“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.948 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Support is needed for the development of Gyeonggi-do’s specialized horse industry. As the chairman of the Gyeonggi Equestrian Federation, he is trying to draw support. Hwaseong-si has seven officially approved horseback riding grounds, five farmers, and the rest of the unauthorized horseback riding grounds. For the development of the horse industry, everyone must cooperate together. To do so, there are many problems to be solved, such as the revision of the Farmland Act and the KEPCO’s electricity tax collection.We should also show successful cases of horseback riding. Gyeonggi Province, which has the best position in the horse industry, should create an 온라인경마 ordinance for tourism maro, a horseback riding Olle Trail. Hwaseong-si should be specialized as a special tourist zone, such as connecting the riding course using hills, back mountains, and rice paddies according to the characteristics of each region and connecting it to a nearby horseback riding course. Please make a budget in the province and support Hwaseong City, a “special tourist zone.”

  2. It moved from Cheoncheon-ri to Wonpyeong-ri, which is 10 minutes away. It is located at the entrance of Hwaseong City and can be reached by public transportation. All facilities have been modernized, and four horse-riding courses have been prepared to ride horses according to the level of customers. In the near future, the opening ceremony will be held with the association presidential competition to commemorate the reopening. Two or 온라인경마 three colts were born from Warmblood and Halflinger, who had been brought in to secure safe riding for rehabilitation and outriding, respectively. I wanted to experiment with the fact that you can produce and train your own horses at the horseback riding course. It is urgent to secure a safe ride. Only when safe horseback riding is supported can insurance problems and current issues in the horseback riding industry be solved.

  3. However, it is difficult to expect the effect of rehabilitation horseback riding once a week and 30 minutes. He suggested to the mayor of Hwaseong that we should enter the hearts of parents of disabled children in Hwaseong, and that rehabilitation horseback riding should be activated to do so. There is also a온라인경마 need for a system where people who come to ride horses can volunteer after receiving education. Each horseback riding ground in Hwaseong City should also participate so that many children can enjoy the benefits. The province should also create a budget for rehabilitation horseback riding and provide active support. We will continue to make efforts to help all disabled children in Hwaseong to ride horses and rehabilitate them.

  4. However, it is difficult to expect the effect of rehabilitation horseback riding once a week and 30 minutes. He suggested to the mayor of Hwaseong that we should enter the hearts of parents of disabled children in Hwaseong, and that rehabilitation horseback riding should be activated to do so. There is also온라인경마 a need for a system where people who come to ride horses can volunteer after receiving education. Each horseback riding ground in Hwaseong City should also participate so that many children can enjoy the benefits. The province should also create a budget for rehabilitation horseback riding and provide active support. We will continue to make efforts to help all disabled children in Hwaseong to ride horses and rehabilitate them.

  5. Ademas, si se implementa la organizacion de carreras integradas, los caballos domesticos seran rechazados y conduciran a la quiebra de los agricultores productores, y el ultimo bastion de la industria de carreras de caballos de Corea sera derribado, y el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de Corea debe ser retirado.En la reunion general de emergencia del dia 10, la Asociacion온라인경마 de Caballos de Seul, que organizo su posicion como opositora al plan de ajuste de la innovacion de carreras de caballos, celebro una reunion el dia 15 por la tarde del dia 15. Se esta confirmando que las decisiones de otras organizaciones seran tomadas despues de las decisiones de otras organizaciones dependiendo de lo que decida la Asoci

  6. Ademas, si se implementa la organizacion de carreras integradas, los caballos domesticos seran rechazados y conduciran a la quiebra de los agricultores productores, y el ultimo bastion de la industria de carreras de caballos de Corea sera derribado, y el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de Corea debe ser retirado.En la reunion general de emergencia del dia 10, la Asociacion 온라인경마 de Caballos de Seul, que organizo su posicion como opositora al plan de ajuste de la innovacion de carreras de caballos, celebro una reunion el dia 15 por la tarde del dia 15. Se esta confirmando que las decisiones de otras organizaciones seran tomadas despues de las decisiones de otras organizaciones dependiendo de lo que decida la Asoci

