“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Lee Ja-kyung, who is the youngest 24-year-old Jangjeonsa in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province, learned the job while working part-time at the Let’s Run Culture Sympathy Center in Gwangju. “Although I have a hard time, I have no worries about the future because I have my own skills,” Lee said after dropping out of college. Lee has a dream to become the best Jangjeonsa in Korea. Lee said, “If you have good 일본경마사이트 technology, you will be relieved of all fatigue when you see horses with horseshoe that you have worked so hard to complete walking comfortably.” So far, Jangjeonsa has two ways of obtaining a certificate by going through the national qualification exam or the training course of the Korean Horse Association. After passing the national qualification exam, it was possible to ride a horse and acquire a certificate through the training course of the Korean Horse Association. However, only those who pass the national qualification examination can participate in the Jangje examination as the qualification

  2. In commemoration of the 4th anniversary of the founding of , I met Professor Kim Hak-shin at Sejong University on the 16th and talked about the Horse Industry from the perspective of educators. I heard that Korea will open a graduate master’s course specializing in the Horse Industry for the first time. That’s right. 일본경마사이트 Starting from the fall semester, I will open a master’s course in the Horse Industry for the first time in Korea. I promoted it while studying the Department of Sports Industry at Sejong University Graduate School of Industrial Science. The Department of Sports Industry prepared four majors: Horse Industry Management, Sports Marketing, Sports Medicine, and Sports Tourism. I really wanted to develop the horse industry into a true industry. If the industry wants to develop, the group of experts in the field should increase. In that respect, it is very meaningful to open a graduate master’s course specialized in the Horse Industry. What kind of curriculum

  3. For example, in the course of law-related courses, students study law related to the horse industry, and in the course of learning history, they learn culture and history of the horse industry as a whole. I heard that Sejong University’s Graduate School of Industry has another advantage. It is 일본경마사이트 conducted remotely through the Internet. It is possible to comfortably receive education anytime, anywhere, beyond time and space. Whether you are abroad or in the provinces, if you have a will, you can learn enough. If you want to learn the Korean language industry even abroad, such as China and Southeast Asia, you are not limited by space conditions. Since the curriculum can be conducted from a distance, even leaders who are training in the field can obtain a master’s degree without coming to the classroom. And it is also possible to graduate by completing major courses instead of graduation thesis. How can you take a master’s degree course? The master’s course in the Horse Industry, which will debut from the fall

  4. Our graduate school offers a variety of scholarship benefits and has a variety of majors, so it would be good to choose from them. Semester tuition is also as low as 3.7 million won. And after completing your master’s course, you can get preferential treatment when entering Sejong University’s doctoral program. What is the “horse industry” like from the 일본경마사이트 perspective of a marketing expert and educator? In order for the horseback riding industry to grow and develop, local horse riding courses must have their own grade classification. And the appropriate level of service provision and marketing should also be done together. Relevant organizations should prepare standards for industrial standardization, and educational institutions such as schools should ensure that standardized services are provided to consumers through active educational programs. Only then can the overall image of the horse industry rise and develop. Horse riding courses also need improvement. When you go to a horse riding course, you are in

  5. He is also the CEO of horseback riding culture since 2014. What is the CEO course of horseback riding culture? This course teaches corporate CEOs and opinion leaders about horseback riding’s attractiveness and proper horseback riding culture so that they can contribute to vitalization of the horseback riding consumption culture and become a driving일본경마사이트 force for development. As for horseback riding, I heard that it is quasi-professional. Although I am not an expert or a worker in the horse industry, I am just an important person while listening to special lectures by outside experts in the horse industry. It would be embarrassing to say that I am a semi-professional. As I was working as a guidance professor to help students safely and properly receive horseback riding classes, I gradually learned it with my body. Are there any regrets while conducting horse industry education including horseback riding? Just as entrepreneurs contributed to vitalization of golf, entrepreneurs must take the lead in order to

  6. The year of martial arts (戊戌) 2018 has just dawned. I wish you all the best in the horse industry and all the people across the country a wonderful year. The year 2017 was a sad year of regression, not growth, in relation to the horse industry. In particular, some cases, such as Choi Soon-sil’s manipulation of state affairs and Jeong Yura’s preferential treatment 일본경마사이트 for horse riding, caused even more damage to the owners of horse riding facilities nationwide in difficult conditions. In addition, it was a disappointing and unfortunate year for professional horse riding producers and horse breeding farmers. Historically, the year of martial arts is a year when eventful events are concluded and combined. It is said that the year when the soil and soil meet and mix together is the year when the big soil and alcohol like Mt. 戊 meet and it is the Year of the Golden Dog!! The Year of the Golden Dog. I hope that the year of martial arts will be a hopeful and developing year for everyone related to the horse industry.

