general meeting 인터넷경마 of the athletes’ association. We briefed the players on the press conference held at the National Assembly and talked about how to deal with it at the players’ association. After watching the video of the press conference, we decided to correct only the wrong parts and express our players’ opinions. This is not a matter of fighting. In the evening, executives gathered together to summarize and organize the stories from the general meeting.

  9. I hope that Jeong Yu-ra will not cause any damage to Amon athletic students. Most of the students have been exercising since they were young, and even now, they take time to exercise while attending school. All sports specialists don’t do it like Jung Yu-ra.I have a friend who goes to college among the students I teach now. I go to Hanyang University and I take classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I couldn’t come today.일본경마사이트 I will take classes tomorrow, and come to exercise after 3 p.m. I consider everything I need to work out and sign up for classes myself, and even if it’s late in the afternoon, I come and work out. Most of them are players like that. There are very few players like that who have closed schools. I would like to say that all sports specialists are not the same as Jung Yu-ra.

  10. It’s something we don’t think about our horse riders and horse riders. What they said at the press conference was not as a whole of us horse riders, but as victims. In other words, it does not combine the opinions of all horse riders.That’s right. Not long ago, there was a chairman’s boat riding competition in Sangju, and the competition held a general meeting of the 인터넷경마 athletes’ association. We briefed the players on the press conference held at the National Assembly and talked about how to deal with it at the players’ association. After watching the video of the press conference, we decided to correct only the wrong parts and express our players’ opinions. This is not a matter of fighting. In the evening, executives gathered together to summarize and organize the stories from the general meeting.

  11. There was also little doubt about Park’s interview, which was known to the media. Director Park Jae-hong is also a “sacrificing sheep,” but the situation was read that was strangely twisted. As is already known, coach Park returned home in a hurry because Core Sports did not purchase horses or pay for loca인터넷경마 l life, and late players did not come. There must have been a lot of sadness while living as a contract coach in the Korean Racing Authority for 16 years. The Horse Industry Journal interviewed Park Jae-hong, a former coach of the Korean Racing Authority, at Sangju International Riding Course in Gyeongsangbuk-do on November 10. The interview with director Park Jae-hong will be introduced in two sessions.

  12. I hope that Jeong Yu-ra will not cause any damage to Amon athletic students. Most of the students have been exercising since they were young, and even now, they take time to exercise while attending school. All sports specialists don’t do it like Jung Yu-ra.I have a friend who goes to college among the students I teach now. I go to Hanyang University and I take 인터넷경마 classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I couldn’t come today. I will take classes tomorrow, and come to exercise after 3 p.m. I consider everything I need to work out and sign up for classes myself, and even if it’s late in the afternoon, I come and work out. Most of them are players like that. There are very few players like that who have closed schools. I would like to say that all sports specialists are not the same as Jung Yu-ra.

  13. In preparing for the Olympics, he applied from off-season training to various fields. We were able to go to the Olympics and Asian Games because Samsung spent and supported the development of horseback riding. I was able to win a medal. After the Olympics, we can go outside and coach another player and deliver know-how, which is huge. It is a fact that all horse 인터넷경마 riders know that horseback riding has developed a lot due to Samsung.Sports are difficult to develop without sponsors even if they only wear underwear and hold shoes. Now, Samsung is supporting the association in terms of its operation, and it is not supporting for a big match, but even that must be done by Samsung. If Samsung does not do it, our horse riding world will be difficult.

  14. At first, I was thinking about making a presentation in the form of a statement, but I thought it didn’t seem to fit the current situation. When I issued the statement, I was concerned that another point of view would arise, and that it would be controversial. So, I wanted to accurately convey only our intentions through the Horse Industry Journal.There are many media reports 일본경마사이트
    regarding the contents of the press conference. Of course, some are true, but most are speculative reports. For equestrian athletes, such speculative reports are not good. Due to the Choi Soon-sil incident, the perception of horseback riding itself is bad, and speculative reports lead to a misunderstanding that horseback riding is originally like that. It’s not just the horse rider who watches the knights.

  15. I hope that Jeong Yu-ra will not cause any damage to Amon athletic students. Most of the students have been exercising since they were young, and even now, they take time to exercise while attending school. All sports specialists don’t do it like Jung Yu-ra.I have a friend who goes to college among the students I teach now. I go to Hanyang University and I take classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I couldn’t come today.인터넷경마 I will take classes tomorrow, and come to exercise after 3 p.m. I consider everything I need to work out and sign up for classes myself, and even if it’s late in the afternoon, I come and work out. Most of them are players like that. There are very few players like that who have closed schools. I would like to say that all sports specialists are not the same as Jung Yu-ra.