  7. Ademas, si se implementa la organizacion de carreras integradas, los caballos domesticos seran rechazados y conduciran a la quiebra de los agricultores productores, y el ultimo bastion de la industria de carreras de caballos de Corea sera derribado, y el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de Corea debe 온라인경마 ser retirado.En la reunion general de emergencia del dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, que organizo su posicion como opositora al plan de ajuste de la innovacion de carreras de caballos, celebro una reunion el dia 15 por la tarde del dia 15. Se esta confirmando que las decisiones de otras organizaciones seran tomadas despues de las decisiones de otras organizaciones dependiendo de lo que decida la Asoci

  8. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de 온라인경마
    carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  9. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de 온라인경마
    Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  10. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite d일본경마사이트
    e Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  11. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion d일본경마사이트
    e carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  12. Muchos funcionarios de la Asociacion de Carreras de Caballos de Seul, que dicen que la decision de rechazar la innovacion de carreras de caballos ya esta prevista, senalan que la integracion de las montanas, el precio limite de introduccion de caballos extranjeros y la apertura del mercado de caballos pueden causar problemas serios.Despues de la reunion de emergencia, un funcionario 온라인경마 de la Asociacion Nacional de Caballos de Seul dijo: “El resultado de la reunion general de emergencia fue preguntar si aceptarian el plan de ajuste de la innovacion de carreras de caballos. Tan pronto como se establezca el Comite de Respuesta de Emergencia, intentaremos renegociar con el Consejo de Seguridad, dijo. “Aun no hemos discutido si se debe suspender la carrera.

  13. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion 온라인경마
    de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  14. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de 온라인경마
    Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  15. Por otro lado, cuando la Asociacion de Caballos de Corea anuncio oficialmente el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos al exterior, los grupos relacionados que expresaron su oposicion estan discutiendo las contramedidas con una reunion de emergEnciaencia.En primer lugar, la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Carreras de Corea (Presidente Oh Young-bok) y la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Corea (Presidente Jang Jeong-ki) 일본경마사이트
    celebraron una conferencia de prensa en la sala de residentes del Consejo de Jeju a las 10 de la manana del dia 16 y emitieron una declaracion.El grupo de productores de caballos de Gyeongju dijo en un comunicado: “Revelamos la ficcion del plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de la Sociedad de Caballos de Corea”.

  16. Por otro lado, cuando la Asociacion de Caballos de Corea anuncio oficialmente el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos al exterior, los grupos relacionados que expresaron su oposicion estan discutiendo las contramedidas con una reunion de emergEnciaencia.En primer lugar, la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Carreras de Corea (Presidente Oh Young-bok) y la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Corea (Presidente Jang Jeong-ki)일본경마사이트
    celebraron una conferencia de prensa en la sala de residentes del Consejo de Jeju a las 10 de la manana del dia 16 y emitieron una declaracion.El grupo de productores de caballos de Gyeongju dijo en un comunicado: “Revelamos la ficcion del plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de la Sociedad de Caballos de Corea”.

  17. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de온라인경마 Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  18. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite de 온라인경마 Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  19. El dia 10, la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul se nego a aceptar el plan de ajuste negociado por el Comite de Emergencia y el Consejo de Martha con 174 votos en contra y 168 votos a favor.Antes de la reunion general de emergencia, Ji Ji-seop, presidente de la Asociacion de Caballos de Seul, dijo: “La Sociedad de Caballos establecio unilateralmente un plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos, pero se consulto varias veces en el Comite 온라인경마 de Contramedidas de Emerg Como resultado de una reciente consulta con la sociedad de magia, se decidio si aceptar el contenido de la consulta, considerando que era dificil avanzar mas. No se cual sea el resultado de hoy, pero la asociacion dara prioridad a la amistad y la proteccion de los derechos de los miembros”, dijo.

  20. Por otro lado, cuando la Asociacion de Caballos de Corea anuncio oficialmente el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos al exterior, los grupos relacionados que expresaron su oposicion estan discutiendo las contramedidas con una reunion de emergEnciaencia.En primer lugar, la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Carreras de Corea (Presidente Oh Young-bok) y la 일본경마사이트
    Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Corea (Presidente Jang Jeong-ki) celebraron una conferencia de prensa en la sala de residentes del Consejo de Jeju a las 10 de la manana del dia 16 y emitieron una declaracion.El grupo de productores de caballos de Gyeongju dijo en un comunicado: “Revelamos la ficcion del plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de la Sociedad de Caballos de Corea”.