  7. I’m Park Yoon-kyung, a representative Korean equestrian. The year of 2017 was the Year of the Red Chicken. Perhaps that’s why there was a candlelight vigil and a big change in the nation. Unfortunately, at the center of it, the Korean equestrian industry, among others, ‘horse race’ was the headline in the news and delivered bad images of equestrianism on a daily basis. An incident caused tremendous damage 일본경마사이트 to the entire equestrian industry, which forced many people, including myself, to overcome a very difficult time. Through the first comprehensive equestrian plan, the Korean equestrian industry, which had been growing rapidly, has come an unforeseen ordeal, but I think that this has provided an opportunity to publicize the unfamiliar area of ‘horse race’ to the public. Of course, noise marketing has created a bad image and it takes a lot of time to recover. The equestrian industry is steadily growing in developed countries. In the past, the industrial structure focused on the horse racing industry

  8. A new morning has dawned for the promising 2018 戊戌 of Martial Arts. A new beginning inspires us to have hope and expectation, and ignites challenges and enthusiasm. I wish all of you good health and happiness in the New Year. I am deeply grateful to farmers and government officials who have overcome the hardships that hit agricultural and rural areas such as drought, hail, and avian influenza (AI) in the past year. 일본경마사이트 This year, our agricultural and rural areas are also facing major changes and challenges such as expansion of market opening, climate change, and aging. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which causes innovative changes in the national system, society, and life in general, is also coming in. However, these changes and challenges can be a new opportunity depending on how we accept and utilize them. Seungpoong Parang (乘風破浪). We should not shrink and prepare for the future more boldly in difficult times, such as the idiom meaning “blowing wind blows through the waves.”

  9. Second, we will secure future growth engines for our agricultural industry and lead job creation by integrating the 4th Industrial Revolution convergence technology. We will lead the innovative growth of our agriculture by spreading Korean-style smart farms that can improve productivity and quality and reduce labor. To this end, we will develop precision growth management software by combining the standardization 일본경마사이트 of smart farm technology, big data, and artificial intelligence with agriculture, and foster about 100 smart agricultural experts every year to create a smart agricultural ecosystem. In order to increase the competitiveness of the bio-industry by actively fostering the seed industry and agricultural biotechnology, we will establish a safety evaluation foundation, strengthen safety management, and expand communication with the public. We will develop high value-added functional materials such as food and medicine using agricultural and livestock products such as insects, while strengthening research

  10. The year 2018 is the Year of the Golden Dog. Dogs are regarded as another family member as they are the friendliest companion animals to humans. Rural development officials will come closer to farmers and the public with the familiarity of dogs and listen to the voices of the field to put them into practice. We will continue to innovate the way we work to establish an organizational culture that values the field and customers. 일본경마사이트 We will strengthen communication with the field by thinking from the perspective of farmers and the public and reflecting the voices of consumers from the planning stage of the project. This year, the Winter Olympics, a global festival, will be held in Pyeongchang, Korea. In preparation for the Olympics, we will actively support farmers and the public to participate in the event by thoroughly preventing livestock diseases such as AI and strengthening technical support on-site to improve the livestock environment such as the smell of livestock. Government officials of rural development

  11. I wanted to go to a physical education college with the goal of becoming a physical education teacher because I like sports. I got hurt on the day I took the physical education entrance exam and decided to retake it. While retaking the exam, my father advised me again, “I learned how to ride horseback riding in high school, so try riding again on the weekend.” It 일본경마사이트 was so much fun to start horseback riding again and I found the interest I lost. I decided to go back to the horse industry and decided to enter Seorabeol University because I wanted to save my major. Rehabilitation horse instructor, horse trainer, life and sports instructor level 2, and horseback riding instructor. How I passed all these exams when I was a freshman in college I believed that I would get a certificate because I rode a horse for more than three years. However, I failed in practice. After I failed to become a rehabilitation horse instructor, I rode a horse unconditionally even on a tiresome, cold, and unpleasant day, thinking, “

