“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.645 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. The horseback riding support project is aimed at the entire nation. As far as I know, it has been four to five years since the horseback riding support project was established. Until now, it has been a project that local people cannot easily access. Since Seoul and Gyeonggi Province have a large number of horseback riding populations, it is admitted that they receive more support than other regions. But isn’t the countryside 온라인경마
    South Korea. I think we should assign at least 1/n. I personally visited the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and said, “The horseback riding support project is for the entire nation, not a specific regional project,” adding, “Please support local governments including Chungbuk.” I’m a reasonable person. Don’t flirt or force yourself.

  2. behind victory at the Rio Olympics, bringing joy to the people. How do you feel about being a torchbearer for the PyeongChang Olympics with public support.I am very happy to have the Olympics in our country. I think the torch relay will be the last in my life. I’m honored and proud. It’s such a proud day.How did it feel to hold the torch.If I saw it without meaning, I could think it was just a fire, but the moment I ran with the torch, I got goosebumps all over my body. I felt like I was really starting the Olympics, and I felt the excitement I felt two years ago. And I felt the pressure of the athletes practicing for the Olympics and felt complicated emotions.

  3. Rather than having to make a donation in the name of a horse, I think it would be right to share the special income to the world because they are financially stable. Famous wealthy people such as Carnegie, the U.S. steel king, and Warren Buffett, the world’s leading investor, are actively donating. They say they think that their wealth is God’s blessing. So I think it’s natural to share the blessings given by God with your neighbors. I feel the same way.

  4. The inability to distinguish public and private matters is the reason for the slow development. As I said earlier, it is most important to keep the principle and principle. If you speak out of self-interest, the words have no power. If the other person is not a fool, you can see if he or she has a selfish interest. I say what I have to say anywhere in the central and local governments.온라인경마 I can confidently say that this is not the case, but this is the case. This is something that only one person can honestly say. A selfless person should head the organization. Only then can we go beyond the development of the horse industry to an advanced country. This is a story that applies not only to the horse industry but also to all fields.

  5. Acting head of the horse racing division Kim Jong-kook, who has consistently contributed to the issue of the illegal gambling industry in this paper, is currently preparing to publish “Understanding the Horse Industry” as a textbook related to the horse industry. At a recent academic conference hosted by the Lottery Society Cooperative, research on regulation policies for the domestic gambling industry and analysis of the horse racing industry survey were also presented.

  6. It is true that there has been a lack of support from local governments such as Chungbuk-do and Cheongju-si, but I hope that the foundation will pay more attention. Now, under the name of Cheongju Youth Equestrian Team, we will support them to participate in various competitions and achieve good results, and we will also strive for personality education.Kwak Han-moo, CEO of Taesan Horse Riding Town, entered the horse riding business in 2007 because he thought that the Korea-U.S. FTA had a vision for the horse riding business rather온라인경마 than the fattening business. It is said that the know-how to operate the horseback riding course stably for 10 years has been a mindset that values principles and principles.Kwak Han-moo, CEO of Taesan Horse Riding Town, says that the horseback riding support project is aimed at the entire nation, so we should not limit it to some regions, but also go with local regions.

  7. It is true that there has been a lack of support from local governments such as Chungbuk-do and Cheongju-si, but I hope that the foundation will pay more attention. Now, under the name of Cheongju Youth Equestrian Team, we will support them to participate in various competitions and achieve good results, and we will also strive for personality education.Kwak Han-moo, CEO of Taesan Horse Riding Town, entered the horse riding business in 2007 because he thought that the Korea-U.S. FTA had a vision for the horse riding business rather than the fattening business. It is said that the know-how to operate온라인경마 the horseback riding course stably for 10 years has been a mindset that values principles and principles.Kwak Han-moo, CEO of Taesan Horse Riding Town, says that the horseback riding support project is aimed at the entire nation, so we should not limit it to some regions, but also go with local regions.

  8. Holt School presents rehabilitation horseback riding through a healing horse riding class. Is horseback riding a great help to students? What aspects are there if it helps.It helps a lot. Children’s self-esteem increased a lot through horseback riding, and some of them were seen recovering their sense of balance. I’m not an expert in rehabilitation, but I thought it was helpful for rehabilitation. And while communicating with words, I think I have a sense of consideration. Emotionally and physically, horseback riding seems to be a great sport for children.