  21. Por otro lado, cuando la Asociacion de Caballos de Corea anuncio oficialmente el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos al exterior, los grupos relacionados que expresaron su oposicion estan discutiendo las contramedidas con una reunion de emergEnciaencia.En primer lugar, la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Carreras de Corea (Presidente Oh Young-bok) y la 온라인경마
    Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Corea (Presidente Jang Jeong-ki) celebraron una conferencia de prensa en la sala de residentes del Consejo de Jeju a las 10 de la manana del dia 16 y emitieron una declaracion.El grupo de productores de caballos de Gyeongju dijo en un comunicado: “Revelamos la ficcion del plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de la Sociedad de Caballos de Corea”.

  22. Por otro lado, cuando la Asociacion de Caballos de Corea anuncio oficialmente el plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos al exterior, los grupos relacionados que expresaron su oposicion estan discutiendo las contramedidas con una reunion de emergEnciaencia.En primer lugar, la Asociacion de Productores de Caballos de Carreras de Corea (Presidente Oh Young-bok) y la Asociacion온라인경마
    de Productores de Caballos de Corea (Presidente Jang Jeong-ki) celebraron una conferencia de prensa en la sala de residentes del Consejo de Jeju a las 10 de la manana del dia 16 y emitieron una declaracion.El grupo de productores de caballos de Gyeongju dijo en un comunicado: “Revelamos la ficcion del plan de innovacion de carreras de caballos de la Sociedad de Caballos de Corea”.

  23. Very informative post! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign.

  24. In a statement, Chairman Hyun said, “Korean horse racing, which boasts 93 years of history, has faced unprecedented regulatory pressure, including the expansion of over-the-counter stores and full implementation of electronic cards, with customers plunging 42% over 10 years and sales turning red.”In order to overcome the crisis, the Korea Racing Authority said it has carried 온라인경마 out internal reform over the past year, reducing employee benefits to a level that the public can understand, introducing top-down draft personnel, and focusing on abnormal normalization.The road that no one has gone, but someone has to go.” The second leap in Korean horse racing that we all make together! I believe that everyone’s courageous innovation now will bring a bright future for Korean horse racing.

  25. In a statement, Chairman Hyun said, “Korean horse racing, which boasts 93 years of history, has faced unprecedented regulatory pressure, including the expansion of over-the-counter stores and full implementation of electronic cards, with customers plunging 42% over 10 years and sales turning red.”In order to overcome the crisis, the Korea Racing Authority said it has 온라인경마 carried out internal reform over the past year, reducing employee benefits to a level that the public can understand, introducing top-down draft personnel, and focusing on abnormal normalization.The road that no one has gone, but someone has to go.” The second leap in Korean horse racing that we all make together! I believe that everyone’s courageous innovation now will bring a bright future for Korean horse racing.

  26. Korean horse racing, which boasts a 93-year history, has faced unprecedented regulatory pressure, including no expansion of over-the-counter stores and full implementation of electronic cards, with customers plunging 42% over 10 years and sales turning red.The Jockey Club has carried out internal renovations over the past year to overcome this crisis. It focused on 일본경마사이트
    normalizing abnormalities by cutting employee benefits to a level that the public is convinced of and introducing private company-level performanceism such as top-down draft personnel to strengthen competition. As such, “horse innovation” is needed due to the desperate reflection of horse racing products that have been shunned after bone-cutting self-reflection It’s a judgment.

  27. Controversy is brewing over excessive regulation and the risk of information leakage as the Office of the Prime Minister’s Office’s integrated gambling industry (SEC) is pushing for the implementation of the electronic card system for horse racing and other gambling industries.On Feb. 23, the Saga Industry Integrated Supervisory Committee held the 83rd Saga Industry Integrated Supervisory Committee’s plenary session in the 4th floor of the Seoul Government Complex and decided to reconsider its recommendation on “Basic Policy for Implementing Sports Betting Industry Electronic Cards and Expanding in 2015.” This is based 일본경마사이트
    on the judgment that further consultation is needed as there is a lot of controversy.The inspection committee was originally scheduled to vote on the implementation of electronic cards, but failed to reach the decision as lawmakers raised concerns about side effects such as human rights violations as well as related industrial crises and lack of tax revenue.

