“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.645 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Last Sunday, there was a ceremony to deliver a plaque of merit for the Dubai World Cup in Let’s Run Park Pukyong. I said this as a joke on the spot. “Our horses will stay in a good horse-riding room like a hotel for three to four months온라인경마 and return to Korea, and I’m worried if they can adapt well.” Compared to our horse room, Dubai horse room is like a hotel. First of all, the area of the stable is large, and air conditioners are installed in each stable. And everything is comfortable. Next to it, there is a grassland for exercising, and it is 10,000 pyeong of grassland attached to a building of Martha where eight animals stay. It’s beyond our imagination.

  2. I think Triple Nine’s advance to the finals of the Dubai World Cup was meaningful to confirm the level of domestic horse. Triple Nine, Korea’s representative horse, has been selected for the second consecutive year, confirming the world’s best stage performance and the current location of Korean horse racing. And one more, it can be said that it also presented the direction and tasks for domestic horse racing in the future.온라인경마 When my horse runs in a general race, I put everything aside and visit the racetrack. In fact, it is not easy to fly long distances for 9 to 10 hours at a considerable age. However, I think it is the duty of facing each other to be together when one’s horse runs. And there is also a personality that I must see what I must see. In fact, I’m not a free person, but I think it depends on my mind.

  3. Although there were twists and turns, I am grateful to the delegates who trusted me and voted for me. I think he admitted that he worked hard for student horseback riding for two years last year, so he wants to work hard. Currently, the problem facing the horseback riding community is the recovery of the image of horseback riding, which has been tarnished by allegations of preferential horseback riding due to Jung Yoo-ra. In this regard, the Student Equestrian Association believes that the crisis should be revived as an opportunity by making more efforts centered on youth.At some point, he rolled and rolled because he was close to executive director Park Won-oh and coach Park Jae-hong, and at some point, he became Choi Soon-sil’s man.온라인경마
    But not at all. I rarely met executive director Park Won-oh, and coach Park Jae-hong greeted him because he is a senior and junior in the horseback riding world. After taking charge of the Student Horse Riding Association, we hardly contacted each other. He became a Chimsobong Peak because he was close to executive director Park. The Student Equestrian Association has nothing to do with politics at all.

  4. It is more effective to express horseback riding in a video than to write and deliver it in writing. Therefore, we are planning to build an association’s website or use SNS based on the video content of our competition. Starting this year, we will play a lot of youth matches. We plan to divide it by region and hold many matches, including club league qualifiers. If the video of the competition taken here is broadcast live, you can see온라인경마 horseback riding competitions in other regions anywhere in the country. You can watch the youth competition held in Imja-do, Sinan, Jeollanam-do, without having to go in person by a student horseback riding athlete in Gangneung, Gangwon-do. The Student Equestrian Association plans to take the lead in holding the game, not allowing each regional association to take the lead.

  5. I think etiquette comes first when it comes to all sports. At last year’s competition in Gumi, posters of “Greeting First,” “Greeting politely,” and “Greeting Each other” were posted, and etiquette education was devoted. At each competition, I saw the directors of the association working hard for the competition from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and said that the children were suffering first. The children also found out that the Student Horse 온라인경마 Riding Association worked hard for them. These days, most families have only one or two children, so they may lack social skills and communication skills, but through education through an animal medium called horses, children can be refined and develop communication skills. In the future, we plan to strengthen the aspect of etiquette education.

  6. Although there were twists and turns, I am grateful to the delegates who trusted me and voted for me. I think he admitted that he worked hard for student horseback riding for two years last year, so he wants to work hard. Currently, the problem facing the horseback riding community is the recovery of the image of horseback riding, which has been tarnished by allegations of preferential horseback riding due to Jung Yoo-ra. In this regard, the Student Equestrian Association believes that the crisis should be revived as an opportunity by making more efforts centered on youth.At some point, he rolled and rolled because he was close to executive director Park Won-oh and coach Park Jae-hong, and at some point, he became Choi Soon-sil’s man. But not at all. I rarely met executive director Park Won-oh,온라인경마 and coach Park Jae-hong greeted him because he is a senior and junior in the horseback riding world. After taking charge of the Student Horse Riding Association, we hardly contacted each other. He became a Chimsobong Peak because he was close to executive director Park. The Student Equestrian Association has nothing to do with politics at all.

