“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Recently, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance is reportedly considering strengthening income taxes such as horse racing and Spitztoto in consideration of tax equity with other lotteries such as lotto.According to an official from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, if the prize money (refund money) exceeds 50,000 won like the lottery, it is highly likely to impose a tax equivalent to 22% (33% if it exceeds 300 million won).According to the current income tax law, even if you bet on horse인터넷경마
    racing and receive the prize money, you will not receive any income tax if the dividend rate (the ratio of the prize money compared to the money) is less than 100 times, and in the case of lotto, which is a lottery like Sports Toto, if the prize money exceeds 50,000 won, you will have to pay 22% of the excess amount (income tax + resident tax (33% over 300 million won), so it is necessary to strengthen income tax to meet tax equity.

  2. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Hwang In-sung = Jeon Jae-hee, who is active in Europe, the home of horseback riding, visited Korea for the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games selection match.Moving places to participate in the competition is not so easy in horseback riding.This is because you have to travel with your horse, especially if you cross the continent and compete in a competition that is not an adjacent place.I met Jeon 일본경마사이트 Jae-hee, who participated in the domestic selection match with full support from Europe and Korea.The reason I came to Korea was because there was a selection match for the “2018 Jakarta-Palembang” in August.Are you currently working out in Europe.Yes, I am working out in Belgium, Europe.He is being coached by coach “Liven Devos,” a former Belgian champion.I have been associated with coach Reven since I was young and have been with him until now, and I still receive a lot of help.He also helped me a lot physically and mentally to get a horse to play in the starting game

  3. In connection with the Korea Racing Authority’s application for an injunction against the opposition committee, which is holding a rally against the Yongsan over-the-counter sales office, the court has decided to recommend reconciliation to resume discussions after the trial operation as planned by the Korea Racing Authority.The Civil Agreement Department 21 of the 인터넷경마 Western District Court (Chief Judge Hwang Yoon-gu) recommended reconciliation on July 15, saying, “We believe that the two sides need to have a cooling-off period rather than immediately deciding whether to cite the provisional injunction.”The decision to recommend reconciliation is a procedure in which the court recommends an agreement to both sides ex officio before making a judgment when there is no agreement between the parties to the dispute.

  4. Donbak’s processed products entered overseas markets such as China and Japan as well as online and offline sales, and in recognition of their achievements, they were designated as “agricultural food processing export companies” in Gyeongsangnam-do in 2016.Donbak Co., Ltd., an agricultural company, is a representative event using lotus and lotus roots and has been holding the “20-ri Festival along the lotus 일본경마사이트 path” every July since 2015.The event consists of various programs such as lotus root cultivation experience, photo contest, and lotus concert, creating a synergy effect that raises awareness of lotus root products and promotes consumption.The 20-ri Dulle-gil, created along the Lotus Road, is adjacent to Miryang Theater Village, Experience Center, and Lotus Complex, which attracted more than 100,000 visitors last year.Choi Bong-soon, head of the rural industry division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, “Donbak, an agricultural company, increases the income of farmers based

  5. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Hwang In-sung = Jeon Jae-hee, who is active in Europe, the home of horseback riding, visited Korea for the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games selection match.Moving places to participate in the competition is not so easy in horseback riding.This is because you have to travel with your horse, especially if you cross the continent and compete in 일본경마사이트 a competition that is not an adjacent place.I met Jeon Jae-hee, who participated in the domestic selection match with full support from Europe and Korea.The reason I came to Korea was because there was a selection match for the “2018 Jakarta-Palembang” in August.Are you currently working out in Europe.Yes, I am working out in Belgium, Europe.He is being coached by coach “Liven Devos,” a former Belgian champion.I have been associated with coach Reven since I was young and have been with him until now, and I still receive a lot of help.He also helped me a lot physically and mentally to get a horse to play in the starting game

  6. Does that mean that they supported transportation costs for horses and participation in competitions in Europe, not in Korea.Yes, the story is complicated, but it is true that coach Reven has provided a lot of support, and in Europe, several people come together as sponsorships.Sometimes there are two or three 일본경마사이트 people.I came all the way to Korea because some places in Europe gave me spoilers.Is it common to provide full support for athletes from other countries in Europe.It is not common.It certainly wasn’t an easy case.In my case, I had to travel from Europe to Korea, and the cost of transporting horses was not easy.To transport horses, an air container is required, and it costs more than 40 million won for a round trip.I came to Korea with a lot of difficulty, but I will play hard with the mindset that I will be selected by focusing hard.It is known that there is no place in Korea that supports horseback riders after the Jeongyu-ra incident.I don’t know exactly the situation in the domestic equestrian

  7. However, the opposition committee is in a position that it cannot accept the court’s decision.The opposition committee said in an email to reporters on the evening of the 15th, “No matter what the recommendation comes, it cannot be accepted if it includes acknowledging the pilot opening of the Korean Racing Authority.”In the end, the Western District Court decided to recommend reconciliation between the two sides,
    인터넷경마 but as the opposition committee said it would not accept the decision, the court is expected to accept an injunction against obstruction of business, asking nine people, including Jung Bang (44, female), co-chairman of the Yongsan Video Racing Gambling Prohibition Committee, to pay a fine of 1 million won if they approach the building around the racetrack in early July.