  12. Rehabilitation horseback riding is an area I was interested in when I entered the school. Every Wednesday, students come to take rehabilitation horseback riding classes, and at the beginning of the semester, I applied for volunteers and gained a lot of experience by helping them. In the second semester 일본경마사이트 of the first year, I prepared for the second class demonstration test for rehabilitation horseback riding. At that time, Professor Geum-ran Park and Instructor Song Yeon-hee kindly explained and demonstrated next to me, helping me to teach myself a lot. As the intimacy of the students receiving rehabilitation horseback riding increased and the burden of classes decreased, the worry and tension about the test decreased. Currently, people around me are asking if I have any thoughts of challenging the funeral, but I am still scared to challenge it because I see a lot of horses making a fuss while doing it. The hardest thing was riding the dot horse. My classmates’ skills are improving, and I came from riding

  13. In addition, I believe that it has contributed greatly to the development of horse racing magazines and even professional newspapers by taking the initiative in establishing an advanced horse racing culture, including horse racing fans and
    assistants.Now that readers can easily hide the good and bad of professional media through various platforms, we should be more conscious of readers and make improved professional newspapers.I hope that the horse racing culture newspaper will continue to devote itself to the formation of the right horse culture as a good guide and a cool critic and a good proposer without losing its founding spirit.

  14. It’s something we don’t think about our horse riders and horse riders. What they said at the press conference was not as a whole of us horse riders, but as victims. In other words, it does not combine the opinions of all horse riders.That’s right. Not long ago, there was a chairman’s boat riding competition in Sangju, and the competition held a general meeting of the athletes’ association. We briefed the players on the press인터넷경마 conference held at the National Assembly and talked about how to deal with it at the players’ association. After watching the video of the press conference, we decided to correct only the wrong parts and express our players’ opinions. This is not a matter of fighting. In the evening, executives gathered together to summarize and organize the stories from the general meeting.

  15. I asked for an interview because I had a different opinion from our players on some of the contents. Among the contents of the statement, I cannot agree at all with Samsung and Hanwha to leave the equestrian world. I don’t know if there is any other definite way to deal with the Horseback Riding Association or executives, but I don’t think about responding emotionally to this situation without any solution.This is the part that called for the resignation of Samsung, the current chairman of the Equestrian Association. The athletes are grateful that a large company called Samsung supports them by taking the chairmanshiphttp://horsesite77.com of the Korea Equestrian Association. Horseback riding is an unpopular sport, but it has invested and contributed to the development of Korean horseback riding. If Samsung steps down from the chairman’s office right now, how will the equestrian association operate right away, and how will next year’s competition be held? It is absurd to demand Samsung’s resignation without any countermeasures.

  16. At first, I was thinking about making a presentation in the form of a statement, but I thought it didn’t seem to fit the current situation. When I issued the statement, I was concerned that another point of view would arise, and that it would be controversial. So, I wanted to accurately convey only our intentions through the Horse Industry Journal.There are many media reports regarding the contents of the press conference. Of course,
    some are true, but most are speculative reports. For equestrian athletes, such speculative reports are not good. Due to the Choi Soon-sil incident, the perception of horseback riding itself is bad, and speculative reports lead to a misunderstanding that horseback riding is originally like that. It’s not just the horse rider who watches the knights.

  17. The Jeju mountain horse was given the name “Hallama,” and the Jeju Horseback Riding Park was opened in 2010. He rented a joint ranch in Jangjeon-ri, Aewol-eup, ran the ranch인터넷경마 on 330,000 pyeong of grasslands, cleaned up the poop, and started to cultivate Hallama. “It was to take responsibility for what I said. Even the athletes acknowledged the excellence and real value of Hallama, but some of them turned a blind eye to its appearance. As a fielder, I decided to invest in horse and software.”

  18. This is a process to enhance the value of the horse and an attempt to vitalize Korean tourism and horseback riding. Therefore, officials from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism who make policy decisions have also accepted the project to take charge of the tertiary industry of the horse industry, and the event will be held with the approval of the minister and the president. The government is also looking into the possibility of holding a endurance competition at the 2014 Asian Games to be held in Incheon next year. Seo, who is also an advisor on horseback 인터넷경마
    riding at the Incheon Asian Games, said, “After consultation with the mayor of Incheon, we will decide whether to hold the Asian Games endurance competition in October.” It is a great achievement of the failure of Korea’s leading horseback riding associations, organizations and organizations to do so.

  19. “I traveled around the world and learned from watching trends in the horseback riding industry and contents of competitions, and Korea was at the level of chicks at that time. 인터넷경마 The number of horses that stopped short, and workers only kicked off ‘ticket’ (ticket). Only horse riding and obstacle competitions were held. Something was going wrong.”