  7. It is more effective to express horseback riding in a video than to write and deliver it in writing. Therefore, we are planning to build an association’s website or use SNS based on the video content of our competition. Starting this year, we will play a lot of youth matches. We plan to divide it by region and hold many matches, including club league qualifiers. If the video of the competition taken here is broadcast live, you can see 온라인경마
    horseback riding competitions in other regions anywhere in the country. You can watch the youth competition held in Imja-do, Sinan, Jeollanam-do, without having to go in person by a student horseback riding athlete in Gangneung, Gangwon-do. The Student Equestrian Association plans to take the lead in holding the game, not allowing each regional association to take the lead.

  8. It is more effective to express horseback riding in a video than to write and deliver it in writing. Therefore, we are planning to build an association’s website or use SNS based on the video content of our competition. Starting this year, we will play a lot of youth matches. We plan to divide it by region and hold many matches, including club league qualifiers. If the video of the competition taken here is broadcast live, you can see horseback 온라인경마 riding competitions in other regions anywhere in the country. You can watch the youth competition held in Imja-do, Sinan, Jeollanam-do, without having to go in person by a student horseback riding athlete in Gangneung, Gangwon-do. The Student Equestrian Association plans to take the lead in holding the game, not allowing each regional association to take the lead.

  9. I think etiquette comes first when it comes to all sports. At last year’s competition in Gumi, posters of “Greeting First,” “Greeting politely,” and “Greeting Each other” were posted, and etiquette education was devoted. At each competition, I saw the directors of the association working hard for the competition from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and said that the children were suffering first. The children also found out that the Student Horse 온라인경마 Riding Association worked hard for them. These days, most families have only one or two children, so they may lack social skills and communication skills, but through education through an animal medium called horses, children can be refined and develop communication skills. In the future, we plan to strengthen the aspect of etiquette education.

  10. I think etiquette comes first when it comes to all sports. At last year’s competition in Gumi, posters of “Greeting First,” “Greeting politely,” and “Greeting Each other” were posted, and etiquette education was devoted. At each competition, I saw the directors of the association working hard for the competition from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and said that the children were suffering first. The children also found out that the Student Horse온라인경마 Riding Association worked hard for them. These days, most families have only one or two children, so they may lack social skills and communication skills, but through education through an animal medium called horses, children can be refined and develop communication skills. In the future, we plan to strengthen the aspect of etiquette education.

  11. It was pointed out that some delegates spent their operating expenses carelessly. It was inevitable because there were several changes while promoting the project last year. Initially, it was planned to hold a youth horseback riding competition at the square in front of Seoul City Hall, but it didn’t work out. He then changed to a park behind the National Assembly building in Yeouido, Seoul, and thought it would go well, but it failed at the end. In the end, as the event was finally changed to be 온라인경마 held within the Korean Racing Authority, the association decided to hold it directly from the event to the establishment of the venue. Earlier, there was a budget that was received in consideration of the installation of stands and LED lights necessary to be held in other places, but it seems that it was pointed out that it was a lazy operation in the process of implementing them.

  12. It is more effective to express horseback riding in a video than to write and deliver it in writing. Therefore, we are planning to build an association’s website or use SNS based on the video content of our competition. Starting this year, we will play a lot of youth matches. We plan to divide it by region and hold many matches, including club league qualifiers. If the video of the competition taken here is broadcast live, you can see horseback온라인경마 riding competitions in other regions anywhere in the country. You can watch the youth competition held in Imja-do, Sinan, Jeollanam-do, without having to go in person by a student horseback riding athlete in Gangneung, Gangwon-do. The Student Equestrian Association plans to take the lead in holding the game, not allowing each regional association to take the lead.

  13. CEO Kim Mi-sun, who takes care of local direct marketplaces or department store events and looks at market reactions, said, “The best marketing is to take my things and bump into them directly.” “Because the number of customers who have increased like that becomes my real customer,” he 온라인경마 said, revealing the secret of success.CEO Kim Mi-sun aims to build educational facilities to help young farmers succeed and establish a “fermented food theme park” in Piagol. In order to achieve their dreams, they are also focusing on increasing production and expanding distribution channels such as meals and exports to the U.S. market.

  14. Kim Mi-sun, head of the Rural Industry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, “Based on product development and active marketing using local specialties, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will continue to support young farmers’ dreams in rural areas.온라인경마 “There are only five first-class jangjesa in Korea who can find a horse’s painful legs only by the appearance and sound of the horse walking. He is recognized as an expert with an annual salary of 100 million won. In the case of a new funeral service, the annual salary is about 40 million won. Since expertise is needed, it takes nearly 20 years of hard work to become a first-class funeral service.