  8. However, I could indirectly feel that riding in Korea became really difficult when I returned home to compete in national sports or major competitions.The difficulty seemed greater than expected.I also tried to get sponsorships from Korean companies for my work in Europe, but it was not easy.What is the difference that I felt that the domestic situation was not easy.If you look 일본경마사이트 at the horses playing in Korea, they haven’t changed much from the past.Still, when the domestic equestrian situation was good, I bought horses from Europe and good horses came in.However, the words he played during the 2014 Asian Games are not circulating and are coming forward.If companies apply, I think that horses will be circulated and a better equestrian environment and equestrian culture will be created.Whether the players feel the absence of the association from the perspective of the players.Of course. It is an important point, but there are some difficulties for the players when the association does not operate normally.

  9. The Chungbuk Citizens’ Solidarity for Participatory Autonomy urged Cheongju City to immediately stop attracting video racetracks for the public interest.”The argument that support projects in all areas of social welfare will serve as an opportunity to supplement Cheongju’s insufficient social welfare budget and contribute to the development of local welfare is only a rosy illusion,” the Chungbuk Participation Solidarity said. “Even if local governments have the effect of increasing tax revenues, 인터넷경마 many of the users of the video racetrack are likely to be Cheongju citizens or Chungbuk residents, and the resulting mass production of gambling addicts only increases social costs such as home destruction, suicide, and theft to raise gambling funds.””Considering the public interest of 850,000 Cheongju citizens, not the interests of some organizations, the exhausting debate over attracting the video racetrack, which repeats every year, should be stopped,” he stressed.

  10. Image of sponsor company engraved on Jeon Jae-hee’s saddle.In Europe, horseback riding is said to be industrially profitable by horse producers, companies, and horseback riders.In Europe, the horse industry plays an industrial role to the extent that it is said that horses cash in.There is a circulation structure, such as producing young horses, training them, and selling them, or buying them when 일본경마사이트 they are young and growing them into good horses and reselling them.In addition, there are cases in which players participate in the competition with good words, make excellent records, and sell them at high prices.Then, is the farm household income good.It is impossible to say uniformly and varies widely.It’s like a stock.When a horse is young, it is bought relatively cheaply, grown, and sold again, and as this process repeats, farmers also make some profit.As far as I know, if the horse raised becomes a big hit, it can make a bigger profit.Auctiones that sell young horses are also often held, and the horses

  11. Why did a Korean player go to Europe.I learned from coach Kim Seung-hwan since I was young, but I made a connection with Belgium when I went back and forth with coach Reven, who I was close to at that time.Europe is a completely different horse riding system from Korea, and it is the home of horseback riding, so it is active here.Since I was young, I thought that I should ride horses well in 일본경마사이트 Korea and advance to Europe later.It will not be easy to invest in a young player in another country simply by working in Europe.Isn’t it investing based on Jeon’s skills and possibilities.I think they liked how hard they worked.After studying, I have tried so hard that I only rode a horse and only rode a horse.I represented Korea at the Incheon Asian Games and left Europe, but I felt again that there was a really long way to go.I think I acknowledged myself in the process.As the gold medalist of the Rio Olympics equestrian event is 53 years old, riding is a long-awaited sport, we will work with constant passion to meet

  12. On June 14, the Hwaseong Regional Development Research Center held a final report on “Study on Development Plan for Development of Hwaseong City End Industry” and “Hwaseong City 6075 New Age Development Plan for Elderly Leisure Welfare” in the City Hall small conference room.Mayor Chae In-seok said in a greeting, “I hope that the research project announced today will be materialized to develop Hwaseong City into a ‘city where people come first, a city where people live’ 인터넷경마
    and create a foundation for the city.”In the “Study on Development Plan for Development of the Horse Industry in Hwaseong” at the end of the second half of this year, Sohn Kwon-il, a senior researcher, proposed a comprehensive horse industry policy such as a survey, qualitative and quantitative expected effects, and a five-year mid- to long-term plan to foster the horse industry following the designation of a special industrial zone.