  20. It also suggested that measures will be taken to improve the horse racing tax system to raise the customer refund rate, to expand the leisure tax collection grant so that incentives can go to the basic local governments where the over-the-counter branch is located, and to find ways to use the livestock development fund and special reserves to improve the image of the Korean Horse Association and horse racing. In response, Professor Yang said that he refers to a person who can see and handle everything from the birth of a horse to death. Professor Yang Jae-hyuk from Jeju Island is a “Jeju Tong” who grew up looking at horses before 인터넷경마 dogs and obtained a doctorate in veterinary medicine from Jeju National University. After joining the KRA Korean Horse Association, he worked as a horse veterinarian at Jeju Ranch and Pukyong Horse Park. He succeeded in isolating the virus that causes sexually transmitted diseases of seed horses for the first time in Korea and received a doctorate.

  21. Another acquaintance said, “A person who did not spare any effort for the development of horseback riding in our country left us. I did my best to cultivate my juniors by hiding my chronic disease, but I chose a lonely path. It’s an inevitable path for 인터넷경마 anyone, but the pain is huge because it was too fast.” Meanwhile, at the funeral hall of the Seollan Forest in Yongin, where the mortuary was held, Jeong Seong-gyu, secretary-general of the National Riding Association for Sports, Lee Kun-joo and Jeon Jae-hee, and other elite equestrian athletes, including living and sports riders, continued to pay their respects.

  22. Until now, overwhelming interest has been shown in other public proposals. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister’s Office initially requested that the proposal be processed, but during the processing process, the processing department was assigned to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the working department was assigned to the Planning and General Division of the meandering industry integrated supervision committee. It is incomprehensible that the meandering industry ship supervisory committee, which is subject to improvement, was entrusted with인터넷경마 practical processing. In response, representative Kim Moon-young recruited joint proposers on a first-come, first-served basis and applied for a public proposal again on July 31 with Ji-seop, head of the Seoul Racing Authority, Kang Young-jong, head of the Korea Racing Authority, Kim Byung-jin, head of the Seoul Regional Headquarters, and Choi Gwi-cheol, head of the Horse Industry Promotion Agency.

  23. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Hwang In-sung = The Yongin Pony Horse Racing Club Choi Tae-hoon and Park Sun-young, who announced the best practices of horse riding experience operation at the “2018 Gyeonggi Province Horse Industry Development Workshop”, are just over 30 years 일본경마사이트 old. Among the horse riding operators who attended the workshop on this day, they were young, but they were drawing a firm philosophy, know-how, and blueprint for their Pony Horse Racing Project. In addition, we listened to the stories of Choi Tae-hoon and Park Sun-young, who were also the ones who won the grand prize in the Horse Racing Club of the Year category at the end of 2017. At the end of 2017, they won the Horse Racing Club of the Year award at the Industrial Awards. I didn’t even think of how I felt about winning the award, but I was glad to hear that they were selected. It seems that they recognize us and acknowledge us because we worked hard. Thank you for giving us this award.

  24. They are trying to find services tailored to the consumer, such as offering huge discounts during the hot or cold season and giving delicious snacks such as ice cream and beverages to children’s customers who visit the horseback riding club. They seem to communicate comfortably and communicate with each other because they are young business owners and are around the same age as their parents. What mad 일본경마사이트 e them decide to run the horse-related horse riding business? I was thinking about what to do before graduating from college and thought about the ‘children’s horse riding business using pony’. Since my father was a child, raising livestock such as deer, pigs, and goats, so I had no problem raising animals, and I learned horse riding as an elective in college. When he learned horse riding the same way, the horse riding instructor gave him a compliment after seeing that he learned it faster than other friends. The instructor even asked him if he would help him work at the horse riding field at the time of the

  25. Do you know where to sell horses that have been produced? Pony is a farm that looks like an experience farm but is sold a lot. The horse that was bred by crossing Hanramar and Womblude is so good that we don’t sell it now. It is a very good horse, so we have no intention of selling it. Hanramar is sold a lot at horse riding sites. As it is located outdoors in our 일본경마사이트 horseback riding club, Korean horses are not surprised by the familiarity with the sight of forklifts and dump trucks sometimes. Prior to the 2018 regular general meeting of the Gyeonggi Horse Development Council, a ceremony was held to award the Grand Prize to the horse industry. Choi Tae-hoon, CEO of Yongin Piney Club (right), who is receiving the award, and Kim Ki-cheon, chairman of the Gyeonggi Horse Development Council (left), are also having a “visiting horse riding experience.” What happened? The horse riding experience started in 2013 when he visited a camping site. I was just thinking about it, but now the scope of activities has widened.

