“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Since 2015, Daemyung Group (Chairman Park Chun-hee) has been holding “May-on-a-horse”, the largest horse riding festival in Korea, every May. In addition, it is creating new cultural contents that combine horse riding and culture by hosting CSI3*, an international obstacle horse riding competition. Among them, Kim Hong-cheol, a former coach 일본경마사이트 of the national horse riding team, is a key figure. He never leaves the site for three days even during the Daemyeong Cup, and even showed his passion for explaining the obstacle course to the visitors. I met Kim Hong-cheol, the leader who has a special affection for horse riding, and talked about “May-a-horse” and horse riding. “May-a-horse” is already in its third year. Every May, the largest horse riding festival is held in Korea under the massive support of the Daemyung Group, and for what purpose are the competitions held? “May-a-horse” was started with the hope of raising public interest in horse riding, a healing sport. In particular, “May-a-horse” tried to learn

  2. As a result, it has established itself as the current ‘Mayon a Horse’. A special stadium was set up on the natural grass and cultural contents that the public is interested in were incorporated into it. Daemyung Group is a leading company in the domestic leisure industry and is striving to spread leisure culture. Do you think horseback riding can become a popular sport through leisure 일본경마사이트 activities? Compared to baseball, which has emerged as a representative sport in Korea, the popularization of horseback riding may sound a little far-off. However, the audience’s response and gaze from the field during the last two competitions were confident that horse riding would not be popularized soon, and became the driving force behind the hosting of ‘Mayon a Horse 2017’. In the future, Daemyung Group will continue to take the lead in popularizing horse riding by combining various cultures and horseback riding that the public likes. Horseback riding, which had been growing with the expansion of the base of horse riding,

  3. Daemyung Group, which has been steadily investing and supporting horseback riding, is also a bit disappointing. Do you intend to continue supporting horse riding in the future? It is true that the horse riding industry has slowed down for a while due to the Choi Soon-sil scandal? Daemyung Group also feels sorry for what horse riding students consider to be a means of going to college. However, Daemyung is not only trying to expand the base for horse riding but also to keep the original intention of “Mayon a Horse.” 일본경마사이트 The company plans to continue developing the encounter between sports and culture without being swayed by any drafts. Kim Hong-cheol, who served as national coach of the national horse riding team, did not appear to leave the scene throughout the three days when CSI3* of the 2017 Daemyung Cup was held. Prior to the obstacle race, he continued to explain the obstacle course to the visitors in person, showing keen enthusiasm for horse riding. This year’s “Mayon a Horse” will be held in Sonopelice

  4. There was something I wanted to inform and show the Sonopelice Equestrian Club to the public, and it is true that the best environment for horses was not formed last year due to inconvenience with the practice dress. This year, the horses were allowed to play in the best condition by playing in a dedicated stadium. The grass didn’t look pretty and cool, but the competition was focused by playing in a 일본경마사이트 dedicated stadium and the reviews of foreign players were good as it was compact. In particular, I’m looking forward to ‘horse auction’. It is said that for the development of the horse riding industry, it is necessary to revitalize the ‘horse racing market’. What direction do you think we should pursue as a person familiar with horseback riding?’ Horse auction is a policy project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. In line with this, Daemyung added the auction part. It proceeded differently from the previous auction. However, fundamental measures are needed for the development of the horse industry.

  5. What does managing director Kim Hong-cheol think of horse riding as a sport? Of course, it is a sport. Horseback riding is an official event of the Olympics. The political controversy over Jeong Yu-ra, which has recently become a problem, also showed negative aspects. It is regrettable that horse-riding is viewed negatively. The “Mion a Horse” has been held since last year as CSI3*, the largest horse 일본경마사이트 -riding festival in Korea, and has grown into the largest horse-riding festival in Korea in name and reality. Some critics say that Korea’s “Olympia Horse Show” is a modifier, and how they want the public to recognize the “Mion a Horse”. Now, the “Mion a Horse” is continuing to develop, and the “Mion a Horse” will play a role in making horse-riding popular. I am also confident about this. However, I am not sure how long it will take. The ultimate goal of the “Mion a Horse” that the group wants is to promote CSI5* to create an environment where foreign players can bring their horses to Korea and have a normal

  6. What does managing director Kim Hong-cheol think of horse riding as a sport? Of course, it is a sport. Horseback riding is an official event of the Olympics. The political controversy over Jeong Yu-ra, which has recently become a problem, also showed negative aspects. It is regrettable that horse-riding is viewed negatively. The “Mion a Horse 일본경마사이트 ” has been held since last year as CSI3*, the largest horse-riding festival in Korea, and has grown into the largest horse-riding festival in Korea in name and reality. Some critics say that Korea’s “Olympia Horse Show” is a modifier, and how they want the public to recognize the “Mion a Horse”. Now, the “Mion a Horse” is continuing to develop, and the “Mion a Horse” will play a role in making horse-riding popular. I am also confident about this. However, I am not sure how long it will take. The ultimate goal of the “Mion a Horse” that the group wants is to promote CSI5* to create an environment where foreign players can bring their horses to Korea and have a normal

