“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.645 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Whenever he visits Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, he not only takes carrots for horses but also snacks for employees. It is to express gratitude to the employees here for their hard work for the county residents. When asked what other advantages of Haman-gun Horse Riding Park are, he summarized it in one word, “There is no sick horse.” Some of the supported words are not suitable for beginners, but they are paying special attention to this place, such as reallocating them.The motor effects and functions온라인경마 of horseback riding were also not omitted. “Horse riding is the best exercise for mental and physical health,” he said, stressing that it should be popularized, although many consider it only as a high-end sport. When he visited Italy, he saw a private horseback riding course and stallion facilities well equipped, and he said it was impressive for members to ride horses for their own exercise without stopping.

  2. On the afternoon of Saturday, February 25, when he covered Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, Koo Ja-woon was riding a horse, showing off his “old age.” At first, I thought it was just an elderly person who rode a horse for a long time, but soon I changed my mind. When he got off the horse, he gave the horse at the headstand a carrot and sugar that he had packed himself from home and said, “I was having a conversation.”Cho Kyung-gi, director of Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, who was watching it next to him,온라인경마
    pointed to him and introduced him as a “true lover.” Would it be like that if there was a “talent master”? He seemed to have met a noble man, not a spirit. Everyone communicates with each other these days, but in fact, it is rare to see people who love horses that much. The 82-year-old’s conversation with the horse and kissing seemed to see the innocence of a child’s innocence. He looked very happy.

  3. On the afternoon of Saturday, February 25, when he covered Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, Koo Ja-woon was riding a horse, showing off his “old age.” At first, I thought it was just an elderly person who rode a horse for a long time, but soon I changed my mind. When he got off the horse, he gave the horse at the headstand a carrot and sugar that he had packed himself from home and said, “I was having a conversation.”Cho Kyung-gi, director of Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, who was watching it next to him, pointed 온라인경마
    to him and introduced him as a “true lover.” Would it be like that if there was a “talent master”? He seemed to have met a noble man, not a spirit. Everyone communicates with each other these days, but in fact, it is rare to see people who love horses that much. The 82-year-old’s conversation with the horse and kissing seemed to see the innocence of a child’s innocence. He looked very happy.

  4. Jeju horses are raised a lot by the use of Jeju horses in horse racing, and I think that it will help farmers to increase their attachment to Jeju horses. On the other hand, there are many people in Jeju Island, so I hope you have pride in running better than racehorses in Seoul or Pukyong, and highlighting that there are more diverse searches than racehorses in Jeju Island.About 50 papers on Jeju horses, including Jeju horses for students’ curriculum and leisure life, Jeju horses’ stories, and Jeju horses’ culture, were published in the Veterinary Society and the Livestock Society. Currently, it is seeking ways for the future, including the history and culture o온라인경마 f Jeju Ranch.He appeared in KBS’s story of Kim Man-il, EBS’s delivery and life of horses, the cause of KBS2 informants’ lost Jeju horses returning to the grazing ground, MBC’s horse-related festival, Jeju horse history and culture, as well as horse-related movies, and interpreted horse paintings in genuine luxury. Among them, the most memorable broadcast is Jeju Broadcasting’s “The Future of Jeju Horse.”

  5. Every time he comes to horseback riding, he brings carrots and sugar for his horse. It’s because I’m thankful for words that protect my health and give my back for myself. The horses carrying Koo Ja-woon also seemed to express gratitude to him with their eyes.I was lucky to meet Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, where I can ride my favorite horse anytime in my old age. Teacher Koo Ja-woon said, “Haman-gun Horse Riding Park is a big blessing for our county residents.” The trinity of safe facilities, safe words, and a great 온라인경마 system was achieved, and all employees worked hard and worked hard for the county residents, so they could ride horses with confidence and feel reassured.Koo Ja-woon also said he hopes Haman, his hometown and hometown, will develop into a city specializing in the horse industry. An outer riding course in Namgang-myeon will also be created, which will be used for sunflower festivals visited by 300,000 tourists in July, and endurance competitions will also be possible.

  6. Every time he comes to horseback riding, he brings carrots and sugar for his horse. It’s because I’m thankful for words that protect my health and give my back for myself. The horses carrying Koo Ja-woon also seemed to express gratitude to him with their eyes.I was lucky to meet Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, where I can ride my favorite horse anytime in my old age. Teacher Koo Ja-woon said, “Haman-gun Horse Riding Park is a big blessing for our county residents.” The trinity of safe facilities, safe words, and a great system was achieved, and all employees worked hard and worked온라인경마 hard for the county residents, so they could ride horses with confidence and feel reassured.Koo Ja-woon also said he hopes Haman, his hometown and hometown, will develop into a city specializing in the horse industry. An outer riding course in Namgang-myeon will also be created, which will be used for sunflower festivals visited by 300,000 tourists in July, and endurance competitions will also be possible.