  28. In this situation, the full introduction of electronic cards brought up by the Commission of Audit and Inspection is not only excessive overlapping regulations on legal businesses, but can also be a serious factor in encouraging the expansion of the illegal gambling market.”According to the implementation plan of the electronic card, sensitive biometric information such as the vein at the end of the finger can be collected, which can lead to concerns about personal information exposure and avoidance of users who recognize it as fingerprinting.” He also said, “The government has said it is trying to foster the underground economy, but the illegal gambling market is increasing tremendously, and social problems such as tax outflow and gambling addiction are getting serious,” 온라인경마 adding, “It is not right to regulate only law without law.”The departure of existing users may accelerate illegal market expansion. Therefore, rather than applying the electronic card system uniformly, there is a growing voice that autonomous sound measures should be induced while taking into account the specificity.

  29. In this situation, the full introduction of electronic cards brought up by the Commission of Audit and Inspection is not only excessive overlapping regulations on legal businesses, but can also be a serious factor in encouraging the expansion of the illegal gambling market.”According to the implementation plan of the electronic card, sensitive biometric information such as the vein at the end of the finger can be collected, which can lead to concerns about personal information exposure and avoidance of users who recognize it as fingerprinting.” He also said, “The government has said it is trying to foster the underground economy, but the illegal gambling market is increasing tremendously, and social problems such as tax outflow and gambling addiction are getting serious, 온라인경마 ” adding, “It is not right to regulate only law without law.”The departure of existing users may accelerate illegal market expansion. Therefore, rather than applying the electronic card system uniformly, there is a growing voice that autonomous sound measures should be induced while taking into account the specificity.

  30. In this situation, the full introduction of electronic cards brought up by the Commission of Audit and Inspection is not only excessive overlapping regulations on legal businesses, but can also be a serious factor in encouraging the expansion of the illegal gambling market.”According to the implementation plan of the electronic card, sensitive biometric information such as the vein at the end of the finger can be collected, which can lead to concerns about personal information exposure and avoidance of users who recognize it as fingerprinting.” He also said, “The government has said it is trying to foster the underground economy, but the illegal gambling market is increasing tremendously, and social problems such as tax outflow and gambling addiction are getting serious,온라인경마 ” adding, “It is not right to regulate only law without law.”The departure of existing users may accelerate illegal market expansion. Therefore, rather than applying the electronic card system uniformly, there is a growing voice that autonomous sound measures should be induced while taking into account the specificity.

  31. Controversy is brewing over excessive regulation and the risk of information leakage as the Office of the Prime Minister’s Office’s integrated gambling industry (SEC) is pushing for the implementation of the electronic card system for horse racing and other gambling industries.On Feb. 23, the Saga Industry Integrated Supervisory Committee held the 83rd Saga Industry Integrated Supervisory Committee’s plenary session in the 4th floor of the Seoul Government Complex and decided to reconsider its recommendation on “Basic Policy for Implementing Sports Betting온라인경마 Industry Electronic Cards and Expanding in 2015.” This is based on the judgment that further consultation is needed as there is a lot of controversy.The inspection committee was originally scheduled to vote on the implementation of electronic cards, but failed to reach the decision as lawmakers raised concerns about side effects such as human rights violations as well as related industrial crises and lack of tax revenue.

  32. “The commission claims that the collection of veins from the introduction of electronic cards can be made non-visual, not personal information, but it is a violation of human rights by considering horse racing fans as potential gambling addicts,” a KMA official said.Chairman Hyun Hye-kwan sympathizes with the 온라인경마
    request of the times and the policy purpose of the gambling industry. However, electronic cards are an unprecedented regulation that assumes all horse racing customers as potential gambling addicts. There are also many alternatives such as limiting the number of people and using the Internet. A thorough analysis of the policy ripple effect should be preceded, he said.

  33. “The commission claims that the collection of veins from the introduction of electronic cards can be made non-visual, not personal information, but it is a violation of human rights by considering horse racing fans as potential gambling addicts,” a KMA official said.Chairman Hyun Hye-kwan sympathizes with the온라인경마
    request of the times and the policy purpose of the gambling industry. However, electronic cards are an unprecedented regulation that assumes all horse racing customers as potential gambling addicts. There are also many alternatives such as limiting the number of people and using the Internet. A thorough analysis of the policy ripple effect should be preceded, he said.

