“Pies de barro”

2733200806efeeducacion-3.jpg  Nueva ley, competencias, formación, más alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, convivencia escolar… La eucaristía final de curso es un buen momento para ofrecer todo al Señor, la cena con los compañeros lo es para la charla, el debate, la discusión y caer en “típicos tópicos” necesarios. Necesarios para el análisis informal y cotidiano, necesarios por la importancia y relevancia de la educación. Comparamos dotaciones, apoyos y facilidades entre comunidades autónomas. Pasamos de grandes hechos a casos particulares sin orden de continuidad… “¿Cómo está María Elena? No parece que vaya a levantar cabeza”; “la educación de un país, una sociedad, se juega en la buena educación de cada niño y adolescente en concreto”; “si su familia nos apoyara y confiara en nosotros…”. Un gran gigante con pies de barro. Pasamos del barro de los gobernantes que desean adocenar o cultivar según sus ideas, hasta el barro de las manos de los maestros, sin dejar atrás el barro de los padres y, también, de cada alumno concreto. “Luis parece que sigue adelante a pesar de la recaída”,”los padres de Julia están alerta ante su extrema delgadez”, “lo de Carmen este curso ha sido maravilloso, vaya progresión milagrosa”.             El barro de esos gigantescos pies, que nos remite a la finitud y a la fragilidad del hombre y de la tarea educadora, a nosotros, los cristianos, nos recuerda la arcilla de la que fuimos creados. Nos evoca la vida, la esperanza y la posibilidad de “re-creación”  a imagen y semejanza de Dios, que nos ama sin límites. Recordar el barro de nuestra naturaleza nos debe remitir a la fe. Saber de nuestras limitaciones pero confiar en nuestras posibilidades porque Él nos confía a cada uno de nosotros la tarea educativa, nos confía a cada compañero, a cada alumno y familia que pone en nuestras manos. Puede que el tamaño del gigante y el material de sus pies nos hagan parecer utópico que la carga sea llevadera. El barro roto visto en vidas cercanas, o en la propia, hace mella en el corazón entregado del maestro. Sentirse vocacionado, puesto por Dios en ese colegio y esa aula, le salva. Renueva su ilusión cada mañana, cada curso. Sólo la fe puede recordarnos de qué pasta estamos hechos y por qué apostar por el hombre, por los adolescentes, niños y familias concretas con confianza y esperanza. Mi amigo Fernando ya tiene una buena imagen con la que empezar el curso desde la pastoral el curso que viene: el barro. Fernando Cordero, ss.cc.

13.645 Responses to ““Pies de barro””

  1. Thomas, who made his debut on the domestic stage as the third foreign assistant in Pukyong, Let’s Run Park in 2015, has already entered his third year as a Korean assistant. Three years is a long and short time, but you must have fully understood Korean horse racing while seeing, hearing, an온라인경마 d feeling it on the front line of Korean horse racing. In addition, his performance, which is currently ranked at the top of the ranking of assistants in Let’s Run Park’s Pukyong, proves that he already knows Korean horse racing well. Now a member of the Korean horse racing history beyond just a foreign assistant, he seemed to be affectionate about Korean horse racing.

  2. Thomas, who made his debut on the domestic stage as the third foreign assistant in Pukyong, Let’s Run Park in 2015, has already entered his third year as a Korean assistant. Three years is a long and short time, but you must have fully understood Korean horse racing while seeing, hearing, and 온라인경마 feeling it on the front line of Korean horse racing. In addition, his performance, which is currently ranked at the top of the ranking of assistants in Let’s Run Park’s Pukyong, proves that he already knows Korean horse racing well. Now a member of the Korean horse racing history beyond just a foreign assistant, he seemed to be affectionate about Korean horse racing.

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  4. I studied a lot through related history books for two years to produce a documentary. There are many new facts that I learned in the process. One of them is the fact that Gwanggaettaeje is more of a leading and smart monarch than a brave monarch. Gwanggaetotaeje was a monarch who judged his strengths and weaknesses of others very reasonably. 온라인경마
    At that time, Goguryeo’s horse industry was the most high-tech industry like the modern comprehensive IT industry. It would not have survived if it had not been superior to them among the northern nomadic peoples on horseback and the agricultural peoples in the south. Nevertheless, how smart would it have been to build a great empire? Perhaps the content will naturally be incorporated into the documentary.