  7. Every time he comes to horseback riding, he brings carrots and sugar for his horse. It’s because I’m thankful for words that protect my health and give my back for myself. The horses carrying Koo Ja-woon also seemed to express gratitude to him with their eyes.I was lucky to meet Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, where I can ride my favorite horse anytime in my old age. Teacher Koo Ja-woon said, “Haman-gun Horse Riding Park is a big blessing for our county residents.” The trinity of safe facilities, safe words, and a great system was achieved, and all employees worked hard and worked hard f온라인경마 or the county residents, so they could ride horses with confidence and feel reassured.Koo Ja-woon also said he hopes Haman, his hometown and hometown, will develop into a city specializing in the horse industry. An outer riding course in Namgang-myeon will also be created, which will be used for sunflower festivals visited by 300,000 tourists in July, and endurance competitions will also be possible.

  8. He is a proud figure of Jeju Island who dedicated 1,300 horses for the country when the country was in the most difficult time due to the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. I want you to know about the achievements of Kim Man-il, a tribute to his country, despite his precious words. Since last year, many people have been trying to promote the festival by holding a festival at Uigiri Ranch, where Kim Man-il, a tribute to Hunma, was born, but it seems that many people do not know. Please show a lot of interest and promote it.You have to overcome the crisis well with a love of words. 일본경마사이트 There are also many youth horseback riding and horseback riding clubs in Korea, which should draw interest in steady horseback riding and sports that can be enjoyed at all times regardless of season, and in Jeju Island, an environment should be provided to enjoy the nature of Jeju Island such as oreum and field. For example, it is necessary to make many horseback riding routes to and from villages and plan them thoroughly.

  9. Whenever he visits Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, he not only takes carrots for horses but also snacks for employees. It is to express gratitude to the employees here for their hard work for the county residents. When asked what other advantages of Haman-gun Horse Riding Park are, he summarized it in one word, “There is no sick horse.” Some of the supported words are not suitable for beginners, but they are paying special attention to this place, such as reallocating them.The motor effects and functions of 온라인경마
    horseback riding were also not omitted. “Horse riding is the best exercise for mental and physical health,” he said, stressing that it should be popularized, although many consider it only as a high-end sport. When he visited Italy, he saw a private horseback riding course and stallion facilities well equipped, and he said it was impressive for members to ride horses for their own exercise without stopping.

  10. Whenever he visits Haman-gun Horse Riding Park, he not only takes carrots for horses but also snacks for employees. It is to express gratitude to the employees here for their hard work for the county residents. When asked what other advantages of Haman-gun Horse Riding Park are, he summarized it in one word, “There is no sick horse.” Some of the supported words are not suitable for beginners, but they are paying special attention to this place, such as reallocating them.The motor effects and functions 온라인경마
    of horseback riding were also not omitted. “Horse riding is the best exercise for mental and physical health,” he said, stressing that it should be popularized, although many consider it only as a high-end sport. When he visited Italy, he saw a private horseback riding course and stallion facilities well equipped, and he said it was impressive for members to ride horses for their own exercise without stopping.

  11. Listening to Professor Jang Deok-ji’s story is full of nostalgia for the day when I listened to my grandmother’s interesting stories when I was young. Gentleman, who always comes up with a good look and a kind smile whenever his curiosity about horses grows, and a photographer and head of the Jeju Horse Culture Research Institute who captures Jeju’s mysterious nature and ponies on camera. I’m going to follow his footsteps, who is walking silently along 온라인경마 the horse’s footsteps with a bunch of stories about horses.It contains various actions of horses from young colts to mares and male horses or seasonal scenery. I think it has a different texture from a normal horse picture because I took the picture myself. (laughs) Many beautiful pictures are taken thanks to words that welcome me and pose naturally without being surprised by my footsteps. Horses love and enjoy their daily lives like humans.

  12. Jeju horses are raised a lot by the use of Jeju horses in horse racing, and I think that it will help farmers to increase their attachment to Jeju horses. On the other hand, there are many people in Jeju Island, so I hope you have pride in running better than racehorses in Seoul or Pukyong, and highlighting that there are more diverse searches than racehorses in Jeju Island.About 50 papers on Jeju horses, including Jeju horses for students’ curriculum and leisure life, Jeju horses’ stories, and Jeju horses’ culture, were published in the Veterinary Society and the Livestock Society. Currently, it is seeking ways for the future, including the history and culture of 온라인경마 Jeju Ranch.He appeared in KBS’s story of Kim Man-il, EBS’s delivery and life of horses, the cause of KBS2 informants’ lost Jeju horses returning to the grazing ground, MBC’s horse-related festival, Jeju horse history and culture, as well as horse-related movies, and interpreted horse paintings in genuine luxury. Among them, the most memorable broadcast is Jeju Broadcasting’s “The Future of Jeju Horse.”

