“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. It was intended to strive for the technological development of the Korean horse industry through the training of younger students, sharing advanced technology, and maintenance education. As the Western saying goes, “No hoop, no horse” is considered to be a person who will make a big mark on the development of Korea’s funeral industry.When I meet a lot of reporters, I sometimes don’t remember who’s who or who even if I 인터넷경마 look at their faces. I’m in a lot of trouble. I first met with Kim Sang-pil, chairman of the Korea-China-Malley Industrial Exchange, at the 2013 Jeju Endurance Horse Racing Competition, but there was something that attracted me personally. It’s a side note, but I felt like a person with an easy-going and simple heart for a person who looks similar to the reporter’s father and serves as the president of the association.

  2. We need to organize a wide pool of experts to study not only related ministries but also related ministries together.In other words, it is necessary to hold collaborative discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Education, and other relevant ministries deemed 일본경마사이트 necessary for the growth of the horse industry.In order for the agendas presented through the discussion to be applied to the actual industry, it is necessary to analyze successful advanced overseas cases together and ask for help from overseas experts if necessary.Efficient management of the control tower is desperately needed.If we look at the successful case of France, which we will benchmark, the central government led the collective control of the industry during the transition period, and achieved the result of rebuilding the entire industry by separating specialized institutions under its subsidiaries and establishing various policies for each sector.

  3. Today, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development by the industry itself as the growth of the invested industry has some effect, and as a result, it has regained the initiative in the global horse industry.We believe that it is a desirable idea to build a policy control tower for each local government through the center.Policy control of the production, fostering, and training of horses, which are livestock, needs to create an efficient management system that allows horse riding facilities and farmers to quickly 일본경마사이트 share information and receive what they need through regional livestock cooperation, which has already established branches.There is a desperate need for industrial and international campaigns and public relations.Recognizing that reckless competition between industries rather hinders growth, we need to induce a campaign of harmony and co-prosperity.In addition, publicity should be carried out to overcome the negative image of horseback riding.

  4. This paper, “The Horse Industry Journal”, which was launched in June 2013, also celebrated its first anniversary and has already published 73rd issue. In particular, this year, through the “horse & human” plan, people related to the horse industry, such as horse riding equipment, local governments, 인터넷경마 cultural circles, and academia, were selected and introduced through interviews.I met a lot of people, heard a lot, and told them. People who do meaningful work through the “Mar & Human” plan took the lead in making their names known outside of the narrow “Malpan.” We have been able to handle the role of networking and networking that can scratch each other’s needs. Let’s group up the stories behind the coverage of meeting them.

  5. Despite the lack of awareness of horse quarantine across the country and the unfavorable conditions of continued research on eco-friendly control, CEO Noh Seon-hwan is a true me who is united with one craftsmanship of visiting and researching the site.Kim Byung-cheon, CEO of Korea Bang, is the one who brought the hottest issue not long after the “Mar & Human” project began. CEO Kim Byung-cheon, who has lived with the passion of collecting wildly for a lifetime, held several exhibitions nationwide to mark the Year of the Blue Horse. Twelve years later, I was able to do what I had prepared for the year of the Black 인터넷경마 Horse in 2002, which is said to have played a significant role in promoting the “horse industry journal.”Representative Kim Byung-cheon is meaningful in that the most fundamental puzzle of Korea’s horse industry, how important it is to restore the culture of disconnected horses and manage heritage, and to make this work known to the world by spending his whole life alone.

  6. Our industry is currently very poor and small in terms of industry.However, growth potential is very high in the future and has the potential to be spotlighted as a high-quality public sports leisure by the people.In particular, it has already been proven in advanced horse industry countries that livestock farmers have growth potential and a high vision of added value as a 일본경마사이트 new alternative livestock industry.Now is the time to take a breath for two steps forward, and it is time for the industry to improve its stability, and for the government to think about how to take a second step leap forward rather than quantitative growth.Image damaged by horse racing It is a very important time to shake off the image damaged by horse riding corruption and join forces to become a true daily sports.In the long run, I hope that 2019 will be a year when we all work together to make Korea a hub for the equestrian industry in Northeast Asia.We ask once again for the active support of the government, public relations,

