“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.644 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. In response, Chairman Hyun Ji-kwan said in a parliamentary audit of the Korea Racing Authority, “I understand that we have decided to promote more than 90% internally. The final promotion will be decided after confirming whether the Korean Racing Authority is implementing the plan submitted to the International Racing Federation for one year next year. “If there is no problem, the promotion of Part II will be announced as of January 1, 2017,” he said.An official from the Korea Racing 온라인경마
    Authority said, “We have not yet received a document from the International Racing Federation on the exact promotion. However, I heard from officials of the International Racing Federation who attended the meeting at the time that the promotion of Korean horse racing was passed. An official document is expected from the International Racing Federation around mid-October.

  2. Earlier this year, he was re-appointed as the president of the Korea Student Riding Association. I know that he has been in charge of the bad work of the Student Horse Racing Association for a long time with great interest in student horseback riding. As far as I know, he is trying to make new changes by re-chairing the Student Riding Association. Please tell me about the future direction of the Student Riding Association.Since the early days of the Student Riding Federation, he has continued to 온라인경마
    work as an executive. I was away from the Student Riding Association for a while, but my heart was always with the Student Riding Association. Earlier this year, he was reinstated as chairman at the request of the former player-turned-executive. I thought that changes were needed not only for the Student Riding Association but also for the continuous development of Korean horseback riding.

  3. I want to thank Haemaru, who played so well, and thanks to Choi Bum-hyun, who rode well, and the managers who managed hard, I think I have a chance to win.Thank you. It was a pre-emptive or pre-emptive operation. I didn’t think I would push him in from behind because it was 2000M, and I only had seven participants, so I ordered 일본경마사이트 Choi Bum-hyun to do well or take a first-come-first-served approach when he didn’t overdo it.Haemaru is a very difficult horse to develop, but it seems that he gave up his steps comfortably by doing good deeds in the beginning.Among domestic horses over the age of 4 in Seoul, I thought “Haemaru” was a strong player to some extent.In addition, I have run a lot of 2000m in the past, and I decided that it was a good condition to try, so I will participate without much pressure.Training patterns have not changed much.

  4. In the meantime, the condition of the horse has always been good, but there have been some developments that have not worked out properly, and there have been bad start barriers, so bad conditions have overlapped.I rarely had a chance to show my ability, but as such evil walls were fixed and developed 일본경마사이트 comfortably, I think I can show my ability properly.As I said, there has always been a problem with the start, how do you rate today’s start?When I entered the starting line first, there was a shaking with my front foot raised from inside.In this race, I was able to get off to a smooth start because I had less time on the starting line.Today’s start is satisfactory.I will always have training with the horse race in mind.We will take a proper rest and train for this year’s presidential boat and control our condition.No matter how strong the Busan language is, I think it is our wish to compete at least once.

  5. He was simple, who burned the splendid “late wind” such as the representative of Gyeonggi-do Province at the National Sports Festival and the president of the Gyeonggi-do Horse Racing Association.In addition to introducing the Horse Mate Equestrian Club, he simply welcomed the reporter and explained the nearby 일본경마사이트 Ttukbang foreign ride course.What I remember especially is that I told the reporter about the reality of the horse riding industry. Now, the bill is about to be revised beyond the level of “public debate,” but at that time, few people spoke directly about pending issues within the “internal” (Former CEO of Yuil Leisure Hyun-hoon is one of them).Rarely for horseback riding figures, he had a firm perception and philosophy of the horse industry as a whole.As such, he was ahead of his time, and he had a big picture of finding overall horse industry policies and alternatives, and an eye to see the forest.

  6. On April 18, the first meeting of the council will be held, and the issue of equestrian insurance will be dealt with first as the main issue.With the launch of the council, it is expected that horse industry-related organizations and horseback riding clubs in Gyeonggi-do will benefit.It is my personal opinion 일본경마사이트 , but I think it would be good if our council could be in charge of the horse industry-related support project conducted by Gyeonggi-do Province so that it can be verified and encouraged to participate.We would like to discover related projects for residents and members.For example, I would like to consult with local governments and systematically support them so that they can experience horseback riding tourism like Jeju Island.If the council takes responsibility for this and that projects and works hard, it will set an example for other local governments.Horses are quickly included in livestock and the project is carried out in the form of reporting rural horseback riding grounds,

  7. You have to run with strong horses to become stronger.I think it’s a matter that needs more time when it comes to competitiveness.It seems more like a coincidence than a meeting with me. Meeting good words is also very lucky in a way.I think what I did was not miss the opportunity that came to me.How much of a racehorse’s ability must be before the rider’s ability can be exercised.I think I’ve had a lot of luck.Before I knew it, I became a 일본경마사이트 senior in the jockey world. Fans are worried about it, but the thing that everyone is most worried about is their future life.I want to do my best in a given situation.The goal is to protect Choi Bum-hyun’s unique belle.I want to continue to maintain good thoughts and good physical condition and continue to jockey until my physical strength drops.So I’m very happy.My assistant teacher is a senior, so she gets scolded a lot, and she is very considerate.As I feel this, I think I should work hard that much.