  15. Until now, there have been two ways for Jangjesa to obtain a certificate through a national qualification test or a training course for the Korean Racing Authority. After going through the national qualification test, it was possible to hold a passenger horse race system and a racehorse race system if it was qualified through the Korean Racing Authority training온라인경마 process. However, recently, the self-qualification test of the Korean Racing Authority Jangjesa Training Course has been abolished, allowing only those who pass the national qualification test to engage in funeral service. In addition, if you obtain a certificate of funeral service through the national qualification test, you can run a racehorse as well as a passenger horse.

  16. Until now, there have been two ways for Jangjesa to obtain a certificate through a national qualification test or a training course for the Korean Racing Authority. After going through the national qualification test, it was possible to hold a passenger horse race system and a racehorse race system if it was qualified through the Korean Racing Authority training 온라인경마 process. However, recently, the self-qualification test of the Korean Racing Authority Jangjesa Training Course has been abolished, allowing only those who pass the national qualification test to engage in funeral service. In addition, if you obtain a certificate of funeral service through the national qualification test, you can run a racehorse as well as a passenger horse.

  17. Kim Mi-sun, head of the Rural Industry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, “Based on product development and active marketing using local specialties, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will continue to support young farmers’ dreams in rural areas.”There are only five first-class jangjesa in Korea who can find 온라인경마 a horse’s painful legs only by the appearance and sound of the horse walking. He is recognized as an expert with an annual salary of 100 million won. In the case of a new funeral service, the annual salary is about 40 million won. Since expertise is needed, it takes nearly 20 years of hard work to become a first-class funeral service.

  18. CEO Kim, who became the youngest female head in the country due to the addition of the village elders, is currently gaining the trust of the village as the third-term head of the village by reducing the profits of Jirisan Piagol Food to the region and creating added value again. In addition, it is selling local agricultural products to its own shopping mall of “Piagol Miseon” or conducting online and offline sales agents to promote co-prosperity with local residents.Combined with local온라인경마 farmhouse restaurants and accommodations, it also plays a major role in attracting local visitors. Piagol food enjoyed at a refreshing valley campsite with nature and an outdoor bench is said to be perfect for summer vacation. In addition, various experience programs and accommodation facilities such as scholarship, kimchi making, Gorosoe, and tea ceremony education are provided.

  19. Kim Mi-sun, head of the Rural Industry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, said, “Based on product development and active marketing using local specialties, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will continue to support young farmers’ dreams in rural areas.”There are only five first-class jangjesa in Korea who can find a온라인경마 horse’s painful legs only by the appearance and sound of the horse walking. He is recognized as an expert with an annual salary of 100 million won. In the case of a new funeral service, the annual salary is about 40 million won. Since expertise is needed, it takes nearly 20 years of hard work to become a first-class funeral service.

  20. The Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has served as a window for people to enjoy horse racing from various angles by providing information and news on the site to the barren Korean horse racing community. He also played an important role in building a bridge between fans who had been cut of온라인경마 f. We also thank you for being faithful to the original role of the professional media in promoting it to the general public and helping to improve the distorted and negative horse racing image.Also, congratulations on the 4th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Industry Journal, which has taken on a new challenge to lead the development of the Korean horse industry.

  21. Today, crises and opportunities coexist in the horse racing industry. There are some hopeful parts of achieving Part II entry, creating image, creating multilateral businesses, and entering the world through horse racing innovation, but years온라인경마 of stagnation in horse racing customers and sales, still unresolved government regulations, and negative perceptions of the Korean horse racing industry.As it is said that a crisis is an opportunity, in order to break away from the crisis that threatens Korean horse racing, all racers must work together and come up with a grand-scale development plan through communication.

  22. The management difficulties of inland racehorse producers are also more serious than ever. Due to the liberalization of imports of foreign horses, the purchasing power of domestic horses is deteriorating, and the auction market is still cold. In order to ensure transparency in the distribution structure of racehorses and to create a fair market value for racehorses between multiple sellers and buyers, the activation of a public auction organized by the Public Trust Association is most 온라인경마
    urgent.There are some subsidies from the Korean Racing Authority, but the current auction market, centered on second-year-olds, where producers mostly cover the cost of fostering before and after, is increasing the burden on producers. Active support is needed if conditions are created in the future and the association takes the lead in fostering reviews.