  5. I studied a lot through related history books for two years to produce a documentary. There are many new facts that I learned in the process. One of them is the fact that Gwanggaettaeje is more of a leading and smart monarch than a brave monarch. Gwanggaetotaeje was a monarch who judged his strengths and weaknesses of others very reasonably.온라인경마
    At that time, Goguryeo’s horse industry was the most high-tech industry like the modern comprehensive IT industry. It would not have survived if it had not been superior to them among the northern nomadic peoples on horseback and the agricultural peoples in the south. Nevertheless, how smart would it have been to build a great empire? Perhaps the content will naturally be incorporated into the documentary.

  6. Rep. Ko Tae-min (Aewol-eup), a member of the Agricultural and Contraction Economy Committee, was selected as the winner in recognition of his actions, practices, and parliamentary activities to sympathize and communicate with provincial residents by presenting policies for fostering primary industries and farmers’ welfare. Heo Chang-ok (Daejeong-eup) was also selected as the winner in recognition of strengthening the competitiveness of the primary industry and carrying out parliamentary activities centered on residents, such as preparing countermeasures for the FTA.In addition, the Jeju Special Self-Governing Council (Chairman Shin Kwan-hong) won three gold medals, including the “Comprehensive Grand Prize in the Institutional Sector온라인경마 ,” as a result of the 11th contest for the Korean Government Awards organized by the Korea Institute of Public Autonomy. The provincial council announced on the 19th that Rep. Ha Min-chul won the “Chairperson of the Supreme Court Award” along with the “Comprehensive Awards in the Institutional Sector” and Rep. Lee Sun-hwa won the honor in three areas, including the “Best Member Award.”

  7. Ha Min-cheol, chairman of the Environmental City Committee, was elected as a third-term member of the 10th Congress in 2014, served as chairman of the Environmental City Committee in the second half, and was recognized for his efforts to listen to residents’ opinions and reflect policies.It is the first achievement in Korea’s political history that the Jeju Special Self-Governing Council won three gold medals, including a 온라인경마 comprehensive institutional award and an individual award in two fields. The parliament said it means the success of empathy, communication, and creation justice, which has been pushing for “change, innovation, and creative agenda with the residents” since Chairman Shin Kwan-hong took office as the 10th provincial council’s chairman in the second half.

  8. It also introduces the horseback riding culture of the region corresponding to the old territory of Goguryeo. In addition, it contains content to prove whether our people can hunt bravely, as shown in Hunting Island.I suffered a lot in the weather exceeding minus 30 degrees Celsius. They think it’s easy to get an arrow after watching the hunting scene in a온라인경마 historical drama. It wasn’t easy in person. Before I tried it myself, I thought it was only easy, but it was so different in reality. I was shooting a bow on a horse running after an old roe deer, and even if I hit it, the arrowhead bounced off. It took eight hours to catch it. Here, once again, I was surprised by Goguryeo’s horsemanship. It is not easy to catch a single roe deer, but Goguryeo warriors caught tigers.

  9. Ha Min-cheol, chairman of the Environmental City Committee, was elected as a third-term member of the 10th Congress in 2014, served as chairman of the Environmental City Committee in the second half, and was recognized for his efforts to listen to residents’ opinions and reflect policies.It is the first achievement in Korea’s political history that the Jeju온라인경마 Special Self-Governing Council won three gold medals, including a comprehensive institutional award and an individual award in two fields. The parliament said it means the success of empathy, communication, and creation justice, which has been pushing for “change, innovation, and creative agenda with the residents” since Chairman Shin Kwan-hong took office as the 10th provincial council’s chairman in the second half.

  10. Shin Kwan-hong, chairman of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Council, said, “We are happy to receive positive reviews that the Jeju Special Self-Governing Council is faithfully playing a role as a representative organization for residents with the award of the individual award.”Goguryeo Dance온라인경마 Gun Hunting Island. Five Goguryeo warriors on horseback are hunting by pulling arrows at deer and tigers. After that, there is a background depicting the landscape. Among them, the most noticeable appearance is a warrior who turns back and hunts on a running horse. This archery method, also called Partian Law, is a difficult method that cannot be used unless you are familiar with horses.

  11. Shin Kwan-hong, chairman of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Council, said, “We are happy to receive positive reviews that the Jeju Special Self-Governing Council is faithfully playing a role as a representative organization for residents with the award of the individual award.”Goguryeo Dance Gun Hunting Island. Five Goguryeo warriors on horseback a
    re hunting by pulling arrows at deer and tigers. After that, there is a background depicting the landscape. Among them, the most noticeable appearance is a warrior who turns back and hunts on a running horse. This archery method, also called Partian Law, is a difficult method that cannot be used unless you are familiar with horses.