  8. I think it is desirable to conduct competitions or projects and generate profits so that they can raise assets for self-restraint.That way, budget execution that can be developed and helpful to members is also possible.Gyeonggi-do Province is particularly complicated regarding the integration of the association and the association into the sports community.It would be a burden to take charge of both organizations, but in a way, it is the same thing.I think that the work of the council and the integration meeting should not go against each other, and synergy effects will occur only when they are together.Not long ago, 일본경마사이트 I attended an integrated meeting of the Korea Riding Association, and I was framed for something that didn’t even happen.The Gyeonggi Horse Racing Association will create an integrated promotion committee and push for integration through due process.It will not compromise with illegality, such as the operation of individualized associations and manipulation of electoral representatives.

  9. Chairman Kim Kyung-tae, who served as vice chairman of the 5th executive branch, helped Jeju members overcome the difficulties caused by the inherent limitations of the para-horse association distributed across the country by helping them join the para-horse association.Chairman Kim Kyung-tae, who 일본경마사이트 was newly inaugurated as the sixth president of the Pukyong Racing Association, still emphasizes communication and friendship for Pukyong Racing Association members, and diagnoses that Korean horse racing must be integrated to achieve innovation.In particular, it is said that it will aim for small associations and efficient operations to minimize the burden on members of the association.With the national economy continuing to be in a difficult situation and horse racing sales continuing to decline, I feel burdened to take office as the head of the association.First of all, for the revitalization of the para-horse racing association

  10. I will create a council that will also help the members.Plans for future activities, such as budget management of the council, etc.Although the start is insufficient, we will try to lay the foundation for the horse industry in Gyeonggi Province.If councils are launched on their own in various parts of the country, organizations across the country 일본경마사이트 can also be expected.It is time for the horse industry to launch a large organization like the Pork and Dairy Association.It reminds me of what other associations said when lawmakers from Gyeonggi Province planned the budget, they came and said they couldn’t see the horse riding and horse industry.It started with Gyeonggi-do Province and the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation because there was no center point when an individual stepped up.The budget is now officially subsidized and supported by the provincial government and the National Assembly instead of the way executives collect funds, and it is also verified,

  11. It is true that there are no various conditions for regular dental care.It seems to need to be supplemented systematically.The importance of dental care has a direct impact on the horse’s ability or ability.Among the horses I looked around this time, there were many wounds on the cheeks and tongue due to lack of dental care, and some teeth still have teeth or broken teeth were confirmed.It seems that he/she looked at the horses’ teeth on the 일본경마사이트 spot, met with veterinarians, assistants, and managers, and reminded them again about the importance of teeth.I hope this visit will be a good opportunity.It’s not too dangerous as long as it’s a bond. The most important thing is respect and trust in words.When you enter the stable before the dental examination, it is most important to make the horse believe me.When you bond with each other through conversations with horses, most horses,

  12. It is true that there are no various conditions for regular dental care.It seems to need to be supplemented systematically.The importance of dental care has a direct impact on the horse’s ability or ability.Among the horses I looked around this time, there were many wounds on the cheeks and tongue due to lack of dental care, and some teeth still have teeth or broken teeth were confirmed.It seems that he/she looked at the horses’ teeth on the spot, met with veterinarians, assistants, and 일본경마사이트 managers, and reminded them again about the importance of teeth.I hope this visit will be a good opportunity.It’s not too dangerous as long as it’s a bond. The most important thing is respect and trust in words.When you enter the stable before the dental examination, it is most important to make the horse believe me.When you bond with each other through conversations with horses, most horses,

  13. He was simple, who burned the splendid “late wind” such as the representative of Gyeonggi-do Province at the National Sports Festival and the president of the Gyeonggi-do Horse Racing Association.In addition to introducing the Horse Mate Equestrian Club, he simply welcomed the reporter and explained the nearby Ttukbang foreign ride course.What I remember especially is that I told the reporter about the reality of the horse riding industry. Now, the bill is about to be revised beyond the level of “public debate,” but at that time, few people spoke directly about pending issues within the “internal” (Former CEO 일본경마사이트 of Yuil Leisure Hyun-hoon is one of them).Rarely for horseback riding figures, he had a firm perception and philosophy of the horse industry as a whole.As such, he was ahead of his time, and he had a big picture of finding overall horse industry policies and alternatives, and an eye to see the forest.