  26. l is titled, ‘It is effective to amend the Act of the integrated meandering industry supervision committee to the 인터넷경마 Act of the illegal meandering supervision for fostering the underground economy’.

  27. It is also necessary for the horseback riding course to try to find a breakthrough on its own. Most horse riding courses receive support related to student horseback riding. If this support is cut off, it is heard that most of the horse riding courses will fail. The support cannot be continued until when and the horse riding business operator has to develop his 일본경마사이트 or her own strength. If the support continues, we will not make an effort. Our horse riding course does not receive support for student horseback riding, but it is operating well. It is thanks to the hard work. What I felt on the field is that it is an area that has potential if I work hard. What is the content of presenting the best practices of horse riding experience at the 2018 Horse Industry Development Workshop? The business started with 3 horses at the beginning, but now it is 23 horses including medium-sized horses. Explain the process of growth from the beginning to the present. We really jumped with our bodies. There were times when it was

  28. The horse industry also needs storytelling,” Yang said. Kim Hoon, a former journalist and author of topical works such as “Knife’s Song,” “Black Mountain” and “Tired of Making Meals,” recently met Professor Yang Jae-hyuk and asked for advice on horses. What is “horse” to Professor Yang Jae-hyuk? At first, he said he was scared of horses he had seen in his hometown.인터넷경마 It was because horses were always “silent” and large animals. So it felt amazing. He was a veterinary student at Jeju National University who was revived in 1989 and talked about horses since his undergraduate days. Professor Yang introduced various books by reciting details on how to make horse meat edible, the history of the domestic horse industry, and myths.

  29. [Horse Industry Journal] Hwang In-sung = Among the contents of the “Second Comprehensive Plan for Promotion of the Horse Industry” announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this year, “Providing a Safe Riding and Training of Horse Racing Authority” is considered a key task. To achieve this goal, the Korea Racing Authorit 일본경마사이트 y, which is dedicated to fostering the horse industry, is conducting a project to invite instructors from the Japanese Crane Riding Club Serimachi as instructors to receive advanced racing and training techniques. The company aims to capture the know-how of the Crane Riding Club, which is currently the world’s best in racing and training horse racing, in accordance with the domestic situation. Of course, Korea did not have any racing and training technology to use a horse as a horse. Until the mid-1990s, dirty bread, which was mainly used as a racehorse at racetracks, was used as a horse for horse racing by itself. However, as Europe’s warm blood began to be

  30. However, this year, we plan to gather horses and trainees of different levels and dispositions at different horse riding courses across the country and apply customized teaching programs. The key is to shift the center of gravity of the horse to the back, is today’s education part of that? In the case of horseback riding, the balance should be flat or at the 일본경마사이트 back. The key is to improve the balance in order to convert the horse racing horse into a horse racing horse. Going from back to front means faster, and the horse racing horse uses its body with this familiar balance. However, in order to switch to horse racing, it is necessary to change it to a shallow and stable rhythm, and it is important to improve the balance in education. Is there any difference from ordinary horse racing? There is no big difference, but the key goal is to find a sense of stability and calmness through horse racing training. The goal is not to make sure that the horse is not afraid of the person standing in the center when rowing,

  31. Running in a hurry is the worst, and maintaining a constant speed with a stable rhythm is the best. Is there any educational material in Japan that trains and trains racetracks with horseback riding? First of all, there is no such educational material. Many horse experts have different know-how, and they train them in the way they do. I don’t think there is a separate answer to education. Each horse has a variety of speech types, so a collective manual is meaningless. For example, there are words that are insensitive to reactions, 일본경마사이트 while there are words that are sensitive, and if there is a horse whose head is naturally at the top, there are words at the bottom. I don’t think there is a correct answer, so I don’t make a separate manual. Also, Japanese language experts are reluctant to manualize related know-how. There is a concern that someone else may raise an objection because the moment you characterize know-how is seen as ‘this is the correct answer’. If it is a metaphorically mathematical formula,

  32. The only group of athletes who will compete in the steeplechase is the level of the second division of the Korean national team that will compete in the World Horseriding Championship, so I don’t think it will be easy for Japan to win a gold medal. The player has yet to decide on the dressage. I think a team with the same level as the 2014 Incheon Asian Games will be 일본경마사이트 set up. Korea and India are likely to compete for gold, while Japan will likely compete for bronze. Recently, I heard that China is investing heavily in dressage. A lot of good dressage horses are imported from Europe. Horses are important for Japanese horses. The level of Japanese horses is higher than that of Korea. I know that the price of Korean horses in various competitions such as the Asian Games is more than twice that of Japanese horses. In Korea, the price of horses for athletes to ride varies, and some athletes go to the U.S. or Europe to receive individual training. However, most Japanese athletes work in Japan and participate in