  13. It’s a matter of course and it’s true. Still, when I asked if there was any way to provide some support, the association said it was difficult because there was no legal basis for supporting immediately, and he said that it would be better to share the long-term support among the budget for the horse racing society.It seems that it was around the end of last year’s industrial fair. At the end of the fourth industrial fair at KINTEX in Ilsan, 20 million won was provided in the name of funeral-related events. And until then, the atmosphere between the two organizations was very good. However,일본경마사이트 the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority asked our association to buy a booth in KINTEX and run a booth with the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority. I thought it was a good idea, so I tried to do so, but the operator said that the gas canister or oven that uses fire cannot be done indoors. Then, there was a request from Gyeonggi-do to set up a funeral booth next to the venue to cheer up the atmosphere of the competition.

  14. It’s a matter of course and it’s true. Still, when I asked if there was any way to provide some support, the association said it was difficult because there was no legal basis for supporting immediately, and he said that it would be better to share the long-term support among the budget for the horse racing society.It seems that it was around the end of last year’s industrial fair. At the end of the fourth industrial fair at KINTEX in Ilsan, 20 million won was provided in the name of funeral-related events. And until then, the atmosphere between the two organizations was very good. However일본경마사이트 , the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority asked our association to buy a booth in KINTEX and run a booth with the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority. I thought it was a good idea, so I tried to do so, but the operator said that the gas canister or oven that uses fire cannot be done indoors. Then, there was a request from Gyeonggi-do to set up a funeral booth next to the venue to cheer up the atmosphere of the competition.

  15. It’s a matter of course and it’s true. Still, when I asked if there was any way to provide some support, the association said it was difficult because there was no legal basis for supporting immediately, and he said that it would be better to share the long-term support among the budget for the horse racing society.It seems that it was around the end of last year’s industrial fair. At the end of the fourth industrial fair at KINTEX in Ilsan, 20 million won was provided in the name of funeral-related events. And until then, the atmosphere between the two organizations was very good. However,온라인경마 the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority asked our association to buy a booth in KINTEX and run a booth with the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority. I thought it was a good idea, so I tried to do so, but the operator said that the gas canister or oven that uses fire cannot be done indoors. Then, there was a request from Gyeonggi-do to set up a funeral booth next to the venue to cheer up the atmosphere of the competition.

  16. And it is a system that comes back to the recommended priest and learns apprenticeship by following him around. Also, when the next stage comes, I go to school, learn theory, and come back, and I do it for four years. It plans to create and operate such an education center.And I am trying to promote exchanges with overseas funeral associations. You should not stay like a frog in a well only in Korea. You should actively go abroad for training. Technicians go to the scene and see what other people do. It is very helpful to adapt to the foreign system. It is urgent to establish such a system 온라인경마 quickly. Therefore, the company plans to expand exchanges by signing an MOU with the Japan Merchants Association this year. In June, about 20 Jangje Temple members from the association will participate in the Japanese Jangje Festival, and they will also sign an MOU with the Japanese Jangje Temple Association. It is said that about 20 people from Japan are coming from Korea, so they are excited.

  17. It’s a matter of course and it’s true. Still, when I asked if there was any way to provide some support, the association said it was difficult because there was no legal basis for supporting immediately, and he said that it would be better to share the long-term support among the budget for the horse racing society.It seems that it was around the end of last year’s industrial fair. At the end of the fourth industrial fair at KINTEX in Ilsan, 20 million won was provided in the name of funeral-related events. And until then, the atmosphere between the two organizations was very good. However온라인경마 , the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority asked our association to buy a booth in KINTEX and run a booth with the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority. I thought it was a good idea, so I tried to do so, but the operator said that the gas canister or oven that uses fire cannot be done indoors. Then, there was a request from Gyeonggi-do to set up a funeral booth next to the venue to cheer up the atmosphere of the competition.

  18. It’s a matter of course and it’s true. Still, when I asked if there was any way to provide some support, the association said it was difficult because there was no legal basis for supporting immediately, and he said that it would be better to share the long-term support among the budget for the horse racing society.It seems that it was around the end of last year’s industrial fair. At the end of the fourth industrial fair at KINTEX in Ilsan, 20 million won was provided in the name of funeral-related events. And until then, the atmosphere between the two organizations was very good. However, 온라인경마 the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority asked our association to buy a booth in KINTEX and run a booth with the Jangjesa Association in the Racing Authority. I thought it was a good idea, so I tried to do so, but the operator said that the gas canister or oven that uses fire cannot be done indoors. Then, there was a request from Gyeonggi-do to set up a funeral booth next to the venue to cheer up the atmosphere of the competition.