  13. Image of sponsor company engraved on Jeon Jae-hee’s saddle.In Europe, horseback riding is said to be industrially profitable by horse producers, companies, and horseback riders.In Europe, the horse industry plays an industrial role to the extent that it is said that horses cash in.There is a circulation structure, such as producing young horses, training them, and selling them, or buying them when they are young and growing them 일본경마사이트 into good horses and reselling them.In addition, there are cases in which players participate in the competition with good words, make excellent records, and sell them at high prices.Then, is the farm household income good.It is impossible to say uniformly and varies widely.It’s like a stock.When a horse is young, it is bought relatively cheaply, grown, and sold again, and as this process repeats, farmers also make some profit.As far as I know, if the horse raised becomes a big hit, it can make a bigger profit.Auctiones that sell young horses are also often held, and the horses

  14. Why did a Korean player go to Europe.I learned from coach Kim Seung-hwan since I was young, but I made a connection with Belgium when I went back and forth with coach Reven, who I was close to at that time.Europe is a completely different horse riding system from Korea, and it is the home of horseback riding, so it is active here.Since I was young, I thought that I should ride horses well in Korea and advance to 일본경마사이트 Europe later.It will not be easy to invest in a young player in another country simply by working in Europe.Isn’t it investing based on Jeon’s skills and possibilities.I think they liked how hard they worked.After studying, I have tried so hard that I only rode a horse and only rode a horse.I represented Korea at the Incheon Asian Games and left Europe, but I felt again that there was a really long way to go.I think I acknowledged myself in the process.As the gold medalist of the Rio Olympics equestrian event is 53 years old, riding is a long-awaited sport, we will work with constant passion to meet

  15. I think I’ll be nervous ahead of the Jakarta Asian Games selection match.The three-round selection match will be held on May 31, June 2 and 4, in a three-round manner.I’ve played in the last Incheon Asian Games, and I want to try again because I know that feeling.I will work hard as much as I came with a lot of help, and I hope I can go back to Belgium with a smile.What is your future goal or vision.I really hope that Korean horseback riding will develop 일본경마사이트 in the future, and in order to develop, we need a player who attracts attention and shines in Europe among Korean horseback riding players.I want that player to be me, and I’m confident that I’ll work that hard.In that way, I want to hear that Korean players can ride horses so well in Europe.It is my wish and dream to be in the medal table in the highest difficulty level of 5 stars, win a gold medal, and compete in that position.Jeon Jae-hee, who is active in Europe, the home of horseback riding, visited Korea for the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games

  16. Recently, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance is reportedly considering strengthening income taxes such as horse racing and Spitztoto in consideration of tax equity with other lotteries such as lotto.According to an official from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, if the prize money (refund money) exceeds 50,000 won like the lottery, it is highly likely to impose a tax equivalent to 22% (33% if it exceeds 300 million won).According to the current income tax law, even if you bet on horse racing 인터넷경마
    and receive the prize money, you will not receive any income tax if the dividend rate (the ratio of the prize money compared to the money) is less than 100 times, and in the case of lotto, which is a lottery like Sports Toto, if the prize money exceeds 50,000 won, you will have to pay 22% of the excess amount (income tax + resident tax (33% over 300 million won), so it is necessary to strengthen income tax to meet tax equity.

  17. The National Agricultural Forum, a pan-national network that seeks sustainable agriculture with all the people as the main body, has elected Chung Myung-chae, chairman of the Rural Hope Foundation (adviser of the Korea Rural Horse Association and former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University) as a new permanent representative at the 11th regular general 일본경마사이트 meeting.In the 19th issue of the “National Agricultural Network” published every month by the National Agricultural Forum, Chung Myung-chae, the new executive representative, said, “I will do my best for agriculture and rural communities with the people.””It has been 10 years since the launch of the National Agricultural Forum with the desire to go to agriculture where the people, including consumers and civil society organizations, gather attention and strength together,” said Chung Myung-chae, CEO. “The situation in the agricultural industry is a crisis, but since agriculture is a life industry, we need groundbreaking policies

  18. I think I’ll be nervous ahead of the Jakarta Asian Games selection match.The three-round selection match will be held on May 31, June 2 and 4, in a three-round manner.I’ve played in the last Incheon Asian Games, and I want to try again because I know that feeling.I will work hard as much as I came with a lot of help, and I hope I can go back to Belgium with a smile.What is your future goal or vision.I really hope that Korean horseback riding will develop in the future, and in order to develop, 일본경마사이트 we need a player who attracts attention and shines in Europe among Korean horseback riding players.I want that player to be me, and I’m confident that I’ll work that hard.In that way, I want to hear that Korean players can ride horses so well in Europe.It is my wish and dream to be in the medal table in the highest difficulty level of 5 stars, win a gold medal, and compete in that position.Jeon Jae-hee, who is active in Europe, the home of horseback riding, visited Korea for the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games

  19. The National Agricultural Forum, a pan-national network that seeks sustainable agriculture with all the people as the main body, has elected Chung Myung-chae, chairman of the Rural Hope Foundation (adviser of the Korea Rural Horse Association and former president of the Korea Agricultural and Fisheries University) as a new permanent representative at the 11th regular general meeting.In the 19th issue of the “National Agricultural 일본경마사이트 Network” published every month by the National Agricultural Forum, Chung Myung-chae, the new executive representative, said, “I will do my best for agriculture and rural communities with the people.””It has been 10 years since the launch of the National Agricultural Forum with the desire to go to agriculture where the people, including consumers and civil society organizations, gather attention and strength together,” said Chung Myung-chae, CEO. “The situation in the agricultural industry is a crisis, but since agriculture is a life industry, we need groundbreaking policies

  20. Unlike now, which runs from Friday to Sunday, when horse racing is held, it will only test run on weekends, which is a day when students do not go to school. As a result, the Yongsan branch was not operated because the 18th (Friday) falls during the semester.In addition, the Racing Authority announced that it would continue to make efforts to communicate with local 인터넷경마
    residents during the pilot operation period. First of all, he emphasized active participation in arbitration through the Korea Conflict Resolution Center designated by the National Unification Committee, and at the same time, he made it clear that he would continue direct dialogue with local residents by conducting interviews with the counter-measure committee and a business briefing session for local residents.