  7. This year, I am 26 years old. I am a ranch representative at a young age, but I think I am still young to run a ranch. It is an age where I have to learn from a lot of experience, but there are many difficulties in managing it myself. There is a lack of knowledge and experience in human resources management or government policies required to run a ranch. I 일본경마사이트 thought I knew the horses well and studied a lot, but it was different from what I thought when I raised them myself. I dreamed of a life of running around with horses and taking my time. However, the reality is that there are many difficulties to do besides horse management, such as grasslands management, facility management, and government support. Currently, I am getting help from my father and those who have a lot of experience in horses. Because I am young, I have the advantage of being able to work passionately. I can work for my horses without considering this and that. I am still not very good enough right now, so I am trying to gain as many

  8. How I Raised a Horse In 2014, an acquaintance recommended that my father face a racehorse. When my father faced me, I asked him to study horses. At that time, I was studying livestock management, distribution, and economics at Konkuk University, and I thought I should ride horseback riding to study horses. While riding horses, I began to communicate directly with them. I touched horses directly and fell in love with them without realizing it. I always watched books or videos related to horses 일본경마사이트 , visited various educational programs, and dreamed of raising them. After graduating from university, I joined the Jeju Provincial Ranch as a contract worker at an accidental opportunity. While working, I saw and learned a lot about horses and acquired knowledge. After the contract was over, I began to develop horses in earnest. As I communicated with horses while riding horses, I fell in love with them without knowing. Where did you study about horses? From my third year of university until I graduated,

  9. However, it could not collapse like this. Ham Wan-sik, a jockey who was rumored to have been trained hard at the time, said he would ride a Article 53 horse, which most jockeys would not easily challenge. He trained from the beginning regardless of whether it was a colt or not. It was mid-winter. “I had 인터넷경마 confidence in myself. I am not a man who will die like this, and I am a human who can catch up even if I am not as good as natural-born geniuses. When I came all the way here from the floor, I wondered what else I could not do.” He started the game like that, increasing his chances and expanding his range by riding other horses one by one. There was no other horse that could wait a month, but he was thankful and tried to ride it.

  10. He completed the ‘College Horse Industry Technical Curriculum’ and ‘Ranch Manager Course’ conducted by the Academy of Training for the Korean Horse Association. During vacation, he helped me work at a horse riding farm in Jeju Island and learned how to ride horses. At the Jeju Horse Racing Ranch, I learned a lot about horse races, including the lineage and development process of horses. I mainly studied them through the Internet. There is not much data on horses in Korea, 일본경마사이트 so I got information through websites related to foreign horses or YouTube. I mainly use sites called bloodhorses and thehorses, but there are a lot of materials about horse races and other materials necessary for breeding horses. Other materials related to horse-riding and horse-riding are used in practice through YouTube. As a representative example, I assembled and trained miniature halls while watching a video. They are completing the ‘College Student Horse Industry Technical Training Course’ and the ‘Ranch Manager Course’ conducted

  11. At first, he lavishly poured money on things he was curious about, what he wanted to do, and what he wanted to buy. One day, I suddenly wondered what I was doing while I was losing track of time. Looking at the footprints on the path he had walked, Ham Wan-sik came to his senses. I remembered the hard times and the moments when I tried so hard to get here. He shaved his head and made a firm commitment, but for about 인터넷경마 two months, he never went outside the racetrack and only focused on training and riding. Unlike now, rookie jockeys were not easily given the opportunity to climb horses at that time. Even if I rode one so-called “dung horse,” I often couldn’t sleep at night on the eve of the race to see how I would leave the gate and react to certain variables. It was also important that it caught the eyes of the assistant teacher.

  12. How I Raised a Horse In 2014, an acquaintance recommended that my father face a racehorse. When my father faced me, I asked him to study horses. At that time, I was studying livestock management, distribution, and economics at Konkuk University, and I thought I should ride horseback riding to study horses. While 일본경마사이트 riding horses, I began to communicate directly with them. I touched horses directly and fell in love with them without realizing it. I always watched books or videos related to horses, visited various educational programs, and dreamed of raising them. After graduating from university, I joined the Jeju Provincial Ranch as a contract worker at an accidental opportunity. While working, I saw and learned a lot about horses and acquired knowledge. After the contract was over, I began to develop horses in earnest. As I communicated with horses while riding horses, I fell in love with them without knowing. Where did you study about horses? From my third year of university until I graduated,