  7. 2018 was a difficult year for both horse racing and horseback riding.Horse racing has suffered from a continuous decline in customers and a number of unexpected incidents, and the prolonged vacancy of the association’s president.These challenges have continued even before 2018.What are the things that need to be done in the horse industry at this point?There are many ways, but I think 일본경마사이트 it is most important to show how to approach customers and the people with sincerity in their respective positions in order to increase the marketability of horse racing and horseback riding.In 2019 (己亥年), the Korean Horse Trainer Association will work to develop more scientific and systematic training programs and improve training skills to bring out the excitement and ability of racing horses in horse racing.In horse riding, we will play a role as a towing vehicle for horse riding to become popular by allowing horse riding safely.To do so, we will focus on distributing safe circulation of passenger horse conversion above

  8. I think it was only yesterday that I had a frustrating and turbulent time in 2017 and had a new wish as I welcomed the 2018 Martial Arts Year (戊戌年) New Year, but I am ashamed, sad, and sad to celebrate the New Year without achieving anything.I saw a tearful situation where I worked in the whole (closed) business and once again joined 일본경마사이트 forces until the end to find a new way to the horse industry.The horse racing industry, which is called the long-term 産業 of the horse industry, is also experiencing negative growth, adding to the sense of crisis.Gyeongju horses, professional horse-producing farms, horse-riding operators, and Majudo Island are all sighing as they see the black shadow of the horse industry.In this recession, efforts by the government and the horse industry, which are dedicated to fostering the horse industry, should be supported for active and preemptive (先制) industrial recovery, but the field has not yet acknowledged this.However, it cannot be denied that the horse industry is a great animal

  9. Therefore, the government should boldly break away from its weak sustainability policy by partially providing support here and there to achieve its external goals and present a vision to promote integrated horse industry development through selection and concentration centered on the special horse industry.The recent enactment 일본경마사이트 of the Gyeonggi-do Province Mal Industry Promotion Fund and Ordinance to allow the Gyeonggi-do Province Government to use 15 billion won, or 5 percent of the 370 billion won annual leisure tax, for the development of the horse industry, should be applauded as a groundbreaking step that gives new hope to the Korean horse industry.Please actively follow good policies and systems in other horse industry special zones.In addition, new development plans should be sought by reorganizing the form, function, and system of the horse industry through the revision of the Horse Industry Promotion Act.With the current structure, the future of the horse industry can never be guaranteed.

  10. I think it was only yesterday that I had a frustrating and turbulent time in 2017 and had a new wish as I welcomed the 2018 Martial Arts Year (戊戌年) New Year, but I am ashamed, sad, and sad to celebrate the New Year without achieving anything.I saw a tearful situation where I worked in the whole (closed) business and once again joined forces until the end to find a new way to the horse industry.The horse 일본경마사이트 racing industry, which is called the long-term 産業 of the horse industry, is also experiencing negative growth, adding to the sense of crisis.Gyeongju horses, professional horse-producing farms, horse-riding operators, and Majudo Island are all sighing as they see the black shadow of the horse industry.In this recession, efforts by the government and the horse industry, which are dedicated to fostering the horse industry, should be supported for active and preemptive (先制) industrial recovery, but the field has not yet acknowledged this.However, it cannot be denied that the horse industry is a great animal

  11. In the industry, local governments, including Lee Sang-sun, CEO of Mar & People, and Han Ji-ryeong, CEO of Gowni, a Jeju horse meat restaurant, interviewed Hwang Seok-gon, head of the horse industry promotion team in Yeongcheon, Kim Chang-nung, head of the horse industry promotion team in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, and Baek Han-seung, head of the livestock policy division of Gyeonggi Provincial Government.Next year, Choi Ki-young, chairman of the Horse Livestock Association, Lee Jae-won, chairman of the Jeju Special Self-Governing 인터넷경마 Province Riding Association, former national coach Lee Jong-hyung, head of the Horse Resources Research Institute, Kang Ok-deuk, head of the Jeju Horse Theme Park, Im Jong-ryeol, head of the Daehan Horse Industry Promotion Association, and Lee Eun-joo, head of Jeju Sungeup Land, will meet livestock farm officials and elite athletes in a planning series of riding clubs. I hope many people who are interested will support you.

  12. Therefore, the government should boldly break away from its weak sustainability policy by partially providing support here and there to achieve its external goals and present a vision to promote integrated horse industry development through selection and concentration centered on the special horse industry.The recent enactment of the Gyeonggi-do Province Mal Industry Promotion Fund and Ordinance to allow the 일본경마사이트 Gyeonggi-do Province Government to use 15 billion won, or 5 percent of the 370 billion won annual leisure tax, for the development of the horse industry, should be applauded as a groundbreaking step that gives new hope to the Korean horse industry.Please actively follow good policies and systems in other horse industry special zones.In addition, new development plans should be sought by reorganizing the form, function, and system of the horse industry through the revision of the Horse Industry Promotion Act.With the current structure, the future of the horse industry can never be guaranteed.