  12. There were those who started producing documentary videos with the ambition to reenact the hunting scene on the hunting map of the dance gun, and they were Yoon Yeo-chang, CEO of Good Pictures, and Ko Sung-kyu, CEO of the stable horseback riding ground. Those who envisioned documentary production from the winter of 2015 left for Eurasia last year to testify Goguryeo’s horseback riding culture and horse route and to confirm its substance. I met them and talked to them, who spared no effort to produce a documentary despite the harsh environment of -30 degrees Celsius.The first draft was CEO Ko Sung-kyu. As I happened온라인경마 to know CEO Ko by chance through the introduction of an acquaintance, CEO Ko was a person with great passion for speech and speech culture, and because I am a producer, I was interested in producing various video works including documentaries. While talking together, there was a part where we agreed, and we came to the conclusion that we should make a documentary together.

  13. A new beginning is always full of hope. The newly launched Korea Horse Riding Service Association plans to make every effort with the government to solve the livestock industrialization of the livestock use industry, the application of electricity for farming at horseback riding grounds, and horseback riding insurance as soon as possible. I think our abilities 온라인경마 can be doubled when we practice with an earnest heart.I think it is an infinite honor to deliver my New Year’s address once again to mark the Year of the Golden Dog in 2018. I hope everyone on horseback will be happy in the Year of the Golden Dog, a hopeful martial arts year, and I sincerely hope that all the things you wish for will be fulfilled as you wish.

  14. It is said that risks and opportunities coexist in a crisis. Taking the lesson that we should work together to show unity in times of difficulty, we gathered horse racing grounds in rural areas across the country to establish the National Horse Riding Business Association and made a strong start.The National Horse Riding Service Association will serve as a foundation for horse racing field managers to work together to 온라인경마 devise and implement development measures and promote information exchange and pride. Thanks to your efforts, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has prepared budgeting and project guidelines to implement student horseback riding support projects since January 2018, and as a result, it is very encouraging to increase the utilization rate of horseback riding during the off-season winter.

  15. Through the first comprehensive horse industry plan, an unexpected ordeal has come to the rapidly growing Korean horse industry, but in some ways, I think it has provided an opportunity to promote the unfamiliar “horseback riding” area to the public.Of course, that doesn’t mean that a very bad image has been established to try to have a successful number of noise marketing, so we believe that time to recover needs a lot of effort and time in the future.The horse industry is a steadily growing industry in developed countries. It is changing from an industrial structure focused on the horse racing industry 온라인경마 in the past to a leisure sport centered on youth and family through horseback riding. This is an industrial activity that helps livestock farmers generate income and a movement that conveys soundness to the public. Therefore, I am confident that it will ultimately establish an important position in the Korean livestock industry in the future.

  16. Through the first comprehensive horse industry plan, an unexpected ordeal has come to the rapidly growing Korean horse industry, but in some ways, I think it has provided an opportunity to promote the unfamiliar “horseback riding” area to the public.Of course, that doesn’t mean that a very bad image has been established to try to have a successful number of noise marketing, so we believe that time to recover needs a lot of effort and time in the future.The horse industry is a steadily growing industry in developed countries. It is changing 온라인경마 from an industrial structure focused on the horse racing industry in the past to a leisure sport centered on youth and family through horseback riding. This is an industrial activity that helps livestock farmers generate income and a movement that conveys soundness to the public. Therefore, I am confident that it will ultimately establish an important position in the Korean livestock industry in the future.

  17. 2018 is also the year when the second five-year plan for the horse industry begins. The message I want to convey to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at the Korea Association of Riding Horse Producers is that if the first horse industry plan was quantitative growth, the second horse industry plan would develop in the direction of qualitative growth.It has already been seven years since the world’s only horse industry promotion law was enacted and implemented, but the most important farmland law revision in the passenger horse 온라인경마
    sector has not been made. In order to install a rural horseback riding facility, the existing farmland must be changed to a sports site, but the excessive farmland conversion charge is a big burden. In order to improve the reality that many rural horseback riding facilities are currently operated without permission and reporting, it must be resolved during the second horse industry plan.