  33. Daemyung Group (Chairman Park Chun-hee) has been hosting the largest horse riding festival in Korea every May since 2015. In addition, it has attracted CSI3*, an international obstacle riding competition, to create new cultural contents that combine horse riding and culture. Among them, Kim Hong-cheol, a former coach of the national horse riding team 일본경마사이트 , is a key figure. He did not leave the site for three days even during the Daemyung Cup, and even explained the obstacle course to the visitors. He met with Kim Hong-cheol, who has a special affection for horse riding, and talked about ‘Mayon-a-horse’ and horse riding. It is the third time that ‘Mayon-a-horse’ has been held. The largest horse riding festival in Korea is held every May with massive support from Daemyung Group, and to what purpose is the competition held? “Mayon-a-horse” started with the hope of raising public interest in horse riding, a healing sport. In particular, “Mayon-a-horse” tried to learn the advanced trends of Europe, the home of horse

  34. However, until the breeding season was over, there was no significant disruption as the breeding season was completed without any further accidents. The horse production industry is being affected more by the decline in horse racing sales due to the economic downturn and regulations on the horse racing industry. The highest bid price is renewed at the auction, but on the contrary, the winning bid rate is lowered일본경마사이트 and the number of horses not selling is increasing, resulting in an increase in relative losses. Although it is acting as a factor for raising horse prices due to the increased burden of securing excellent seed mares for the production of superior horses, increasing the cost of selecting seed mares, and transferring various supports to the private sector, it is difficult because the horse price is limited.

  35. Daemyung Group, which has been steadily investing in and supporting horseback riding, must be disappointed. Whether it will continue to provide assistance for horseback riding in the future? It is true that the horseback riding industry has slowed down for a while due to the Choi 일본경마사이트 Soon-sil scandal. Daemyung Group also feels sorry for the students of horseback riding who think that going to college is a means. However, Daemyung is striving not to lose its original intention as a “mayon-a-horse” in addition to expanding its base for horseback riding. It plans to continue to develop sports-cultural encounters without being swayed by any drafts. Kim Hong-cheol, former coach of the Korean horseback riding team, did not leave the site for the entire three days of the 2017 Daemyung Cup CSI3*. Prior to the obstacle race, he continued to explain the obstacle course to the visitors, showing his passion for horseback riding. Unlike last year, this year’s “Mayon-a-horse” will hold a competition at the Sonopelice Horse

  36. He is 26 years old this year. He is a ranch representative at a young age, but he seems to be still young to run a ranch. I have to learn from a lot of experience, but there are many difficulties because I have to run it myself. I lack the knowledge and experience in manpower management 일본경마사이트 or government policy required to run a ranch. I thought I knew and studied horses well, but growing them myself was different from what I thought. I dreamed of running around and relaxing with horses. However, the reality is that there are many difficulties because there are many things to do other than horse management, such as grasslands management, facility management, and government support. Currently, I am receiving help from people who have a lot of experience in speaking to my father and people around me. Because I am young, I have the advantage of being passionate about working. I can do things for my words without worrying about this and that. I am still lacking a lot right now, so I am trying to gain as much

  37. How I got to raise a horse In 2014, an acquaintance recommended my father to run a racehorse. My father met me and told me to study horses. At that time, I was studying the Department of Livestock Management, Distribution and Economics at Konkuk University, and I thought I should ride a horse to study horses. While riding a horse, I began to 일본경마사이트 communicate directly with horses. As I touched and raged on the horse myself, I fell in love with horses without realizing it. I always watched books and videos related to horses, and looked for various educational programs and dreamed of raising horses. After graduating from university, I joined the Jeju Promotion Ranch as a contract worker. While working, I learned and learned by seeing many things related to horses. After the contract was over, I started to develop horses in earnest. As I interacted with horses while riding, I fell in love with them without realizing it. Where did you study horses? From my third year of college until graduation, I took horseback

  38. The following is a compilation of the talks in a question-and-answer format. We wonder if the plan was인터넷경마 implemented to combine the horses of the Korean Racing Authority members’ farms and ranches during this breeding season. If there is anything remarkable, please listen to it together.