  9. If it doesn’t fit, I won’t do it, and if it does, I’ll do it, but thank you for listening to me. I think it is necessary to create a horseback riding boom by expanding horseback riding support nationwide, not limited to some regions. There will be a large number of horseback riding populations in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, but where is there a guarantee that only Seoul and Gyeonggi people can ride horses well? Isn’t the purpose of the 일본경마사이트 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s horseback riding support project to expand the base of the horseback riding population and find excellent horseback riding talent. It is possible to find talented people who are better at choosing the first place from 50 million to 50 million than to choose the first place from 20 million.It plans to make it the best horse riding team in Korea beyond the best in the Chungbuk region.

  10. Jong-kook, who has consistently contributed to the issue of the illegal gambling industry in this paper, is currently preparing to publish “Understanding the Horse Industry” as a textbook related to the horse industry. At a recent academic conference hosted by the Lottery Society Cooperative, research on regulation policies for the domestic gambling industry and analysis of the horse racing industry survey were also presented.

  11. He taught me for a long time and often disappeared without saying anything if he wanted to use it now. As an operator, I had no countermeasures. Still, he endured it well without using tricks. Among the instructors, a good wife and children married our son and became a daughter-in-law. Since the family ran a horseback riding course together, the horseback riding business has been more stable since then. It’s not just riding today and tomorrow. Even if you lose money right now, you need 온라인경마 to run a horseback riding course based on the standard of a rider, thinking that tomorrow will be a plus.Efforts to communicate are also needed. A limited number of people are arguing among themselves without being able to represent the opinions of all members. When you decide on an issue or have work, you should gather representatives of each region and listen to them.

  12. Jung Young-sik, one of Korea’s leading faces, is famous for his donation activities under the names of horses such as “Undefeated in the Tang Dynasty” and “Indie Band.” It is not just a few donations, but it also contributes to the establishment of the right face-to-face relationship that practices continuous sharing for more than a decade and practices the spirit of “Nobles Oblige.” It is also well-known to fans and the public as a familiar encounter.

  13. I was worried a lot from before the race to the finish line. He looked distracted during training ahead of the competition, but he seemed to concentrate well at the moment during the race. When “Changse” performed well, he ordered rider Lee Chan-ho to conduct a prior operation. In the beginning, he ordered to do good, even if it was a little too much. I was very anxious because I seemed to be overtaken ahead of the 100m finish line. However, I think I was able to endure it because I had a good will not to lose if “Changse” was next to me. Actually,온라인경마 my condition wasn’t the best today. Jockey Lee Chan-ho is the right player for “Genesis.” He has a habit of leaning inward after the fourth corner, and he was able to cover his weaknesses well because Lee Chan-ho was a left-handed rider. Changse is still very young at the age of three. Whether to participate in the Jeju Governor’s Cup finals will be decided in consideration of the horse’s condition.

  14. He taught me for a long time and often disappeared without saying anything if he wanted to use it now. As an operator, I had no countermeasures. Still, he endured it well without using tricks. Among the instructors, a good wife and children married our son and became a daughter-in-law. Since the family ran a horseback riding course together, the horseback riding business has been more stable since then. It’s not just riding today and tomorrow. Even if you lose money right now, you need온라인경마 to run a horseback riding course based on the standard of a rider, thinking that tomorrow will be a plus.Efforts to communicate are also needed. A limited number of people are arguing among themselves without being able to represent the opinions of all members. When you decide on an issue or have work, you should gather representatives of each region and listen to them.

  15. The word ‘relieved’ is memorable. That was my second horse, riding at the same time as SeaChap. ‘Lilivero’ was definitely a good horse, but it was a little lazy. So I think I tended to touch obstacles well when I crossed them. It means a lot to me personally. This is because he played in various European competitions and contributed greatly to gaining mileage. He was also registered as a reserve horse at the Olympics. Later, I came to Korea and did activities.

  16. A “horse,” a symbol of rough vitality and at the same time a symbol of docility. They have been active in various fields and have walked the history of mankind together for a long time. However, there was a time when it was considered a symbol of men because it was mainly used for pulling carts, 일본경마사이트
    riding vehicles, or military use. In particular, in the case of Korea, an excessively closed Confucian culture was established through the middle of the Joseon Dynasty, and the distance between women and horses was added. In addition, during the Japanese colonial period, rumors spread that “women born in the year of the horse are strong,” and it was abused as a means of suppressing their passports, deepening the goal.