  13. There are many people around you who will share their will because of the heart of the people. The Korea-China-Korean Industrial Exchange Association, headed by Ha Min-chul, an honorary chairman of the Jeju Provincial Council, is scheduled to hold an integrated general meeting and launching ceremony in Jeju in January next year.A businessman from the national horseback riding team and a legend in the horse riding industry who announced a splendid comeback in 30 years. A businessman who is leading various businesses with the인터넷경마 opening of a high-end equestrian luxury store “Ballios Saddle & Style” in the center of downtown Seoul and the opening of the Ballios Horse Riding Club in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, around May next year. At a time when the driving force was needed to bring about a change in the domestic equestrian world, I was very lucky to meet and interview Chairman Bae Chang-hwan, such as Shinma and Balios, who were dragging Achilles’ chariot in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

  14. The Year of the Martial Arts has set and a hopeful new year has dawned.I think the past year was harsher and more difficult than any other year due to difficulties in sales, such as a drop in the auction winning rate in our production sector, so the expectations and hopes for the new year are extraordinary.We hope that the fertility of pigs will facilitate production, and the energy of golden pigs will lead to an increase in auctions 일본경마사이트 and an improvement in successful bid rates, making everyone rich this year.The spring day when horse racing sales continued to grow has gone, and now it is time to enter a new growth path by implementing clean, fair, and thrilling horse racing to overcome the decline in horse racing customers and the production of Usuma to produce stoma.The difficulty of horse racing will soon lead to the production industry, and the preferential treatment of domestic horses will gradually disappear, and due to the nature of production, the difficulty of production ranches that have to continue

  15. Dear people and families of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Quarantine Headquarters!2019’s hopeful Year of the Pig (己亥年) The new year has dawned.I sincerely hope that harmony and happiness will always be with your family in the New Year.Last year, the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Headquarters achieved meaningful results in various fields through the promotion of the FIRST policy. 일본경마사이트 Preemptive quarantine measures prevented the spread of foot-and-mouth disease and highly pathogenic avian influenza early, and scientific border quarantine prevented the spread of African swine fever (ASF) in China from entering Korea.In addition, red fire ants were found one after another at Busan and Incheon ports, but they blocked the spread through cooperation with related organizations and rapid response, and actively responded to changes in plant quarantine conditions by revising the Plant Quarantine Act, such as mandatory reporting of pests.In addition, through strategic export quarantine negotiations with the

  16. Brazil is now able to export mushrooms, and we have expanded our agricultural and livestock export market by resuming chicken exports to Vietnam and Hong Kong, which were suspended due to the outbreak of AI.In addition, it was certified as the “Salmonellosis OIE Standard Laboratory” for the first time in Asia, and the “Commercialization of Foot- 일본경마사이트 and-mouth Disease Serotype Discrimination Simple Diagnostic Kit for the First Time” technology was selected as one of the top 100 national R&D excellence, and the “Nitrogen Filling and Disinfection Technology for Plant Quarantine” was selected as one of the top 10 representative technologies for responding to climate change, raising the R&D status of the quarantine headquarters.In addition, there have been many achievements felt by the public in the field, such as expanding animal welfare certified farms, strengthening safety management of livestock products through investigation and evaluation of the appropriateness of HACCP operation in the production stage,

  17. And to the people who care for the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Headquarters!Despite our efforts, the possibility of national disaster-type livestock diseases and high-risk plant pests entering Korea is increasing day by day due to the expansion of international trade and climate change.In addition, the public’s view of the safety management of agricultural and livestock products and the level of animal protection and welfare is increasing due 일본경마사이트 to the improvement of quality of life.Based on the accumulated experience and expertise this year, the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Headquarters will do its part to realize the “One-Helth Public Value for Building a Healthy and Sustainable Agricultural and Agricultural Industry Foundation.”First, we will block the inflow of national disaster-type livestock diseases and high-risk pests in the border quarantine stage, and establish a food supply system that the public can consume with confidence.In order to block the inflow of African swine fever into

  18. When you visit the site, there are many people who want to see you because there is another man. The ‘Mar & Human’ project will continue in 2015 next year.In fact, most reporters hate interviewing people. This is because “character” enough to appear in interview articles are familiar with condescending “gapjil,” so they know reporters higher than the president in a funny way, and there are many things to pay attention to while covering professional content.It is Sun Ho-hwan, CEO of Green Quarantine, who broke the prejudice. I met him when I was 인터넷경마
    curious about how horse disease and quarantine issues were being managed, recalling the memories of the loud nation over foot-and-mouth disease. He always smiles and meets people with all his heart, treats a reporter who is very young like an uncle, and does his best for his “vocation” above all else. It can be said that the “Mar & Human” project began in earnest after meeting CEO Ro Sun-hwan.