  16. As the registration of Seoul Race Park has already been carried out normally, and the racing horse producer group has signed an agreement on implementing the Race Innovation Plan, the pain caused by the horse racing innovation plan, which has continued since the end of last year, is in the process of finalizing.In addition, the new emergency committee of the 인터넷경마 Seoul Racing Association, which took out the card of refusing to register to participate, is said to be in the final stages of consultation with the Racing Authority, raising expectations that the labor pains related to the horse racing innovation plan that shook the Korean racing industry will be completely sealed, which will be a great foundation for the development of Korean racing.

  17. According to Jang Jung-ki, president of the Korea Inland Horse Producers Association, the agreement agreed to change only the part that was negotiated through consultations with related organizations on the part that changes in the final draft in the process of promoting horse racing innovation.In addition to pushing for horse racing innovation measures, the Racing Authority said it would form a horse racing industry crisis recovery council with related organizations (Seoul Horse 인터넷경마 Association, Pukyong Horse Association, Korea Racing Horse Producers Association, Korea Inland Horse Producers Association) and the Racing Authority, which made sure to form a consultative body by drawing up an agreement with the producer group. In addition, the horse society and production organizations have also decided to form a production promotion council to improve the capabilities of domestic horses.

  18. On the 29th, the 11th Civil Division of Anyang Branch of Suwon District Court (Chief Judge Lee Woo-chul and 2) decided to partially cite the request for a provisional injunction against obstruction of horse racing to the court on January 21st against the Seoul Horse Association’s emergency committee to put a brake on the group movement of the opponents.The 인터넷경마
    Korea Racing Authority said in a press release that the court “should not interfere with the above opponents’ free decision-making regarding the application for a racehorse, such as forcing the Seoul Horse Association to delegate the right to participate in the race to the debtors or not to exercise it.” If the debtor (Seoul Horse Association) violates the above, the Seoul Horse Association decided to pay KRW 3 million per violation to the creditor (Korea Horse Association).

  19. Although the Korea Racing Association and the Seoul Racing Association’s emergency committee, which had been at odds over the implementation of the horse racing innovation plan, are known to have a smooth consultation ahead of the horse racing in the second week of February, the conflict that hit the Korean racing world on the first day of the new year is인터넷경마 quickly being closed.Ahead of the first horse racing day in February, the Korea Racing Authority canceled the race when the new emergency committee of the Seoul Horse Association staged a separate race for integrated mountainous areas, and tensions rose as the emergency committee responded with a super-strong refusal to participate in the race.

  20. As the registration of Seoul Race Park has already been carried out normally, and the racing horse producer group has signed an agreement on implementing the Race Innovation Plan, the pain caused by the horse racing innovation plan, which has continued since the end of last year, is in the인터넷경마 process of finalizing.In addition, the new emergency committee of the Seoul Racing Association, which took out the card of refusing to register to participate, is said to be in the final stages of consultation with the Racing Authority, raising expectations that the labor pains related to the horse racing innovation plan that shook the Korean racing industry will be completely sealed, which will be a great foundation for the development of Korean racing.

  21. Although the Korea Racing Association and the Seoul Racing Association’s emergency committee, which had been at odds over the implementation of the horse racing innovation plan, are known to have a smooth consultation ahead of the horse racing in the second week of February, the conflict that hit the Korean racing world on the first day of the new year is 일본경마사이트 quickly being closed.Ahead of the first horse racing day in February, the Korea Racing Authority canceled the race when the new emergency committee of the Seoul Horse Association staged a separate race for integrated mountainous areas, and tensions rose as the emergency committee responded with a super-strong refusal to participate in the race.

  22. If the registration is not re-registered by the specified date and time, or if the participation is registered by classifying the mountain areas contrary to the significance of the implementation of the integrated mountain race, the relevant race shall not be implemented. Regarding the canceled race, he said, 일본경마사이트 “We plan not to divide or compensate other races separately, as well as not paying the horse racing prize money.”In addition, the Racing Authority announced on January 31 at around 2 p.m. that it had received re-registration for the integrated mountain race until 12 p.m. on the same day through a horse racing broadcast, but it would cancel the race because it did not register to participate.