  19. Jangje is often called an axis of the horse industry. This would mean that horses, which are the center of the horse industry, are so important to horses with hooves. However, the public does not know much about horse-hoofed knitting, and there is also a slight indifference to the funeral in the horse industry. Against this backdrop, I met with Kim Dong-soo, chairman of the Korea Society of Artillery, who is making efforts to develop the Korean funeral at the office of the Korea Society of Artillery in Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 온라인경마
    on the 9th. I heard about the funeral from him.It is an association created by Jangje-sa outside the Korean Racing Authority to gather together and have fun working. As the association’s funeral priests work around the country, their character may be slightly different from other associations. Although there is a secretary general, he is unable to work at all times because he has to work for a living as an incumbent chief priest.

  20. Jangje is often called an axis of the horse industry. This would mean that horses, which are the center of the horse industry, are so important to horses with hooves. However, the public does not know much about horse-hoofed knitting, and there is also a slight indifference to the funeral in the horse industry. Against this backdrop, I met with Kim Dong-soo, chairman of the Korea Society of Artillery, who is making efforts to develop the Korean funeral at the office of the Korea Society of Artillery in Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 온라인경마 on the 9th. I heard about the funeral from him.It is an association created by Jangje-sa outside the Korean Racing Authority to gather together and have fun working. As the association’s funeral priests work around the country, their character may be slightly different from other associations. Although there is a secretary general, he is unable to work at all times because he has to work for a living as an incumbent chief priest.

  21. Based on this, juniors participate in domestic and foreign jangje competitions and win prizes. The association’s final goal is to make its name known there so that domestic funeral rites can be scouted from abroad. People in Korea think that it will be possible because the world’s hand technology is good.Kim 일본경마사이트
    Dong-soo, chairman of the Korean Association of Jangje, stressed that in order to develop the Korean Jangje, the British Jangje system should be conducted alternately between theory and practical education. In order to do so, he said, a concept such as a funeral school dedicated to theoretical education is also necessary. In addition, it is necessary to actively acquire overseas funeral techniques.

  22. Based on this, juniors participate in domestic and foreign jangje competitions and win prizes. The association’s final goal is to make its name known there so that domestic funeral rites can be scouted from abroad. People in Korea think that it will be possible because the world’s hand technology is good.Kim일본경마사이트 Dong-soo, chairman of the Korean Association of Jangje, stressed that in order to develop the Korean Jangje, the British Jangje system should be conducted alternately between theory and practical education. In order to do so, he said, a concept such as a funeral school dedicated to theoretical education is also necessary. In addition, it is necessary to actively acquire overseas funeral techniques.

  23. And it is a system that comes back to the recommended priest and learns apprenticeship by following him around. Also, when the next stage comes, I go to school, learn theory, and come back, and I do it for four years. It plans to create and operate such an education center.And I am trying to promote exchanges with overseas funeral associations. You should not stay like a frog in a well only in Korea. You should actively go abroad for training. Technicians go to the scene and see what other people do. It is very helpful to adapt to the foreign system. It is urgent to establish such a system
    온라인경마 quickly. Therefore, the company plans to expand exchanges by signing an MOU with the Japan Merchants Association this year. In June, about 20 Jangje Temple members from the association will participate in the Japanese Jangje Festival, and they will also sign an MOU with the Japanese Jangje Temple Association. It is said that about 20 people from Japan are coming from Korea, so they are excited.

  24. And young friends who want to learn the real jangje will be able to qualify sequentially. The highest funeral service, which has been held for more than 30 years, is located at the top, and the pyramid-type qualification structure is the best, but it is currently upside down. This is because young friends have a license once, and senior citizens have a license four to five times. Since it is a national qualification system, we should continue to make it well.It is said that funeral rites are important for the development of the horse industry, but other organizations in the horse industry have no connection with our온라인경마 association. The field of funeral should be included in the academic conference, and the school should also bring qualified funeral priests to provide practical education. Jang system should be included in education related to the horse industry, but it is not included. Front-line school teachers come, receive funeral education for a while, and then go back and educate, but in this way, there is no depth.

  25. And young friends who want to learn the real jangje will be able to qualify sequentially. The highest funeral service, which has been held for more than 30 years, is located at the top, and the pyramid-type qualification structure is the best, but it is currently upside down. This is because young friends have a license once, and senior citizens have a license four to five times. Since it is a national qualification system, we should continue to make it well.It is said that funeral rites are important for the development of the horse industry, but other organizations in the horse industry have no connection with 온라인경마 our association. The field of funeral should be included in the academic conference, and the school should also bring qualified funeral priests to provide practical education. Jang system should be included in education related to the horse industry, but it is not included. Front-line school teachers come, receive funeral education for a while, and then go back and educate, but in this way, there is no depth.