  18. To do this, we now need to develop a system and build a control tower that will achieve expert training and management efficiency, and the most important goal is to boost future consumer youth horseback riding to increase demand.In the case of success in France, which we will benchmark, the government led the industry to control it to provide various support and publicity, and to build an industrial foundation at a rapid pace. In the process, children’s education was systematized to inc온라인경마
    rease future consumption demand and had very satisfactory results. Now, as the growth of the invested industry has worked to some extent, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development by the industry itself, and the activities of organizations in each industry are playing a stable and leading role.

  19. At the end of 2018, the direction of industrial policy should be to improve the quality of life of the people and revitalize the rural economy by fostering the horse industry. Specifically, attention should be paid to expanding demand for the horse industry and creating a horse industry foundation, and to create a horse industry complex to strengthen horse industry competitiveness and revitalize horse industry special zones. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen its capabilities not only to create a foundation for the production and distribution of horse meat, but also to train horse industry professionals and popularize horseback riding.Korea is the world’s first nation to achieve 온라인경마 economic and political miracles in 70 years. Do you know that Genghis Khan was originally a descendant of the Korean people? A record was recently discovered that Daeyabal, the younger brother of Balhae Daejabal, was the 19th generation descendant of Genghis Khan. The Korean people dominated the world beyond East Asia, China, Central Asia, Russia, and Europe, dominating the Manchurian plain.

  20. At the end of 2018, the direction of industrial policy should be to improve the quality of life of the people and revitalize the rural economy by fostering the horse industry. Specifically, attention should be paid to expanding demand for the horse industry and creating a horse industry foundation, and to create a horse industry complex to strengthen horse industry competitiveness and revitalize horse industry special zones. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen its capabilities not only to create a foundation for the production and distribution of horse meat, but also to train horse industry professionals and popularize horseback riding.Korea is the world’s first nation to achieve economic온라인경마 and political miracles in 70 years. Do you know that Genghis Khan was originally a descendant of the Korean people? A record was recently discovered that Daeyabal, the younger brother of Balhae Daejabal, was the 19th generation descendant of Genghis Khan. The Korean people dominated the world beyond East Asia, China, Central Asia, Russia, and Europe, dominating the Manchurian plain.

  21. To do this, we now need to develop a system and build a control tower that will achieve expert training and management efficiency, and the most important goal is to boost future consumer youth horseback riding to increase demand.In the case of success in France, which we will benchmark, the government led the industry to control it to provide various support and publicity, and to build an industrial foundation at a rapid pace. In the process, children’s education was systematized to i온라인경마 ncrease future consumption demand and had very satisfactory results. Now, as the growth of the invested industry has worked to some extent, France has gradually shifted to policy management that induces self-development by the industry itself, and the activities of organizations in each industry are playing a stable and leading role.

  22. Currently, Korea has about three dumplings in horses, but in Goryeo history. You can see a record of holding 1 million horses during the Goryeo Dynasty. This tells us that Korea was a horse powerhouse in Central Asia and around the world. Horse experts are also evaluating that the Korean native language of Guam, or Jeju horse, is much stronger than that of Mongolian horses.Considering that not only citizens but also many foreigners showed interest and response to t온라인경마 he Eurasian Altai Cultural Exchange Exhibition held at Gwanghwamun Square in 2017, I am sure the horse industry could become a major national policy in the future like K-POP. Like the numerous Korean stars who shone in Korea, including Kim Yu-na, I have no doubt that our Korean horse industry will expand around the world.

  23. A new beginning is always full of hope. The newly launched Korea Horse Riding Service Association plans to make every effort with the government to solve the livestock industrialization of the livestock use industry, the application of electricity for farming at horseback riding grounds, and horseback riding insurance as soon as possible. I think our abilities can 온라인경마 be doubled when we practice with an earnest heart.I think it is an infinite honor to deliver my New Year’s address once again to mark the Year of the Golden Dog in 2018. I hope everyone on horseback will be happy in the Year of the Golden Dog, a hopeful martial arts year, and I sincerely hope that all the things you wish for will be fulfilled as you wish.

  24. 2018 is also the year when the second five-year plan for the horse industry begins. The message I want to convey to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs at the Korea Association of Riding Horse Producers is that if the first horse industry plan was quantitative growth, the second horse industry plan would develop in the direction of qualitative growth.It has already been seven years since the world’s only horse industry promotion law was enacted and implemented, but the most important farmland law revision in the passenger horse온라인경마 sector has not been made. In order to install a rural horseback riding facility, the existing farmland must be changed to a sports site, but the excessive farmland conversion charge is a big burden. In order to improve the reality that many rural horseback riding facilities are currently operated without permission and reporting, it must be resolved during the second horse industry plan.