  23. On the 29th, the 11th Civil Division of Anyang Branch of Suwon District Court (Chief Judge Lee Woo-chul and 2) decided to partially cite the request for a provisional injunction against obstruction of horse racing to the court on January 21st against the Seoul Horse Association’s emergency committee to put a brake on the group movement of the opponents.The 인터넷경마
    Korea Racing Authority said in a press release that the court “should not interfere with the above opponents’ free decision-making regarding the application for a racehorse, such as forcing the Seoul Horse Association to delegate the right to participate in the race to the debtors or not to exercise it.” If the debtor (Seoul Horse Association) violates the above, the Seoul Horse Association decided to pay KRW 3 million per violation to the creditor (Korea Horse Association).

  24. As the registration of Seoul Race Park has already been carried out normally, and the racing horse producer group has signed an agreement on implementing the Race Innovation Plan, the pain caused by the horse racing innovation plan, which has continued since the end of last year, is in the process 일본경마사이트

    of finalizing.In addition, the new emergency committee of the Seoul Racing Association, which took out the card of refusing to register to participate, is said to be in the final stages of consultation with the Racing Authority, raising expectations that the labor pains related to the horse racing innovation plan that shook the Korean racing industry will be completely sealed, which will be a great foundation for the development of Korean racing.

  25. As the registration of Seoul Race Park has already been carried out normally, and the racing horse producer group has signed an agreement on implementing the Race Innovation Plan, the pain caused by the horse racing innovation plan, which has continued since the end of last year, is in the process of finalizing.In addition, the new emergency committee of the 일본경마사이트 Seoul Racing Association, which took out the card of refusing to register to participate, is said to be in the final stages of consultation with the Racing Authority, raising expectations that the labor pains related to the horse racing innovation plan that shook the Korean racing industry will be completely sealed, which will be a great foundation for the development of Korean racing.

  26. In trials, it is often employed to compensate for defects in written or customary law. At this point, when theIn trials, it is often employed to compensate for defects in written or customary law. At this point, when the basis for the obligation under the 條 is weak, it cannot be concluded that the act of refusing to participate in the event based on free judgment is illegal, so we ruled in favor of the opposition association that the rights to be preserved (right protected by provisional injunction) applied by the horse society under Article 21 of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of assembly and association as basic rights.
    basis for the obligation under the 條 is weak, it cannot be concluded that the act of refusing to participate in the event based on free judgment is illegal, so we ruled in favor of the opposition association that the rights to be preserved (right protected by provisional injunction) applied by the horse society under Article 21 of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of assembly and association as basic rights.

  27. Kim Byung-sun, the head of the Faculty of Massage at Jeju Halla University, was at the beginning of the Korean horse industry at the forefront of the horse racing industry, and now he is stepping up efforts to boost demand and foster professional manpower to serve as a pick-up water in the educational field. On the afternoon of February 2, Kim Byung-sun, the dean 인터넷경마 of the Faculty of Martha’s Faculty of Jeju Halla University, met in person and conducted an interview.When he was in the horse industry, he only worked on managing horse racing products, but when he came down to Jeju to teach students, he opened his eyes to the production, fostering, and training process, the beginning of the horse industry, and strived more to develop related industries.

  28. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = Rep. Shin Chang-hyun of the Democratic Party of Korea (Gwacheon, Uiwang) announced on the 6th that he has proposed an amendment to the Local Tax Act to raise the ratio of leisure tax distribution in Let’s Run Park Seoul, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do from 50% to 80%.The current local tax law requires that leisure taxes be reported and paid by distributing 50/100 to 일본경마사이트 the heads of local governments in charge of the main and over-the-counter sales offices when horseback riding voting tickets are released at the main and over-the-counter sales offices.In the amendment, Article 43 (1) and (2) of the Local Tax Act were specified as new provisions, but No. 2 said, “The amount of tax calculated for winner voting tickets and horseback riding voting tickets released by the off-the-shelf sales office shall be reported and paid 80/100 to the head of the Si/Gun/Gu in charge of the location of the off-the-shelf sales office, and 20/100 to the head of the Si/Gun/Gu in charge

  29. In addition, the horse society and production organizations have also decided to form a production promotion council to improve the capabilities of domestic horses.Jang Jung-ki, president of the Inland Producers Association, said, “We wrote an agreement with the Horse Association in terms of principle rather than details of the horse racing innovation plan. Although the Horse Association tells us not to worry about the decline in the purchase of domestic horses due to the integration of production 인터넷경마 areas, we told Chairman Hyun Myung-kwan that there is a great concern in the actual field, and Chairman Hyun instructed him to inform him that the benefits of purchasing domestic horses are sufficient. In order to ensure that the consultative body has practical power, we will even receive signatures from the relevant director and team leader, who are not only members of the horse society, but also working-level officials, he said.