  21. It is evaluated as a key person to combine agricultural and rural areas with the horse industry.When he was vice president of the Korea Rural Economic Research Institute, he attended the “Discussion on Improving the Horse Racing Tax System for the Development of the Enrichment Industry” and served as an adviser to the Korea Federation of Rural Horse Industries.In an interview with the Horse Industry 일본경마사이트 Journal in 2016, Chung, who encountered the horse industry when he obtained a doctorate in agricultural economics in Germany in the 1980s, emphasized the establishment of cooperatives for each item, the introduction of a “quarter system,” and the development of horse culture research.Chung Myung-chae, the new CEO, said, “We need to create cooperatives in each region, bring them to the level of the National Federation, and develop them to the level of the Agricultural Chamber. Looking ahead to this future, the Korean Horse Association should not try to lead the horse industry, but should lay the foundation

  22. However, the opposition committee is in a position that it cannot accept the court’s decision.The opposition committee said in an email to reporters on the evening of the 15th, “No matter what the recommendation comes, it cannot be accepted if it includes acknowledging the pilot opening of the Korean Racing Authority.”In the end, the Western District Court decided to recommend reconciliation between the two sides인터넷경마 , but as the opposition committee said it would not accept the decision, the court is expected to accept an injunction against obstruction of business, asking nine people, including Jung Bang (44, female), co-chairman of the Yongsan Video Racing Gambling Prohibition Committee, to pay a fine of 1 million won if they approach the building around the racetrack in early July.

  23. However, the opposition committee is in a position that it cannot accept the court’s decision.The opposition committee said in an email to reporters on the evening of the 15th, “No matter what the recommendation comes, it cannot be accepted if it includes acknowledging the pilot opening of the Korean Racing Authority.”In the end, the Western District Court decided to recommend reconciliation between the two sides,인터넷경마 but as the opposition committee said it would not accept the decision, the court is expected to accept an injunction against obstruction of business, asking nine people, including Jung Bang (44, female), co-chairman of the Yongsan Video Racing Gambling Prohibition Committee, to pay a fine of 1 million won if they approach the building around the racetrack in early July.

  24. “In 1954, an Irish-born young priest who was first appointed to the Jeju Hallim Public Prosecutor’s Office witnessed disastrous poverty here in Jeju.And it begins a difficult and long journey to drive out “despair” that is worse than poverty.Abandoned land, barren land, hopeless, poor land.They silently sowed seeds in the wasteland, which everyone turned a blind eye to, saying it was impossible.This is how the history of ‘Jeju Castle Lee Si-dol’ has begun for more than half a 일본경마사이트 century.”[Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A phrase written at the entrance of the Jeju St. Isidol Center (Twelfth Emperor Art Shop), a kind of commemorative museum.When he visited St. Isidol Ranch in 2013, he was not there, but his traces could be felt everywhere.Father Patrick James McGlinchey (Korean name: Impije) died at 6:27 p.m. on April 23 after more than 60 years of missionary work and social work on the barren Jeju land after establishing the Jeju St. Isidol Ranch On April 9, he was hospitalized and treated

  25. Born in 1928 in Letterken, Donegal, South Ireland, Father McGrinch received a new consecration in 1951 and arrived in Busan in 1953 at the age of 25.After moving to Suncheon, he served as an assistant priest at Suncheon Cathedral for five months, and in 1954, he came to Jeju as 일본경마사이트 a missionary of the Holy Golomban Outer Missionary Church and was appointed to the Hallim Park of the Central Headquarters.Father McGrinch, who witnessed the reality of Jeju, which was suffering from poverty due to the Jeju April 3 incident and the Korean War, took the lead in modernization by laying the foundation for herding and establishing social welfare facilities.I bought a Yorkshire pig with a baby from Incheon and brought it to Hallim, Jeju, which later became the basis of the largest ranch in the East producing 30,000 pigs a year and the basis of Jeju’s modern herding industry, and Father McGrinch was nicknamed the “Blue-Eyed Pig Father.”St. Isidol Ranch was established as a countermeasure to overcome poverty, and the barren