  26. In the name of “Yeongcheon Ace,” who won his first appearance in September 2014, he donated 30 million won in prize money to the Yeongcheon City Scholarship Association. In September 2015, the racehorse “Dream Yeongcheon” was donated to Yeongcheon-si, and it is also performing good deeds by donating scholarships to the Pukyong Horse Racing Association Scholarship Association every year. Lee Jong-hoon said, “If it were another city, it would have been awkward to give scholarships to horses for winning 온라인경마 the first prize,” adding, “It was possible because Yeongcheon City, which is also my mother’s hometown, was a horse industry city.”When asked about the sluggishness of the Let’s Run Park Yeongcheon construction project, he said, “Let’s Run Park Yeongcheon can develop only when Yeongcheon citizens love horse racing.” Horse racing is not a gambling, gambling, or gambling industry, but an entertainment industry,” he said.

  27. Personally, I think there is an obligation to retrain riding in the horse racing society. As for horses retired from the race, healthy horses, people-friendly horses, and horses that are not too excited should be selected and retrained for riding. Retired racehorses are very vulnerable, scared, surprised, and sensitive because they digest tremendous exercise in adolescence. Retired racehorses should be trained to build trust with each other while understanding the unstable psychological state by providing온라인경마 appropriate protection and safe environment. However, I don’t think even a retired horse trained by riding is suitable for beginners who are new to ride for the first time. I want middle-class riders to deal with it.”In Hong Kong, 30 horses and 50 horses are retired every month, but when racehorses entering the racetrack are retired, their opponents usually give up their rights to retired horses.

  28. That is not all. CEO Kate Park strengthened her position as an expert by completing a mediated coaching intensive course and a horse assistance education association program in the United States, and in 2013 and 14, she invited foreign professional instructors in each field to hold lectures and organize clinics. As a result, he published books such as “Horse Riding, the Art of Communion,” “Happy Horse Riding, Good Horsemanship,” and introduced practical 온라인경마 and specific details on horse, horseback riding, and management, and training methods that are difficult to encounter in Korea.A reporter who usually adored her visited a horse stable in Jocheon-eup, Jeju, on the afternoon of February 16. I went to numerous horseback riding and ranch sites, but the moment I entered Kate Park’s horse riding ground, I felt healing in itself. It was calm and calm.

  29. That is not all. CEO Kate Park strengthened her position as an expert by completing a mediated coaching intensive course and a horse assistance education association program in the United States, and in 2013 and 14, she invited foreign professional instructors in each field to hold lectures and organize clinics. As a result, he published books such as “Horse Riding, the Art of Communion,” “Happy Horse Riding, Good Horsemanship,” and introduced practical 온라인경마 and specific details on horse, horseback riding, and management, and training methods that are difficult to encounter in Korea.A reporter who usually adored her visited a horse stable in Jocheon-eup, Jeju, on the afternoon of February 16. I went to numerous horseback riding and ranch sites, but the moment I entered Kate Park’s horse riding ground, I felt healing in itself. It was calm and calm.

  30. That is not all. CEO Kate Park strengthened her position as an expert by completing a mediated coaching intensive course and a horse assistance education association program in the United States, and in 2013 and 14, she invited foreign professional instructors in each field to hold lectures and organize clinics. As a result, he published books such as “Horse Riding, the Art of Communion,온라인경마 ” “Happy Horse Riding, Good Horsemanship,” and introduced practical and specific details on horse, horseback riding, and management, and training methods that are difficult to encounter in Korea.A reporter who usually adored her visited a horse stable in Jocheon-eup, Jeju, on the afternoon of February 16. I went to numerous horseback riding and ranch sites, but the moment I entered Kate Park’s horse riding ground, I felt healing in itself. It was calm and calm.

  31. When Maju buys a horse, he also receives the cost of sending it back after retirement and sends it back to the place where Maju brought it if he wants. Among retired horses, horses suitable for jumping and horses that are good to ride will be retrained, and some will also go to China.He also learned how to handle horses directly at the Hong Kong Jackie Club, where horse management is operated in a long traditional British way, and visited various places온라인경마 . I read many foreign books about the psychology and behavior of words. There may not be much information because I am not good at riding like a player, but I am exposed to many books on how to handle horses, psychology of horses, and communication under the saddle. Reading a lot of books is not a boast, but as a basis for researching that much. In addition, it also hopes that Korean equestrian will encounter many books on horses.