  14. Chairman Kim Ki-cheon met at the Horse Mate Equestrian Club.Wormblood and Halflinger foals, born last year, were growing rapidly.Chairman Kim Ki-cheon looked happiest when he was with the horses.Kim Ki-cheon, the new chairman of the Gyeonggi-do Provincial Industrial Development Council, sits in the chair shortly 일본경마사이트
    after his election and holds the inaugural general meeting. Chairman Kim said the horse industry also needs a nationwide association.With the election of Chairman Kim Ki-cheon, who has long advocated for the realization of field-oriented policies along with the necessity of forming a council in the horse industry, the council is expected to continue to operate.Chairman Kim Ki-cheon met for the first time at the former Horse Mate Equestrian Club on August 22, 2012.The self-help system, the need for horse industry cooperatives, and the transfer of projects to the private sector, which have been advocated by this paper, are also issues that have been communicated with him.

  15. What was the background of the foundation and what was the situation at the time.”At that time, the horse racing society was not in the mood to recognize the Maju Association. The president of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association was appointed by the pastoral meeting in the horse racing society.At that time, 27 to 8 members who inspected the Jeju racetrack agreed to the foundation.At that time, I, who was in the middle of my age and career, began my activities as chairman, and I was able to finish the inaugural general meeting safely with more than 100 members gathered on the 43rd floor 일본경마사이트 of Lotte Hotel.There was no target exchange race in Pukyong at the time, but three were taken from seven races in Seoul.The Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association President’s Cup was created, and the Korean Racing Authority changed its name to Owners Cup to prevent the award ceremony to recognize the association even though it was approved as a corporation.I couldn’t even give an award at the first competition.

  16. In addition to the title of Pungjin Livestock Co., Ltd. and the first president of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Association, he is also active in social activities such as the Busan Detention Center Correctional Council, the Busan Youth Leaders Association, the Korea JC Speci 일본경마사이트
    al Association, and the co-chairman of the National Happiness Movement.He, who has consistently walked only one path throughout his life, could feel that he was full of joy, pride, passion and consideration throughout the interview.Jinyoung Kim The word that came to mind while interviewing the first chairman of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association was “original.”It wasn’t just such a senior, it was a real senior.On January 19, 2006, he founded the Busan Gyeongnam Racing Association after constant efforts despite all kinds of difficulties, saying, “I will make citizens love horse racing.”On January 19, 2006, he founded the Busan Gyeongnam Racing Association after constant efforts to make citizens love horse racing,

  17. What are the real obstacles to integration.”It would be nice to integrate, but some elders are opposed to it because they do not let go of their vested interests.There are 45 horse racing competitions a year, 31 in Seoul and 14 in Busan.Compared to the initial 일본경마사이트 3:4 ratio, it is not proportional.In addition, Seoul is a non-open race, and Busan is an open race.I think we should all open up and go to an open race.Only when vested interests are abandoned and integrated can they coexist.The plan to implement horse racing next year is in full swing, and I think the Seoul prize money system should be revised first.In the case of Seoul, the prize money is wrong.In the case of this Korea Sprint, the competition ended on September 9, but the prize money didn’t come out until October 5.As Seoul monopolizes the prize money, Busan has no choice but to strike without receiving proper performance-based bonuses.It’s because I have little money and a lot of work.

  18. I asked him about the appearance of Germany, an advanced country in the horse industry, the prospects of the domestic horse industry, and how he felt about visiting Korea Horse Livestock High School.Germany is an advanced country in the world’s horse industry.In particular, as it stands out in the field of horseback riding, 일본경마사이트 what is the share of the horse industry or horseback riding industry in the total size of Germany?Germany’s horseback riding industry is by far the best in the world. And the horse industry accounts for a significant proportion of all German industries.It can be said that it is at the top 10 level.Germany’s horse industry is characterized by its connection with the education system.Through education, the industry is strengthened and profits are generated.Horseback riding is not familiar to the public in Korea. What is the image of horseback riding in Germany? How are the related workers treated?In Germany, horseback riding does not have a popular character like soccer.