  17. It is questionable how it proceeds when deciding how to play each competition. It seems like someone is just arbitrarily deciding how to play when there is no executive director in the association right now. In this situation, I think I should ask the players’ council or something. The management of the association excluding the players is regrettable.There are so many players I like. Among them, I like “Ian Miller” from Canada and “Nick Skelton” from England. Nick Skelton became the oldest gold medalist at the Rio Olympics at the age of 60. I also want to take good care of my health and play for a long time.

  18. Sohn Myung-won, president of the Korea Equestrian Association, said that if the horse riding industry joins forces to present a vision, companies will naturally sponsor it.I see it as a negative. At this point, which company would sponsor horseback riding. It is difficult to receive support even in a good atmosphere, but it is questionable whether companies and businessmen related to horseback riding can officially invest at a time when they are targeted. It’s a great thing to find a good sponsor by using the chairman’s ability, but I think it’s going to be difficult right now.

  19. At the time of coming to society, I saw an announcement that the Korean Racing Authority was hiring a female announcer. At that time, it is true that he only knew vaguely about horse racing and had no idea about the reality. I took the test because I thought I had to get a job anywhere, and that’s how my relationship with the horse began.There were only a few female employees in the horse racing community, so how could the Martha area be. There were no female riders at the time, and it was일본경마사이트
    literally a forbidden area. One day, it was a hot summer day, and I visited the Martha area in a broadcasting vehicle for coverage. I got off in front of the horse shower in front of the polling station, and the managers were taking a shower so comfortably. All together. I passed by pretending I didn’t see it. (laughs) It was such a natural scenery at the time because there were no women at all.

  20. A memorial ceremony for the late Kim Hyung-chil will be held next week. Are you going to attend.Of course I will attend. We greeted each other until the morning of the match, but when we arrived at the stadium, we ran to the news that there was an accident. It was such a ridiculous situation that I gave up the rest of the game. I really didn’t want to ride a horse then, and it’s still a heartbreaking memory. In particular, the late senior Kim Hyung-chil was always nice to his juniors, and there were many people who liked such a human aspect. I miss you a lot.

  21. The first horse she will meet in this special issue is Kim Soo-jin, a horse narrator who brought horse racing to the public. Announcer Kim Soo-jin is the first and the first female horse racing broadcast announcer in Korea, as well as the first female auctioneer, and recently the short track in-house announcer. The name of the pioneer will be recorded, but the scar from the thorn bush will remain deep in the body. I met in person and listened to the story of what the horse, which she had to일본경마사이트 go through, would have looked like.The reason why I started working in the broadcasting sector was largely due to the broadcasting club that I accidentally joined when I was in middle school. At that time, I had a variety of experiences, including PD, announcer, and engineer, and it was so much fun and I strongly thought that it was something I could do well because it suited my aptitude.

  22. At the time of coming to society, I saw an announcement that the Korean Racing Authority was hiring a female announcer. At that time, it is true that he only knew vaguely about horse racing and had no idea about the reality. I took the test because I thought I had to get a job anywhere, and that’s how my relationship with the horse began.There were only a few female employees in the horse racing community, so how could the Martha area be. There were no female riders at the time, and it was literally a forbidden area. One day, it was a hot summer day, 온라인경마 and I visited the Martha area in a broadcasting vehicle for coverage. I got off in front of the horse shower in front of the polling station, and the managers were taking a shower so comfortably. All together. I passed by pretending I didn’t see it. (laughs) It was such a natural scenery at the time because there were no women at all.

  23. The main character of this interview is Hwang Soon-won, who is leading Korean equestrian events with impressive performances at the 2012 Athens Olympics. The age of mid-40s is the age of veteran or retirement in other sports, but in horseback riding, it is said to be in its heyday from the age of 40. I met Hwang Soon-won, who is currently active as an equestrian player and leader, and combined the pending issues in the equestrian community and the story of horseback riding he walked.

  24. The first horse she will meet in this special issue is Kim Soo-jin, a horse narrator who brought horse racing to the public. Announcer Kim Soo-jin is the first and the first female horse racing broadcast announcer in Korea, as well as the first female auctioneer, and recently the short track in-house announcer. The name of the pioneer will be recorded, but the scar from the thorn bush will remain deep in the body. I met in person and listened to the story of what the horse, which she had to go온라인경마 through, would have looked like.The reason why I started working in the broadcasting sector was largely due to the broadcasting club that I accidentally joined when I was in middle school. At that time, I had a variety of experiences, including PD, announcer, and engineer, and it was so much fun and I strongly thought that it was something I could do well because it suited my aptitude.