  13. He completed the ‘College Horse Industry Technical Curriculum’ and ‘Ranch Manager Course’ conducted by the Academy of Training for the Korean Horse Association. During vacation, he helped me work at a horse riding farm in Jeju Island and learned how to ride horses. At the Jeju Horse Racing Ranch, I learned a lot about horse races, including the lineage and development process of horses. I mainly studied them through the Internet. There is not much data on horses in Korea, so I 일본경마사이트 got information through websites related to foreign horses or YouTube. I mainly use sites called bloodhorses and thehorses, but there are a lot of materials about horse races and other materials necessary for breeding horses. Other materials related to horse-riding and horse-riding are used in practice through YouTube. As a representative example, I assembled and trained miniature halls while watching a video. They are completing the ‘College Student Horse Industry Technical Training Course’ and the ‘Ranch Manager Course’ conducted

  14. He completed the ‘College Horse Industry Technical Curriculum’ and ‘Ranch Manager Course’ conducted by the Academy of Training for the Korean Horse Association. During vacation, he helped me work at a horse riding farm in Jeju Island and learned how to ride horses. At the Jeju Horse Racing Ranch, I learned a lot about horse races, including the lineage and development process of horses. I mainly studied them through the Internet. There is not much data on horses in Korea, so I got information through websites related to foreign horses 일본경마사이트 or YouTube. I mainly use sites called bloodhorses and thehorses, but there are a lot of materials about horse races and other materials necessary for breeding horses. Other materials related to horse-riding and horse-riding are used in practice through YouTube. As a representative example, I assembled and trained miniature halls while watching a video. They are completing the ‘College Student Horse Industry Technical Training Course’ and the ‘Ranch Manager Course’ conducted

  15. At first, he lavishly poured money on things he was curious about, what he wanted to do, and what he wanted to buy. One day, I suddenly wondered what I was doing while I was losing track of time. Looking at the footprints on the path he had walked, Ham Wan-sik came to his senses. I remembered the hard times and the moments when I tried so hard to get here. 인터넷경마
    He shaved his head and made a firm commitment, but for about two months, he never went outside the racetrack and only focused on training and riding. Unlike now, rookie jockeys were not easily given the opportunity to climb horses at that time. Even if I rode one so-called “dung horse,” I often couldn’t sleep at night on the eve of the race to see how I would leave the gate and react to certain variables. It was also important that it caught the eyes of the assistant teacher.

  16. Before becoming interested in what he did before running the ranch, he was just an ordinary student. Influenced by his father who was a pig farmer, he went on to study livestock management, distribution and economics. At this time, I thought I should help my father’s job. I saw and heard about pig farming from an early age, and I never imagined that I would 일본경마사이트 do something else because I came across it frequently. The most memorable moment was when I saw the Belmont Steix race held in New York during a trip to the U.S. in 2015. It was impressive to see the glorious birth of the American Ferroa in 37 years in the U.S. The future goal is to start making love red. At a U.S. auction to be held in November this year, the company plans to import two seed am horses of excellent ancestry. Its goal is to produce its own horses and compete in the race so that the horses can have good results. Another is to build a ranch, a horse theme park such as Northern Halls Park in Japan, and make it a famous tourist attraction.

  17. My friends from my school days still remain strong partners in life where I can meet and have a drink without any burden. And even at that time, I first encountered a job as a jockey at Seonlin High School, where I went to school with a friend인터넷경마 . After entering the school, I saw the announcement on the job bulletin board and looked carefully at it because I was attracted to it. However, at the time, there was a strong perception that the animal called a horse was exclusive to the rich, and I just handed it over, thinking that it would be a matter in a distant world. Ham Wan-sik, a high school senior, was no exception. Since he had distinguished himself in his major in finance, he wanted to jump into the job front and make money as soon as possible.

  18. Amid the continued strong start of Korean racing to the world throughout the year, Korea’s top jockey has stepped up this time. The so-called “crown prince” of the Korean racing community, Moon Se-young, departed Korea on May 7 and started adapting himself to the local area at the Kranji Racecourse in Singapore from May 8. Marking the 17th anniversary of his debut this year, Moon Se-young’s entry into Singapore stemmed from his willingness to challenge himself instead 일본경마사이트 of being complacent. When he expressed his desire to enter overseas markets at the end of last year, the International Racing Authority of the Korea Racing Authority actively cooperated and contacted the Singapore Turf Club (STC). Despite challenging conditions such as the introduction of the jockey in Singapore and the allocation of the jockey, he was able to obtain the approval for the short-term license on February 20. Singapore is an advanced country in Asian racing, which has been classified as a part 2 country by the International Racing