  25. He is still working as the senior vice president of the Korea Equestrian Federation for the Disabled and worked as the first head of the horseback riding healing center to promote the social public interest aspects of rehabilitation horseback riding. In addition, by promoting the National Horse Riding Movement, executives were also allowed to ride horses, and the horseback riding boom spread across the country by grasping the current status of horseback riding grounds nationwide. I hope that the policy will continue to be inherited and developed, but there is a regret that the shape has changed since then.I’m married 온라인경마 and my children have grown up, so I’m working as a professor and accountant abroad. For me, the Racing Authority is like my second hometown, my home, and I have a special attachment. I hope the horse society will develop well and become a relationship where I can proudly say that I have been vice chairman of the Korean Racing Authority even after 10 or 20 years.”

  26. As a horse-riding healing center, the Racing Authority should do a business that can treat the disabled with words. Rehabilitation horseback riding should be activated, but it is regrettable that there is a limit. Also, I think it is right to introduce medical insurance for rehabilitation horseback riding. It doesn’t make sense that medical insurance doesn’t cover physical therapy and horse rehabilitation horseback riding. While preparing for my master’s thesis, I newly found out that I have medical insurance in Italy, but it’s a pity that it’s not yet available under our 온라인경마 conditions.Unfortunately, the horse racing industry itself is not connected to the general society and there are few related industries, so I am an expert here, but there is nothing to do if I quit. I think it’s a big problem. I hope the horse industry itself will be settled. I also hope that all fields, including horse racing, horseback riding, rehabilitation, production, and fostering, will be systematically established.”

  27. As a horse-riding healing center, the Racing Authority should do a business that can treat the disabled with words. Rehabilitation horseback riding should be activated, but it is regrettable that there is a limit. Also, I think it is right to introduce medical insurance for rehabilitation horseback riding. It doesn’t make sense that medical insurance doesn’t cover physical therapy and horse rehabilitation horseback riding. While preparing for my master’s thesis, I newly found out that I have medical insurance in Italy, but it’s a pity that it’s not yet available under our 온라인경마 conditions.Unfortunately, the horse racing industry itself is not connected to the general society and there are few related industries, so I am an expert here, but there is nothing to do if I quit. I think it’s a big problem. I hope the horse industry itself will be settled. I also hope that all fields, including horse racing, horseback riding, rehabilitation, production, and fostering, will be systematically established.”

  28. Since the end of last year, the Korean Society of Rehabilitation Horse Riding will fulfill its social responsibility to change the negative image of the horse industry that has prevailed throughout society into a positive image. Above all, we will focus more on academic, research, and promotiona온라인경마
    l activities for the purpose of establishing this conference, and we will spare no essential suggestions in the field of rehabilitation horseback riding in line with the national policy direction.We applaud the numerous efforts and efforts you have made to convey the news and issues of the horse industry in-depth to readers, and we ask you to continue to strive for a bright future for the domestic horse industry.

  29. Since the end of last year, the Korean Society of Rehabilitation Horse Riding will fulfill its social responsibility to change the negative image of the horse industry that has prevailed throughout society into a positive image. Above all, we will focus more on academic, research, and promotional 온라인경마
    activities for the purpose of establishing this conference, and we will spare no essential suggestions in the field of rehabilitation horseback riding in line with the national policy direction.We applaud the numerous efforts and efforts you have made to convey the news and issues of the horse industry in-depth to readers, and we ask you to continue to strive for a bright future for the domestic horse industry.

  30. As a horse-riding healing center, the Racing Authority should do a business that can treat the disabled with words. Rehabilitation horseback riding should be activated, but it is regrettable that there is a limit. Also, I think it is right to introduce medical insurance for rehabilitation horseback riding. It doesn’t make sense that medical insurance doesn’t cover physical therapy and horse rehabilitation horseback riding. While preparing for my master’s thesis, I newly found out that I have medical insurance in Italy, but it’s a pity that it’s not yet available under our 온라인경마 conditions.Unfortunately, the horse racing industry itself is not connected to the general society and there are few related industries, so I am an expert here, but there is nothing to do if I quit. I think it’s a big problem. I hope the horse industry itself will be settled. I also hope that all fields, including horse racing, horseback riding, rehabilitation, production, and fostering, will be systematically established.”