  26. Beginning to spread new agricultural techniques, such as cultivating mountains, he purchased 35 sheep in 1957, organized the 4H (first English letters of head, chest, hands, and health) club and created a livestock bank. He also made his own feed factory and supplied it to farmers at a low price, and in 1959, a sewing factory called Hallym Vertical was created to provide jobs to more than 1,300 women.In 1970, Sung Si-dol opened a clinic for free for patients with extreme poverty 일본경마사이트 .In 1962, the Hallim Credit Cooperative, the first in Jeju Island and the first in Korea’s rural areas, was also established.In addition, social welfare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, nursing homes, kindergartens, senior universities, and youth training facilities were established with the proceeds from the ranch project.In March 2002, St. Isidol Hospital was reopened as a hospice-oriented St. Isidol Welfare Clinic, and it is operated free of charge thanks to the help of its sponsor members and the support of the Isidol

  27. It created a racehorse ranch and started the sales industry and face-to-face activities focusing on fostering horses and training patrols.In 2007, when the company expanded its massage facilities, it also introduced an advanced horse industry in Korea, focusing on horse welfare, such as patrolling and training before joining the racetrack.The 2006 Japan Cup champion ‘Yahudi’ was introduced 일본경마사이트 as a seed horse, and ‘Ecton Park’, the booma of ‘Mr. Park’, which set the longest winning streak in Korean horse racing, was also introduced.Believing that “we cannot reach God unless we escape poverty,” he won the Korean Stone Pagoda Industrial Medal in 1972 and the Magsaysai Prize for International Understanding in 1975.For his more than 60 years of volunteer work, he was awarded the Order of the People’s Medal of Moran in 2014 and was also selected as a recipient of the Irish Presidential Award.Father McGrinch’s mortuary was set up until April 26 at the Catholic Church on the first floor of the Korean branch of Sunggol

  28. Father McGrinch, who believed that “we cannot reach God unless we escape poverty,” took the lead in modernization by laying the foundation for herding and establishing social welfare facilities in Jeju, which was struggling with poverty due to the Jeju April 3 incident and the Korean War.Meanwhile, President Moon Jae In paid tribute to Father McGrinch’s death, saying, “The deceased came to Jeju Island, devastated by the April 3 incident and the Korean War, with a ray of hope.” President Moon said, “He wanted 일본경마사이트 to shake off Jeju’s poverty by establishing a St. Isidol ranch and established welfare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, and kindergartens and credit cooperatives to become friends of the poor and underprivileged. The blue-eyed Irish priest healed and healed the pain of Jeju and engraved God’s love and peace in the hearts of our people.”Thank you and I love you.”On the same day, Moon Dae-rim, a preliminary candidate for Jeju governor, issued a statement on Father McGrinch’s death and said,

  29. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A bill has been proposed to allow the imposition of farmland conservation charges to be applied by differentiating farmland outside the agricultural promotion area from the agricultural promotion area.Rep. Park Wan-joo (photo, Cheonan-eul), secretary of the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Food, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Committee, said on April 18 that he 일본경마사이트 had proposed a partial amendment to the Agricultural Land Act. It was jointly proposed by 10 lawmakers, including Lee Chul-hee, Seol Hoon, and Shim Jae-kwon.Some of the amendments to the Farmland Act include differentiating farmland from agricultural promotion areas so that the standard for imposing farmland preservation charges can be applied, the payment period for issuing a reminder letter of farmland preservation charges is within 10 to 30 days, clarifies the base date for imposing surcharges, and lays the groundwork for delegating the approval process for the change of use to the Ministry

  30. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A bill has been proposed to allow the imposition of farmland conservation charges to be applied by differentiating farmland outside the agricultural promotion area from the agricultural promotion area.Rep. Park Wan-joo (photo, Cheonan-eul), secretary of the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Food, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Committee, said on April 18 that he had proposed a partial 일본경마사이트 amendment to the Agricultural Land Act. It was jointly proposed by 10 lawmakers, including Lee Chul-hee, Seol Hoon, and Shim Jae-kwon.Some of the amendments to the Farmland Act include differentiating farmland from agricultural promotion areas so that the standard for imposing farmland preservation charges can be applied, the payment period for issuing a reminder letter of farmland preservation charges is within 10 to 30 days, clarifies the base date for imposing surcharges, and lays the groundwork for delegating the approval process for the change of use to the Ministry

  31. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = A bill has been proposed to allow the imposition of farmland conservation charges to be applied by differentiating farmland outside the agricultural promotion area from the agricultural promotion area.Rep. Park Wan-joo (photo, Cheonan-eul), secretary of the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Food, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Committee, said on 일본경마사이트 April 18 that he had proposed a partial amendment to the Agricultural Land Act. It was jointly proposed by 10 lawmakers, including Lee Chul-hee, Seol Hoon, and Shim Jae-kwon.Some of the amendments to the Farmland Act include differentiating farmland from agricultural promotion areas so that the standard for imposing farmland preservation charges can be applied, the payment period for issuing a reminder letter of farmland preservation charges is within 10 to 30 days, clarifies the base date for imposing surcharges, and lays the groundwork for delegating the approval process for the change of use to the Ministry