  19. We will also strengthen the management of non-food routes by designating and managing items that are feared to be attached to soil through risk analysis, and conducting monitoring surveys at ports such as Busan and Incheon ports for general containers brought in from areas where red fire ants are feared to flow.In addition, we will continue 일본경마사이트 to make efforts to secure the safety of livestock products in the production stage, such as preparing measures to reduce antibiotics according to the results of antibiotic resistance monitoring in the livestock sector and establishing a consultative body for antibiotic resistance experts.Second, we will manage the risk of national disaster-type livestock diseases and high-risk plant pests by preventing better livestock quarantine and predicting and preventing plant pests.It eliminates the risk of disease in areas vulnerable to quarantine, such as high-risk livestock farms and livestock facilities, and develops the integrated national livestock quarantine system (KAHIS)

  20. We will establish an ICT-based real-time integrated livestock vehicle control system to resolve quarantine blind spots such as unregistered livestock vehicles.In addition to strengthening the prediction of national disaster-type diseases, we will develop a differentiated big data-based disease spread prediction model and use it for quarantine 일본경마사이트 management, such as predicting the risk of AI outbreaks to major poultry farms across the country.In addition, we will strengthen public-private, academic cooperation monitoring to detect the inflow of high-risk foreign plant pests such as overwater burns and cordrin moths early, conduct rapid epidemiological investigations to block the spread of invasive pests, and strengthen international cooperation to identify inflow channels.Third, we will expand the research and development of practical technologies centered on the field to become a world-class professional research institution trusted by the people.First, we will strengthen public-private cooperation research

  21. In addition, we will promote the development of AI live poison vector vaccines and certification of the ‘Algae Influenza OIE Standard Laboratory’ to establish AI prevention technology.We will strive to develop technology to respond to diseases with reduced productivity in livestock farms, establish two-way channels with diagnostic institutions nationwide, and build quarantine experimental facilities to revitalize honey bee disease research.In addition, we will strengthen the plant quarantine system based on science and technology, such as developing plant pest inspection methods and epidemiological 일본경마사이트 investigation technologies using advanced technology, establishing overseas pest genetic information banks, and expanding cooperation with domestic and foreign experts.Fourth, we will improve the management of animal medicines and improve the level of animal protection and welfare to meet the public’s standards.In order to revitalize the industry of animal medicines, we will break down related systems

  22. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = 2018 Let’s Run Park Seoul and Pukyong annual horses have once again been listed as “Triple Nine”.It was the third award following 2015 and 2016, and won the best domestic mountain horse category.That’s all. “Triple Nine” is sweeping all awards, including the 18th and 19th industrial awards and the 18th 일본경마사이트 and 20th best domestic horses.Following last year’s Dubai World Cup final, he won his fourth consecutive presidential title this year, and achieved all his goals as a racehorse by winning his first title in his fourth attempt at the 37th Grand Prix on December 9.It was possible because behind “Triple Nine,” which set an unprecedented record, was Choi Byung-bu, who respected and cared for words and people.”It is the interest and support of fans and customers that Triple Nine has been able to come this far,” he said, expressing his gratitude to fans first.I think I have to congratulate you first.Please tell us how you feel.”After three consecutive presidential

  23. Also, if I think about it, I think that all the people who care about Triple Nine and the fans gave me the support, so I think I came here healthy. First of all, I would like to thank the horse racing fans.I’m very happy to be a celebrity thanks to Triple Nine.”Wasn’t it a burden to compete with the six-year-old and Cheongdam Dokki.”After going to a regular race once in March this year, I didn’t race, but I participated in the Busan Metropolitan 일본경마사이트 Market Boat in July, but I was in a bad condition.When I was sent to an animal hospital, I also had PRP treatment (self-platelet-rich plasma, a treatment to recover damaged tissue using self-blood).To relax, I sent him to the Jangsu Ranch and took a rest for more than two months.There was a KRA Classic race on October 7. Some say they came in second place behind Cheongdam Dokki, but after the procedure, they sent it out to check the condition ahead of the presidential ship on November 4.At that time, I urged the flag bearer, Im Sung-eun, “Don’t think about winning