  25. In the process, he became very close, and later, Park Tae-jong even played in front of the camera. The process of getting to know one person through the medium of broadcasting made me learn and realize so much.In addition, I remember the series under the title of a field trip. I always feel this while working here, but fans seem to be full of inevitable misunderstandings and distrust as they watch horse racing with money on their hands. At that time, the degree was really severe, so I was d온라인경마
    esperate to show them the living scene. I hoped that the beads of sweat, will, passion, and grievances of the officials I capture could dispel fans’ misunderstandings even a little. It was a 15-minute broadcast with horses and characters as the main characters, and I think it was a time when I was able to grow by running around a lot and meeting many people.

  26. It is necessary to create conditions for talented people to ride horses. This requires active efforts at the level of the Korean Horse Racing Association. Specifically, there may be efforts to establish a riding department at a new university, and restarting the commercial sports unit.The most important thing is to make a lot of good horse riding competitions. If you host a competition with a high prize money, excellent athletes will try to perform better, and more students will naturally try to ride horses.

  27. It is necessary to create conditions for talented people to ride horses. This requires active efforts at the level of the Korean Horse Racing Association. Specifically, there may be efforts to establish a riding department at 온라인경마 a new university, and restarting the commercial sports unit.The most important thing is to make a lot of good horse riding competitions. If you host a competition with a high prize money, excellent athletes will try to perform better, and more students will naturally try to ride horses.

  28. At the time of coming to society, I saw an announcement that the Korean Racing Authority was hiring a female announcer. At that time, it is true that he only knew vaguely about horse racing and had no idea about the reality. I took the test because I thought I had to get a job anywhere, and that’s how my relationship with the horse began.There were only a few female employees in the horse racing community, so how could the Martha area be. There were no female riders at the time, and it was온라인경마 literally a forbidden area. One day, it was a hot summer day, and I visited the Martha area in a broadcasting vehicle for coverage. I got off in front of the horse shower in front of the polling station, and the managers were taking a shower so comfortably. All together. I passed by pretending I didn’t see it. (laughs) It was such a natural scenery at the time because there were no women at all.

  29. It is said that celebrities need to be talented. Equestrian should also be talented. The people of my country are obviously talented people. If you have a chance to do horseback 온라인경마 riding or if you can learn, I recommend you try as much as possible. Our country is recognized for its ability in various areas. Some fields run on the world tower. I hope the juniors think that we can do it because we are us, rather than thinking that we can’t.

  30. the late Kim Hyung-chil will be held next week. Are you going to attend.Of course I will attend. We greeted each other until the morning of the match, but when we arrived at the stadium, we ran to the news that there was an accident. It was 온라인경마 such a ridiculous situation that I gave up the rest of the game. I really didn’t want to ride a horse then, and it’s still a heartbreaking memory. In particular, the late senior Kim Hyung-chil was always nice to his juniors, and there were many people who liked such a human aspect. I miss you a lot.

  31. The first horse she will meet in this special issue is Kim Soo-jin, a horse narrator who brought horse racing to the public. Announcer Kim Soo-jin is the first and the first female horse racing broadcast announcer in Korea, as well as the first female auctioneer, and recently the short track in-house announcer. The name of the pioneer will be recorded, but the scar from the thorn bush will remain deep in the body. I met in person and listened to the story of what the horse, which she had to go through, would have looked like.The reason why I started온라인경마 working in the broadcasting sector was largely due to the broadcasting club that I accidentally joined when I was in middle school. At that time, I had a variety of experiences, including PD, announcer, and engineer, and it was so much fun and I strongly thought that it was something I could do well because it suited my aptitude.

  32. It is right to spend a lot of money to learn horseback riding easily and comfortably. You can go easily if you buy more expensive and better horses than others, and attach great trainers. However, it is not necessarily 온라인경마 the only way to learn and do horseback riding. Few of the famous players in foreign countries have succeeded because they are actually rich. Everyone learns while working hard and continues to develop their talents. In the process, only a few top players succeed with their financial resources by meeting good sponsors and bringing good results. It’s not just about buying good words.

