Sometimes Damien misses his family

Damián amigo de Jesús en colorContinuamos ofreciendo la lectura de Kamiano en inglés. Enviamos un saludo a Pedro y Patricia McMahon, que están siguiendo atentamente con sus padres a “Kamiano and I”.

Sometimes Damien misses his family that he left a long time ago in Belgium.

– What memories! – exclaims Damien aloud. – I remember the lives of the saints, that mum told us by the fireside.

He recalls the memory of scenes at his village school, and later how difficult it was to learn French. He misses his mother and his brothers and sisters, but he knows that they have always supported his decision to dedicate his life to God and to help all those that need him. He thinks about his brother Pánfilo, who like him is also  in the Church. When he prays he feels they are close.


Behind the scrub Hoku watches Father Damien’s movements. She does not dare to approach. She remembers how the children of the village ridiculed her because her mother was ill. Sometimes they threw stones and insulted her. Now she finds it hard to talk to people.

-What a lovely smell! – Hoku says to herself.

And the truth is that she likes the smell of the pipe that Kamiano nearly always smokes. She is aware of his presence because of the smell. For that reason she could help him in the forest when he fell off the mule. She followed him from a distance, but never got too close, until she dared to cure him she saw him injured.

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