  19. Our goal is to educate students based on the long history of the school and to learn three Olympic equestrian events.And the goal is to pass on the school’s tradition based on learning.In the end, it is to continue the tradition and history of the school through trainees.After graduation, career paths 일본경마사이트 are diverse, not fragmentary.There are various career paths, from graduates working as horseback riding riders to those working as Stable Managers at large horseback riding clubs to managers of ranches.Every year, it produces a small number of international horse trainers, and based on excellent education, it sometimes has an opportunity as an authoritative trainer in the country.In addition, there are three-month horseback riding curriculum leadership activities at Meister School and leadership activities in foreign countries.Korea has also been making great efforts to foster the horse industry over the past few years.What do I think when I visit Korea and look around the educational field.

  20. Horse racing has no script because the race speed is very fast and it is difficult to predict the results. For this reason, horse racing announcers need the fastest agility and accuracy among sports broadcasts due to their characteristics.They also participate in the formation of horse racing broadcast programs or even edit themselves 일본경마사이트 briefly.It requires a wide range of qualities as well as broadcasting because it conducts events such as award ceremonies and even administrative work of the Korean Racing Authority.Announcer Kim said, “The biggest attraction of horse racing announcers is ‘achievement’.Horse racing broadcasting seems to make my own work and can continue to grow by doing various tasks.”I found it more attractive that I could show my capabilities in many fields,” he said.It is also good that horse racing announcers can be recognized for their expertise. However, there are many practical problems behind the colorful-looking announcer,” he said

  21. Wasn’t it especially hot last summer.In Jungbok, we prepared chicken soup for 1,100 and 2,200 people.I sponsored 15,000 bottles because I heard that bottled water was also urgent.It is as difficult for a person to edify a person as a falling water to pierce a rock.When you meet them in person, they’re reading 일본경마사이트 our inner thoughts, and sometimes they’re acting like they’re clueless. However, as the saying goes, “Even if you hate sin, you shouldn’t hate people,” if you hang out with them even though you know it’s hard, they understand your sincerity. It’s something I do because I enjoy it.Sharing my heart and affection makes my heart feel better. When I go there, people even ask me if I feel good about something happened. I think my horses have good grades because they are doing their own good deeds. Good things happen when you give.”Chairman Jinyoung Kim is also taking the lead in contributing to society as a senior partner.

  22. It’s still a long way off. Posture is the part I’ve been pointed out the most when I got into Article 20. His back got so bad as his injury and unstable posture overlapped. Personally, I corrected my posture by riding a lot, and recently, I have been doing personal training recommended by my assistant teacher. In addition to the basic weight, the assistant instructor 온라인경마 directly tells the trainer what he needs, so he is training with severe additional training. Thanks to this, my hands tremble when I lift a spoon, and when I cough, I feel like I’m going to die. Do you think you’re hurting other places so you don’t feel pain? (laughs) I’m kidding, and I feel much better as I train my muscles in the past, which was not filled even after treatment.

  23. There was interruption, the operation didn’t go as I wanted, but you saw me run like crazy on the last course.I would have won if it was 10 meters longer.He’s been riding since his grandfather, and there was a congratulatory address in Gangseo-gu, Busan. I used to ride on a foreign boat at the Nakdonggang River’ Since the time of Ttukseom Racecourse, horses have been bid and procured. 일본경마사이트 When I hosted the Busan Racecourse, I met the head of Gangseo-gu to persuade and try. At that time, Gangseo-gu’s financial independence was only 11%.Residents were also so active that they said, “Absolutely welcome the racetrack and oppose the briquette industrial complex.”Since then, I have been preparing to be a partner, and I applied for it first when a racetrack was built in Pukyong after the 2002 Asian Games.Even now, I wake up at 4 a.m. and climb Mt. Baekdu in Gimhae City.It is a steep mountain about 350 meters above sea level, and you can train your mind and body by going up and down here,

  24. There was interruption, the operation didn’t go as I wanted, but you saw me run like crazy on the last course.I would have won if it was 10 meters longer.He’s been riding since his grandfather, and there was a congratulatory address in Gangseo-gu, Busan. I used to ride on a foreign boat at the 일본경마사이트 Nakdonggang River’ Since the time of Ttukseom Racecourse, horses have been bid and procured.When I hosted the Busan Racecourse, I met the head of Gangseo-gu to persuade and try. At that time, Gangseo-gu’s financial independence was only 11%.Residents were also so active that they said, “Absolutely welcome the racetrack and oppose the briquette industrial complex.”Since then, I have been preparing to be a partner, and I applied for it first when a racetrack was built in Pukyong after the 2002 Asian Games.Even now, I wake up at 4 a.m. and climb Mt. Baekdu in Gimhae City.It is a steep mountain about 350 meters above sea level, and you can train your mind and body by going up and down here,