  30. According to Shin Chang-hyun’s office, Gwacheon has much higher social costs than over-the-counter sales outlets, such as traffic congestion caused by racetracks, noise pollution garbage dumping, and drinking disturbances.This is because the total floor area of the building is 168,522㎡, the average number of users per day is 34,879, the average area per over-the-counter sales 일본경마사이트 office is 18,15㎡, and the average number of users per day is 2,678, which is 15.5 times wider than over-the-counter sales offices and 13 times more average daily users.In fact, in the local flower complex and residential space near Let’s Run Park Seoul, local residents have been protesting since last year with banners such as “Move Gwacheon Racecourse.”Representative Shin Chang-hyun said, “The damage to residents is serious due to stalls around the racetrack, illegal parking, and drinking disturbances,” and argued, “It is necessary to adjust the ratio of leisure tax distribution as a minimum compensation measure.”Meanwhile, Rep.

  31. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = Since his debut as an assistant teacher, Ha Jae-heung, who has won the most wins with 937 wins and 1011 runner-up wins, has become the first assistant teacher to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.The Korea Racing Authority (KRA) held an event to reward honorary assistants at Let’s Run Park Seoul on Aug. 19.The main character is Ha Jae-heung, an assistant teacher. Kim Jong-guk 일본경마사이트 , head of the Korea Racing Authority, and Ahn Byung-ki, public relations director of the Seoul Association of Teachers, attended and celebrated by delivering pure gold commemorative rings, trophies and bouquets.Teacher Ha Jae-heung is like a living witness of Korean horse racing.Hajo teacher, who stepped into the horse racing world as a jockey in 1972, debuted as an assistant teacher in 1983 with the opening of Article 35 horse racing. At a retirement ceremony held in front of Gyeongju-ro, Seoul, on June 30 this year, he summarized his 35-year experience as an assistant teacher.

  32. Using a retired race horse with a sensitive personality and a strong athletic and racing habit through horse racing as a passenger horse increases the potential for accidents.인터넷경마 To this end, it is necessary to systematically convert the cycle, or to use a systematic and limited use that is not used in Gubo or outside rides like the Japanese Crane Riding Club.There is a need for a professional passenger horse that has been trained and disciplined since childhood, but Korea does not yet have a passenger horse patrol training system. The training system is limited to racehorses. In order to ride horses properly in the future, a passenger horse training system must be in place

  33. In 35 years, he has played 10,535 times and won 937 times.As a result, he was the first assistant teacher to pass the criteria for selecting an honorary assistant teacher, who had more than 15 years of experience, more than 5,000 appearances, more than 800 wins, and sanctions.Ha Jae-heung, 일본경마사이트 an assistant teacher who is famous for being a horse lover and an assistant teacher who studies, expressed regret about leaving the horse shop, saying, “I can’t leave my steps because I’m leaving the words I love.”The most memorable word in the life of an assistant teacher was ‘Vurola’, who won the ‘Mugung Hwabae’ in 1996.”Vuro’s refusal to enter the starting line was so severe that he wanted to give up several times.However, as a result of continuing to train patiently, he won the Mugunghwa Cup, he said. “Through Vuro, I learned the truth that horses repay as much as they put their heart into it.”Cho Jae-heung, who recently maintained excellent performances by winning the “Sports Chosun Cup” and “Guacheon Market Cup”

  34. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = Since his debut as an assistant teacher, Ha Jae-heung, who has won the most wins with 937 wins and 1011 runner-up wins, has become the first assistant teacher to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.The Korea Racing Authority (KRA) held an 일본경마사이트 event to reward honorary assistants at Let’s Run Park Seoul on Aug. 19.The main character is Ha Jae-heung, an assistant teacher. Kim Jong-guk, head of the Korea Racing Authority, and Ahn Byung-ki, public relations director of the Seoul Association of Teachers, attended and celebrated by delivering pure gold commemorative rings, trophies and bouquets.Teacher Ha Jae-heung is like a living witness of Korean horse racing.Hajo teacher, who stepped into the horse racing world as a jockey in 1972, debuted as an assistant teacher in 1983 with the opening of Article 35 horse racing. At a retirement ceremony held in front of Gyeongju-ro, Seoul, on June 30 this year, he summarized his 35-year experience as an assistant teacher.