  23. Currently, Korean horse racing is set to enter advanced horse racing for a new leap forward. Recently, the Pukyong racehorse “Triple Nine” has achieved remarkable results in 온라인경마 a neck-and-neck race with top foreign racehorses in the Godolphin Mile (GII) race at the Dubai World Cup, one of the world’s best races, and the mainstay has won the Dubai World Cup qualifying round. In addition, many changes and efforts are underway, including the implementation of horse racing, changes in the system, and the production and introduction of excellent racehorses.

  24. The Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the Horse Industry Journal, which have been watching the growth of our horse racing industry and the birth of the horse industry at such an important time, play a huge role.As readers and racers who have been watching the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper since its foundation, I hope that the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the Horse Industry Journal will continue 온라인경마
    to be faithful to the role of professional media and lead the changing horse and horse racing industries.If you come to the inland domestic horse auction organized by the association, you can meet producers and high-quality horses produced and nurtured by Let’s Run Farm’s general trainer at the bubble-free price, so please pay active attention and participate.

  25. Today, crises and opportunities coexist in the horse racing industry. There are some hopeful parts of achieving Part II entry, creating image, creating multilateral businesses, and entering the world through horse racing innovation, but years 온라인경마 of stagnation in horse racing customers and sales, still unresolved government regulations, and negative perceptions of the Korean horse racing industry.As it is said that a crisis is an opportunity, in order to break away from the crisis that threatens Korean horse racing, all racers must work together and come up with a grand-scale development plan through communication.

  26. As the first step of the special plan for its foundation, it will tell the story of Woo Man-soo, a livestock policy department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Han Byung-yoon, who has been taking the lead in finding field-oriented policies. On June 16, he met with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Sejong City and interviewed the present and future of the Korean horse industry.Woo Man-soo 온라인경마 met with the livestock policy department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at the office on the third floor of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Sejong. Although he has been on-site-oriented for three years since he took office, he said he would try to solve various pending issues rather than yet to say rewarding or fruitful results.

  27. As of last year, the first comprehensive five-year plan for fostering the end of the year industry has ended. This year, there are many complicated things, but it is time to analyze the first plan and announce the second plan. However, there have been many changes in domestic conditions, such as the issue of manipulating state affairs and the need to present a new vision after the inauguration of the new government, which is supplementing the contents.Looking at it, horseback riding was the envy and timing of the general public because it was온라인경마 their own sport. Horse racing is a meandering industry rather than the joy of horse racing itself, and the image of gambling addiction is strong, so the negative image from the people has been solidified. It’s a problem that I keep thinking about, but it’s a healthy horse racing industry, and it’s quite difficult to create a horseback riding industry that the whole nation can enjoy together with sound sports.

  28. At the first seminar since taking office (celebrating the designation of Jeju Special Zone in July 2015), I mentioned the side effects of the horse industry at the time. Since then, it has confirmed and promoted big policies such as the selection of special zones No. 2 and No. 3 and the succession of state-certified surveys, and unlike before, it has implemented efficient, appropriate, and field-oriented administration to stabilize the온라인경마 Korean horse industry. If it’s worth it the most. Also, if you have any regrets,I don’t think I’ll know “Boram” until a little later. Although he has worked more on-site work than rewarding, it is difficult to access chronic problems, for example horseback riding facilities.There is no clear solution to the fact that horseback riding fees are expensive, and that there are falling and safety problems when using them.

  29. We will come up with measures to provide safe food to the people and further establish itself as a major future industry in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, he said. “We will listen to the voices of front-line agricultural sites based on members of the National Assembly and front-line administrative experiences.”On the same day, President Moon appointed Vice Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Kim Hyun-soo (56), Vice Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. Kim Hyun-soo, the new vice minister from Dalseong, Daegu, graduated from Gyeongbuk High School and Yonsei University’s Department of 온라인경마 Economics and passed the 30th administrative exam in 1986. Starting in 1999, he served as a member of the former Planning and Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, served as a food production bureau, agricultural product distribution bureau, spokesperson, rural policy bureau, and planning and coordination office.