  32. Charges to be paid by a person who intends to divert the farmland to a person who operates and manages the farmland management fund.The imposition standard is 30/100 of the individual publicly announced land price of the farmland under the Real Estate Price Disclosure Act.Rep. Park Wan-joo pointed out that the standards for imposing farmland preservation charges on “agricultura 일본경마사이트 l promotion areas” and “farmland outside agricultural promotion areas” are applied equally. The Agricultural Promotion Area” is an area designated by the city and provincial governor to efficiently use and preserve farmland, and although it restricts land use activities not directly related to agricultural production or farmland improvement, the standard for imposing farmland preservation charges inside and outside the agricultural promotion area is applied equally at 30/100 of the official land price, contrary to the original purpose of the system to curb the exclusive use of high-quality farmland.”This amendment to the Farmland Act

  33. By allowing the application of standards, it is expected that the original purpose and purpose of the current farmland conservation charge system can be utilized.In addition, the current law requires those who pay the farmland preservation charge to issue a “dialogue within 10 days” within 10 days of the payment deadline if they do not pay the burden by the payment deadline, while the National Tax Collection Act requires the issuance of a “dialogue within 20 days” within 10 days of the payment deadline.In this amendment, the standard dat 일본경마사이트 e for imposing surcharges was also clarified by setting the payment period for issuance of the reminder within 10 to 30 days to ease the burden on payers and ensure equity with national taxes and other contributors.”The agricultural promotion area is a high-quality farmland that must be observed for food security, but the current farmland conservation charge system does not properly reflect the purpose of curbing the conversion of high-quality farmland,” Park Wan-joo said.

  34. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs announced that it selected Yoo Geun-joon, CEO of the Y Farm Farm Farm Association Corporation located in Yeonseo-myeon, Sejong Special Self-Governing City, as the rural convergence industrialist in April.CEO Yoo Geun-joon supplies more than 90 eco-friendly agricultural products produced in Sejong City as food ingredients for school meals to public institutions such as schools. It achieved an average of about 2.6 billion won in annual sales by 일본경마사이트 thoroughly managing hygiene and quality and establishing an organic local food distribution network between farmers, unions, and consumers.It ensures stable profits for farmers by purchasing all eco-friendly agricultural products so that contract farmers can focus only on improving quality.In addition, to manage the quality of the processing and distribution stages, an agricultural processing center was established in accordance with HACCP standards, a freezer truck

  35. Despite the lack of awareness of horse quarantine across the country and the unfavorable conditions of continued research on eco-friendly control, CEO Noh Seon-hwan is a true me who is united with one craftsmanship of visiting and researching the site.Kim Byung-cheon, CEO of Korea Bang, is the one who brought the hottest issue not long after the “Mar & Human” project began. CEO Kim Byung-cheon, who has lived with the passion of collecting wildly for a lifetime, held several exhibitions nationwide to mark the Year of the Blue Horse. Twelve years 인터넷경마 later, I was able to do what I had prepared for the year of the Black Horse in 2002, which is said to have played a significant role in promoting the “horse industry journal.”Representative Kim Byung-cheon is meaningful in that the most fundamental puzzle of Korea’s horse industry, how important it is to restore the culture of disconnected horses and manage heritage, and to make this work known to the world by spending his whole life alone.

  36. There are many people around you who will share their will because of the heart of the people. The Korea-China-Korean Industrial Exchange Association, headed by Ha Min-chul, an honorary chairman of the Jeju Provincial Council, is scheduled to hold an integrated general meeting and launching ceremony in Jeju in January next year.A businessman from the national horseback riding team and a legend in the horse riding industry who announced a splendid comeback in 30 years. A businessman who is leading various businesses with the opening of a high-end equestrian luxury store “Ballios Saddle인터넷경마 & Style” in the center of downtown Seoul and the opening of the Ballios Horse Riding Club in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, around May next year. At a time when the driving force was needed to bring about a change in the domestic equestrian world, I was very lucky to meet and interview Chairman Bae Chang-hwan, such as Shinma and Balios, who were dragging Achilles’ chariot in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

  37. It was intended to strive for the technological development of the Korean horse industry through the training of younger students, sharing advanced technology, and maintenance education. As the Western saying goes, “No hoop, no horse” is considered to be a person who will make a big mark on the development of Korea’s funeral industry.When I meet a lot of reporters, I sometimes don’t remember who’s who or who even if I look 인터넷경마 at their faces. I’m in a lot of trouble. I first met with Kim Sang-pil, chairman of the Korea-China-Malley Industrial Exchange, at the 2013 Jeju Endurance Horse Racing Competition, but there was something that attracted me personally. It’s a side note, but I felt like a person with an easy-going and simple heart for a person who looks similar to the reporter’s father and serves as the president of the association.