  32. Above all, he also said that the face-to-face should protect self-esteem and have prideful. Regarding the reality that the horse industry should be distributed to the public, but its social reputation is not good, he also said, “The horse industry should also be illuminated in one industrial aspect.” It is also important to remove regulations, increase the return rate, and raise prize money, and if such 온라인경마 a virtuous cycle is established, many good Korean horses will be produced and become a world-class racehorse and a story will be created. Lee Jong-hoon said, “The horse industry is a representative industry that contributes not only to the national economy but also to the development of farming and fishing villages,” adding, “If we approach it in the long term based on this perception, won’t the day come when we export Korean horses?”

  33. Asked if there were any other episodes, he said, “There are so many, but I can’t remember because I’m out of my mind right now.” The Dubai expedition’s challenge is not over yet, and as soon as he returned home, he seemed busy dealing with various tasks. Due to the continued movement of the Dubai expedition, the jet lag must have not been well adjusted. After participating in the Dubai finals, when all the post-war processes are sorted out, we will talk about our efforts to internationalize Korean horse racing and many stories later.Finally, Yoo Seung-ho, head of the international온라인경마 horse racing department, said, “Gold medals are not the only medals. “I think it is important that our Korean horse, born in Korea, has challenged itself,” he said. “Overcoming complicated post-war processes such as systems different from ours and quarantine procedures, our horse was able to play in overseas expeditions through the efforts of all executives and employees of the Korea Racing Association.”

  34. It’s hard every day. The rider has to fight with himself every day, and he has to get up at dawn every day. The hardest thing is that I can’t live the same daily life as others because I’m at work at dawn. In my case, I get ready to sleep from 9 p.m. I go to bed, watch the 9 o’clock news, and fall asleep at 10 o’clock. If you don’t sleep at this time, it will interfere with early morning training. Alcohol never touches my mouth even if I want to drink it unless it’s a day off. It’s dangerous during early morning training, so you need to control yourself. The hardest thing is that you have to control yourself for a job.There were many words that worked together. I don’t remember just one particularly and every word is the same for me. When I was an assistant 온라인경마 teacher, I thought I was the first place because we worked so well together, but there were cases where other riders couldn’t win because they had horses that worked well with them. No matter how well they work together, if their grades are not good, riders think they didn’t work well. In my case, I think I fit almost well when I train. However, I personally don’t think it’s good to say that we worked well because of our good grades.

  35. Asked if there were any other episodes, he said, “There are so many, but I can’t remember because I’m out of my mind right now.” The Dubai expedition’s challenge is not over yet, and as soon as he returned home, he seemed busy dealing with various tasks. Due to the continued movement of the Dubai expedition, the jet lag must have not been well adjusted. After participating in the Dubai finals, when all the post-war processes are sorted out, we will talk about our efforts to internationalize Korean horse racing and many stories later.Finally, Yoo Seung-ho, head of the international 온라인경마 horse racing department, said, “Gold medals are not the only medals. “I think it is important that our Korean horse, born in Korea, has challenged itself,” he said. “Overcoming complicated post-war processes such as systems different from ours and quarantine procedures, our horse was able to play in overseas expeditions through the efforts of all executives and employees of the Korea Racing Association.”

  36. First, each rider has his own know-how. One of the things people said in the old days, when they sent a horse, it said that the feeling of a rein is like putting in gear in a car, but honestly, I don’t know about that. have one’s own feeling I always participate in early morning training so that I don’t lose the feeling and don’t lose it. If the horse I trained is also in the hands of others, the feeling of the 온라인경마
    horse’s mouth changes drastically. Every rider has his own know-how, but I think he knows a little more about horses because I rode horses longer than my juniors.The second one is greedy. Others tell me to stop reinting myself, let go of the horse, let go of my mind. It means to put down your greed because you always come out to train yourself, but it’s not easy. This greed seems to have changed into my own know-how.

  37. I couldn’t give up ahead of the dream stage. Yoo Seung-ho’s wit, who longed for a dream stage, is displayed here. No, the operation was already meticulous. At the time of the first competition registration, he registered 2,000 meters and 1,600 meters at the same time with the future in mind. It was also important that there should be many countries participating in the competition to match the international name by consistently contacting officials of the local selection committee, and that they consistently온라인경마 persuaded Korean horse racing’s efforts to internationalize.There is still a lot to do for the ‘twist’ on the final stage. There are many things to prepare, from applying to recruiting a better rider. On the final stage, Patrick Cosgrave, an Irish jockey who won the “Mainstay” title and has been in the “Triple Nine,” is also good, but he said he is considering changing the jockey if a world-famous jockey applies for it.