  30. It’s already been three years since I took over as a horse industry manager. The official name of the department in charge is “Masa Gye,” which does many things. First of all, there is not only a comprehensive plan and support for the development of the horse industry, but also a role of guidance and supervision of the Korean Racing Authority. In particular온라인경마 , we are also promoting related contents for the sound development of the horse racing industry, such as the issue of over-the-counter sales outlets, which are emerging as issues these days. We also consult with the Racing Authority regarding the operation of special reserves under the Racing Authority Act. Recently, I have been in charge of traditional bullfighting.

  31. Regarding the installation of horseback riding facilities, the problems of installation in agricultural promotion zones and the inability to build large-scale horseback riding facilities in the green belt have not yet been solved. There is also a problem of deteriorating the management of the horseback riding industry due to the inability to use electricity for farming. I think the horseback riding ground itself is a problem caused by the fundamental problem of agricultural or livestock facilities. Since there is no legal stability, there are parts that have not been solved due to the continued problem. So rather than rewarding, I’m trying to solve these issues and feel sorry for not being able to solve them.”It has created a public horseback riding ground near the city, improved the insurance system, stabilized 온라인경마
    horseback riding management, and launched individual horseback riding insurance at the end of last year and continues this year. It is regrettable that personal development insurance was decided to be a government-supported project, but it was canceled in the last stage. The law also has grounds for insurance support, so we are considering whether insurance issues will be involved in any way.

  32. It’s already been three years since I took over as a horse industry manager. The official name of the department in charge is “Masa Gye,” which does many things. First of all, there is not only a comprehensive plan and support for the development of the horse industry, but also a role of guidance and supervision of the Korean Racing Authority. In particular,온라인경마
    we are also promoting related contents for the sound development of the horse racing industry, such as the issue of over-the-counter sales outlets, which are emerging as issues these days. We also consult with the Racing Authority regarding the operation of special reserves under the Racing Authority Act. Recently, I have been in charge of traditional bullfighting.

  33. At the first seminar since taking office (celebrating the designation of Jeju Special Zone in July 2015), I mentioned the side effects of the horse industry at the time. Since then, it has confirmed and promoted big policies such as the selection of special zones No. 2 and No. 3 and the succession of state-certified surveys, and unlike before, it has implemented efficient, appropriate, and field-oriented administration to stabilize the Korean horse industry. If it’s worth it the most. Also, if you have any regrets,온라인경마 I don’t think I’ll know “Boram” until a little later. Although he has worked more on-site work than rewarding, it is difficult to access chronic problems, for example horseback riding facilities.There is no clear solution to the fact that horseback riding fees are expensive, and that there are falling and safety problems when using them.

  34. Kim Jong-kook, head of the horse racing division, emphasized the importance of customized services and Internet betting to improve the image of the horse racing industry, published the Horse Riding Voting Theory and Practice in April 1995, 온라인경마 and earned a master’s thesis in 2003. After the 2007 Sea Story incident, various policy reports related to the comprehensive plan for the sound development of the speculative industry were also published, and in August, he earned a doctorate in policy studies for the speculative industry regulation policy change process by the policy network model.

  35. Kim Jong-kook, head of the horse racing division, emphasized the importance of customized services and Internet betting to improve the image of the horse racing industry, published the Horse Riding Voting Theory and Practice in April 1995, 온라인경마 and earned a master’s thesis in 2003. After the 2007 Sea Story incident, various policy reports related to the comprehensive plan for the sound development of the speculative industry were also published, and in August, he earned a doctorate in policy studies for the speculative industry regulation policy change process by the policy network model.

  36. I don’t think there’s much difference. There are some differences mainly in comparison. In Europe and Malaysia, there are many races on grass roads in addition to sand stocks. There is no grass liquor in Korea yet. If that’s the difference, it’s the difference.There is also a slight difference in the style of Gyeongju. In the case of Korea, there are many attempts to take the lead in the early part of the race. I try to stand in the front if possible. However, in Europe, there are a variety of styles, such as an extra horse and a free horse, which come out of the온라인경마 rear rather than a preceding horse style.All of my family members are deeply related to horses. Grandfather and father were assistant teachers in Ireland, and other families have horse-related jobs such as assistant teachers and riders. I actually worked as an assistant teacher since my debut in Malaysia in 2010, but it’s been a while since I’ve lived with horses.

