Corazones de “viernes” y de “sábado”

sscc-CongoComo cada mes, nuestro Superior General, Javier Álvarez-Ossorio, acaba de dirigir en junio una hermosa carta a la Congregación. En esta ocasión hace una reflexión sobre el Corazón de Jesús y el Corazón de María. Me ha parecido original e interpelante, por lo que me gustaría compartir un extracto con los amigos del blog, así nos preparamos para celebrar la fiesta del Corazón de Jesús, el próximo viernes, y la del Corazón de María, al día siguiente.

El Corazón de Jesús es un Corazón de “viernes”, el día de la cruz. El corazón del Señor crucificado se abre –traspasado- y entrega la sangre y el agua. Cristo muerto sobre la cruz es el Señor exaltado, fuente de una vida que vence a la muerte. La imagen tradicional del Sagrado Corazón muestra las heridas (corona de espinas, cruz, el golpe de lanza) pero también la llama, el fuego que transforma con la fuerza del amor. El “viernes” explica la novedad del único mandamiento: se trata de amar “como Jesús nos ha amado”. Como Jesús pende desnudo de la cruz, así a menudo la fuerza de su amor sólo se puede captar y vivir con la “fe desnuda”, cuando el peso de la existencia, del desánimo, de la violencia o del dolor arrebatan los consuelos y las alegrías.

El Corazón de María es un Corazón de “sábado”, de vigilia, de día de vísperas. Antes de la encarnación, María acepta la Palabra desconcertante. Antes de la “hora” de su hijo, nos pide que hagamos lo que él nos diga. Antes de que llegue la gloria, está al pie de la cruz y se hace madre de los discípulos amados. Antes de la llegada del Espíritu en Pentecostés, está en medio de la Iglesia en oración. El sábado, mientras Jesús está en el sepulcro, María mantiene la esperanza en la vida nueva.

70 Responses to “Corazones de “viernes” y de “sábado””

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  2. “It takes the threat of a catastrophic default off the table, protects our hard-earned and historic economic recovery, and … represents a compromise that means no one got everything they want,” Biden added. 토토모음

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  5. McCarthy has summoned lawmakers from the House of Representatives back to Washington from a holiday recess to vote on the deal on Wednesday. 메이저사이트추천

  6. The White House, moreover, has wisely shared considerable intelligence about the war. Its intelligence-gathering prowess was on early public display when it accurately predicted the Russian invasion at a time when many experts dismissed the possibility. 토토추천

  7. The White House said Biden and McCarthy spoke earlier in the day as they struggled to avert a financial precipice which threatened to throw millions of people out of jobs and risk a global meltdown. 메이저놀이터

  8. “I think it’s a really important step forward,” Biden said in a brief appearance before media at the White House, urging “both chambers (of Congress) to pass that agreement”. 승인전화없는토토

  9. U.S. intelligence assessments have expressed serious doubts that the Ukrainian spring counteroffensive would achieve more than “modest territorial gains,” especially given the problems with training and ammunition. 토토커뮤니티

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  12. “It takes the threat of a catastrophic default off the table, protects our hard-earned and historic economic recovery, and … represents a compromise that means no one got everything they want,” Biden added. 사설토토사이트

  13. In a statement later on Sunday, the speaker and other Republican congressional leaders touted the agreement as a “historic series of wins”. 토토모음

  14. Accommodation and retail trade sectors registered above-average wage increases at 9.7 per cent and 6.7 per cent respectively. 토토추천

  15. “To remain competitive and resilient amidst these global developments, we encourage firms and workers to press on with business and workforce transformation, and make full use of government programmes to adapt to the changing environment,” said the ministry. 토토힐

  16. McCarthy, for his part, voiced optimism that the bipartisan deal could get through Congress despite skepticism from some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. 토토힐주소

  17. In April, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said it expects core inflation to remain elevated over the next few months as businesses continue raising prices at a firm pass to pass on cost increases.  토토추천

  18. McCarthy, for his part, voiced optimism that the bipartisan deal could get through Congress despite skepticism from some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. 토토추천

  19. But core inflation will remain on a “broad moderating path” and should slow more discernibly in the second half of this year, MAS said. 사설토토추천

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