  31. Your company has been closely covering our society’s activities for the past five years since the foundation of the Korean Society for Rehabilitation Horse Riding and has contributed to the development of this society with generous encouragement and reprimand.We ask for your support in attracting the “HETI 2021 World Competition,” which will be organized by this conference, and we ask you to participate in the development and globalization of domestic rehabilitation horseback 온라인경마 riding through continuous partnerships.Horses have been close to mankind for a long time and played the role of Pavalma’s information and communication to deliver urgent official letters or news to regions far from government offices in the late Joseon Dynasty. It is in line with our Internet media’s efforts to deliver news of the world quickly.

  32. Father McGrinch’s mortuary was set up until April 26 at the cathedral on the first floor of the Korean branch of the Sunggol Lomban Foreign Mission Church in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul and Hallim Cathedral in the Jeju Diocese. At 10 a.m. on April 27th, a funeral mass will be dedicated at the Trinity Cathedral in Seongisidol Community in Geumak-ri, Jeju Island, and at 4:30 p.m. on the 30th, a memorial mass will be dedicated온라인경마 at the Korean branch of the Seonggol Lomban Foreign Missionary Church and then buried in the cemetery of Sister Glara.Father McGrinch, who believes that he cannot reach God unless he gets out of poverty, took the lead in modernization by laying the foundation for livestock and establishing social welfare facilities in Jeju, which was suffering from poverty due to the Jeju April 3 incident and the Korean War.

  33. Father McGrinch’s mortuary was set up until April 26 at the cathedral on the first floor of the Korean branch of the Sunggol Lomban Foreign Mission Church in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul and Hallim Cathedral in the Jeju Diocese. At 10 a.m. on April 27th, a funeral mass will be dedicated at the Trinity Cathedral in Seongisidol Community in Geumak-ri, Jeju Island, and at 4:30 p.m. on the 30th, a memorial mass will be dedicated at the Korean branch of the Seonggol Lomban Foreign Missionary온라인경마 Church and then buried in the cemetery of Sister Glara.Father McGrinch, who believes that he cannot reach God unless he gets out of poverty, took the lead in modernization by laying the foundation for livestock and establishing social welfare facilities in Jeju, which was suffering from poverty due to the Jeju April 3 incident and the Korean War.

  34. In 2003, a racehorse ranch with a total site area of more than 4.9 million square meters was built, and the sales industry and face-to-face activities were started, focusing on fostering horses and training assistants. With the expansion of the massage facility in 2007, he devoted himself to horse welfare and introduced an advanced horse industry in Korea, such as networking and training before joining the racetrack. In 2006, the Japan Cup winner “Yahudi” was introduced as a seed horse, and the bouma “Exton Park” of “Mr. Park,” which set the highest consecutive wins in Korean horse racing, was also온라인경마 introduced.Believing that he cannot reach God unless he gets out of poverty, he was awarded the Order of Industrial Merit for the Stone Pagoda of Korea in 1972 and the International Understanding of the Maksai Award in 1975. For his 60 years of volunteer work, he received the Order of Merit of the People in 2014 and was selected as the winner of the Irish Presidential Award.

  35. As a measure to overcome poverty, he began to spread new agricultural technologies, such as establishing a Seongisidol ranch and cultivating mountains in the middle of Hallasan Mountain, and in 1957, he purchased 35 sheep, organized a 4H club and created a livestock bank. Feed factories were also created and supplied inexpensively to farmers, and in 1959, a sewing factory called Hallym Vertical was also created to provide jobs to 1,300 women. In 1970, Sung Yi-sidol Clinic was opened, and treatment was provided free of charge for the poorest patients.In 1962, the Hallym Credit Cooperative, the first in Jeju Island and the first in the country’s rural area, was also established. In addition, social welfare facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, nursing homes, kindergartens, universities for the elderly, and youth 온라인경마
    training facilities were established with the proceeds from the ranch project. In March 2002, Seongisidol Hospital was reopened as a hospice-centered Seongisidol Welfare Center, and it is fully operated free of charge thanks to the help of sponsoring members and the support of the Isidol Rural Business Development Association.

  36. In addition, thanks to the horse racing culture newspaper, which listened to the voices of each horse racing fan for a positive perception of Korean horse racing culture and played a great role as a medium for the horse racing industry, Korean horse racing culture has been reborn as a healthy leisure sport.However, there is still a negative view of horse racing 온라인경마 in Korea. However, using this as an opportunity for efforts, we promise that Busan horse racing officials will do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope it will continue to be a newspaper that brings joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.