  37. Recently, in addition to horse racing fans who enjoy horse racing, the composition of people visiting the horse racing park is diversifying to family customers who accompanied young children, and young people who came to play with lovers or friends. I think it is the process of transforming into a healthy leisure sport. In order to bring about a greater change in the process, it is also a way to use “horse” for the general public to see and enjoy rather than focusing on horse racing. Usually, the general public should be able to come and go naturally without온라인경마 any hesitation.Currently, the Korean Racing Authority seems to be doing well to strengthen its competitiveness. For example, they are doing well in international competitions such as the “Korea Cup” in Korea or sending out Korean excellent racehorses to Dubai and Singapore. If contact with international horse racing is increased in this way, there is sufficient possibility.

  38. Thomas, who made his debut on the domestic stage as the third foreign assistant in Pukyong, Let’s Run Park in 2015, has already entered his third year as a Korean assistant. Three years is a long and short time, but you must have fully understood Korean horse racing while seeing, hearing, and feeling it on the front line of Korean horse racing. In addition, 온라인경마v his performance, which is currently ranked at the top of the ranking of assistants in Let’s Run Park’s Pukyong, proves that he already knows Korean horse racing well. Now a member of the Korean horse racing history beyond just a foreign assistant, he seemed to be affectionate about Korean horse racing. Check the current address of Korean horse racing from the perspective of foreign assistant Thomas.

  39. Kim Jong-kook, acting head of the horse racing division, said in a telephone interview with our newspaper, “It is time for wisdom and patience to solve the complicated thread of the horse racing community,” adding, “Based on our careers, we will do our best to solve the challenges in the horse racing industry through win-win cooperation.”There is a foreign 온라인경마
    acquaintance among racehorse producers in Jeju, so they visited Korea with their introduction. They said that Korean horse racing is currently developing a lot and that the future outlook is bright. So I visited Korea for an interview, and when I came here in person, the facilities and conditions were all good. And I was confident that Korean horse racing could develop, so I boldly chose to go to Korea.

  40. Now, Korean horse racing is showing a lot of development. Compared to three years ago, the horse level, assistant teacher’s teaching skills, and rider’s ability to develop have developed considerably. It can be said that the overall level of Korean horse racing has improved.In particular, what is encouraging is that excellent foreign seedlings are being introduced. Recently, Korean horse racing and racehorse producers are bringing excellent seedlings from the United States온라인경마 to Korea, which will greatly contribute to the development of Korean horse racing. As the number of good words has increased, good results can be expected.In most foreign countries, gambling, which matches the results of the race through betting, is also enjoyed as a leisure. It is common for people who visit racetracks with their families to bet lightly for a weekend outing.

  41. Now, Korean horse racing is showing a lot of development. Compared to three years ago, the horse level, assistant teacher’s teaching skills, and rider’s ability to develop have developed considerably. It can be said that the overall level of Korean horse racing has improved.In particular, what is encouraging is that excellent foreign seedlings are being introduced. Recently, Korean horse racing and racehorse producers are bringing excellent seedlings from the United States t온라인경마 o Korea, which will greatly contribute to the development of Korean horse racing. As the number of good words has increased, good results can be expected.In most foreign countries, gambling, which matches the results of the race through betting, is also enjoyed as a leisure. It is common for people who visit racetracks with their families to bet lightly for a weekend outing.

  42. First of all, I am sorry about the recent horse manager incident in Let’s Run Park Busan and Gyeongnam. The working hours of foreign horse managers are almost the same as those of Korea. However, the treatment of Korean language managers is okay in that they receive a certain portion of the prize money they earned. Some European countries, including Ireland, also have regulations that require a partial percentage 온라인경마
    of the prize money to be paid, but Korea is okay when comparing treatment.I am not familiar with the overall system of Let’s Run Park Seoul. However, Busan seems to be more competitive because the carriage is operated at the association level in Let’s Run Park Seoul, and Let’s Run Park Pukyong is run by individuals. Mainly, Seoul feels small and tight, and Busan feels like a large straight road.

  43. Before I was interested in horses, I was just an ordinary student. Under the influence of his father in the pig industry, he entered the Department of Livestock Management and Distribution Economics. At this time, I vaguely thought I should help my father with his work. Since I was young, I haven’t even imagined that I would do anything else because I’ve seen, heard, and encountered pigs often.The other is that I want to온라인경마
    make it a famous tourist attraction by creating a ranch, a horse theme park like Northern Holes Park in Japan. I want to be able to ride outside in the ranch and allow people to visit the ranch through various experience programs using miniature horses. I want to let many people know the charm of horses by touching them and communicating with them, not just watching them from afar.