  24. Still, I won second place, I was confident, and I was confident that we would win if the presidential boat went out.After the KRA Cup Classic, Kim Wook, the team leader of the 19th group Mabang, said, “I’m not dead yet.” That’s what it meant.We paid attention to Triple Nine not getting hurt in our own way, and we prepared after seeing the president’s ship.After winning the presidential boat, Triple Nine was in great condition, so I guaranteed that I would win the Grand Prix as well. 일본경마사이트 “What’s the status of “Triple Nine” right now.”I’m currently on vacation for a long life, but I need more treatment for the tubulitis, and there is also a problem with the seed bone (a ligament, or a small bone in a tendon), so I need to be treated.Other than that, there’s nothing too bad about it.Even for a 6-year-old, he’s still in very good condition.I’m 6 years old, so I want him to retire, but I don’t think so.Since I have time, I’m going to take enough rest by next spring and talk to assistant teacher Kim Young-kwan about

  25. Fans are very interested in who will follow the genealogy of Triple Nine.”There’s a saying, ‘Blue Chipper,’ and then ‘Malibu Sun.’Last year, “Blue Chipper” won first place in its debut and went to the Gyeongnam Provincial People’s Daily Cup as its second race, but it was caught as a axis, but its performance was not good.I think I was a little hurt then.I won first place again in the next race, but I think I will need a rest day, so I spent this 일본경마사이트 year training and taking it out of the horse room.I’m busy running a few companies, but when my horses run, I put everything aside and visit the site.Today as the last race of the year, “Blue Chipper” was scheduled to run in the race on the day of the interview, but was canceled.Nevertheless, Choi Byung-bu went to the horse racing park to keep his promise – Editor’s note) and I thought I would run, but my left front leg was crippled and unfortunately canceled.I’m going to send him to an animal hospital for an X-ray, and I’m going to decide whether to send him

  26. I asked for an interview because I had a different opinion from our players on some of the contents. Among the contents of the statement, I cannot agree at all with Samsung and Hanwha to leave the equestrian world. I don’t know if there is any other definite way to deal with the Horseback Riding Association or executives, but I don’t think about responding emotionally to this situation without any solution.This is the part that called for the resignation of Samsung, the current chairman of the Equestrian Association. The athletes are grateful that a large company called Samsung supports them by taking the chairmanship of the 인터넷경마 Korea Equestrian Association. Horseback riding is an unpopular sport, but it has invested and contributed to the development of Korean horseback riding. If Samsung steps down from the chairman’s office right now, how will the equestrian association operate right away, and how will next year’s competition be held? It is absurd to demand Samsung’s resignation without any countermeasures.

  27. There was also little doubt about Park’s interview, which was known to the media. Director Park Jae-hong is also a “sacrificing sheep,” but the situation was read that was strangely twisted. As is already known, coach Park returned home in a인터넷경마 hurry because Core Sports did not purchase horses or pay for local life, and late players did not come. There must have been a lot of sadness while living as a contract coach in the Korean Racing Authority for 16 years. The Horse Industry Journal interviewed Park Jae-hong, a former coach of the Korean Racing Authority, at Sangju International Riding Course in Gyeongsangbuk-do on November 10. The interview with director Park Jae-hong will be introduced in two sessions.

  28. But suddenly, Core Sports said, “I want you to stop watching horses.” There was already a verbal contract, but when asked what to do, he said he would answer and there was no news. It wasn’t even a very expensive horse. The best horse was around half a million euros. There was no reason to have it because he didn’t buy a horse and send a substantially
    important player. Something was wrong, I thought I was beaten. I didn’t cheat from Samsung, but I felt like Samsung was deceived, so I withdrew.I went out in early October last year and flew from Germany on January 7 this year and arrived in Korea on January 8. The next day, I went to work as a horseman. Among the speculative articles, I taught Jeong Yu-yeon a horse, and Jeong Yu-yeon went around to buy a horse to ride.

  29. There was also little doubt about Park’s interview, which was known to the media. Director Park Jae-hong is also a “sacrificing sheep,” but the situation was read that was strangely twisted. As is already known, coach Park returned home in a hurry because Core Sports did not purchase horses or pay for 인터넷경마 local life, and late players did not come. There must have been a lot of sadness while living as a contract coach in the Korean Racing Authority for 16 years. The Horse Industry Journal interviewed Park Jae-hong, a former coach of the Korean Racing Authority, at Sangju International Riding Course in Gyeongsangbuk-do on November 10. The interview with director Park Jae-hong will be introduced in two sessions.