  37. In addition, thanks to the horse racing culture newspaper, which listened to the voices of each horse racing fan for a positive perception of Korean horse racing culture and played a great role as a medium for the horse racing industry, Korean horse racing culture has been reborn as a healthy leisure sport.However, there is still a negative view of horse racing in Korea. However, using this as an opportunity for efforts, we
    promise that Busan horse racing officials will do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope it will continue to be a newspaper that brings joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.

  38. In addition, thanks to the horse racing culture newspaper, which listened to the voices of each horse racing fan for a positive perception of Korean horse racing culture and played a great role as a medium for the horse racing industry, Korean horse racing culture has been reborn as a healthy leisure sport.However, there is still a negative view of horse racing in Korea. However, using this as an opportunity for efforts, we
    promise that Busan horse racing officials will do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope it will continue to be a newspaper that brings joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.

  39. In addition, thanks to the horse racing culture newspaper, which listened to the voices of each horse racing fan for a positive perception of Korean horse racing culture and played a great role as a medium for the horse racing industry, Korean horse racing culture has been reborn as a healthy leisure sport.However, there is still a negative view of horse racing in Korea. However, using this as an opportunity for efforts온라인경마
    , we promise that Busan horse racing officials will do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope it will continue to be a newspaper that brings joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.

  40. In addition, thanks to the horse racing culture newspaper, which listened to the voices of each horse racing fan for a positive perception of Korean horse racing culture and played a great role as a medium for the horse racing industry, Korean horse racing culture has been reborn as a healthy leisure sport.However, there is still a negative view of horse racing in Korea. However, using this as an opportunity for efforts, we 온라인경마
    promise that Busan horse racing officials will do their best to give trust and trust to horse racing fans.Once again, congratulations on the 19th anniversary of the founding of the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper and the 4th anniversary of the Horse Industry Journal, and I hope it will continue to be a newspaper that brings joy to horse racing fans with warm and lively news.

  41. Lastly, I hope that the news of production farms will be communicated through racing media. The Hallama Producers’ Association will also try to inform the association and production farmers’ circumstances and activities through racing media. 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of Racing Media, and the first year that Hallama, a passenger horse brand of the Hallama Producer Association, will be launched as a lineage horse. I hope that the 20th anniversary of Racing Media’s온라인경마 foundation in 2018 will also be joined by the Hallama Producer Association’s Hallama launch event.In the rapidly changing media environment, the role of professional newspapers is more important than ever, and we analyze in-depth and provide readers with deep expertise that newspapers do not meet in a comprehensive daily newspaper.

  42. Now that readers can easily distinguish between the good and bad of professional media through various platforms, we need to be more aware of our readers and create improved professional newspapers.I hope that the Horse Racing Culture Newspaper will continue to focus more on forming the right horse culture as a great guide, a cool-headed critic, and a great proposer without losing its founding spirit.Not only does it 온라인경마
    provide all the information and news from Busan Gyeongnam Horse Racing Park to horse racing fans faster and more vividly than anyone else, but I think the history and culture of Korean horse racing have been represented by the horse racing cultural newspaper, which is Korea’s best horse racing station. As such, I applaud the constant efforts for the continuous development of Korean horse racing.

  43. The horse industry is an industry that grows as national income increases, and has already been established as a living sport in many developed countries. Recently, as interest in health and leisure has increased, Korean people’s interest in the horse industry is also expanding. The horse industry is a complex cultural industry that combines livestock온라인경마 and leisure, and its added value is very high. However, there are many tasks for the domestic horse industry to leap forward.First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to Racing Media CEO Kim Moon-young and other executives and employees who lead the Korean horse culture, promote advanced horse racing culture, and deliver accurate information.

  44. In that sense, specialized newspapers can be said to be essential partners for readers, including government, businesses, and industry workers in each industry.The Horse Racing Culture Newspaper has contributed greatly to the development of Korea’s horse racing leisure culture industry, and I think it has played a role in fostering a healthy horse industry온라인경마 , including improving the quality of the horse racing industry and research and development of horse technology.In addition, I believe that by taking the initiative in establishing an advanced horse racing culture, including riders and assistants, it has contributed greatly to the development of the horse racing magazine and even the professional newspaper industry.