  19. The conditions for introducing foreign jockeys to the Singapore Turf Club are particularly strict, but rumors say that Moon will participate in the event in a surprise move based on his excellent performance, hosting international competitions such as the Korea Cup, and promotion of Korean racers to Part II. As of Wednesday, Moon started training in Kranji, Singapore, 일본경마사이트 and will reportedly start night racing on Friday, May 19, or daytime racing on Sunday, May 21. The license period is three months, which can be extended depending on Moon’s intention or activities. In fact, this is Moon’s second time to go overseas. He had been an invited rider in Macau for three months in 2013 and maintained a consistent 10 percent winning rate. Through his activities in Macau at the time, he was able to learn various ways of riding and provided a foothold for his growth even after returning to Korea. “I hope my juniors can freely go overseas through me rather than putting pressure on my performance,” Moon said, rooting for

  20. The conditions for introducing foreign jockeys to the Singapore Turf Club are particularly strict, but rumors say that Moon will participate in the event in a surprise move based on his excellent performance, hosting international competitions such as the Korea Cup, and promotion of Korean racers to Part II. As of Wednesday, Moon started training in Kranji, Singapore, and will reportedly 일본경마사이트 start night racing on Friday, May 19, or daytime racing on Sunday, May 21. The license period is three months, which can be extended depending on Moon’s intention or activities. In fact, this is Moon’s second time to go overseas. He had been an invited rider in Macau for three months in 2013 and maintained a consistent 10 percent winning rate. Through his activities in Macau at the time, he was able to learn various ways of riding and provided a foothold for his growth even after returning to Korea. “I hope my juniors can freely go overseas through me rather than putting pressure on my performance,” Moon said, rooting for

  21. The family was not well enough. The parents, who had to feed their three siblings, were not able to afford to take care of the youngest rider, Ham Wan-sik. When his friends went to buy sneakers from a famous manufacturer, Ham Wan-sik would sneak out of the store and wait for them. When his sneakers 인터넷경마 were worn out, he took 30,000 won from his mother and went to Dongdaemun to buy sneakers. Then, he set up a savings account, gave pocket money to his parents, and now he can give his friends a pair of top-of-the-line sneakers. “I couldn’t handle it because I had so much money at such a young age. I feel tired and have a lot of immature thoughts.”

  22. The conditions for introducing foreign jockeys to the Singapore Turf Club are particularly strict, but rumors say that Moon will participate in the event in a surprise move based on his excellent performance, hosting international competitions such as the Korea Cup, and promotion of Korean racers to Part II. As of Wednesday, Moon started training in Kranji, Singapore, 일본경마사이트 and will reportedly start night racing on Friday, May 19, or daytime racing on Sunday, May 21. The license period is three months, which can be extended depending on Moon’s intention or activities. In fact, this is Moon’s second time to go overseas. He had been an invited rider in Macau for three months in 2013 and maintained a consistent 10 percent winning rate. Through his activities in Macau at the time, he was able to learn various ways of riding and provided a foothold for his growth even after returning to Korea. “I hope my juniors can freely go overseas through me rather than putting pressure on my performance,” Moon said, rooting for

  23. “He suddenly told me to jump on the horse and ride on the rampage. So I just grabbed my mane and saddle strap and jumped.” Suddenly, I got on the horse and looked around, 인터넷경마 and there were quite a few people who couldn’t get on the ride, unexpectedly. Jang Il-ki, the team leader who was watching the scene, asked, “Have you ever ridden a horse when you are good at handling a rebound?” To Ham Wan-sik, who came in determined to bury his bones, Jang’s horse was happier than any other compliment. The first step toward the jockey seemed to start off so smoothly.

  24. On February 17, 2016, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the Korea Horse Association, the Jeju Horse Association, and the Korea Horse Association jointly reached an agreement for the win-win development of the horse industry, ending a long-standing debate. It indicated the confirmation of the full implementation of Jeju Horse Racing in 2023, the establishment of Korea’s representative horse, and cooperation to expand the production of racing Jeju horses 일본경마사이트 . In accordance with the agreement evaluated as an innovation plan for horse racing from Jeju, full-fledged steps are underway to produce and foster Jeju horses that will race alone in Let’s Run Park Jeju from 2023. It has been making efforts to establish a mid- to long-term roadmap for systematic fostering of Jeju horses, and to find and educate on-site farmers from research services. Jeon Sung-won, the current head of the Jeju Regional Headquarters at the time of passing the agreement for the win-win development of the horse industry, and Jeon Seong-won,

  25. On February 17, 2016, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the Korea Horse Association, the Jeju Horse Association, and the Korea Horse Association jointly reached an agreement for the win-win development of the horse industry, ending a long-standing debate. It indicated the confirmation of the full implementation of Jeju Horse Racing in 2023, the establishment of Korea’s representative horse, and cooperation to expand the production of racing Jeju horses 일본경마사이트 . In accordance with the agreement evaluated as an innovation plan for horse racing from Jeju, full-fledged steps are underway to produce and foster Jeju horses that will race alone in Let’s Run Park Jeju from 2023. It has been making efforts to establish a mid- to long-term roadmap for systematic fostering of Jeju horses, and to find and educate on-site farmers from research services. Jeon Sung-won, the current head of the Jeju Regional Headquarters at the time of passing the agreement for the win-win development of the horse industry, and Jeon Seong-won,