  34. The commission’s full implementation of electronic cards is a legal system that requires charging money to cards with personal information when using all legal gambling industries such as horse racing, bicycle racing, casino, lottery, and professional sports. When an electronic card is introduced, users of the gambling industry must charge cash and bet after receiving a card, not the current cash purchase method, and they are required to recognize their finger온라인경마 s (designated veins) in the process of issuing the card.In particular, the recommendation being pushed by the National Audit Commission is to expand to 20% of over-the-counter outlets this year based on the full implementation of electronic cards in 2018, reduce the amount of cash betting to 30,000 won next year and lower the amount of cash betting to 10,000 won in 2017.

  35. The commission’s full implementation of electronic cards is a legal system that requires charging money to cards with personal information when using all legal gambling industries such as horse racing, bicycle racing, casino, lottery, and professional sports. When an electronic card is introduced, users of the gambling industry must charge cash and bet after receiving a card, not the current cash purchase method, and they are required to recognize their fingers 온라인경마 (designated veins) in the process of issuing the card.In particular, the recommendation being pushed by the National Audit Commission is to expand to 20% of over-the-counter outlets this year based on the full implementation of electronic cards in 2018, reduce the amount of cash betting to 30,000 won next year and lower the amount of cash betting to 10,000 won in 2017.

  36. The participating countries of the Asian Challenge Cup, which announced its first start with the goal of international racing last year as Japanese and Singapore racehorses visited Korea, will be expanded to four countries this year. With Dubai’s new participation, the race was also upgraded from Listed to Grade (GIII), and the ranking prize money also rose to 400 million won.The timing of the best horse series race has also been reorganized. It has been pointed out that the significance of the series will be tarnished due to the long interval between the three-way race and the Queen’s Tour, but the Horse Racing Association said this year’s reorganization will 일본경마사이트 enhance the effect of the implementation and event.The Samgwanma race will be held in April and May by the KRA Cup Mile and the Korean Derby, but the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs competition, which was held in October, has been changed to July. In the mare triple crown horse race (KRA Cup Mile, Korean Derby, and Korean Oaks), the timing of the Korean Oaks was also advanced to June.

  37. The participating countries of the Asian Challenge Cup, which announced its first start with the goal of international racing last year as Japanese and Singapore racehorses visited Korea, will be expanded to four countries this year. With Dubai’s new participation, the race was also upgraded from Listed to Grade (GIII), and the ranking prize money also rose to 400 million won.The timing of the best horse series race has also been reorganized. It has been pointed out that the significance of the series will be tarnished due to the long interval between the three-way race and the Queen’s Tour, but the Horse Racing Association said this year’s reorganization will enhance the effect of the implementation and event.The 일본경마사이트 Samgwanma race will be held in April and May by the KRA Cup Mile and the Korean Derby, but the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs competition, which was held in October, has been changed to July. In the mare triple crown horse race (KRA Cup Mile, Korean Derby, and Korean Oaks), the timing of the Korean Oaks was also advanced to June.

  38. After the horse race, the horse racing association evaluates the race ability of the participating horse based on the intensity of the race formation, arrival ranking, arrival car, gender and age, aptitude distance, and frequency record of each race and gives rating after the race. In addition, it is said that horses with similar ratings are pushing for the formation of races.While integrating domestic and foreign racing, the Jockey Club announced that it will gradually expand and operate the integrated racing system in 온라인경마 consideration of the period of preventing rapid shrinkage and securing competitiveness of domestic horses.First of all, the integrated race will be organized for the first and second grades by the third quarter of this year, and the expansion after 2016 will be confirmed after analyzing the implementation results. However, grade 6 will continue to be implemented as a limited race for domestic horses.

  39. After the horse race, the horse racing association evaluates the race ability of the participating horse based on the intensity of the race formation, arrival ranking, arrival car, gender and age, aptitude distance, and frequency record of each race and gives rating after the race. In addition, it is said that horses with similar ratings are pushing for the formation of races.While integrating domestic and foreign racing, the Jockey Club announced that it will gradually expand and operate the integrated racing system in consideration온라인경마 of the period of preventing rapid shrinkage and securing competitiveness of domestic horses.First of all, the integrated race will be organized for the first and second grades by the third quarter of this year, and the expansion after 2016 will be confirmed after analyzing the implementation results. However, grade 6 will continue to be implemented as a limited race for domestic horses.