  39. As the Korean racing industry continues to vigorously advance to the world, this time the top Korean racing jockey has stepped up. The “Hwangtae” of the Korean racing industry departed from Singapore on May 7 and began adapting to the race at the Kranji Racecourse from May 8. Marking the 17th anniversary of his debut this year, the jockey’s entry into 일본경마사이트 Singapore stems from his willingness to challenge himself rather than settling down in the present. When he expressed his intention to advance to overseas markets late last year, the Korean Racing Authority also actively cooperated with the Singapore Tough Club (STC). Despite challenging conditions such as strict introduction conditions and allocation of riders in Singapore, he was able to obtain a short-term license on February 20. Singapore is an “advanced Asian racing country” classified as part 2 country by the International Racing Classification Committee (ICSC), and is considerably ahead of Korea in terms of horse racing and internationalization.

  40. Listening to the progress, such as the systematic development process of race Jeju horses, the Korea Racing Authority, the Jeju Horse Racing Authority, and the Gyeongju Resource Management Ministry provide farm training last year following a report on the production, development, training, and nutrition management of race Jeju horses. From 2023, 일본경마사이트 Jeju horses will participate in the race alone. The current situation is that in the case of Thoroughbred, the horse racing society has invested a lot of money to produce and train them from the stage before they became racehorses. They make a lot of effort in the stage before entering the racehorse while building a long-distance runner, a Jeju ranch, and running manpower. On the other hand, there were no such efforts in the case of Jeju horses. The public’s perception of Jeju horses, even the employees of the horse racing society, is that “Jeju horses can just run with them.” Like Thoroughbred, the process of production, training, and fostering is not systematized,

  41. Hanramas producers are strongly opposed to the Korean Horse Association’s recruitment of professional horseback riding producers by importing foreign breed horses. The Korea Horse Association said in a press release on the 17th, “The Korean Horse Association ignores the policy of fostering horse riding in Jeju Hallama, which accounts for 80% of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and 60% of the country, and tries to introduce foreign imported horses,” adding, “We are 인터넷경마
    ecruiting participants even though the domestic horse infrastructure is still weak, driving Hanramas production farms to collapse.” He also pointed out, “If imported horses from abroad are difficult to secure stable profits when they are brought into Korea and are recommended for those who have side jobs or hobbies, it is for hobbies or side jobs, which is a five-year plan to foster the horse industry.”

  42. I hope that Jeong Yu-ra will not cause any damage to Amon athletic students. Most of the students have been exercising since they were young, and even now, they take time to exercise while attending school. All sports specialists don’t do it like Jung Yu-ra.I have a friend who goes to college among the students I teach now. I go to Hanyang University and I 인터넷경마 take classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. So I couldn’t come today. I will take classes tomorrow, and come to exercise after 3 p.m. I consider everything I need to work out and sign up for classes myself, and even if it’s late in the afternoon, I come and work out. Most of them are players like that. There are very few players like that who have closed schools. I would like to say that all sports specialists are not the same as Jung Yu-ra.

  43. At first, I was thinking about making a presentation in the form of a statement, but I thought it didn’t seem to fit the current situation. When I issued the statement, I was concerned that another point of view would arise, and that it would be controversial. So, I wanted to accurately convey only our intentions through the Horse Industry Journal.There are many media reports일본경마사이트 regarding the contents of the press conference. Of course, some are true, but most are speculative reports. For equestrian athletes, such speculative reports are not good. Due to the Choi Soon-sil incident, the perception of horseback riding itself is bad, and speculative reports lead to a misunderstanding that horseback riding is originally like that. It’s not just the horse rider who watches the knights.

  44. [Horse Industry Journal] Reporter Hwang In-sung = Hanraama Producers Association Chairman Kang Dong-woo, who attended the first seminar on how to strengthen manufacturers’ capacity, said that the path Hanraama should take is a Korean type of horseback riding. Amidst growing anxiety among production farmers, Hanraama was agonizing over establishing Hanra’s pedigree and creating its own demand, along 일본경마사이트 with first priority distribution improvement plans. Hanra’s story is compiled in a question-and-answer format. It has not been long since the beginning of the new year. It is a quick schedule from the new year. (Hanraama Producers Association) has been moving rapidly since the beginning of the year. As the farmers of Hanraama are in despair, they are jumping fast with the idea that they should solve the difficulties as soon as possible. The idea was to create a condition for farmers to freely raise their horses. What topics will be discussed in today’s seminar? Today, Hanra is a venue to explore the direction

  45. However, production farmers in Jeju, which is the home of Hallama, are having difficulty in securing a marketplace, and is there a solution to this? I am somewhat aware of it. Some suggestions will also be made in the plan to brand Hallama today. In addition, through the development of its own training manual, we will pay attention not only to the distribution of Hallama but also to training of Hallama. I know that about 일본경마사이트 10 people who are interested in the inland areas attended today’s seminar. Since they need to know and deal with horses, not just take them (Hallama), the association is planning to push for a guarantee to come and receive basic training from the beginning and purchase horses. I think such a project will be overwhelming on the sole power of the Hallama Producers Association. Is there cooperation from related organizations? Hallama producers are desperate. However, it is also true that Jeju Island and the Korea Racing Authority do not seem to have prepared anything special so far.