  25. It’s still a long way off. Posture is the part I’ve been pointed out the most when I got into Article 20. His back got so bad as his injury and unstable posture overlapped. Personally, I corrected my posture by riding a lot, and recently, I have been doing personal training recommended by my assistant teacher. In addition to the basic weight, the assistant instructor 온라인경마directly tells the trainer what he needs, so he is training with severe additional training. Thanks to this, my hands tremble when I lift a spoon, and when I cough, I feel like I’m going to die. Do you think you’re hurting other places so you don’t feel pain? (laughs) I’m kidding, and I feel much better as I train my muscles in the past, which was not filled even after treatment.

  26. What are the real obstacles to integration.”It would be nice to integrate, but some elders are opposed to it because they do not let go of their vested interests.There are 45 horse racing competitions a year, 31 in Seoul and 14 in Busan.Compared to the initial 3:4 ratio, it is not proportional.In addition, Seoul is 일본경마사이트 a non-open race, and Busan is an open race.I think we should all open up and go to an open race.Only when vested interests are abandoned and integrated can they coexist.The plan to implement horse racing next year is in full swing, and I think the Seoul prize money system should be revised first.In the case of Seoul, the prize money is wrong.In the case of this Korea Sprint, the competition ended on September 9, but the prize money didn’t come out until October 5.As Seoul monopolizes the prize money, Busan has no choice but to strike without receiving proper performance-based bonuses.It’s because I have little money and a lot of work.

  27. I asked him about the appearance of Germany, an advanced country in the horse industry, the prospects of the domestic horse industry, and how he felt about visiting Korea Horse Livestock High School.Germany is an advanced country in the world’s horse industry.In particular, as it stands out in the field of horseback riding, 일본경마사이트 what is the share of the horse industry or horseback riding industry in the total size of Germany?Germany’s horseback riding industry is by far the best in the world. And the horse industry accounts for a significant proportion of all German industries.It can be said that it is at the top 10 level.Germany’s horse industry is characterized by its connection with the education system.Through education, the industry is strengthened and profits are generated.Horseback riding is not familiar to the public in Korea. What is the image of horseback riding in Germany? How are the related workers treated?In Germany, horseback riding does not have a popular character like soccer.

  28. Our goal is to educate students based on the long history of the school and to learn three Olympic equestrian events.And the goal is to pass on the school’s tradition based on learning.In the end, it is to continue the tradition and history of the school through trainees.After graduation, career paths are 일본경마사이트 diverse, not fragmentary.There are various career paths, from graduates working as horseback riding riders to those working as Stable Managers at large horseback riding clubs to managers of ranches.Every year, it produces a small number of international horse trainers, and based on excellent education, it sometimes has an opportunity as an authoritative trainer in the country.In addition, there are three-month horseback riding curriculum leadership activities at Meister School and leadership activities in foreign countries.Korea has also been making great efforts to foster the horse industry over the past few years.What do I think when I visit Korea and look around the educational field.

  29. Thanks to active investment, Korea is already considered in good condition. Investment is well made and efforts are being made for development, and motivation seems to be good.If you have continuous observation and motivation, you will be able to reach a higher point.In order to produce tangible results, systems in each field such as production and education must be well established.Although it has external conditions, it seems that the detailed internal area still needs 일본경마사이트 to be supplemented.Officials from advanced horse industries such as Germany should be invited frequently to accept know-how.I can’t jump to conclusions because I haven’t been to all horse industry-related schools yet, but to pick a few areas that need to be improved at the core.I can’t jump to conclusions because I’ve only looked around two schools.I will take a good look at the curriculum taught at various schools for the rest of the year.

  30. Thanks to active investment, Korea is already considered in good condition. Investment is well made and efforts are being made for development, and motivation seems to be good.If you have continuous observation and motivation, you will be able to reach a higher 일본경마사이트 point.In order to produce tangible results, systems in each field such as production and education must be well established.Although it has external conditions, it seems that the detailed internal area still needs to be supplemented.Officials from advanced horse industries such as Germany should be invited frequently to accept know-how.I can’t jump to conclusions because I haven’t been to all horse industry-related schools yet, but to pick a few areas that need to be improved at the core.I can’t jump to conclusions because I’ve only looked around two schools.I will take a good look at the curriculum taught at various schools for the rest of the year.