  38. There are many people around you who will share their will because of the heart of the people. The Korea-China-Korean Industrial Exchange Association, headed by Ha Min-chul, an honorary chairman of the Jeju Provincial Council, is scheduled to hold an integrated general meeting and launching ceremony in Jeju in January next year.A businessman from the national horseback riding team and a legend in the horse riding industry who announced a splendid comeback in 30 years. A businessman who is leading various businesses with the opening of a high-end equestrian luxury store “Ballios Saddle & Style” in the center of downtown Seoul and the opening of the 인터넷경마 Ballios Horse Riding Club in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, around May next year. At a time when the driving force was needed to bring about a change in the domestic equestrian world, I was very lucky to meet and interview Chairman Bae Chang-hwan, such as Shinma and Balios, who were dragging Achilles’ chariot in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

  39. In the industry, local governments, including Lee Sang-sun, CEO of Mar & People, and Han Ji-ryeong, CEO of Gowni, a Jeju horse meat restaurant, interviewed Hwang Seok-gon, head of the horse industry promotion team in Yeongcheon, Kim Chang-nung, head of the horse industry promotion team in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, and Baek Han-seung, head of the livestock policy division of Gyeonggi Provincial Government.Next year, Choi Ki-young, chairman of the Horse Livestock Association, Lee Jae-won, chairman of the Jeju Special Self-Governing 인터넷경마 Province Riding Association, former national coach Lee Jong-hyung, head of the Horse Resources Research Institute, Kang Ok-deuk, head of the Jeju Horse Theme Park, Im Jong-ryeol, head of the Daehan Horse Industry Promotion Association, and Lee Eun-joo, head of Jeju Sungeup Land, will meet livestock farm officials and elite athletes in a planning series of riding clubs. I hope many people who are interested will support you.

  40. Jeju Island appointed lawyer Hyun Soon-soo as a legal representative on the 11th, designated three National Sports Festival Planning Team as public officials to carry out the lawsuit for damages due to holding the National Sports Festival Equestrian Games in Incheon, not Jeju Island.The litigant is the Korea Sports Council, which hosts the National Sports Festival, and the amount of damages is expected to be hundreds인터넷경마 of millions of won. An official from Jeju Island added, “The litigation agents and public officials will consult and determine the amount.”The 95th National Sports Festival, which was held this year, was held in Jeju for seven days from October 28th, and the Korea Sports Council changed the equestrian stadium from Jeju National University Equestrian Stadium to Incheon Dream Park Equestrian Stadium eight days before the opening of the competition.

  41. This paper, “The Horse Industry Journal”, which was launched in June 2013, also celebrated its first anniversary and has already published 73rd issue. In particular, this year, through the “horse & human” plan, people related to the horse industry, such as horse riding equipment, local governments, 인터넷경마 cultural circles, and academia, were selected and introduced through interviews.I met a lot of people, heard a lot, and told them. People who do meaningful work through the “Mar & Human” plan took the lead in making their names known outside of the narrow “Malpan.” We have been able to handle the role of networking and networking that can scratch each other’s needs. Let’s group up the stories behind the coverage of meeting them.

  42. When you visit the site, there are many people who want to see you because there is another man. The ‘Mar & Human’ project will continue in 2015 next year.In fact, most reporters hate interviewing people. This is because “character” enough to appear in interview articles are familiar with condescending “gapjil,” so they know reporters higher than the president in a funny way, and there are many things to pay attention to while covering professional content.It is Sun Ho-hwan, CEO of 인터넷경마 Green Quarantine, who broke the prejudice. I met him when I was curious about how horse disease and quarantine issues were being managed, recalling the memories of the loud nation over foot-and-mouth disease. He always smiles and meets people with all his heart, treats a reporter who is very young like an uncle, and does his best for his “vocation” above all else. It can be said that the “Mar & Human” project began in earnest after meeting CEO Ro Sun-hwan.

  43. The year ends like this, regardless of whether it was difficult or difficult.Looking back on the year, as always, I think it would have been better if I had made a little concession. I have repeated regrets and say I should change it in the new year, but it doesn’t get fixed again because I’m greedy and stubborn.In 2018, the Jangje Temple 일본경마사이트 Association, a small group of about 90 people in Korea, is working together to find a new way and fulfill the developmental role of the domestic horse industry by integrating what was divided into two groups into one group.I would like to do my best to manage horse hooves, the second life of horses, and play my role as a funeral priest with the aim of improving quality technology to provide the best service.Is the current crisis in our horse industry the aftereffects of high growth or pain in the wrong direction? I’m not sure what the reason is, but I think everyone is feeling the fact that horse industry sites around the country complain of difficulties.

  44. It was intended to strive for the technological development of the Korean horse industry through the training of younger students, sharing advanced technology, and maintenance education. As the Western saying goes, “No hoop, no horse” is considered to be a person who will make a big mark on the development of Korea’s funeral industry.When I meet a lot of 인터넷경마 reporters, I sometimes don’t remember who’s who or who even if I look at their faces. I’m in a lot of trouble. I first met with Kim Sang-pil, chairman of the Korea-China-Malley Industrial Exchange, at the 2013 Jeju Endurance Horse Racing Competition, but there was something that attracted me personally. It’s a side note, but I felt like a person with an easy-going and simple heart for a person who looks similar to the reporter’s father and serves as the president of the association.