  44. Because he is young, he has the advantage of being able to work passionately. I can work for my words without considering this or that. I am still lacking a lot now, so I am trying to gain as many experiences as possible.In 2014, an acquaintance recommended a racehorse racehorse to his father. When my father faced me, I told him to study horses. At that time,온라인경마
    I was attending Konkuk University’s Department of Livestock Management and Distribution Economics, and I thought I would have to horseback riding to study horses. While riding, I began to communicate directly with the horses. As I touched the horse myself and continued, I fell into the charm of the horse’s charm of the horse.

  45. Singapore is an “Asian horse racing advanced country” classified as a Part 2 country by the International Racing Classification Commission (ICSC), with racehorses and internationalization far ahead of Korea. In particular, the conditions for the introduction of foreign jockeys by the Singapore Tough Club are known to be difficult, but Moon Se-young’s excellent performance, hosting international competitions such as온라인경마 the “Korea Cup,” and promotion to Part 2 of the Korean horse race.As of the 1st, the rider Moon Se-young has begun training in Kranji, Singapore, and is expected to make his first appearance in the night race on Friday, May 19, or Sunday, May 21. The license period is three months, which may be extended according to the intention or activity details of the rider Moon Se-young.

  46. At a special zone meeting held in Jeju in June last year, Jeon Sung-won, head of the win-win marketing division, called for the central government’s attention and set the direction of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province to foster Hallama, which will be kicked out of racehorses, as Korea’s leading passenger horses from 2023. Support is needed to establish a system related to the production, fostering, training, and distribution 온라인경마 of passenger horses. “Please pay attention,” he stressed.Jeon Sung-won, current head of Jeju’s win-win marketing division, and Kim Jin-gap, head of Jeju’s Gyeongju Resource Management Division, are still communicating with farmers in a responsible manner on this important issue and constantly developing and applying related policies to the site.

  47. In fact, this is Moon Se-young’s second overseas expansion. In 2013, he served as an invited rider for three months in Macau and maintained a good performance in the 10% winning rate. At that time, he was able to learn various ways of development through his activities in Macau and became a stepping stone for growth even after returning to Korea.”I hope my 온라인경마 juniors can freely advance overseas through me rather than pressure on their performance,” said Moon Se-young, a rider, cheering for the growth of their juniors. Also, “I felt that I needed a change because I thought it was scary to stay. “I think if I adapt to a difficult place, I will become more mentally and physically mature in riding a horse in the future,” he said.

  48. Despite these efforts of the horse racing community, various regulations that cannot be seen in other horse racing countries are pouring out. This is a situation that is weakening the horse racing industry’s efforts to advance horse racing, and concerns are ahead. And the fact that many of the innovation plans for change and reform that the Korean Racing Authority has ambitiously pursued are stagnant and regrettable due to collective selfishness is also holding back the development of horse racing.The Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has faithfull온라인경마 y played a role as a horse racing political scene and has made great efforts to raise social awareness of horse racing by conveying the trend of horse racing without addition or subtraction, improving the system, and advocating for the development of Korean horse racing. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to executives and officials, including CEO Kim Moon-young of the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper.

  49. Until now, there have been two ways for Jangjesa to obtain a certificate through a national qualification test or a training course for the Korean Racing Authority. After going through the national qualification test, it was possible to hold a passenger horse race system and a racehorse race system if it was qualified through the Korean Racing Authority training process. However, recently, the self-qualification test of the Korean Racing Authority Jangjesa Training Course has been abolished, allowing only those who pass the national qualification test to engage in funeral service. In addition, if you obtain a certificate온라인경마 of funeral service through the national qualification test, you can run a racehorse as well as a passenger horse. In particular, due to its professional specificity, it is also a rare job with only about 80 people in Korea. There are 65 certified Korean Racing Authority participants, and there are also a number of freelancers who are unofficially active in general horseback riding grounds.

  50. The Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has served as a window for people to enjoy horse racing from various angles by providing information and news on the site to the barren Korean horse racing community. He also played an important role in building a bridge between fans who had been cut off.온라인경마 We also thank you for being faithful to the original role of the professional media in promoting it to the general public and helping to improve the distorted and negative horse racing image.As it is said that a crisis is an opportunity, in order to break away from the crisis that threatens Korean horse racing, all racers must work together and come up with a grand-scale development plan through communication.

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