Hoku is very tired but now she is not frightened


Hoku is very tired but now she is not frightened. At dusk she approaches Father Damien while he is smoking his pipe. He strokes her hair and says:

– We will have to find you a name.

– Hoku! exclaims the child for the first time.

– Star… is very beautiful……

– Kamiano, my grandmother says my eyes shine like them, so she  gave me that name.

– Your grandmother was right, but not only your eyes shine.

– is that true?

– Your teeth also shine when you smile.

Now Kamiano and Hoku are inseparable. She helps him above all in the garden. They plant a lot of flowers and bushes. She goes with him to visit sick people who live far, and plays with the young children while he teaches them to wash and clean their wounds. They are always doing something! They have opened a store where the sick can find clothes and food.

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