  40. This year, there will be three weeks each for each racetrack. It will be closed at the same time during holidays such as Lunar New Year and Chuseok, and summer (Horangseo) and winter (Horanggi) will be closed alternately in Seoul, Pukyong, and Jeju. In the end, the summer and winter holidays will be closed sequentially over three weeks at each racetrack.The horse racing competition and special race system have been improved to enhance the marketability and interest of horse racing. The link between the grade race and the Listed race has been strengthened, the best horse selection온라인경마 system by aptitude distance has been established, and the Asian Challenge Cup’s overseas participation has been expanded.Looking at the major improvements in 2015, first of all, a racing system based on the rating system was introduced. Rating is a numerical value of the ability of a racehorse, and is generally determined in the 1 to 140 sections, and the higher the ability, the higher the number.

  41. This year, there will be three weeks each for each racetrack. It will be closed at the same time during holidays such as Lunar New Year and Chuseok, and summer (Horangseo) and winter (Horanggi) will be closed alternately in Seoul, Pukyong, and Jeju. In the end, the summer and winter holidays will be closed sequentially over three weeks at each racetrack.The horse racing competition and special race system have been improved to enhance the marketability and interest of horse racing. The link between the grade race and the Listed race has been strengthened, the best horse selection 일본경마사이트
    system by aptitude distance has been established, and the Asian Challenge Cup’s overseas participation has been expanded.Looking at the major improvements in 2015, first of all, a racing system based on the rating system was introduced. Rating is a numerical value of the ability of a racehorse, and is generally determined in the 1 to 140 sections, and the higher the ability, the higher the number.

  42. First of all, the Korea Racing Horse Producers Association (Chairman Oh Young-bok) and the Korea Inland Horse Producers Association (Chairman Jang Jung-ki) held a press conference in the Jeju Provincial Council’s room at 10 a.m. on the 16th to reiterate their opposition to the implementation of the integrated race and the introduction of foreign horses.In a statement, the racehorse producer group said, “We expose the fiction of the Korean Horse Racing Innovation Plan,” and called for the abolition of the integrated race, saying it is a policy contrary to the domestic horse revitalization policy 온라인경마 advocated by the Korean Horse Racing Association and a contradictory policy to move to an advanced horse industry through foreign horses.He also argued that if the integrated racing program is implemented, domestic horses will be shunned, leading to the bankruptcy of production farmers, and the last bastion of livestock supporting the Korean horse racing industry will collapse.

  43. First of all, the Korea Racing Horse Producers Association (Chairman Oh Young-bok) and the Korea Inland Horse Producers Association (Chairman Jang Jung-ki) held a press conference in the Jeju Provincial Council’s room at 10 a.m. on the 16th to reiterate their opposition to the implementation of the integrated race and the introduction of foreign horses.In a statement, the racehorse producer group said, “We expose the fiction of the Korean Horse Racing Innovation Plan,” and called for the abolition of the integrated race, saying it is a policy contrary to the domestic horse revitalization policy온라인경마 advocated by the Korean Horse Racing Association and a contradictory policy to move to an advanced horse industry through foreign horses.He also argued that if the integrated racing program is implemented, domestic horses will be shunned, leading to the bankruptcy of production farmers, and the last bastion of livestock supporting the Korean horse racing industry will collapse.

  44. Many horse racing association officials who say the decision to reject the horse race innovation plan is a predictable step, pointing out that “mountain integration,” “upper limit on foreign horse introduction,” and “opening the race market” can cause serious problems that can cause domestic horse production, and overlook problems that can be derived only for the purpose of entering Part 2.After the emergency general meeting, an official from the Seoul Racing Association said, “The result of the emergency general meeting was to ask whether the Korea Racing Authority would accept the horse racing innovation adjustment plan. As soon as the emergency c온라인경마 ommittee is newly established, we will try to renegotiate with the horse racing society,” he said, adding, “We have not yet discussed any refusal to vote for the race.” Seoul’s opposition parties also want to avoid extreme actions such as refusing to vote for the candidacy, he said, adding that he will continue consultations with the Korean Racing Authority.

  45. An official from the Korea Racing Association said, “The promotion of horse racing innovation is part of innovative management to overcome the crisis in the horse racing industry, and it aims to establish itself as a sport that provides high-quality products to customers and further receives national support.” “We fully understand the concerns of related organizations, but the Korean Racing 온라인경마 Association has come up with a plan to support related organizations in connection with horse racing innovation,” he said.Meanwhile, when the Korea Racing Authority officially announced its plan to innovate horse racing to the outside world, related organizations, which expressed opposition, are discussing countermeasures during an emergency meeting.