  26. The physical education teacher recommended him to apply for a jockey position. He was fond of sports even in normal times, and he recalled the poster he saw when he was admitted. I thought I couldn’t miss it. Numerous students who were looking for employment competed fiercely for two 인터넷경마
    applications for jockey candidates who flew to the school. Among them, Ham Wan-sik topped the physical fitness test with his strong ability, and he applied as a candidate. I learned this later, but I could receive several applications by visiting the Jockey Association. At that time, aspiring jockeys had to go through physical exams, physical fitness tests, personality tests, and adaptation tests from the first week of April.

  27. Kim Jin-gap, head of the Gyeongju Resource Management Department in Jeju, has been communicating with farmers in a responsible manner on this important issue, constantly developing related policies and applying them to the field. At a special zone meeting held in Jeju in June last year, Jeon Sung-won, head of the win-win marketing division, called attention from the central government and said, “We set a direction with Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to foster Hanramas, which will be kicked out of Gyeongju horses from 2023, as Korea’s representative horse. Support is needed to establish a 일본경마사이트 system for the production, fostering, training and distribution of horseback riding. Please pay attention.” Kim Jin-gap, head of the department who has been in charge of Jeju Gyeongju resource management at Let’s Run Park Jeju since 2014, has also been making various efforts as a working-level official, developing related policies and manuals, persuading farmers, and taking the lead in education.

  28. On May 7, I met Kim Jin-gap, head of the Gyeongju Resource Management Department of the Jeju Racing Authority, and heard about the progress, including the systematic development process of Jeju horses for racing. The Jeju Horse Racing Office and the Gyeongju Resource Management Department of the Korea Racing Authority are conducting farm training following reports on the production, training, and nutrition and 일본경마사이트 specifications of Jeju horses for racing last year. From 2023, Jeju horses will compete alone. The current situation is that in the case of Thoroughbred, they have invested a lot of money in producing and training them from the stage before they became racers. They make a lot of efforts before entering the racehorse by building longevity and Jeju ranches and running manpower. On the other hand, Jeju horses have never made such efforts. The public’s perception of Jeju horses and even the perception of members of the horse society is that “Jeju horses can just run with them.” Like Thoroughbred,

  29. As they come in untrained, they lose their expertise and cause a lot of accidents. The level of running of horses is also poor. There is also a lot of deviation from the horses with good abilities. Overall, the quality of the race is poor. Jeju racetracks are being broadcasted to Seoul and Busan, and customers complained, “I can’t see 일본경마사이트 them” and “What kind of horse racing is it?” In fact, employees working at Let’s Run Park Jeju have been thinking about this issue, but there were limitations due to internal circumstances. There were several conflicts between Hallama and Jeju horses running together, so there was no room for systematic training or energy. With the signing of the industrial development agreement at the end of February 2016, the obstacles to Jeju horse racing were solved. The Jeju horse racing could not be dragged along like it is now. We had to provide our customers with products that were not embarrassed.” First, we prepared a systematic ‘school system’ that systematically starts with the

  30. Yeshin-no-bu” was also the first to cross the finish line by taking a leap forward while changing his steps toward Ham Wan-sik’s push. It was the moment when Ham Wan-sik’s 500th victory was achieved. It was such a race as if it abbreviated his life as a jockey. The past events passed like a lantern in front of Ham Wan-sik, who was washing away the dirt on his face in 일본경마사이트 the waiting room. It was the 500th victory I had dreamed of since I was a little jockey. 16 years when I fell from the horse several times, got hurt and torn, but got back up again. It was never easy, so the sense of accomplishment added. Like fate, Ham Wan-sik was born in the year of late 1978. The youngest of three siblings, he was a “Uli-rimin” who died from his friend and lived in his friend since he was young.

  31. The 6th race on May 18, 2014. Hahm Wan-sik, a jockey for the second race, was on the list of “Yesin and Old Men,” a rookie horse that is about to enter the second race. He had good body shape and high expectations, but he couldn’t 인터넷경마 guarantee a victory. He kicked out the gate with his excellent quickness, but he has already lost the lead to her rival, Empress Dongjin. Hahm Wan-sik boldly gave up on good deeds and chose to follow suit. Just as he was about to gain momentum in earnest as he entered the final race, he collided with his opponent, which was facing another crisis. At a time when his steps could die, Hahm quickly settled down and pushed for the race.