  31. So I’ve never stood up before the finish line in a race. Except once when you were suspended last time. At that time, I rode a “focus” and ran on a main road that I really couldn’t see an inch ahead. I was wrong to use only one funnel for m온라인경마 y carelessness. I can’t see it. I thought I would be here by now, but it was too early. After that, there is also a point of being more obsessive.I don’t know if it sounds cheeky, but I’m really not afraid. Also, I don’t know how long it will take to build the next win, but I don’t think I can move on if I’m afraid. Recently, nine players were too long to win, but in fact, I’m focusing more on how fully I get one.

  32. Prepare for the competition in a disadvantageous situation, let alone the privilege and advantage of the home ground.Major King, who won the Agriculture and Forestry Minister’s Cup in 2013, was selected as the best horse for the third generation in Korea and went on an expedition to the U.S. in accordance 일본경마사이트 with the Korean Racing Authority’s mandatory overseas expedition business.I visited the local area myself, and I ran three races, and I was humiliated.It was a national disgrace.After forcing himself to run at his own expense of 120 million won, the horse was ruined.After retiring at the age of four, he had to be put into breeding as a seed horse, but when he came to Korea, he did not even see the light as a seed horse because it was not verified.If you have been on an overseas expedition, the system needs to be improved not only by retiring from the horse racing society, but also by managing it additionally and putting it into free breeding.

  33. The best part of horse racing is jockey. If so, how should we call female riders who have unusually high-altitude and coveted flowers. Let’s Run Park Seoul currently has seven female riders. This is the fifth female rider to achieve 40 wins after a fierce battle in a horse race that does not have a gender handicap. Now, I met the flag bearer Ahn Hyo-ri, who took온라인경마
    root in earnest as an official flag bearer, not a probationary flag bearer.Of course. I felt that my condition improved a lot while training horses myself. It is true that even when Yoon Seung-eun was in good condition, so I had expectations inside. While on a business trip, I only thought, “I have to ride calmly and well.” We got off to a good start.

  34. I could read the true adult’s appearance by emphasizing, “I do it because I’m having fun,” and “If I give it up, good things will happen.” (photo = Korean economy’s ending).From ‘Royal Imbrace’ at Ttukseombae in 2012, ‘Major King’ at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in 2013, and ‘Returned Whaling Line’ 일본경마사이트 , which recently won third place at the Korea Sprint following last year.”We became friends because we liked each other’s words. The moment we talk with horses is the happiest.”In particular, it is a hot topic to come to the preliminary market and proudly lead a horse with sunglasses on every horse race. What do you remember the most when you felt rewarded as a partner.”First of all, this Korea Sprint competition was very disappointing in many ways.I had high expectations because I took good care of myself and I was in good condition.The “Returned Whaling Ship” had a solemn goal of winning and protecting Korea’s pride and becoming a stepping stone to Part 1.

  35. What was the background of the foundation and what was the situation at the time.”At that time, the horse racing society was not in the mood to recognize the Maju Association. The president of the Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association was appointed 일본경마사이트 by the pastoral meeting in the horse racing society.At that time, 27 to 8 members who inspected the Jeju racetrack agreed to the foundation.At that time, I, who was in the middle of my age and career, began my activities as chairman, and I was able to finish the inaugural general meeting safely with more than 100 members gathered on the 43rd floor of Lotte Hotel.There was no target exchange race in Pukyong at the time, but three were taken from seven races in Seoul.The Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Association President’s Cup was created, and the Korean Racing Authority changed its name to Owners Cup to prevent the award ceremony to recognize the association even though it was approved as a corporation.I couldn’t even give an award at the first competition.

  36. I don’t know what the assistant teacher thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, saying, “Let’s go slowly.” I was so thankful but I was also very anxious. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know. I thought nothing had changed in particular, but it didn’t work out, so I thought I had a problem and really beat myself up 온라인경마 a lot. I watched all the races I’ve been riding and wondered why every day. I saw and analyzed Choo Yeol of the same stable ride. I think it didn’t go as I wanted because I lost confidence.It’s the best. And I think it was possible to do so because of Bae Dae-seon’s assistant teacher Bae Dae-seon’s ability. All of the horse-riding family members are very careful about horses.

  37. I asked him about the appearance of Germany, an advanced country in the horse industry, the prospects of the domestic horse industry, and how he felt about visiting Korea Horse Livestock High School.Germany is an advanced country in the world’s horse industry.In particular, as it stands out in the field of horseback riding 일본경마사이트 , what is the share of the horse industry or horseback riding industry in the total size of Germany?Germany’s horseback riding industry is by far the best in the world. And the horse industry accounts for a significant proportion of all German industries.It can be said that it is at the top 10 level.Germany’s horse industry is characterized by its connection with the education system.Through education, the industry is strengthened and profits are generated.Horseback riding is not familiar to the public in Korea. What is the image of horseback riding in Germany? How are the related workers treated?In Germany, horseback riding does not have a popular character like soccer.