  46. Many horse racing association officials who say the decision to reject the horse race innovation plan is a predictable step, pointing out that “mountain integration,” “upper limit on foreign horse introduction,” and “opening the race market” can cause serious problems that can cause domestic horse production, and overlook problems that can be derived only for the purpose of entering Part 2.After the emergency general meeting, an official from the Seoul Racing Association said, “The result of the emergency general meeting was to ask whether the Korea Racing Authority would accept the horse racing innovation adjustment plan. As soon as the emergency 온라인경마 committee is newly established, we will try to renegotiate with the horse racing society,” he said, adding, “We have not yet discussed any refusal to vote for the race.” Seoul’s opposition parties also want to avoid extreme actions such as refusing to vote for the candidacy, he said, adding that he will continue consultations with the Korean Racing Authority.

  47. Many horse racing association officials who say the decision to reject the horse race innovation plan is a predictable step, pointing out that “mountain integration,” “upper limit on foreign horse introduction,” and “opening the race market” can cause serious problems that can cause domestic horse production, and overlook problems that can be derived only for the purpose of entering Part 2.After the emergency general meeting, an official from the Seoul Racing Association said, “The result of the emergency general meeting was to ask whether the Korea Racing Authority would accept the온라인경마 horse racing innovation adjustment plan. As soon as the emergency committee is newly established, we will try to renegotiate with the horse racing society,” he said, adding, “We have not yet discussed any refusal to vote for the race.” Seoul’s opposition parties also want to avoid extreme actions such as refusing to vote for the candidacy, he said, adding that he will continue consultations with the Korean Racing Authority.

  48. The participating countries of the Asian Challenge Cup, which announced its first start with the goal of international racing last year as Japanese and Singapore racehorses visited Korea, will be expanded to four countries this year. With Dubai’s new participation, the race was also upgraded from Listed to Grade (GIII), and the ranking prize money also rose to 400 million won.The timing of the best horse series race has also been reorganized. It has been pointed out that the significance of the series will be tarnished due to the long interval between the three-way race and the Queen’s Tour, but the Horse Racing Association said this year’s reorganization will 온라인경마
    enhance the effect of the implementation and event.The Samgwanma race will be held in April and May by the KRA Cup Mile and the Korean Derby, but the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs competition, which was held in October, has been changed to July. In the mare triple crown horse race (KRA Cup Mile, Korean Derby, and Korean Oaks), the timing of the Korean Oaks was also advanced to June.

  49. In fact, it is these Jangjesa and horse hoof engineers who are well aware of the dark history of the horseback riding industry, various irregularities and backdoor deals. But they can’t be said easily. A priest once complained, “If you make a mistake in your mouth, your work will be cut off.”When I meet a lot of reporters, I sometimes can’t remember their names even when I see who they are and their faces. It’s so embarrassing. I first met Kim Sang-pil, chairman of the Korea-China End-of-Life Industrial Exchange, at the 2013 Jeju Endurance Horse Riding Competition, but there was something I was attracted to privately. By the way, for a person온라인경마
    who is similar to the reporter’s father and serves as the president of the association, he felt like a person with a really simple and simple heart.Kim Sang-pil, chairman of the Korea-China End Industry Exchange, who quit a large company that had been working for his father’s generation and ran a production farm, is considered a moderate figure who can end the geographical debate between Jeju and Halla.

  50. It is also the right person to lead the development of the global horseback riding tourism and horse industry in Jeju Island, the first special horse industry zone. There are many people around me who will share their will because people are natural. The Korea-China End Industry Exchange Association, with Ha Min-chul, a member of the Jeju Provincial Council, as its honorary chairman, will hold an integrated general meeting and launching ceremony in Jeju in January next year.A former businessman from the national equestrian team who made a spectacular comeback in 30 years as a horseback riding legend. A businessman who is leading various businesses with the plan to open a high-quality horseback riding luxury store 온라인경마
    “Valios Saddle & Style” in the middle of downtown Seoul and open a Balios Horseback riding club in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do, around May next year. It was a great luck to be able to meet and interview Chairman Bae Chang-hwan, such as Shinma and “Balios,” who were driving Achilles’ chariot in ancient Greek and Roman mythology at a time when the driving force to bring about changes in the domestic equestrian world was needed.

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