  30. The Korean Horse Trainer Association will also recognize the importance of horse training and will continue to make efforts to combine advanced training techniques of horse riding and horse racing. To that end, we will create a Korean language trainer association that is developing day by day while sharing information related to racing media and training and receiving advice. The horse industry is an industry that grows with increasing national income and has already been established The Korean Horse Trainer Association will also recognize the importance of horse training and will continue to make efforts to combine advanced training techniques of horse riding and horse racing. To that end, we will create a Korean language trainer association that is developing day by day while sharing information related to racing media and training and receiving advice. The horse industry is an industry that grows with increasing national income and has already been established as a living sport in many developed countries. Recently, as interest in health and leisure increases, Korean people’s interest in the horse industry is also expanding. The horse industry is a complex cultural industry that combines livestock and leisure, and has very high added value. However, there are many challenges for the domestic horse industry to take off and develop.
    as a living sport in many developed countries. Recently, as interest in health and leisure increases, Korean people’s interest in the horse industry is also expanding. The horse industry is a complex cultural industry that combines livestock and leisure, and has very high added value. However, there are many challenges for the domestic horse industry to take off and develop.

  31. It is said that the horse industry in Korea is in various difficulties. The horse racing industry is not loved by the people, and horseback riding is spreading negative perceptions due to recent events. I think racing media needs to play일본경마사이트 a role in wisely overcoming this reality. I look forward to informing you of the net function of horse racing and horseback riding and suggesting a way forward. If the Korean Language Trainer Association has something to do, we will work together.In advanced horse industrial countries, the media related to the horse industry are loved by the people. In Korea, I expect racing media to be at the center of its role in the near future.

  32. Production farms have faced many ups and downs due to horse innovation, but they are doubling their 인터넷경마 and efforts to improve the quality of horses, but the number of Thoroughbred racehorses required at two racetracks in Korea is limited.For the development of the horse industry, including horse racing and horseback riding, it is necessary to make the best efforts for each organization’s given academic affairs. “Horse Industry Journal” is also a media outlet specializing in the horse industry.

  33. As a leading horse culture company for the development of the horse industry, Racing Media is a comprehensive horse industry media that delights the eyes and ears of viewers and readers with various contents, and congratulations on behalf of the Korea Horse Racing Association.I think horse racing and horseback riding are industries that can help each other because they have a lot in common with horses as a medium인터넷경마 . One is to watch and enjoy a third party running at the speed of a dream, and the other is to experience it yourself, so I think both are sports of horse love.We hope that many horse racing fans will be interested in the development of horseback riding, which is attracting attention as a healthy leisure sport due to the increase in people’s income and changes in consciousness that values quality of life.

  34. We hope that Korea will be able to become an advanced horseback riding country through efforts to create jobs and expand the base of the horseback riding population due to improved productivity in the horse industry, and we hope that racing media will participate as a partner.I hope you will always인터넷경마 receive the attention of many readers with new and interesting news as you are now, and I look forward to your continued prosperity. The horse industry development law was enacted, the horse industry development plan was implemented, and the second five-year plan was implemented, but if there are any shortcomings, it is necessary to look back on whether it is practical or not.

  35. The member seminar, which was attended by 70 secondary racers and 10 officials from horse racing-related organizations, was presented by invited guests, including Chairman Kim Gap-soo’s report on pending issues, “Problems and Improvements to the Korean Racing System” by Racing 일본경마사이트 Media CEO Kim Moon-young, “The Ancestry of Racing Horse” by Seok Yeong-il, a professor at Seorabeop University (former chief judge of the Korea Racing Association), “Procedures and Methods for Purchasing Foreign Horses” by Shin Young-in, the head of the Seoul Racing Association’s Martha Team, and “Rating-based Handicap Race Plan” by Jang Byung-woon, the head of the TF team for the transition of the Korean Racing Association.

  36. Not long ago, he also met with Kim Sang-chul, president of the Jeju Horse Producers Association, and shared the perception that they are finding a way to co-prosperity together. Don’t go to the extremes, but you should know how to look far ahead and think in a big frame.Horseback riding is a new content of Jeju Island. Among the various contents that can be presented to tourists visiting Jeju, such as medical care and tourism, horseback riding is a powerful content that can enhance Jeju’s tourism image with advanced tours. In particular, they are knocking 인터넷경마
    hard on the door because they think it is helpful for Jeju’s economic growth and development.It continues to interact with the Chinese side, such as signing a business agreement with the Chinese Science and Technology Startup Association last year to develop the horse industry between the two countries. In China, it is a top-level sport that requires at least 10 billion won in capital to ride horses.