  45. There are still negative factors such as a decline in sales of racetracks, the axis of the domestic horse industry, horse racing courses that are closed, the manpower in the horse industry with nowhere to go, negative perceptions of the horse industry, workers in low wages and difficult environments, new companies that avoid support, avoidance of horse 일본경마사이트 production, and professional technical jobs that are decreasing.If crisis and pain are another opportunity for us, it would be right to boldly put it on the operating table and cut out the rotting parts to improve our constitution.But trying to improve too much at once would also be dangerous.Horse industry officials have played an important role in the development of the domestic livestock industry.If we continue to think about and discuss the horse industry, it is believed that there will be a better way to reduce pain.If the sound horse industry is re-established, the crisis will be a turning point.2019 will be the first year of the new year,

  46. There are many people around you who will share their will because of the heart of the people. The Korea-China-Korean Industrial Exchange Association, headed by Ha Min-chul, an honorary chairman of the Jeju Provincial Council, is scheduled to hold an integrated general meeting and launching ceremony in Jeju in January next year.A businessman from the national horseback riding team and a legend in the horse riding industry who announced a splendid comeback in 30 years. A businessman who is leading various businesses with the opening of a high-end equestrian luxury store “Ballios 인터넷경마
    Saddle & Style” in the center of downtown Seoul and the opening of the Ballios Horse Riding Club in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, around May next year. At a time when the driving force was needed to bring about a change in the domestic equestrian world, I was very lucky to meet and interview Chairman Bae Chang-hwan, such as Shinma and Balios, who were dragging Achilles’ chariot in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

  47. 2019 is the Year of the Golden Pig.I’m looking forward to seeing 2019 with “golden” and “pig” as a rich year.In particular, I want to start with the hope that it will be a good opportunity for the horse industry to break the years of stagnation and go out vigorously.The horse industry is one of the major livestock-related industries that is steadily rising in developed countries, and I am confident that Korea will become one of the major livestock industries in the era of $30,000.To do that, I’ve summarized some of what 일본경마사이트 we need now.One, we need to strive to cultivate experts in each horse industry field.Since the enactment of the Industry Promotion Act in late 2011, the horse industry has grown rapidly due to the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and has gone through a transition period in recent years.I think this time is a period of leap forward, not a period of stagnation.We believe that after the leap period, we will soon enter the maturity period, and we believe that the

  48. There are many people around you who will share their will because of the heart of the people. The Korea-China-Korean Industrial Exchange Association, headed by Ha Min-chul, an honorary chairman of the Jeju Provincial Council, is scheduled to hold an integrated general meeting and launching ceremony in Jeju in January next year.A businessman from the national horseback riding team and a legend in the horse riding industry who announced a splendid comeback in 30 years. A businessman who is leading various businesses with the opening of a high-end equestrian luxury store “Ballios인터넷경마 Saddle & Style” in the center of downtown Seoul and the opening of the Ballios Horse Riding Club in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, around May next year. At a time when the driving force was needed to bring about a change in the domestic equestrian world, I was very lucky to meet and interview Chairman Bae Chang-hwan, such as Shinma and Balios, who were dragging Achilles’ chariot in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

  49. In the industry, local governments, including Lee Sang-sun, CEO of Mar & People, and Han Ji-ryeong, CEO of Gowni, a Jeju horse meat restaurant, interviewed Hwang Seok-gon, head of the horse industry promotion team in Yeongcheon, Kim Chang-nung, head of the horse industry promotion team in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, and Baek Han-seung, head of the livestock policy division of Gyeonggi Provincial Government.Next year, Choi Ki-young, chairman of the Horse Livestock Association, Lee Jae-won, chairman of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Riding Association, former national coach 인터넷경마 Lee Jong-hyung, head of the Horse Resources Research Institute, Kang Ok-deuk, head of the Jeju Horse Theme Park, Im Jong-ryeol, head of the Daehan Horse Industry Promotion Association, and Lee Eun-joo, head of Jeju Sungeup Land, will meet livestock farm officials and elite athletes in a planning series of riding clubs. I hope many people who are interested will support you.

  50. Industry training through specialized institutions is essential so that professionals with basic education can be put directly into the actual industry.The training manpower produced through this process will be of great help to the tough horse industry.Second, the government should quickly research support measures through on-site surveys to analyze the transitional difficulties of existing horse riding courses 일본경마사이트 and overcome the transition period well.In order to secure accurate data, a pool of experts who understand the site should be formed to conduct a survey, and they should analyze the management status of horse riding grounds based on facts and think about what to support for management efficiency.It is necessary to set policies by separating short-term and mid- to long-term measures competing for hourly wages.These efforts are the only driving force behind the horse industry’s maturity, which has passed a period of leap forwardAlternatives must be urgently prepared by finding obstacles to industrial

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