  38. I couldn’t give up ahead of the dream stage. Yoo Seung-ho’s wit, who longed for a dream stage, is displayed here. No, the operation was already meticulous. At the time of the first competition registration, he registered 2,000 meters and 1,600 meters at the same time with the future in mind. It was also important that there should be many countries participating in the competition to match the international name by consistently contacting officials of the local selection committee, and that they consistently 온라인경마 persuaded Korean horse racing’s efforts to internationalize.There is still a lot to do for the ‘twist’ on the final stage. There are many things to prepare, from applying to recruiting a better rider. On the final stage, Patrick Cosgrave, an Irish jockey who won the “Mainstay” title and has been in the “Triple Nine,” is also good, but he said he is considering changing the jockey if a world-famous jockey applies for it.

  39. First, each rider has his own know-how. One of the things people said in the old days, when they sent a horse, it said that the feeling of a rein is like putting in gear in a car, but honestly, I don’t know about that. have one’s own feeling I always participate in early morning training so that I don’t lose the feeling and don’t lose it. If the horse I trained is also in the hands of others, the feeling of the horse’s 온라인경마 mouth changes drastically. Every rider has his own know-how, but I think he knows a little more about horses because I rode horses longer than my juniors.The second one is greedy. Others tell me to stop reinting myself, let go of the horse, let go of my mind. It means to put down your greed because you always come out to train yourself, but it’s not easy. This greed seems to have changed into my own know-how.

  40. He also set a milestone of 700 wins for the first time in Pukyong. He also enjoys water skiing and wakeboarding in the summer as a hobby. Finally, he said, “I’m not a bad rider. “I want you to know that I’m not a horse racing rider, but a rider who’s only interested in winning,” he said.For now, I tried to hardly miss early morning training. There are cases where seniors neglect earl온라인경마 y morning training, but I didn’t at all. Now others are telling me nicely that my strength is that I don’t miss early morning training. Early morning training is nothing special. I train from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. You have to know what you’re saying and continue training in harmony. Training is not only about running, but also about warming up your body and doing it together from the beginning to the end.

  41. He also set a milestone of 700 wins for the first time in Pukyong. He also enjoys water skiing and wakeboarding in the summer as a hobby. Finally, he said, “I’m not a bad rider. “I want you to know that I’m not a horse racing rider, but a rider who’s only interested in winning,” he said.For now, I tried to hardly miss early morning training. There are cases where seniors neglect early온라인경마 morning training, but I didn’t at all. Now others are telling me nicely that my strength is that I don’t miss early morning training. Early morning training is nothing special. I train from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. You have to know what you’re saying and continue training in harmony. Training is not only about running, but also about warming up your body and doing it together from the beginning to the end.

  42. It’s hard every day. The rider has to fight with himself every day, and he has to get up at dawn every day. The hardest thing is that I can’t live the same daily life as others because I’m at work at dawn. In my case, I get ready to sleep from 9 p.m. I go to bed, watch the 9 o’clock news, and fall asleep at 10 o’clock. If you don’t sleep at this time, it will interfere with early morning training. Alcohol never touches my mouth even if I want to drink it unless it’s a day off. It’s dangerous during early morning training, so you need to control yourself. The hardest thing is that you have to control yourself for a job.There were many words that worked together. I don’t remember just one particularly and every word is the same for me. When I was an assistant온라인경마 teacher, I thought I was the first place because we worked so well together, but there were cases where other riders couldn’t win because they had horses that worked well with them. No matter how well they work together, if their grades are not good, riders think they didn’t work well. In my case, I think I fit almost well when I train. However, I personally don’t think it’s good to say that we worked well because of our good grades.

  43. It is still implementing it, but the difference is that it introduces the concept of sponsors. If the Korea Racing Authority sponsors the 2017 Student Horse Racing Association, the 2017 Student Horse Riding Association competition will be named “2017 Let’s Run” and A, B, and C will be attached depending on the event. In addition, IN and OUT are included depending on whether it is indoors or outdoors, and the corresponding number is also included depending on the length and height. And in that year, it is operated throughout the year on the same course from the preliminary round to온라인경마 the final round.Just as men’s ambition is to ride a supercar, it is in line with the desire of horseback riders to ride a good horse. There are several automakers whose horses are also marked in cars, and some Korean cars used to be horse-themed. And isn’t it the same for words as cars are for work, sports, and transportation? There are a lot of similarities when you see car enthusiasts saving cars, combing horses, and picking pretty grinds.

  44. Also, there is a need to promote the positive aspects of horseback riding. Just looking at last year’s youth horseback riding club competition, children from all over the country gathered. In some cases, buses come up from Jindo Island, Jeollanam-do, and they are flying from Jeju Island. Regardless of money, there are many parts that are used purely for exercise and educational purposes, but it is regrettable that the media focuses too much on some of the negative aspects of horseback riding. The story of Imja, a youth horseback riding team in Sinan, Jeollanam-do, has also been broadcasted, but that should be even more out of the way.Last year온라인경마 , a competition was held at Daemyung Vivaldi Park in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do, to mark the Korean student horseback riding. It is an international pony competition recognized by the Federation of International Horses (FEI) as ‘CSIP’. It was held in Daemyung. It is also planning to hold a ‘CSIP’ competition this year, but the final decision has not been made due to the Jung Yoo-ra incident.