  32. [Horse Industry Journal] Hwang In-sung = In this interview, Hwang is leading Korean horseback riding by showing impressive performance at the 2012 Athens Olympics. He is in his mid-40s, when he is old or retired in other sports, but he is at his peak age in horseback riding. I met Hwang Soon-won, who is currently active as a horseback rider and leader, and talked about pending issues in the horse riding industry and his journey. Hwang Sun-won reminds me of the Athens Olympics. It would not have been easy to get a ticket to the Olympics at the time. 일본경마사이트 First of all, getting a ticket to the Olympics itself was difficult, but the process to get a ticket to the Olympics was also not easy. This is because he had to regularly perform well in many Grand Prix rather than performing well in one or two events. Perhaps that’s why the athletes who were training together for the Olympics at the time questioned whether going to the Olympics could become a reality. At that time, the coach, coaches and sponsors must have

  33. The walls of the world were too high, and Korean horseback riding was far behind. And originally, horseback riding was like a dream because not only the athletes were in good condition, but also the horses had to follow their condition. Perhaps it was because our earnest desire and hard work overlapped and we got the ticket. At the time, we worked together with the word “Se-Chap.” The horses of “Se-Chap” were popular at a recent 일본경마사이트 auction for horseback riding, so I was 9 years old. The horse breed was a hole-steiner with a big and reliable feeling. He was afraid of very small things that didn’t fit him, so he was afraid of having a mat on the floor or if he thought it was a little strange. When he started to get scared, it was even difficult to drag him around. But for a typical hole-steiner, he was gentle. That was only for humans. He was very aggressive toward other horses, especially horses. He was so nice to people, but he was very mean to horses. He was very nice to horses, but very mean to horses.

  34. I’ve probably been through many different horses, but another horse I remember is ‘Lilivro’. I rode it at the same time as ‘SeaChap’ and it was my second horse. ‘Lilivro’ was definitely a good horse, but I was a little lazy. That’s why I think I tended to touch obstacles well when crossing obstacles. Personally, it’s very meaningful to me. It’s because the horse has contributed greatly to building mileage by 일본경마사이트 participating in various European competitions. It was registered as a reserve horse during the Olympics. Later, I came to Korea and worked. What is the attraction of horseback riding? It is fascinating and the biggest attraction is that you are riding a much bigger animal than a human and that you accept a small signal from a human. When did you get into riding a horse. When did you start riding a horse? I started when I was in the fourth grade in elementary school in 1983. When I heard a horse on TV, I loved it so much, but one day my father asked me to go to a horse riding course. The smell of poop

  35. However, it is hard to find out who rides well when there are several people who can’t do it together. That requires expert judgment. In general, horses that run high and fast are good horses in obstacles. In dressage, horses with large movements and dancing movements are good horses. A rider is a person who rides well on 일본경마사이트 a horse without much fluctuation. There is no need to think about horseback riding as hard as possible. Hwang Soon-won said, “I feel the crisis facing the equestrian community after the Choi Soon-sil incident recently.” It is worrisome that the number of student riders, which used to be 20 to 30 every year, has hardly appeared from this year, and it is not known how long such an aftermath will last. Is there a message you want to convey to your juniors? It is said that celebrities need to have talent. Equally, a rider must have talent as well. Korean people are definitely talented people. If you have an opportunity to ride a horse or learn something, it is recommended that you do your best

  36. Korea is recognized for its capabilities in various fields. Some fields may run the world’s top. I wish my juniors would have the idea that we can do it, rather than thinking that we can’t. It is said that it is the crisis of Korean horseback riding. Do you feel it? First of all, the crisis of Korean horseback riding seems to be right. The biggest problem is that there are no students to lead as a leader right now. Many athletes must be produced and development must be made along with it, but no new athletes have emerged since the Choi Soon-sil incident. It is a problem directly related to livelihood for professional sports players. 일본경마사이트 And I am even more frustrated and scared because no one knows how long this aftermath will last. Then, what do you think is necessary to overcome the current crisis? It is necessary to create conditions for excellent talents to ride horses. For this, active efforts at the level of the Korea Horse Racing Association are needed. Specifically, there may be efforts to establish

  37. “Champline” is scheduled to participate in this year’s Grand Prix… Two-year-olds, “Younghee’s Era” and “Durebak of Gyeongju” are also expected. “I want to remain as an example of horse racing.” Reporter Hwang In-sung = Star horses that represent Korean horse racing, such as Choi Byung-bu of “Triple Nine,” “Unbeatable to Party,” and Jeong Young-sik of “Indie Band,” are familiar figures 일본경마사이트 beyond horse racing fans due to their excellent performance and winning prize money. Interviews about horse racing face-to-face will naturally focus on popular horse racing face-to-face. However, it is also true that most horse-to-face interviews are becoming a sustainable driving force for the horse industry, while maintaining the status quo or risking their own losses rather than making huge profits through investment in horse racing. Although this face-to-face interview is not a popular face-to-face interview, it is an interview with Ryu Joo-young, who has been recording good performance gradually through steady