  37. Since the establishment of the Jeju Race Horse Producers Association in 2005, geographical debates over Jeju horses and Hanramas have continued. When I took office as the fourth president in February 2011, I have always thought about how to solve this problem.The provincial government’s policy to foster the horse industry is to foster the Jeju horse industry in the global world. I think the world implies the meaning of running to Jeju on horseback. In this regard, it can be 인터넷경마
    said that the horse industry is valuable as a driving force for the local economy by combining it with Jeju’s representative tourism industry. The Hallama Producers Association is also trying to contribute to the development of the Jeju horse industry and become an organization that can be reborn before and after the special zone is attracted, and a group council covering the entire horse industry is also preparing.

  38. Based on the Seoul Horse Association’s experience in purchasing foreign horses, Shin Young-in, head of the Seoul Horse Association’s Martha Team, introduced the market according to the horse’s spirit and the market by country, while recommending the market suitable for the reality of Korean horse racing and market changes due to future policy changes. In addition, team leader Shin advised, “If you choose a horse at an인터넷경마 auction for a foreign horse, you should choose a horse that is suitable for the domestic environment, rather than placing importance on comprehensive real estate or pedigree.” In addition, it received a lot of response by presenting tips for efficient auction participation, focus on observing bridging-ups, focus on body inspection, and focus on participating in asking prices through experiences in actual situations.

  39. Kim Moon-young, CEO of Racing Media, who was a presenter, pointed out that the current military system needs to be completely reorganized through the comparison of the racing system between Seoul and Pukyong, and argued that horse races should be improved to a system tailored to individual characteristics. Regarding the distribution of ranking prize money, he said, “We should stick to the fundamental nature of horse racing, but this is forcing the sacrifices of our opponents, 일본경마사이트 ” and that the profit generation should gradually grow for the development of the horse racing industry.In conclusion, Kim said the biggest difference in the system between Seoul and Pukyong can be summed up as stable operation and infinite competition, and argued that the only answer to resolving various conflicts between Seoul and Pukyong is to unify all implementation systems.

  40. Jang Byung-woon, head of the Korea Racing Association’s racing system transition TF team, explained the change in handicap racing due to the introduction of rating, saying, “We will announce the rating in advance from the first-tier handicap race in October this year and the rating adjustment immediately after the race.” Team leader Jang said that the pre-announcement of the rating will make the handicap weight of registered horses predictable, and that the rating itself quantifies the difference in 인터넷경마 the ability of the racehorse.A number of police and police officers were inundated with questions about the handicap race implementation plan based on rating, and many of them asked if they could guarantee the objectivity and expertise of handicappers. In response, team leader Jang Byung-woon stressed that all handicappers are doing their best, saying, “Rating will be given based on objective facts such as race records and distance differences between racehorses.”

  41. The basic direction is the same, such as the integration of production areas, the introduction of a rating system, and the opening of the horse market.An official from the Korea Racing Authority said, “The promotion of horse racing innovation is part of innovative management to overcome the crisis in the horse racing industry, and it aims to increase the marketability of horse racing to provide quality products to customers 인터넷경마 and establish itself as a sport that receives national support.” “We want to save Korean racing by pioneering the global market by strengthening the international competitiveness of horse racing,” he said, stressing, “We fully understand the concerns of related organizations, but we have come up with a plan to support related organizations in connection with horse racing innovation.”

  42. It’s my first time training, but I don’t listen to the instructions of the trainer well, and it’s hard to get training results because of the bad wall of driving, and I don’t think the actual performance came out well. It is difficult to judge accurately because he has not been in the real world, but if you look at the 인터넷경마 feeling of training, you will feel good enough to produce unexpected results if the race goes well.He made his debut in person, but even after his experience in the race, his condition has not yet risen. His legs are still poor, but his body is generally heavy because he is gaining weight. If you lose weight and your condition improves in the future, there is a possibility of development, but at the moment, you don’t seem to have much room to guarantee a prize.

  43. It is a magic pen that has had three wins and a good performance in third place. In particular, the third place in the previous race was better than expected, which gave him an opportunity to compete with confidence in the race in the future.인터넷경마 There are some tough opponents in this race, but they are preparing well and they are in good condition, so I think they can make good results.The state of finishing is not bad and shows consistency. Now that he has raced twice, it is difficult to evaluate him, and what he felt while training himself is not yet reliable to expect him to win, but he is showing a little change, so he believes he will be able to get out of his sluggish performance like before.