  35. Korea’s horse industry is still weak in basic areas such as capital power and manpower level, and in particular, demand creation is weak.It is necessary to introduce a new method with a new perception by breaking away from the existing method that has been adhered to for generations. It is not possible to meet demand in the existing way. Safe horseback riding, safe horses, and producing, nurturing, and training horses familiar to humans are typical examples. Now, horses in Jeju run away when they see people without calling or looking at them, 인터넷경마 and they are wary when people approach them. Foreign words do not. It is important not just to breed horses, but to follow people and produce safe horses, and to improve such perceptions first. Improving awareness should focus on how to grow and train horses and how to develop products that meet the consumer’s eye level. Next, people, professionals, should be created.

  36. In 35 years, he has played 10,535 times and won 937 times.As a result, he was the first assistant teacher to pass the criteria for selecting an honorary assistant teacher, who had more than 15 years of experience, more than 5,000 appearances, more than 800 wins, and sanctions.Ha Jae-heung, an assistant teacher who is famous for being a horse lover and an assistant teacher who studies, expressed regret about leaving the horse shop, saying, “I can’t leave my steps because I’m leaving the words I love.”The most memorable word in the life 일본경마사이트 of an assistant teacher was ‘Vurola’, who won the ‘Mugung Hwabae’ in 1996.”Vuro’s refusal to enter the starting line was so severe that he wanted to give up several times.However, as a result of continuing to train patiently, he won the Mugunghwa Cup, he said. “Through Vuro, I learned the truth that horses repay as much as they put their heart into it.”Cho Jae-heung, who recently maintained excellent performances by winning the “Sports Chosun Cup” and “Guacheon Market Cup”

  37. The practice conditions are also good, such as being able to do field work at horse industries such as ranches, horse riding courses, and racetracks one day a week. Students are also having fun. After four years of experience in the field, it provides an opportunity to choose where you want to work.The faculty is as good as any other university. The transfer rate is so high that there are five full-time professors. Dr. Oh Un-yong, who recently retired from the Livestock Promotion Agency, was also recruited from this semester. Employees of the Korean Horse인터넷경마 Association, who have a track record in production and development, have excellent field work skills in each field, including health care, magic, and race horse training, are also invited as adjunct professors to teach. In particular, Jang Deok-ji, an expert in this field, is also working as a visiting professor at our Massage Department, as the university has to inherit and develop the cultural history of the Jeju horse.

  38. “I want to be remembered as an assistant teacher who did his best rather than the best,” he said.Having been able to immerse himself in one area of horse racing for 45 years, his belief is the importance of fans and racehorses.”Since I started teaching, I thought, ‘The true owners of horse racing are horse racing fans and horse racing,’ and it remains the same now.I’ve been working with the mindset that I have to 일본경마사이트 take good care of my owners.”At the reward event, assistant teacher Ha Jae-heung was the first honorary assistant teacher and said, “It was not easy to be selected because the conditions of the honorary assistant teacher were strict.I feel honored.Since there are many great juniors, I expect more honorary assistants to come out.Although he has already retired, he said, “I will do my best to help the development of Korean horse racing.”Meanwhile, in August last year, Ha Jae-heung, an assistant teacher, published a study on the direction of the development of the horse racing industry as a master’s

  39. [Horse Industry Reporter] Hwang In-sung = Nam Yoon-oh, CEO of Sanggok Farm, who has been running seven hours from Busan with horses to participate in the 6th Gyeongju Retreat Horse Racing and Training Education held at the Korean Horse Association Indoor Riding Course in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do on the 7th 일본경마사이트 and 8th, says the success of Gyeongju Retreat Horse is essential for the development of the horse industry.CEO Nam, who has attended this year’s six training sessions without a single absence, has strong faith in “Gyeongju Retreat Horse.”I asked him about the horse industry, who raises horses himself and is also involved in the horse riding business.Following last year, I participated in the Gyeongju Retreat Car Conversion Training Program again this year.It currently operates a horse farm and a horse riding course. I tried teaching beginners with a race exit horse, Thoroughbred, and went to the competition again, and I thought it was dangerous.However, by chance, I heard that there was a training