  33. In the process, he became very close, and later, Park Tae-jong even played in front of the camera. The process of getting to know one person through the medium of broadcasting made me learn and realize so much.In addition, I remember the series under the title of a field trip. I always feel this while working here, but fans seem to be full of inevitable misunderstandings and distrust as they watch horse racing with money on their hands. At that time, the degree was really severe, so I was온라인경마 desperate to show them the living scene. I hoped that the beads of sweat, will, passion, and grievances of the officials I capture could dispel fans’ misunderstandings even a little. It was a 15-minute broadcast with horses and characters as the main characters, and I think it was a time when I was able to grow by running around a lot and meeting many people.

  34. And the association doesn’t give any news to the players. There is a need to transparently disclose what happens at the board of directors or the general meeting of representatives to the players, but there is no such appearance at all. It is said to be an association for players only in words, but it is still the stage of a political battle between old forces 온라인경마 , and it is busy pulling down the person above. From the players’ point of view, the atmosphere is not developing at all. In the face of an association that can no longer fall, it is necessary to consider whether we can take this opportunity to further innovate and achieve development.

  35. It is right to spend a lot of money to learn horseback riding easily and comfortably. You can go easily if you buy more expensive and better horses than others, and attach great trainers. However, it is not necessarily the only way to learn and do horseback riding. Few of the famous players in foreign countries have succeeded because they are actually rich. Everyone learns while working hard and continues to develop their talents. In the process, only a few top players succeed with their financial resources by meeting good sponsors and bringing good results. It’s not just about buying good words.

  36. president of the Korea Equestrian Association, said that if the horse riding industry joins forces to present a vision, companies will naturally sponsor it.I see it as a negative. At this point, which company would sponsor horseback 온라인경마 riding. It is difficult to receive support even in a good atmosphere, but it is questionable whether companies and businessmen related to horseback riding can officially invest at a time when they are targeted. It’s a great thing to find a good sponsor by using the chairman’s ability, but I think it’s going to be difficult right now.

  37. When I joined the company, there was no broadcast program specializing in horse racing. At lunchtime, the family entertainment hall and the animal kingdom were broadcast. After a meeting to create our own horse racing program, I challenged the broadcasting plan for the first time, and the first broadcast I produced at the time was a 15-minute documentary. It’s my first work that I’ll never forget. Park Tae-jong, who recently won 2,000 games, decided to make a special온라인경마 program with 100 wins of the season for the first time in Korean horse racing at the time and followed him for a month. I think I followed him from dawn to evening and poured out all the effort and passion I could. Jockey Park Tae-jong is still very shy during the interview, but at that time, he was so shy that he took it 100 times to say a word.

  38. memorable. That was my second horse, riding at the same time as SeaChap. ‘Lilivero’ was definitely a good horse, but it was a little lazy. So I think I 온라인경마 tended to touch obstacles well when I crossed them. It means a lot to me personally. This is because he played in various European competitions and contributed greatly to gaining mileage. He was also registered as a reserve horse at the Olympics. Later, I came to Korea and did activities.

  39. At the time of coming to society, I saw an announcement that the Korean Racing Authority was hiring a female announcer. At that time, it is true that he only knew vaguely about horse racing and had no idea about the reality. I took the test because I thought I had to get a job anywhere, and that’s how my relationship with the horse began.There were only a few female employees in the horse racing community, so how could the Martha area be. There were no female riders at the time, and it was 온라인경마
    literally a forbidden area. One day, it was a hot summer day, and I visited the Martha area in a broadcasting vehicle for coverage. I got off in front of the horse shower in front of the polling station, and the managers were taking a shower so comfortably. All together. I passed by pretending I didn’t see it. (laughs) It was such a natural scenery at the time because there were no women at all.

  40. it is amazing to ride an animal that is much bigger than a person, and to accept and move a small signal from a person, but it seems to be the biggest attraction.He entered elementary school in the fourth grade (1983). When I heard a horse on TV 온라인경마 , I really liked it, but one day, my father asked me to go to the horseback riding ground and I went. The smell of horse poop and horseback riding ground was very uncomfortable and good. And when I climbed a horse, I started riding it every weekend as a hobby because I was scared and wanted to try it.

  41. My wife was a horse rider for several years as a student. My wife played S-Class when I played D-Class because I worked so hard for years. I’m not playing as a player now. My daughter is a senior in high school and is active as a dressage athlete at the Valios Riding Club.It was a very short period of time. There were also some horseback riding courses specializing in dressage, and even obstacle athletes should learn basic dressage. But it’s not my personal favorite.