  44. On the other hand, when the Korean Racing Authority officially announced the horse racing innovation plan to the outside world, related organizations that expressed opposition are discussing countermeasures at an emergency meeting.First of all, the Korea Racing Horse Producers Association (Chairman Oh Young-bok) and the Korea Inland Horse Producers Association (Chairman Jang Jung-ki) held a press conference at 10 a.m. on the 16th at the Jeju Provincial Council’s provincial residents’ room, reiterating their opposition to the increase in the price o인터넷경마 f mountain integrated Gyeongju and the introduction of foreign horses, and issuing a statement.In a statement, the racing horse producers’ group called for the abolition of the integrated racing program, saying, “It exposes the fictitious structure of the Korean Horse Association’s horse racing innovation plan,” and that it is a contradictory policy to go to advanced horse industry countries through foreign horses.

  45. According to an official from the Seoul Horse Racing Association, “The racing spirit has increased since the introduction of the rating system, but the racing records after the introduction of the rating show that most of the overall average records as well as the winning horse were delayed compared to the same period last year. Although horse racing is not a record game, the horse society has talked about the gap with advanced horse racing countries based on race records. There is certainly a problem with the rating system, which calls for advancement and expansion of international competitiveness, but rather regresses인터넷경마 the race record. Measures against this are absolutely necessary,” he said.In addition, “Since the introduction of the rating system, the number of horse-riding has significantly decreased. In particular, only one foreign horse was promoted to the first grade for about two months, and in the case of domestic horses, there was no change in both the first and second grades.

  46. It is true that the record has slowed down somewhat, but it is not a big difference. The introduction of rating has not increased the burden weight. Some point out that the winning horse did not do his best in some races, but we are fully considering it when giving rating,” he said.Regarding concerns that the number of horse riders may drop significantly after the introduction of rating, which may cause difficulty in organizing the race 인터넷경마 due to the imbalance between grades, he said, “It is true that the number of horse riders has decreased. In the past, the promotion due to the prize money was compulsory even if it was not capable, but the introduction of rating does not give a raise to horses that do not qualify for the promotion. In addition, since the number of culling heads decreased during the same period, the number of utilization heads by grade was consistently maintained overall.

  47. It is true that the record has slowed down somewhat, but it is not a big difference. The introduction of rating has not increased the burden weight. Some point out that the winning horse did not do his best in some races, but we are fully considering it when giving rating,” he said.Regarding concerns that the number of horse riders may drop significantly after the introduction of rating, which may cause difficulty in organizing the race due 인터넷경마 to the imbalance between grades, he said, “It is true that the number of horse riders has decreased. In the past, the promotion due to the prize money was compulsory even if it was not capable, but the introduction of rating does not give a raise to horses that do not qualify for the promotion. In addition, since the number of culling heads decreased during the same period, the number of utilization heads by grade was consistently maintained overall.

  48. According to an official from the Seoul Horse Racing Association, “The racing spirit has increased since the introduction of the rating system, but the racing records after the introduction of the rating show that most of the overall average records as well as the winning horse were delayed compared to the same period last year. Although horse racing is not a record game, the horse society has talked about the gap with advanced horse racing countries based on race records. There is certainly a problem with the rating system, which calls for advancement and인터넷경마 expansion of international competitiveness, but rather regresses the race record. Measures against this are absolutely necessary,” he said.In addition, “Since the introduction of the rating system, the number of horse-riding has significantly decreased. In particular, only one foreign horse was promoted to the first grade for about two months, and in the case of domestic horses, there was no change in both the first and second grades.

  49. There is no big problem now because there are a lot of horses in the upper grade, but if the higher grade is dealt with as quitting horses in the future, it may be difficult to organize the race,” he expressed concern.Regarding the concerns and points of related organizations, the head of the task force team of the Racing System Transition TF Team of the Korea Racing Authority said, “We are fully aware of the concerns of related organizations. The current situation is no bigger problem than concern.인터넷경마 We are always monitoring, and if problems arise, we will supplement them with a flexible response.”In response to criticism that the race record has slowed down, team leader Jang said, “There are various factors that determine the race record. Therefore, it is far-fetched that Raiting is slowing down the race record. The horse society is also constantly monitoring changes after the introduction of rating.

  50. It is a magic pen that has had three wins and a good performance in third place. In particular, the third place in the previous race was better than expected, which gave him an opportunity to compete with confidence in the race in the future. 인터넷경마 There are some tough opponents in this race, but they are preparing well and they are in good condition, so I think they can make good results.The state of finishing is not bad and shows consistency. Now that he has raced twice, it is difficult to evaluate him, and what he felt while training himself is not yet reliable to expect him to win, but he is showing a little change, so he believes he will be able to get out of his sluggish performance like before.

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