  40. While receiving education last year, I participated in the education again this year because I was confident that the Gyeongju Retreat Horse could be fully utilized as a safe horse if it went well.There are also opinions that it is practically difficult to use a Gyeongju retreat horse as a passenger horse.I don’t think so. Gyeongju Retreat Horse is enough to be used as a passenger horse.People who don’t know much about horses may ask what kind of retired horse they use as a car, but it’s not true.In the past, I had similar thoughts with them, but seeing the change in person changed my thoughts 180 degrees. I think this is the only thing for a stable horse industry.If this business goes well, many people can ride horses at low prices.Is car conversion education practically helpful to the field.Based on the knowledge learned, after cruising Thoroughbred on farms and horseback riding grounds, I tried riding a beginner horse, but so far, there have been no particularly dangerous situations or appearances.

  41. If you miss this opportunity, it is important whether you will have the next opportunity. If we concede now, it will take a considerable amount of time for the new executive to revert. Regardless of the pros and cons of refusing to participate in the voting, we should consider this.”Former Chairman Ji Sung-han (2nd to 3rd generations of the Seoul Horse Racing Association) said, “It is certain that Chairman Hyun Myung-kwan is an outstanding manager, but he does not have a deep인터넷경마 view on horse racing. An innovation plan is absolutely not something that can be done in a day or two. It should be reminded that it is a hasty idea to find past data and do it within one’s term of office,” he said. In particular, he said that the implementation body and the Seoul Horse Racing Association were fighting over the wrong thing, and advised them to use the Horse Racing Development Committee or the Ministry of Agriculture, a higher-level agency, which was legislated in the past.

  42. I think it will be sufficiently supplemented through the remaining education in the future.Nam Yoon-oh, CEO of Sanggok Farm, who is devoted to education.In some horse riding courses, Gyeongju retreat horses are well cruised with horseback riding, resulting in great efficiency at low cost.From the standpoint of running a horse riding course, it is compelling to consider the cost aspect at all.In fact, I am studying because of 일본경마사이트 such merit.A horse lives for 30 years, and racehorses usually retire at the age of two to three.It’s a pity in all aspects that you can’t use it even though you have a long life left.If education on the Gyeongju retreat horse car conversion is well established, it will have a positive effect on the horse industry as a whole.If there is a low management cost, the cost of riding a horse can be lowered a lot, which means that people can enjoy good sports at a low cost.Above all, “safety” is important, and making safe words is the key.It is said that the horse industry site is difficult.

  43. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Hwang In-sung = There is nothing better than the 2014 Incheon Asian Games.It is all about preparation period, power, and ground advantage.However, did they say that the more the crisis, the stronger it gets.The will of the national equestrian athletes to achieve something feels even stronger.The national equestrian team of the “2018 Jakarta 일본경마사이트 -Palembang Asian Games”, which decided to go to Jakarta after twists and turns, is focusing on training in the Korean Racing Authority to quarantine horses until the 10th.I will fly to Jakarta on the afternoon of the 11th.We listened to the impressions and determination of the national equestrian athletes.It was hard to play in the Asian Games because there were many twists and turns, but I’m happy that it was resolved well.However, on the other hand, it also comes as a burden to the players.The obstacle team is looking to win a medal in the team event, and I want to make up for the disappointment of the last four years in the individual

  44. Since Korea has such a strong mentality in the field of sports, each player will concentrate on the match as much as possible on the international stage.Although horses have a large proportion of riding events, it seems that there is only one way to reduce mistakes and ride better than other athletes as much as possible.I think your role as 일본경마사이트 a senior is also important.I think my role is to create an atmosphere so that players can ride horses comfortably based on their experience.There are players who are going to the Asian Games for the first time, so they can be nervous, but I want to say don’t be nervous and ride it.Oh Sung-hwan, who competes in the equestrian steeplechase.How do you feel and resolve to compete in Son Bong-gak (obstacle).It was difficult for me to participate in the Asian Games. It was not an easy situation, but I will repay you with a good appearance and grades as many people have been able to go through difficulties.Personally, it’s my fourth Asian Games appearance, but unfortunately,