  45. If it is held, this year will be able to show an upgrade from last year. Students selected from the competition will also be given the opportunity to observe foreign matches using the standing army system. Some associations are trying to provide more opportunities to attend various overseas competitions. Rather than focusing the benefits on some players, it will go toward benefiting more children. So the role of international directors is important. This is because it is necessary to find a lot of high-quality information for 온라인경마 the development of youth horseback riding.Among the youth horseback riding events, there is a “hunter race” that sees the accuracy of posture. Student horseback riding needs an educational purpose to induce accurate riding rather than immediate good grades. Therefore, it plans to revitalize the event called ‘Korea Standard Jumping’, which applies the ‘hunter game’ event.

  46. If it is held, this year will be able to show an upgrade from last year. Students selected from the competition will also be given the opportunity to observe foreign matches using the standing army system. Some associations are trying to provide more opportunities to attend various overseas competitions. Rather than focusing the benefits on some players, it will go toward benefiting more children. So the role of international directors is important. This is because it is necessary to find a lot of high-quality information 온라인경마
    for the development of youth horseback riding.Among the youth horseback riding events, there is a “hunter race” that sees the accuracy of posture. Student horseback riding needs an educational purpose to induce accurate riding rather than immediate good grades. Therefore, it plans to revitalize the event called ‘Korea Standard Jumping’, which applies the ‘hunter game’ event.

  47. If it is held, this year will be able to show an upgrade from last year. Students selected from the competition will also be given the opportunity to observe foreign matches using the standing army system. Some associations are trying to provide more opportunities to attend various overseas competitions. Rather than focusing the benefits on some players, it will go toward benefiting more children. So the role of international directors is important. 온라인경마
    This is because it is necessary to find a lot of high-quality information for the development of youth horseback riding.Among the youth horseback riding events, there is a “hunter race” that sees the accuracy of posture. Student horseback riding needs an educational purpose to induce accurate riding rather than immediate good grades. Therefore, it plans to revitalize the event called ‘Korea Standard Jumping’, which applies the ‘hunter game’ event.

  48. If it is held, this year will be able to show an upgrade from last year. Students selected from the competition will also be given the opportunity to observe foreign matches using the standing army system. Some associations are trying to provide more opportunities to attend various overseas competitions. Rather than focusing the benefits on some players, it will go toward benefiting more children. So the role of international directors is important. This is because it is necessary to find a lot of high-quality information온라인경마 for the development of youth horseback riding.Among the youth horseback riding events, there is a “hunter race” that sees the accuracy of posture. Student horseback riding needs an educational purpose to induce accurate riding rather than immediate good grades. Therefore, it plans to revitalize the event called ‘Korea Standard Jumping’, which applies the ‘hunter game’ event.

  49. Also, there is a need to promote the positive aspects of horseback riding. Just looking at last year’s youth horseback riding club competition, children from all over the country gathered. In some cases, buses come up from Jindo Island, Jeollanam-do, and they are flying from Jeju Island. Regardless of money, there are many parts that are used purely for exercise and educational purposes, but it is regrettable that the media focuses too much on some of the negative aspects of horseback riding. The story of Imja, a youth horseback riding team in Sinan, Jeollanam-do, has also been broadcasted, but that should be even more out of the way.Last year, a온라인경마 competition was held at Daemyung Vivaldi Park in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do, to mark the Korean student horseback riding. It is an international pony competition recognized by the Federation of International Horses (FEI) as ‘CSIP’. It was held in Daemyung. It is also planning to hold a ‘CSIP’ competition this year, but the final decision has not been made due to the Jung Yoo-ra incident.

  50. Also, there is a need to promote the positive aspects of horseback riding. Just looking at last year’s youth horseback riding club competition, children from all over the country gathered. In some cases, buses come up from Jindo Island, Jeollanam-do, and they are flying from Jeju Island. Regardless of money, there are many parts that are used purely for exercise and educational purposes, but it is regrettable that the media focuses too much on some of the negative aspects of horseback riding. The story of Imja, a youth horseback riding team in Sinan, Jeollanam-do, has also been broadcasted, but that should be even more out of the way.Last year, 온라인경마 a competition was held at Daemyung Vivaldi Park in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do, to mark the Korean student horseback riding. It is an international pony competition recognized by the Federation of International Horses (FEI) as ‘CSIP’. It was held in Daemyung. It is also planning to hold a ‘CSIP’ competition this year, but the final decision has not been made due to the Jung Yoo-ra incident.

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