  38. I don’t know what the assistant teacher thought inside, but when he saw me, he showed his faith, saying, “Let’s go slowly.” I was so thankful but I was also very anxious. If I said it was because of you, would I have come more? I don’t know. I thought nothing had changed in particular, but it didn’t work out, so I thought I had a problem and really beat myself up a lot.온라인경마 I watched all the races I’ve been riding and wondered why every day. I saw and analyzed Choo Yeol of the same stable ride. I think it didn’t go as I wanted because I lost confidence.It’s the best. And I think it was possible to do so because of Bae Dae-seon’s assistant teacher Bae Dae-seon’s ability. All of the horse-riding family members are very careful about horses.

  39. Then, I went to the racetrack for the first time and saw the winning scene of Lee Ae-ri. I just fell in love when I saw him coming to the finish line amid a lot of shouts.If you decide to do it once, you have to do it, so you have to challenge yourself to become a jockey. As you know, even after entering the horse racing academy, there were many twists and turns, graduating after six years due to severe injuries. But I had no intention온라인경마 of giving up. All I thought was that I would become a jockey even if I ran a single race.Of course. I hated the smell of excrement at first. I went into the stable for the first time to clean up, and the smell of ammonia was vibrating. I think it was even more so because she was only a girl who grew up without suffering until then. Moreover, it was very high when I climbed onto the horse. I was scared and fell a lot.

  40. He continued in second place throughout the week and, moreover, didn’t win for three months. It was my first time as a jockey and it was really hard mentally. I was most grateful to the horse, and I wanted to run quickly and scream and be praised for winning by the assistant and the stable master. While returning to Hama-daero, I was grateful for the faces of the people who had been encouraging me one by one.I didn’t care at all because there were no nine moves so far. He has consistently 일본경마사이트 won one or two games a month, but it is true that he has been embarrassed because he has fallen a lot without a multiplier for the past three months and even got hurt during training. In the meantime, his 20 trillion horse stable, which he belongs to, allowed him to ride a good horse as usual, and said that his horse was in bad condition even after finishing second as the first-place horse, and the combination was strong.

  41. However, by chance, I participated in the training last year after hearing that there was an education for Gyeongju Retired Horse, and I participated in the training again this year because I was confident that Gyeongju Retired Horse could be used as a safe 일본경마사이트 ride if it was successful.Some say that it is practically difficult to use a horse retired from Gyeongju as a riding horse.Otherwise, it is sufficient to use a horse retired from the race as a riding horse.People who don’t know about horses in detail may ask what kind of retired horse they use as a riding horse, but it’s not really.I had similar thoughts to them in the past, but seeing the changes in person changed my mind 180 degrees. This is the only idea for a stable horse industry.If this business goes well, many people can ride horses at low prices.Does passenger conversion education actually help the field.Based on the knowledge I learned, I tried riding a novice equestrian after purifying a love red on a farm and horseback riding ground

  42. However, by chance, I participated in the training last year after hearing that there was an education for Gyeongju Retired Horse, and I participated in the training again this year because I was confident that Gyeongju Retired Horse could be used as a safe ride if it was successful.Some say that it is practically difficult to use a horse retired from Gyeongju as a riding horse.Otherwise, it is sufficient to use a horse retired from the race as a riding horse.People who don’t know about horses in detail may ask what kind of retired horse they use as a riding horse, but it’s not really.I had similar thoughts to them in the past, 일본경마사이트 but seeing the changes in person changed my mind 180 degrees. This is the only idea for a stable horse industry.If this business goes well, many people can ride horses at low prices.Does passenger conversion education actually help the field.Based on the knowledge I learned, I tried riding a novice equestrian after purifying a love red on a farm and horseback riding ground

  43. I hope I can return with a smile after a good performance, and I will pour out all my skills.What is the expected result of the competition.First of all, it is urgent to participate in team competitions with juniors and achieve good results.And I will help you well 일본경마사이트 next to juniors who are expected to get good grades.Yes, I am happy to participate in the 4th Asian Games.Until the last tournament, I participated with experienced players, and I was in a position to learn.But this time, I belong to an experienced player.I was very nervous when I first participated, but I’m sure the players who will participate in the Asian Games for the first time will also be nervous.I’m not particularly good at riding, but I’m a little more experienced, so I’m going to control what to do and lead it.In the meantime, Korean horseback riding has always performed well in equestrian events at the Asian Games.How do you expect your grades.