  46. However, production farmers in Jeju, which is the home of Hallama, are having difficulty in securing a marketplace, and is there a solution to this? I am somewhat aware of it. Some suggestions will also be made in the plan to brand Hallama today. In addition, through the development of its own training manual, we will pay attention not only to the distribution of Hallama but also to training of Hallama. I know that about 1 일본경마사이트 0 people who are interested in the inland areas attended today’s seminar. Since they need to know and deal with horses, not just take them (Hallama), the association is planning to push for a guarantee to come and receive basic training from the beginning and purchase horses. I think such a project will be overwhelming on the sole power of the Hallama Producers Association. Is there cooperation from related organizations? Hallama producers are desperate. However, it is also true that Jeju Island and the Korea Racing Authority do not seem to have prepared anything special so far.

  47. A hopeful new morning has dawned in the Year of the Pig. I hope that you will achieve everything you wish for, and that everyone engaged in the horse industry will be filled with health and happiness and have an exciting year. Looking back, the past year has entered the era of 30,000 일본경마사이트 U.S. dollars in national income, and the leaders of the two Koreas met three times to look forward to the expansion of economic cooperation and the hope for unification. It was the first year that the second comprehensive plan for fostering the horse industry was established and implemented in the Korean horse industry, and the student experience horseback riding project expanded significantly, providing a stepping stone for the revitalization of horse riding for future generations and the revitalization of horse riding in the field. In addition, Jeollabuk-do has been newly designated as a special horse industry zone, and it is expected that it will play a pivotal role in reversing the horse industry in the Honam region.

  48. The Year of the Pig is full of good health and blessings to all of you and your families. It is my pleasure to share the New Year’s greeting at a meaningful place to share new resolutions and resolutions in the Year of the Golden Pig, and I hope that this year will be an opportunity to witness the 일본경마사이트 development of the equestrian industry with all of you. The Korean Student Riding Association will make efforts to revitalize youth equestrianism and to create a domestic equestrian production and market structure by organizing various events to confirm their skills as horseback riding. In particular, various efforts will be made to disseminate the Korea Standard Jumping Class (hereinafter referred to as KSJC) in order to revitalize youth equestrianism. I welcome the grassroots equestrian competition, which will be held more than 20 times across the country, but I believe that it is time to upgrade youth equestrianism through qualitative development rather than quantitative expansion. The first is the spread

  49. The year 2018, which gave hope and excitement to the people, has passed with regret. Professors across the country have chosen 任 as the idiom for 2018. It is a idiom published in 泰伯篇, meaning, “The burden is heavy and there is a long way to go.” Although warm winds are blowing in South and North Korea, it seems to be a sympathetic choice considering the many domestic and international challenges that the 일본경마사이트 Korean people will have to solve in the future. Also, considering the way forward for the domestic horse industry and rehabilitation horseback riding, this idiom is also very relatable. As the lives of the general public who enjoy horseback riding and horse racing are changed through horse-raising, disabled people and their families who thirst for “rehabilitation horseback riding” are all the same, but it seems that the door has not yet been wide open in our society. However, despite these difficulties, the Korea Rehabilitation Horse Association has made two groundbreaking achievements last year.

  50. This will enhance Korea’s status as a country that has entered the ranks of advanced economies and cultures. In addition, the World Rehabilitation Riding Competition will provide an opportunity to foster and develop the Korean horse industry through rehabilitation riding that best meets the purpose 일본경마사이트 of the Horse Industry Promotion Act (contributing to the revitalization of the economy in rural and fishing villages and improving the quality of life of the people), and it is expected to bring about the effect of social integration. The integration of social classes can be expected by holding the World Conference on Rehabilitation Riding in which the disabled and those with emotional and behavioral problems, as well as the vulnerable and socially disadvantaged, can be expected. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, as well as various ministries such as the Ministry of Science and Technology (Internet Addiction), the Ministry of Leisure (Youth), the Ministry of Health and

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