  45. I thought there was no need to lose money in a power fight with the “roly poly” because I had won two games by turning around without going to good deeds. If I go to good deeds, I will go, and if “Roly poly” is determined to go out, I will give it to him. I was going to follow and check the power of the 일본경마사이트
    “roly poly” to exhaust the power of the “roly poly” and save my strength and beat the “main stay.” However, the horse passed three corners without any hesitation and was weak. After watching this, people say that it’s because they didn’t go to good deeds, but you can see it from the Gyeongju video. “Ferdido Formulaoy” is not necessarily a word that goes to good deeds and wins.

  46. I thought that I would have to have a different skill than others to give more rides to horses. So I started making my own skills with a whip. I changed the whip. It made a ver온라인경마 y strong and impressive “Tornado whip.” Others hit one by one, but the whip of the whirlwind is a form of hitting while turning the arm. Every horse I rode did well. Popular horses were popular, and unpopular horses were popular, and their performance was raised to some extent. As he showed strong treatment, his popularity increased as he rapidly emerged.

  47. In fact, it was not easy to decide. There were also many comments about why they had to go to Seoul and suffer when they had a family in Busan and were riding horses well and making a lot of money in Busan. I talked a lot with my wife and consulted a lot with assistant teacher Kim Young-kwan. The company also suggested that we should come to Seoul and change the atmosphere, so we moved it.It’s been about a month,온라인경마 but it’s fun. The first two weeks were difficult because I couldn’t adapt. But now I’m used to it, so it’s okay. From my point of view, I think there are more advantages than disadvantages. The disadvantage is that you earn less than Busan and can’t see your family often. There is less mental burden than Pukyong. Currently, I am satisfied with my life in Seoul.

  48. In fact, it was not easy to decide. There were also many comments about why they had to go to Seoul and suffer when they had a family in Busan and were riding horses well and making a lot of money in Busan. I talked a lot with my wife and consulted a lot with assistant teacher Kim Young-kwan. The company also suggested that we should come to Seoul and In fact, it was not easy to decide. There were also many comments about why they had to go to Seoul and suffer when they had a family in Busan and were riding horses well and making a lot of money in Busan. I talked a lot with my wife and consulted a lot with assistant teacher Kim Young-kwan. The company also suggested that we should come to Seoul and change the atmosphere, so we moved it.It’s been about a month, but it’s fun. The first two weeks were difficult because I couldn’t adapt. But now I’m used to it, so it’s okay. From my point of view, I think there are more advantages than disadvantages. The disadvantage is that you earn less than Busan and can’t see your family often. There is less mental burden than Pukyong. Currently, I am satisfied with my life in Seoul.
    change the atmosphere, so we moved it.It’s been about a month, but it’s fun. The first two weeks were difficult because I couldn’t adapt. But now I’m used to it, so it’s okay. From my point of view, I think there are more advantages than disadvantages. The disadvantage is that you earn less than Busan and can’t see your family often. There is less mental burden than Pukyong. Currently, I am satisfied with my life in Seoul.

  49. As I climbed to the top position by winning the horse race, and assistant Kim Young-kwan was also the best assistant, I heard a lot of bad things. If we meet in the race with Article 19 rider, Group 19, etc., they’ll let us go. The encounter or assistant teachers did not directly say it, but I heard it indirectly.온라인경마 Actually, it’s not me. If I don’t ride a horse in Article 19, and the opponent’s horse is at the end of Article 19, I really wanted to win and tried to win. However, as a result, they often lost to the end of Article 19. So I was misunderstood a lot. Tell assistant Kim Young Kwan that I’m going to win. He said he was confident of winning, but he often lost when he competed in the race.

  50. It may be a funny process rather than a special opportunity. At the age of 20, I graduated from high school and worked part-time at a PC room while attending university. At that time, the owner of the PC room said, “Your physique is perfect for a rider.” But I didn’t know the job of jockey. I grew up in rural Hampyeong, Jeollanam-do, so I didn’t even know there was horse racing.As such, the words of Article 19 were strong and strong. It was bad because of those things, but it was the worst when the “Ferdido Formeroy” incident broke out.At that time, I wa온라인경마 s confident because I had a good performance on the “Ferdido Formulaoy” and won the horse racing competition. There were no horses that I’ve never ridden in Article 19. I was also well aware of the habits of the horses. I clearly knew that even Article 19 of the preceding Margo would of course cause a good fight because I presented a “main stay” that pre-purchases and pre-purchases “Roly Poly.”

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