  42. While developing varieties and cultivation technologies that can adapt to climate change such as drought and heat waves at all times, we will introduce tropical and subtropical crops to foster them as new income crops, and strive to develop rapid control technologies for pests. We will protect the healthy dining table of the people by establishing a safe food production and supply system such as eco-friendly ecological agriculture and safety management of agricultural materials.In particular, PLS (Pesticide Permissible Substance List Management System)

  43. The career record set by rider Moon Se-young is bound to be a record battle against the footsteps that rider Park Tae-jong had left earlier. Park Tae-jong, who debuted in 1987, recorded 1,300 wins in 2007. It took about 20 years. In addition, it took 11 months from 1,200 wins to 1,300 wins, and Park’s explosive accumulation of wins at the time was considered an impregnable record. However, Moon Se-young’s winning hunt is 온라인경마 surpassing Park Tae-jong’s. Moon Se-young, who had already started hunting for the shortest record from achieving 100 wins, continued to be the hero of the shortest record. The achievement of 1,200 wins last year also advanced Park Tae-jong’s record by about five years, and since then, it has only been nine months to add 100 wins to 1,300 wins, shortening the period of multiplier building.

  44. In order to expand exports of fresh agricultural products, we will support on-site difficulties such as leading maintenance technology after harvest, and strive to transfer customized agricultural technologies to developing countries as well as strategic cooperation with advanced agricultural countries.We will actively foster young farmers who will lead rural revitalization such as 4-H, train female farmers, farmers, and returnees as professional farmers who will lead the industrialization of future growth of agriculture through customized education, and strengthen safety and welfare.

  45. This year, the Winter Olympics, a festival of people around the world, will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea. In preparation for the Olympics, we will actively support it 온라인경마 to be recorded as the most successful Olympics involving farmers and the public by more thoroughly preventing livestock diseases such as AI and strengthening on-site technical support to improve the livestock environment.You will all remember that the creation of a world-class star named Kim Yu-na in the unpopular winter sports event made the whole nation happy.

  46. Macau horse racing is smaller than ours but has a long history. It is one of the countries where horse racing is far ahead. Systematically, it is not much different from Korean horse racing. However, Macau’s face-to-face culture is different. 온라인경마 Macau’s Maju culture does not seem to be about making profits by earning prize money. Rather, it has a greater social purpose through the formation of an opposing society. In addition, on the day of the horse race, there is a culture of relaxed appearances such as inviting acquaintances around them to enjoy horse racing together, socializing, and so on.

  47. Since Korea is operated by the state and most of its profits are returned to the national treasury, social public interest activities are not directly visible to the general public 온라인경마 . Even those who buy horse racing tickets recognize that horse racing profits are taken by the Korean Racing Authority. In this environment, it will not be easy to raise awareness of horse racing. If the proceeds from horse racing are directly seen being used for social welfare, education, medical care, and support for the poor, who would see horse racing negatively.

  48. We are a state-led horse racing system. Hong Kong and Macau are jockey clubs and horse racing systems led by Maju. Proceeds generated from the implementation of horse racing shall be returned to society for the public interest under the leadership of opposing organizations. Naturally, 온라인경마
    the public interest activities of the general public are reflected in the eyes of the general public, and the perception of horse racing is good. Even from the perspective of fans betting on horse racing, there may be an idea that they don’t just stop buying horse tickets, but donate them to be used for some good things in society.

  49. Moon Se-young, who is continuing to win the championship, has won 74 games by the end of June. Although it is numerical, it is likely to achieve 100 wins this year, and it is likely to continue its record of exceeding 100 wins a year for the seventh consecutive year since 118 wins in 2010. We hope that Moon Se-young, a “horse racing trend” who is writing a new history of Korean horse racing, will live up to the expectations 온라인경마 of horse racing fans with his unchanged appearance.Hiraga Ranch’s visit received enthusiastic responses from massage officials, including assistant teachers. Despite the difficult content, Pukyong officials tried to learn by asking many questions to introduce a new teaching method. After strong training, he asked questions that he was usually curious about, such as how to rest and how long to rest.

  50. I would like to express my deep gratitude to farmers and rural promotion officials who have wisely overcome the trials that have hit agriculture and rural areas such as drought, hail, and avian influenza (AI) last year.This year, our agriculture and rural areas are facing major changes and 온라인경마 challenges such as expanding market opening such as FTAs, climate change, and aging. There is also a huge wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that causes innovative changes in the national system, society, and life as a whole. But these changes and challenges can also be new opportunities, depending on how we accept and utilize them.

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