  38. On November 26, I met Ryu Maju at the Maju-sil in the deputy police of Let’s Run Park to shed light on the life of Korean horses and horses that he thinks are Korean horses and horses. How did they come to face each other? I debuted as Maju-dong in 2012. I was interested in the world because I was in the position of running a business, and I read about four to five copies of the newspaper every day 일본경마사이트 . At that time, I was interested in the “horse industry” when I saw newspaper articles saying that the country would foster the horse industry in a policy. I thought that if Korea also enters the ranks of advanced countries, the “horse industry” could develop into an industry. I thought it would be good to buy a horse in person, buy a ranch in Jeju, raise a horse, and meet face-to-face. So, I bought a horse and faced a racehorse. It would be better when I became 60-70 and entered my retirement life. Since I have to keep my brain spinning from studying horse pedigree to analyzing horse races, I thought it would be

  39. He also stressed that the person who leads the counter-measure committee is fighting against the free democratic order, and that left-wing groups that ignore laws and institutions should disappear. In the second statement, the Parents’ Association of Public Education announced that it would inform society of the illegal leftist joint action and the reality of the residents’ countermeasure committee and accuse politicians 인터넷경마 of politics as a video race track. Earlier on August 12, the National Parents’ Association for True Education said in a statement, “Stop the operation of video gambling sites that threaten student safety and the educational environment immediately,” adding, “We are thoroughly ignoring the public nature of protecting the environment around the school by focusing only on the benefits of running video gambling sites.”

  40. It is known that he has actively invested in horses. How much did he invest? When I ran a business before I ran it, I thought I should invest rather than make money for the first five years. Generally, horses start running as racehorses from the age of 2 and run for about 5 years until the age of 7, but the decision was to watch 일본경마사이트 and experience the entire age cycle of racehorses at least once. So I invested 2 billion won in the beginning and spent about 1 billion won more in the middle. This year, which has been five years since its debut in 2012, something is going well. How do you choose when you buy a horse? At first, I didn’t know much about horses, so I only listened to people and bought horses, but there were many failures. In the two to three years, I studied a lot based on such failures. First of all, I studied a lot about the lineage of horses, which is more important than anything else, and changed the way I chose horses. I have learned what kind of good bloodlines there are on domestic ranches,

  41. The National Horse Racing Management Workers’ Union (Chairman Park Bong-cheol) announced on the 14th that it would put the brakes on the implementation of horse racing before Chuseok by announcing a statement (with labor but no wages?!) and issuing a Mapil novo (unilateral blocking of the implementation of Chuseok horse racing). In a statement, the management workers’ union claimed that “the public enterprise, the Horse Association, is forcing no-work wages.” The Horse Association planned and announced an unprecedented인터넷경마 Chuseok race, but the implementation unilaterally pushed for additional horse racing without discussion with the relevant parties during Chuseok, which has not been customary. It also claimed that unilateral overtime work, which is done without agreement by the administration, violates the Labor Standards Act and ignores it even though it has received administrative guidance from the Labor Administration urging compliance with collective agreements.

  42. In the past, there were many cases of purchasing horses only by listening to the opinion of one assistant teacher, but the results seemed good as I bought the words recommended over the course of several assistant teachers. It’s my own know-how I got after paying a high examination fee for two to three years. How involved are you in horse management? I don’t tell the assistant teachers about horse management. At first 일본경마사이트 , I didn’t know well, so I asked them to do this and that, but now they are different. If you interfere too much, a situation may arise that touches each other’s self-esteem, and mutual trust does not build at all. Therefore, I tend not to interfere at all. However, there is one thing that can be considered interference, and it is the part where horses are fed. I always talk about it when I go to the horse shop because I have the belief that I run well only when I eat good or bad words. Everything else is left to the assistant teachers freely. It is up to the assistant teachers to decide who to

  43. On the 23rd, the union of the horse managers of the Pukyong National Police Agency decided to strike. I don’t know exactly why the strike was decided, but I think the strike itself is wrong. Anyway, the fact that it goes on strike is proof that it was wrong during the negotiation process. Whether it’s an assistant teacher or a horse manager, they have to gather and come up with the best plan, so I don’t understand why they’re going on strike 일본경마사이트 . Everyone didn’t sincerely engage in negotiations for their own benefit. It’s not just anyone’s fault, but everyone is at fault. The horse society, the assistant teacher, and the horse manager are all at fault. They should never go on strike. For the development of horse racing, everyone should make concessions little by little, and solve the problem as soon as possible by making good plans. The strike may be able to express my opinion right away, but it will also negatively affect the horse racing industry. Not only from an objective standpoint, not from a horse race,

  44. He also stressed that the person who leads the counter-measure committee is fighting against the free democratic order, and that left-wing groups that ignore laws and institutions should disappear. In the second statement, the Parents’ Association of Public Education announced that it would inform society of the illegal leftist joint action and the reality of the residents’ countermeasure committee and accuse politicians of 인터넷경마 politics as a video race track. Earlier on August 12, the National Parents’ Association for True Education said in a statement, “Stop the operation of video gambling sites that threaten student safety and the educational environment immediately,” adding, “We are thoroughly ignoring the public nature of protecting the environment around the school by focusing only on the benefits of running video gambling sites.”