  45. I’m a senior now.How will the international arena help young players who are unfamiliar with it.First of all, I think teamwork is the most important thing. There are players who will be on the international stage for the first time as a national team member, and I will encourage all the players to concentrate on the match as much as possible and help them as seniors.Son Bong-gak.How do you 일본경마사이트 feel and resolve to participate in the Iyo-sep (obstacle).Realistically, nothing has improved for Korean horseback riding compared to the last Asian Games.The same is true in terms of power and the domestic situation.On the other hand, the other country has improved its power.However, in a crisis, Korea has a hard-nosed grit.Just as the Korean national soccer team miraculously moved to Germany at the last World Cup in Russia, I will hold my teeth tightly in difficult conditions.Lee Josep.It’s his first international appearance as a member of the Kim Hyuk national team.I worked really hard for four years.I am most happy

  46. In addition, the horse society and production organizations have also decided to form a production promotion council to improve the capabilities of domestic horses.Jang Jung-ki, president of the Inland Producers Association, said, “We wrote an agreement with the Horse Association in terms of principle rather than details of the horse racing innovation plan. Although the Horse Association tells us not to worry about the decline in the purchase of domestic horses due to the integration of 인터넷경마
    production areas, we told Chairman Hyun Myung-kwan that there is a great concern in the actual field, and Chairman Hyun instructed him to inform him that the benefits of purchasing domestic horses are sufficient. In order to ensure that the consultative body has practical power, we will even receive signatures from the relevant director and team leader, who are not only members of the horse society, but also working-level officials, he said.

  47. As the registration of Seoul Race Park has already been carried out normally, and the racing horse producer group has signed an agreement on implementing the Race Innovation Plan, the pain caused by the horse racing innovation plan, which has continued since the end of last year, is in the process of finalizing.In addition, the new emergency committee of the 인터넷경마
    Seoul Racing Association, which took out the card of refusing to register to participate, is said to be in the final stages of consultation with the Racing Authority, raising expectations that the labor pains related to the horse racing innovation plan that shook the Korean racing industry will be completely sealed, which will be a great foundation for the development of Korean racing.

  48. Can’t you be nervous.It doesn’t feel real because it’s still in Korea.I think I will be nervous if I go to the Indonesian stadium where the competition will be held.How do you expect the results of the competition.Of course, I think Korea will and should secure the team gold medal in dressage.The individual event is a little uncertain because several good players participate, but we must win the gold medal in the team event.I 일본경마사이트 won’t waste the sweat I’ve shed for four years.Kim Hyuk, who participates in the equestrian dressage event. How do you feel and resolve to compete in Kim Chun-pil’s dressage event.Participating in the Asian Games will be everyone’s dream for now.I’m happy to achieve my dream of participating in the Asian Games at a slow age, but it’s also a little burdensome.I hope I can get good results and come back with a smile, and I will pour out all my skills.What’s the result of the competition you’re looking forward to.First of all, it is an urgent priority to participate in the team

  49. Can’t you be nervous.It doesn’t feel real because it’s still in Korea.I think I will be nervous if I go to the Indonesian stadium where the competition will be held.How do you expect the results of the competition.Of course, I think Korea will and should secure the team gold medal in dressage.The individual event is a little uncertain because 일본경마사이트 several good players participate, but we must win the gold medal in the team event.I won’t waste the sweat I’ve shed for four years.Kim Hyuk, who participates in the equestrian dressage event. How do you feel and resolve to compete in Kim Chun-pil’s dressage event.Participating in the Asian Games will be everyone’s dream for now.I’m happy to achieve my dream of participating in the Asian Games at a slow age, but it’s also a little burdensome.I hope I can get good results and come back with a smile, and I will pour out all my skills.What’s the result of the competition you’re looking forward to.First of all, it is an urgent priority to participate in the team

  50. It’s also good to have a legal fight. The problem is that the remaining races will also be suspended altogether. The aftereffects of the total suspension should also be considered. In a statement, the emergency committee announced to the outside that there is no suspension of horse racing, so how will you tell a horse racing fan? He also said he would leave it to his free 인터넷경마
    will, but I am concerned that it will be viewed from the perspective of infighting from the outside.Jung Chun-bok, the representative horse of Article 6, said, “We offered to the Pukyong National Horse Association to pay the prize money for the three races canceled by the Horse Association and implement additional races, but the Pukyong National Horse Association refused.” “Even if other opponents vote to participate, I will make them refuse to participate this week,” he said.

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