  44. A total of 20 horseback riding simulators, including eight, were provided to eight locations, including Seocheon firefighters’ sports facilities in Chungcheongnam-do.The purpose of providing opportunities to experience horseback riding indirectly and promoting health and welfare for urban residents who have difficulty accessing it to improve awareness of the horse 일본경마사이트 industry and develop related industries.The on-site response was as hot as expected, but is it because the size of the supply project itself is small and still unfamiliar.There are still many shortcomings to continue the purpose of the supply business.The short-term supply project was successful because Helmudo Co., Ltd. (CEO Shim Hoon-seop), which produced and distributed a “horse simulator,” made efforts to protect the man.I met CEO Shim Hoon-seop at the headquarters in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do, and heard about the current situation of the equestrian simulator market.

  45. “The elderly residents and firefighters responded very well and the support was hot.Senior citizens usually pay 1,000 won for physical therapy, but in fact, the treatment effect is small.You can also take care of your health while exercising with the free riding simulator in the region.Some centers were operating with 일본경마사이트 the phrase “Don’t ride over 65 years old” or set a time to worry about the elderly.When I visited again, I explained that I didn’t need to.In the case of firefighter sports facilities, the fire chief directly broadcasted and gathered four to 50 firefighters for training.As young people rode it, the machine seemed to be unbearable, so they even changed the structure (mechanism) back to a strong one.The size of the simulator has also been reduced appropriately so that it is not inconvenient to exercise.We decided to provide free A/S, operation, and education for two years.I would like to apply for more places that I already received.

  46. It is more effective in terms of national welfare projects only when it is distributed to schools for the disabled or senior citizens.”There is also a trick to create jobs for the young and silver generations.”We can support start-ups.If three to four simulators are installed in elemental elements across the country where there is a large floating population, profits of 3 일본경마사이트 to 4 million won can be generated.It’s a number that only one or two people can ride in an hour.There’s also the advantage of floating population.By generating profits, young people can also receive start-up support and retirement silver generation can earn pocket money.It can boost consumption and promote horse racing, which is difficult to promote directly.If you add a promotional video of the Racing Authority along with a campaign to prevent sleepiness to the simulator monitor video, many people can get closer to horseback riding.The Small Business Market Promotion Corporation adopted the project,

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  48. Conflicts related to horse racing innovation are expected to face another phase as pros and cons are divided among horse racing fans at a time when the implementation body and opposition groups have not been able to reach a significant agreement on the promotion of horse racing innovation 온라인경마 .As the Let’s Run Korea Racing Authority has made a strong response to the opposition of related organizations to the promotion of horse racing innovation, it is highly likely that the implementation of horse racing in February will be disrupted.The Korea Racing Authority announced on the 19th that it had formed a horse racing crisis response TF team to implement the horse racing innovation system normally.

  49. “For example, I suggested making a horse cart instead of a golf cart in the main building of the Korean Racing Authority, and I also won a prize in the competition.”Looking at the field with a business management mind, I think it is difficult 일본경마사이트 to develop the horse industry by emphasizing only one field.Associations and associated organizations move separately, and riders consider horse racing a gamble.The Korean Racing Authority is trying to shake and adjust it by giving a few bucks. It doesn’t mean anything, just supporting money.I’m just showing off.Horse racing, fans have to stand right up.Fans gather only when the quality of the race is good.What’s the point of having a good bloodline.Even if you don’t buy 10% of the betting tickets, the horse racing society will stand right away.Illegal horse racing sites should also be made not to go, not to crack down.You can’t develop by looking at what you see in front of you and saying “soldering bread.

  50. The Korea Racing Authority, which has been ignoring the voices of horse racing fans, recently announced a horse racing innovation plan to provide quality horse racing products by listening to the voices of horse racing fans. However, despite the non-cooperation of the Maju Association’s horse racing innovation plan, horse racing innovation is on the verge of being stranded. What’s the difference in trying to improve the quality of horse racing, and what’s wrong with the fact that there’s a rice fight? Moreover, the news that horse racing may be suspended due to온라인경마
    friction between horse racing groups makes millions of horse racing fans angry beyond stunned. Whom is the horse race stop for? For whom is the Maju Association, which is leading the Korean race, a group for? I would like to ask again whether the Maju Association’s unilateral non-cooperative attitude toward the horse racing innovation plan, which has already been introduced through many media, can be seen as an act of dignified Maju.

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