  45. The Horse Racing Association issued a statement expressing its concerns about the direct employment of horse managers. Is there any impact on direct employment? Of course. Wherever you look in the advanced countries of horse racing around the world, there is no place that takes the form of direct employment. Nevertheless, it is a wrong idea to demand direct employment. Rather, it would be a 일본경마사이트 backward step, not a development of horse racing. Rather, I think efforts should be made to make up for the shortcomings by referring to the institutional system currently implemented in Let’s Run Park Seoul rather than direct employment. Most of the horses are not making much profit. What do you think is the role of the horses? They say that the minds of the horses should change first rather than their roles. Although they have invested, there are many horses that make profits right away when they have to wait and see for a certain period of time. Such accidents are wrong. A lot of improvement is needed.

  46. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = While the public verification of candidates recommended for the 2017 Government Award of Merit in Livestock Advancement is in progress until December 4, Moon Yoon-young, head of the Horse Industry Promotion Department of the Korea Racing Authority, is the only candidate in the horse industry. Chief Moon Yoon-young, who became a recommendation 일본경마사이트 candidate on behalf of the horse industry among a total of 13 candidates, has been in charge of planning and policies in the horse industry, including the head of the horse industry planning team and the head of the production promotion team. Chief Moon Yoon-young’s major achievements are the establishment of a comprehensive plan to foster the horse industry for industrial utilization and job creation at the end of 2008 to establish the first comprehensive plan to foster the horse industry and support the implementation of domestic youth horseback riding to create future demand for the horse industry,

  47. The Horse Racing Association issued a statement expressing its concerns about the direct employment of horse managers. Is there any impact on direct employment? Of course. Wherever you look in the advanced countries of horse racing around the world, there is no place that takes the form of direct employment. 일본경마사이트 Nevertheless, it is a wrong idea to demand direct employment. Rather, it would be a backward step, not a development of horse racing. Rather, I think efforts should be made to make up for the shortcomings by referring to the institutional system currently implemented in Let’s Run Park Seoul rather than direct employment. Most of the horses are not making much profit. What do you think is the role of the horses? They say that the minds of the horses should change first rather than their roles. Although they have invested, there are many horses that make profits right away when they have to wait and see for a certain period of time. Such accidents are wrong. A lot of improvement is needed.

  48. It is true that managers, who have become commonplace to go to work early in the morning, have deteriorated their working conditions due to the implementation of long-term sunset horse racing and conservation racing. On the other hand, it is also true that everyone knows that they will implement Chuseok horse racing by announcing the implementation plan in advance at the beginning of the year. Although everyone knows that Chuseok horse racing will be implemented, the pain over the implementation of Chuseok horse racing is not expected to be easily 인터넷경마
    calmed while sticking to the position of each side running in parallel lines. On August 18, the Parents’ Association of Public Education Saving Public Education, Citizens’ Union of Public Education, and the Yoo Gwan-soon Mother’s Association raised the issue in a statement, saying, “The union’s mobilization of students is a bigger social problem than the burn horse.”

  49. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Lee Yong-joon = While the public verification of candidates recommended for the 2017 Government Award of Merit in Livestock Advancement is in progress until December 4, Moon Yoon-young, head of the Horse Industry Promotion Department of the Korea Racing Authority, is 일본경마사이트 the only candidate in the horse industry. Chief Moon Yoon-young, who became a recommendation candidate on behalf of the horse industry among a total of 13 candidates, has been in charge of planning and policies in the horse industry, including the head of the horse industry planning team and the head of the production promotion team. Chief Moon Yoon-young’s major achievements are the establishment of a comprehensive plan to foster the horse industry for industrial utilization and job creation at the end of 2008 to establish the first comprehensive plan to foster the horse industry and support the implementation of domestic youth horseback riding to create future demand for the horse industry,

  50. It contributed to the creation of demand for the horse industry by producing and distributing standard manuals for the introduction of horseback riding sports, and job support by opening an employment support center for the horse industry at the end of 2016. With the expansion of the horse industry, the number of student horseback riding experiences increased from 11,929 in 2013 일본경마사이트 to 38,626 in 2016, and the number of youth horseback riding groups increased from 16 to 102 and the number of participants in the riding ability certification system increased from 294 to 558. Above all, the number of regular horseback riding population also increased significantly from 25,000 in 2011 to 47,471 as of 2016. In addition, Director Moon Yoon-young attended major academic conferences and on-site discussions and made efforts to inform the Korean horse society and government policies through presentations. He is evaluated to have contributed greatly to the establishment of the horse industry in the field by holding

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