Kamiano also visits now and again

Kamiano and I en inglés Continuamos con la narración en inglés de “Kamiano y yo”. Aquí podéis ver la portada en inglés.


Kamiano also visits now and again the other side of the island. He crosses the forest and the mountains on a long journey. He goes along the side of a volcano. He goes along mountain paths on his mule to greet the inhabitants of the other side. One night the animal trips over some dry branches: Damien falls to the ground and injures his head. For a moment he loses consciousness. However, someone helps him and cools his forehead with a little water. He washes his injury and ties the reins of his mount around a nearby tree. Kamiano doesn’t find out who he is.

-Is there anybody there?- asks Damien.

Nobody answers. Intrigued he continues on his way, but he does not forget the mysterious hand that has helped him in the darkness.

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